Exemple #1
void ScrollViewUp( LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	int	nLines = ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) - 1;

	 *	Are we there already?
	if (( lpcd->ptViewPos.y + lpcd->szViewSize.cy - 1 ) < nLines )
		 *	Go down one.
		VScroll( lpcd, -1 );

		 *	Setup the scroller.
		SetupVScroller( lpcd );

		 *	Caret OK?
		if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y < lpcd->ptViewPos.y )
			 *	Make it visible.
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.y = lpcd->ptViewPos.y;
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = lpcd->nLastColumnPos = 0;
			UpdateCaret( lpcd );
Exemple #2
tCacheItem * Cache_GetDependency (/*in*/ req *           r,
                                  /*in*/ tCacheItem *    pItem,
                                  /*in*/ int             n)

    if (!pItem -> pDependsOn || ArrayGetSize (r -> pApp, pItem -> pDependsOn) < n || n < 0)
        return NULL ;

    return pItem -> pDependsOn[n] ;
Exemple #3
static void MoveEnd( LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	 *	Are we there yet?
	if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y == ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) - 1 && lpcd->ptCaretPos.x == GETLINE( lpcd )->nLength )
		 *	Yes.

	 *	Put us on the last line.
	lpcd->ptCaretPos.y = ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) - 1;

	 *	Move us to the end.
	//lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = GETLINE( lpcd )->nLength;   // Modified by Stephan (2005-06-08): Don't jump to the end of the line
  lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = 0;

	 *	Save this position.
	lpcd->nLastColumnPos = GetCaretOffset( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x );

	 *	Make sure the care is in the view.
	MakeCaretVisible( lpcd );

	 *	Update caret position.
	UpdateCaret( lpcd );
Exemple #4
int Cache_CleanupRequest (req * r)

    if (pCachesToRelease)
        int n = ArrayGetSize (r -> pApp, pCachesToRelease) ;
        int i ;

        /* lprintf (r -> pApp, "XXXXX Cache_CleanupRequest [%d/%d] pProviders=%x pCacheItems=%x pCachesToRelease=%x", _getpid(), GetCurrentThreadId(), pProviders, pCacheItems, pCachesToRelease) ; */

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            Cache_FreeContent (r, pCachesToRelease[i]) ;

        ArraySetSize(r -> pApp, &pCachesToRelease, 0) ;

    return ok ;
Exemple #5
int Cache_ReleaseContent        (/*in*/ req *             r,
                                 /*in*/ tCacheItem        *pItem)

    /* locking not yet implemented */
    tCacheItem * pSubItem ;
    int          i ;
    int		 numItems = pItem -> pDependsOn?ArrayGetSize (r -> pApp, pItem -> pDependsOn):0 ;

    if (!pItem -> bCache)
        Cache_FreeContent (r, pItem) ;

    for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
	pSubItem = pItem -> pDependsOn[i] ;
	Cache_ReleaseContent (r, pSubItem) ;

    return ok ;
Exemple #6
static void MoveRight( LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	 *	Caret at the end of the line?
	if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.x == GETLINE( lpcd )->nLength )
		 *	Yes. Are we at the last line?
                if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y < ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) - 1 )
			 *	Go down one.
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = 0;
		 *	One right.

	 *	Save off this position.
        lpcd->nLastColumnPos = GetCaretOffset( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x );

	 *	Make sure the caret is in the view.
        MakeCaretVisible( lpcd );

	 *	Update caret position.
	UpdateCaret( lpcd );
Exemple #7
static void MoveViewDown( LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	int	nLines = ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) - 1;

	 *	Are we already at the end?
	if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y < nLines )
		 *	Hide the caret.
		DisplayCaret( lpcd, FALSE );

		 *	Are we on the bottom of the view?
		if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y == ( lpcd->ptViewPos.y + lpcd->szViewSize.cy - 1 ))
			 *	Move down a page.
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.y = min( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y + lpcd->szViewSize.cy - 1, nLines );
			 *	Move to the bottom of the page.
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.y = min( lpcd->ptViewPos.y + lpcd->szViewSize.cy - 1, nLines );

		 *	Make sure the caret is visible.
		MakeCaretVisible( lpcd );

		 *	Show the caret.
		DisplayCaret( lpcd, TRUE );
Exemple #8
 *	Any text in the buffer?
	if ( ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) == 1 && (( LPLINE )ArrayGetAt( lpcd->lpLines, 0 ))->nLength == 0 )
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Exemple #9
static void SetSizeControls( HWND hDlg )
	LPCLASSDATA	lpcd = ( LPCLASSDATA )GetWindowLong( hDlg, DWL_USER );
	TCHAR		szBuffer[ 256 ];
	int		nLines = ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ), i, nFileMode;
	unsigned int	nBytes = 0, nLineTerm = 1;

	 *	Get system file type.
	SHGetFileInfo( lpcd->szFileName, 0, &psfi, sizeof( SHFILEINFO ), SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES | SHGFI_TYPENAME );

	SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_PROP_SYSTYPE, psfi.szTypeName[ 0 ] ? psfi.szTypeName : GetString( IDS_NO_TYPENAME ));

	 *	Setup language name.
	SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_PROP_LANGUAGE, Parser->pszTitle );

	 *	Setup tab-size.
	SetDlgItemInt( hDlg, IDC_PROP_TABSIZE, Parser->nTabSize, FALSE );

	 *	Setup icon.
	SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_PROP_ICON, STM_SETICON, ( WPARAM )lpcd->hIconLarge, 0 );

	 *	Setup file mode.
	SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_PROP_TYPE, CB_SETCURSEL, Parser->nFileMode, 0 );

	 *	Get file mode.
	nFileMode = SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_PROP_TYPE, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );

	 *	Compute size of the
	 *	line terminator.
	if ( nFileMode == FMODE_MSDOS || nFileMode == FMODE_UNIX )
		nLineTerm = 2;

	 *	Compute the file size
	 *	in bytes.
	for ( i = 0; i < nLines; i++ )
		 *	Add line length.
		nBytes += (( LPLINE )ArrayGetAt( lpcd->lpLines, i ))->nLength;

		 *	Add line terminator bytes
		 *	if this is not the last line.
		if ( i < nLines - 1 )
			nBytes += nLineTerm;

	 *	Format and set size string.
	_stprintf_s( szBuffer, 256, GetString( IDS_FILE_SIZE ), nBytes, nLines );
	SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_PROP_SIZE, szBuffer );
Exemple #10
	 *	Read only?
		return TRUE;

	 *	Do we have a mark and
	 *	is it valid?
	if ( HasMark( lpcd ))
		 *	Remove the text.
		DeleteText( lpcd, &lpcd->ptSelStart, &lpcd->ptSelEnd, TRUE );

		 *	We _must_ have atleast one
		 *	empty line.
		if ( ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) == 0 )
			if ( InsertLine( lpcd, NULL, 0, -1, TRUE ) == FALSE )
				return FALSE;

		 *	Hide the caret.
		DisplayCaret( lpcd, FALSE );

		 *	Move to the start position.
		lpcd->ptCaretPos = lpcd->ptSelStart;

		 *	Update column position.
		lpcd->nLastColumnPos = GetCaretOffset( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x );

		 *	Invalidate marks.
		lpcd->ptSelStart.x = lpcd->ptSelStart.y = -1;
		lpcd->ptSelEnd.x   = lpcd->ptSelEnd.y   = -1;

		 *	Is the caret inside
		 *	the view?
		if ( CaretInView( lpcd ) == FALSE )
			 *	No. Move the view to
			 *	make it visible.
			MakeCaretVisibleNoRedraw( lpcd );

		 *	Re-render.
		InvalidateRect( lpcd->hWnd, NULL, FALSE );

		 *	Setup scrollers.
		SetupHScroller( lpcd );
		SetupVScroller( lpcd );

		 *	We are modified.
		SetModified( lpcd, TRUE );

		 *	Send status message.
		SendStatusMessage( lpcd );

		 *	Show the caret.
		DisplayCaret( lpcd, TRUE );
	return TRUE;
Exemple #11
 *	Pre-parse until we reach the passed line.
void PreParseTo( LPCLASSDATA lpcd, int nTo )
	register LPLINE		lpLine;
	register int		i, nBlock = -1, nLines = ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines );
	int			nDummy;

	 *	Did the previous line end with an open block
	 *	marker?
	if ( lpcd->dwParsedUpTo == 0 ) nBlock = -1;
	else			       nBlock = (( LPLINE )ArrayGetAt( lpcd->lpLines, lpcd->dwParsedUpTo ))->nBlock;

	 *	Make sure we do not go past the end
	 *	of the file.
	nTo = min( nTo, nLines - 1 );

	 *	Iterate the lines.
	for ( i = lpcd->dwParsedUpTo; i <= nTo; i++ )
		 *	Get line pointer.
		lpLine = ArrayGetAt( lpcd->lpLines, i );

		 *	Pre-parse the line. This is done so that 
		 *	the blocks found in the text are parsed
		 *	before the file is displayed the first
		 *	time.
		lpLine->nBlock = nBlock = ParseLine( lpcd, nBlock, lpLine->pcText, lpLine->nLength, NULL, &nDummy, 0, i );

	 *	Are all lines parsed?
	if ( nTo >= nLines - 1 )
		 *	Kill the timer.
		if ( lpcd->nParseTimerID ) 
			KillTimer( lpcd->hWnd, lpcd->nParseTimerID );
			lpcd->nParseTimerID = 0;

		 *	Set the counter to the maximum.
		lpcd->dwParsedUpTo = 0xFFFFFFFF;
		 *	Is the parsing timer up?
		if ( lpcd->nParseTimerID == 0 ) lpcd->nParseTimerID = SetTimer( lpcd->hWnd, IDT_PARSETIMER, 100, NULL );

		 *	Update the counter.
		lpcd->dwParsedUpTo = nTo;
Exemple #12
static void MoveNextWord( LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	 *	Obtain current caret column and a
	 *	pointer to the line.
	int	nPos = lpcd->ptCaretPos.x;
	LPLINE	lpLine = GETLINE( lpcd );

	 *	Are we at the end of the line?
	if ( nPos == lpLine->nLength )
		 *	Yes go down one line and to the
		 *	first word on that line.
		if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y < ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) - 1 )
			 *	Start at 0
			nPos = 0;

			 *	Go down.

			 *	Skip spaces.
			lpLine = GETLINE( lpcd );

			if ( lpLine->pcText )
				while ( _istspace( lpLine->pcText[ nPos ] ) && nPos < GETLINE( lpcd )->nLength )

			 *	Store new column position.
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = nPos;
		BOOL	bBreakOnNonSpace = FALSE;

		 *	Are we on a white space?
		if ( _istspace( lpLine->pcText[ nPos ] ))
			 *	Skip spaces...
			while ( _istspace( lpLine->pcText[ nPos ] ) && nPos < lpLine->nLength )
		else if ( IsDelimiter( lpcd, lpLine->pcText [ nPos ] )) /* A delimiter? */
			 *	Skip all delimiters and white spaces.
			while (( IsDelimiter( lpcd, lpLine->pcText[ nPos ] ) || _istspace( lpLine->pcText[ nPos ] )) && nPos < lpLine->nLength )
				 *	White space?
				if ( _istspace( lpLine->pcText[ nPos ] ))
					 *	Yes. Break on the next non-white space.
					bBreakOnNonSpace = TRUE;
				else if ( bBreakOnNonSpace )
					 *	Stop at this non-white space.
			 *	Skip all non delimiters and white spaces.
			while (( IsDelimiter( lpcd, lpLine->pcText[ nPos ] ) == FALSE || _istspace( lpLine->pcText[ nPos ] )) && nPos < lpLine->nLength )
				 *	White space?
				if ( _istspace( lpLine->pcText[ nPos ] ))
					 *	Yes. Break on the next non-white space.
					bBreakOnNonSpace = TRUE;
				else if ( bBreakOnNonSpace )
					 *	Stop at this non-white space.

		 *	Store position.
		lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = nPos;

	 *	Save this position.
	lpcd->nLastColumnPos = GetCaretOffset( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x );

	 *	Make sure the caret is in the view.
	MakeCaretVisible( lpcd );

	 *	Update caret position.
	UpdateCaret( lpcd );
Exemple #13
static void MoveDown( LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	 *	Caret at the last line?
	if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y < ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) - 1 )
		 *	Fast scrolling?
		if ( Parser->bFastScroll && lpcd->bRepeatMode )
			 *	Are we at the top of the view?
			if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y == ( lpcd->ptViewPos.y + lpcd->szViewSize.cy - 1 ))
				 *	Setup new position.
				lpcd->ptCaretPos.y = min( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y + 2, ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) - 1 );
				 *	One line up.
			 *	Go one down.

		 *	Try to locate the cursor as close to the
		 *	last column position as possible since
                 *	the user changed the column.
		lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = GetTextOffset( lpcd, lpcd->nLastColumnPos );

		 *	Are we passed the end?
                if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.x > GETLINE( lpcd )->nLength )
			 *	Set us at the end.
                        lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = GETLINE( lpcd )->nLength;
		 *	Caret at the end of the line?
    // Modified by Stephan (2005-06-08): Don't jump to end of line
		//if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.x < GETLINE( lpcd )->nLength )
			//lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = GETLINE( lpcd )->nLength;

	 *	Make sure the care is in the view.
        MakeCaretVisible( lpcd );

	 *	Update caret position.
        UpdateCaret( lpcd );
Exemple #14
int Cache_IsExpired     (/*in*/ req *           r,
                         /*in*/ tCacheItem *    pItem,
                         /*in*/ int             nLastUpdated)

    int          rc ;
    tCacheItem * pSubItem ;
    int          i ;
    int		 numItems = pItem -> pDependsOn?ArrayGetSize (r -> pApp, pItem -> pDependsOn):0 ;

    if (nLastUpdated < pItem -> nLastUpdated)
        return TRUE ;

    if (pItem -> pProvider -> pProviderClass -> fExpires)
        if ((*pItem ->  pProvider -> pProviderClass -> fExpires)(r, pItem ->  pProvider))
            if (r -> Component.Config.bDebug & dbgCache)
                lprintf (r -> pApp,  "[%d]CACHE: %s expired because provider C sub returned TRUE\n", r -> pThread -> nPid,  pItem -> sKey) ; 
            Cache_FreeContent (r, pItem) ;
	    return pItem -> bExpired = TRUE ;

    if (pItem -> bExpired || pItem -> nLastChecked == r -> nRequestCount)
	return pItem -> bExpired ; /* we already have checked this or know that is it expired */

    pItem -> nLastChecked = r -> nRequestCount ;

    /* first check dependency */
    for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
	pSubItem = pItem -> pDependsOn[i] ;
	if (Cache_IsExpired (r, pSubItem, pItem -> nLastUpdated))
            if (r -> Component.Config.bDebug & dbgCache)
                lprintf (r -> pApp,  "[%d]CACHE: %s expired because dependencies is expired or newer\n", r -> pThread -> nPid, pItem -> sKey) ; 
            Cache_FreeContent (r, pItem) ;
            return pItem -> bExpired = TRUE ;

    if (pItem -> nExpiresInTime && pItem -> nLastModified + pItem -> nExpiresInTime < r -> nRequestTime)
        if (r -> Component.Config.bDebug & dbgCache)
            lprintf (r -> pApp,  "[%d]CACHE: %s expired because of timeout (%d sec)\n", r -> pThread -> nPid, pItem -> sKey, pItem -> nExpiresInTime) ; 
        Cache_FreeContent (r, pItem) ;
        return pItem -> bExpired = TRUE ;

    if (pItem -> sExpiresFilename)
#ifdef WIN32
        if (_stat (pItem -> sExpiresFilename, &pItem -> FileStat))
        if (stat (pItem -> sExpiresFilename, &pItem -> FileStat))
            if (r -> Component.Config.bDebug & dbgCache)
                lprintf (r -> pApp,  "[%d]CACHE: %s expired because cannot stat file %s\n", r -> pThread -> nPid,  pItem -> sKey, pItem -> sExpiresFilename) ; 
            Cache_FreeContent (r, pItem) ;
	    return pItem -> bExpired = TRUE ;

        if (r -> Component.Config.bDebug & dbgCache)
            lprintf (r -> pApp,  "[%d]CACHE: %s stat file %s mtime=%d size=%d\n", r -> pThread -> nPid, pItem -> sKey, pItem -> sExpiresFilename, pItem -> FileStat.st_mtime, pItem -> FileStat.st_size) ; 
        if (pItem -> nFileModified != pItem -> FileStat.st_mtime)
            if (r -> Component.Config.bDebug & dbgCache)
                lprintf (r -> pApp,  "[%d]CACHE: %s expired because file %s changed\n", r -> pThread -> nPid, pItem -> sKey, pItem -> sExpiresFilename) ; 
	    pItem -> nFileModified = pItem -> FileStat.st_mtime ;
            Cache_FreeContent (r, pItem) ;
            return pItem -> bExpired = TRUE ;
    if (pItem -> pExpiresCV)
        SV * pRet ;

        if ((rc = CallCV (r, "Expired?", pItem -> pExpiresCV, 0, &pRet)) != ok)
            LogError (r, rc) ;
            Cache_FreeContent (r, pItem) ;
	    return pItem -> bExpired = TRUE ;
        if (pRet && SvTRUE(pRet))
            { /* Expire the entry */
            if (r -> Component.Config.bDebug & dbgCache)
                lprintf (r -> pApp,  "[%d]CACHE: %s expired because expirey Perl sub returned TRUE\n", r -> pThread -> nPid,  pItem -> sKey) ; 
            Cache_FreeContent (r, pItem) ;
	    return pItem -> bExpired = TRUE ;

    if (pItem -> fExpires)
        if ((*pItem -> fExpires)(pItem))
            if (r -> Component.Config.bDebug & dbgCache)
                lprintf (r -> pApp,  "[%d]CACHE: %s expired because expirey C sub returned TRUE\n", r -> pThread -> nPid,  pItem -> sKey) ; 
            Cache_FreeContent (r, pItem) ;
	    return pItem -> bExpired = TRUE ;

    if (r -> Component.Config.bDebug & dbgCache)
        lprintf (r -> pApp,  "[%d]CACHE: %s NOT expired\n", r -> pThread -> nPid,  pItem -> sKey) ; 

    return FALSE ;