int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	double populationSize = atoi(argv[1]);
	float target = (float)atoi(argv[2]);
	printf("Running with:\n    Population Size = %.0f\n    Bit Length = %d\n", populationSize, BITLENGTH);
	long int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	struct subject *sheep = (struct subject*)malloc(sizeof(struct subject) * populationSize);
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
	//make the Adam&Eve generation
	for(i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
		if(debug == 0)
			printf("subject %d bits = ", i);
		for(j = 0; j < BITLENGTH; j++)
			sheep[i].bits[j] = rand() %2;
			if(debug == 0)
				printf("%d", sheep[i].bits[j]);
		sheep[i].fitness = 0.0f;
		if(debug == 0)
			printf(" with fitness %f\n", sheep[i].fitness);
	int howLongThisShitTook = 0;
	int solutionFound = 0;	//0 if false, 1 if true
	struct subject *fuckSpawn = (struct subject*)malloc(sizeof(struct subject) * populationSize);
	while(solutionFound != 1)
		float totalFitness = 0.0f;
		for(i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
			sheep[i].fitness = AssignFitness(sheep[i].bits, target);
			if(debug == 0)
				printf("\n subject %d with fitness %f\n", i, sheep[i].fitness);
			totalFitness += sheep[i].fitness;
			if(debug == 0)
				printf(" Total Fitness%f\n", totalFitness);
		for(i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
			if(sheep[i].fitness == 999.0f)
				printf("It's been found. It took %d generations to find\n", howLongThisShitTook);
				solutionFound = 1;
		long fuckSpawnPopulationSize = 0;
		int fuckSpawn1Bits[BITLENGTH];
		int fuckSpawn2Bits[BITLENGTH];
		if(solutionFound != 1)
			printf("Creating New Generation\n");
			while(fuckSpawnPopulationSize < populationSize)
				MakeMeABaby(totalFitness, populationSize, sheep, fuckSpawn1Bits);
				MakeMeABaby(totalFitness, populationSize, sheep, fuckSpawn2Bits);
				Crossover(fuckSpawn1Bits, fuckSpawn2Bits);
				for(i = 0; i < BITLENGTH; i++)
					fuckSpawn[fuckSpawnPopulationSize].bits[i] = fuckSpawn1Bits[i];
					fuckSpawn[fuckSpawnPopulationSize + 1].bits[i] = fuckSpawn2Bits[i];
				if(debug == 0)
					printf("fuckspawn%d: ", fuckSpawnPopulationSize);
					for(i = 0; i < BITLENGTH; i++)
						printf("%d", fuckSpawn[fuckSpawnPopulationSize].bits[i]);
					printf("\nfuckspawn%d: ",fuckSpawnPopulationSize + 1);
					for(i = 0; i < BITLENGTH; i++)
						printf("%d", fuckSpawn[fuckSpawnPopulationSize + 1].bits[i]);
				fuckSpawn[fuckSpawnPopulationSize].fitness = 0.0f;
				fuckSpawn[fuckSpawnPopulationSize + 1].fitness = 0.0f;
				fuckSpawnPopulationSize += 2;
			for(i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
				sheep[i] = fuckSpawn[i];
			printf("New Generation done! Now on Generation %d\n", howLongThisShitTook);
		if(howLongThisShitTook > MAXGENERATIONS)
			printf("Did not find a solution in maximum allowable runs\n");
			solutionFound = 1;
	gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
	int timeran = (((end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000) +(end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec));
	printf("Completed in %d Nano Seconds\n", timeran);
	return 0;
* C-routine to reach a floatvalue using a genetic model<br>
* bugs: none found<br>
* @param target floatvalue that serves as a target<br>
* @param maxiter maximum number of itterations<br>
int SolveNumber(float target, int maxiter){
    while (maxiter > 0){
    //storage for our population of chromosomes.
    bytechromosome Population[POP_SIZE];
	  //first create a random population, all with zero fitness.
	  for (int i=0; i<POP_SIZE; i++){
	  int GenerationsRequiredToFindASolution = 0;
	  //we will set this flag if a solution has been found
	  bool bFound = false;
	  //enter the main GA loop
		  //this is used during roulette wheel sampling
		  float TotalFitness = 0.0f;
		  // test and update the fitness of every chromosome in the population
		  for (int i=0; i<POP_SIZE; i++){
			  Population[i].setfitness(AssignFitness(Population[i].getbits(), (int)target));
			  TotalFitness += Population[i].getfitness();
		  // check to see if we have found any solutions (fitness will be 999)
		  for (int i=0; i<POP_SIZE; i++){
			  if (Population[i].getfitness() == 999.0f){
          printf("Solution found in %d generations!\n",GenerationsRequiredToFindASolution);
				  bFound = true;
		  // create a new population by selecting two parents at a time and creating offspring
      // by applying crossover and mutation. Do this until the desired number of offspring
      // have been created.
		  //define some temporary storage for the new population we are about to create
		  bytechromosome temp[POP_SIZE];
		  int cPop = 0;
		  //loop until we have created POP_SIZE new chromosomes
		  while (cPop < POP_SIZE){
			  // we are going to create the new population by grabbing members of the old population
			  // two at a time via roulette wheel selection.
			  string offspring1 = Roulette((int)TotalFitness, Population);
			  string offspring2 = Roulette((int)TotalFitness, Population);
        //add crossover dependent on the crossover rate
        Crossover(offspring1, offspring2);
			  //now mutate dependent on the mutation rate
			  //add these offspring to the new population. (assigning zero as their fitness scores)
			  temp[cPop++] = bytechromosome(offspring1, 0.0f);
			  temp[cPop++] = bytechromosome(offspring2, 0.0f);
		  }//end loop
		  //copy temp population into main population array
		  for (int i=0; i<POP_SIZE; i++){
			  Population[i] = temp[i];
		  if (GenerationsRequiredToFindASolution > MAX_ALLOWABLE_GENERATIONS){
			  printf("No solutions found this run!\n");
			  bFound = true;
  }//end while
  return 0;