Exemple #1
void	SMACscom::SetInfo(SoundSource inSourceID, OSType inSelector, void* inData)
        case siCompressionParams:
                //	process the the new params and produce an initialized
                //	AudioCodec instance
                ComponentInstance theEncoder = SetCompressionParams(inData);
                ThrowIf(theEncoder == NULL, badFormat, "SMACscom::SetInfo: siCompressionParams didn't generate an encoder");

                //	get rid of the input data
                mSourceData = NULL;
                mOutputData.desc.sampleCount = 0;
                mOutputData.bufferSize = 0;
                mOutputData.frameCount = 0;
                mOutputData.commonFrameSize = 0;

                //	close the old encoder if necessary
                if((mEncoder != NULL) && (theEncoder != mEncoder))
                //	use the new one
                mEncoder = theEncoder;
                //	get the number of frames in 1 packet of data
                UInt32 theSize = sizeof(UInt32);
                ComponentResult theError = AudioCodecGetProperty(mEncoder, kAudioCodecPropertyPacketFrameSize, &theSize, &mPacketFrameSize);
                ThrowIfError(theError, (CAException)theError, "SMACscom::SetInfo: siCompressionParams got an error from AudioCodecGetProperty while getting the packet frame size");
                //	get the maximum number of bytes in 1 packet of data
                theSize = sizeof(UInt32);
                theError = AudioCodecGetProperty(mEncoder, kAudioCodecPropertyMaximumPacketByteSize, &theSize, &mMaxPacketByteSize);
                ThrowIfError(theError, (CAException)theError, "SMACscom::SetInfo: siCompressionParams got an error from AudioCodecGetProperty while getting the maximum packet byte size");
                //	toss the old output buffer
                delete[] mOutputBuffer;
                //	allocate enough space for 1 packet of data, since that's
                //	that's all this component will produce per call to GetSourceData
                mOutputBuffer = new Byte[mMaxPacketByteSize];
        case siSourceIsExhausted:
			// in this case it seems to be passed by value -- ugh!
            mSourceIsExhausted = (Boolean)((UInt32)inData);
            // Now pass this on, so no break!
            ThrowIf(mSourceComponent == NULL, siUnknownInfoType, "SMACscom::SetInfo: no source to pass request to")
            ComponentResult theError = SoundComponentSetInfo(mSourceComponent, inSourceID, inSelector, inData);
            ThrowIfError(theError, (CAException)theError, "SMACscom::SetInfo: got an error from SoundComponentSetInfo");
ComponentInstance	SMACIMAsdec::InitializeIMAAudioDecoder(Component inDecoderComponent, const AudioStreamBasicDescription& inFormat)
	UInt32 theSize;
	ComponentInstance theDecoder = OpenComponent(inDecoderComponent);
	ThrowIf(theDecoder == NULL, badComponentInstance, "SMACIMAsdec::InitializeIMAAudioDecoder: couldn't open the component");
	//	first, give the decoder the info we have
	theSize = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
	ComponentResult theError = AudioCodecSetProperty(theDecoder, kAudioCodecPropertyCurrentInputFormat, theSize, &inFormat);
	ThrowIfError(theError, (CAException)theError, "SMACIMAsdec::InitializeIMAAudioDecoder: got an error setting the input format");
	//	now find out what it can output
	theError = AudioCodecGetPropertyInfo(theDecoder, kAudioCodecPropertySupportedOutputFormats, &theSize, NULL);
	ThrowIfError(theError, (CAException)theError, "SMACIMAsdec::InitializeIMAAudioDecoder: got an error getting the available output format list size");
	UInt32 theNumberAvailableOutputFormats = theSize / sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
	AudioStreamBasicDescription* theAvailableOutputFormats = new AudioStreamBasicDescription[theNumberAvailableOutputFormats];
		theSize = theNumberAvailableOutputFormats * sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
		theError = AudioCodecGetProperty(theDecoder, kAudioCodecPropertySupportedOutputFormats, &theSize, theAvailableOutputFormats);
		ThrowIfError(theError, (CAException)theError, "SMACIMAsdec::InitializeIMAAudioDecoder: got an error getting the available output formats");
		//	find an acceptable output format
		AudioStreamBasicDescription* theOutputFormat = FindNEFloatFormat(theAvailableOutputFormats, theNumberAvailableOutputFormats);
		ThrowIf(theOutputFormat == NULL, badFormat, "SMACIMAsdec::InitializeIMAAudioDecoder: couldn't find an acceptable output format");
		// finish filling out the output format
		theOutputFormat->mSampleRate = inFormat.mSampleRate;
		theOutputFormat->mChannelsPerFrame = inFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;
		theOutputFormat->mBytesPerFrame = 4 * inFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;
		theOutputFormat->mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
		theOutputFormat->mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagsNativeFloatPacked;
		theOutputFormat->mBytesPerPacket = 4 * inFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;
		theOutputFormat->mFramesPerPacket = 1;
		theOutputFormat->mBitsPerChannel = 32;

		//	tell the decoder about it
		theSize = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
		theError = AudioCodecSetProperty(theDecoder, kAudioCodecPropertyCurrentOutputFormat, theSize, theOutputFormat);
		ThrowIfError(theError, (CAException)theError, "SMACIMAsdec::InitializeIMAAudioDecoder: got an error setting the output format");
		delete[] theAvailableOutputFormats;
		theAvailableOutputFormats = NULL;
		delete[] theAvailableOutputFormats;
	//	finally initialize the decoder
	theError = AudioCodecInitialize(theDecoder, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
	ThrowIfError(theError, (CAException)theError, "SMACIMAsdec::InitializeIMAAudioDecoder: got an error initializing the decoder");
	return theDecoder;
Exemple #3
void	SMACsdec::SetInfo(SoundSource inSourceID, OSType inSelector, void* inData)
		case siDecompressionParams:
				// Lock the thread if we can as we are going to completely replace the decoder
				bool threadLocked;

				threadLocked = mThreadStateMutex->Lock();

				//	process the the new params and produce an initialized
				//	AudioCodec instance
				ComponentInstance theDecoder = SetDecompressionParams(inData);
				ThrowIf(theDecoder == NULL, badFormat, "SMACsdec::SetInfo: siDecompressionParams didn't generate a decoder");

				//	get rid of the input data
				mSourceData = NULL;
				mOutputData.sampleCount = 0;
				//	close the old decoder if necessary
				if((mDecoder != NULL) && (theDecoder != mDecoder))
				//	use the new one
				mDecoder = theDecoder;
				//	get the number of frames in 1 packet of data
				UInt32 theSize = sizeof(UInt32);
				ComponentResult theError = AudioCodecGetProperty(mDecoder, kAudioCodecPropertyPacketFrameSize, &theSize, &mPacketFrameSize);
				ThrowIfError(theError, (CAException)theError, "SMACsdec::SetInfo: siDecompressionParams got an error from AudioCodecGetProperty");
				//	toss the old output buffer
				delete[] mOutputBuffer;
				delete[] mFloatBuffer;
				//	allocate enough space for 1 packet of data, since that's
				//	that's all this component will produce per call to GetSourceData
				//	note that this is going to be 16 bit integer
				mOutputBuffer = new Byte[mPacketFrameSize * 2 * mOutputData.numChannels];
                mFloatBuffer = new float[mPacketFrameSize * mOutputData.numChannels];
				// If we need to, unlock the thread

			ThrowIf(mSourceComponent == NULL, siUnknownInfoType, "SMACsdec::SetInfo: no source to pass request to")
			ComponentResult theError = SoundComponentSetInfo(mSourceComponent, inSourceID, inSelector, inData);
			throw theError;