Exemple #1
int UIDnDHandler::dragCheckPending(ulong screenID)
    int rc;

    LogFlowFunc(("enmOpMode=%RU32, fIsPending=%RTbool, screenID=%RU32\n", m_enmOpMode, m_fIsPending, screenID));

        QMutexLocker AutoReadLock(&m_ReadLock);

        if (   m_enmOpMode != DNDMODE_UNKNOWN
            && m_enmOpMode != DNDMODE_GUESTTOHOST) /* Wrong mode set? */
            return VINF_SUCCESS;

        if (m_fIsPending) /* Pending operation is in progress. */
            return VINF_SUCCESS;

    QMutexLocker AutoWriteLock(&m_WriteLock);
    m_fIsPending = true;

     * How this works: Source is asking the target if there is any DnD
     * operation pending, when the mouse leaves the guest window. On
     * return there is some info about a running DnD operation
     * (or defaultAction is KDnDAction_Ignore if not). With
     * this information we create a Qt QDrag object with our own QMimeType
     * implementation and call exec.
     * Note: This function *blocks* until the actual drag'n drop operation
     *       has been finished (successfully or not)!
    CGuest guest = m_pSession->guest();

    /* Clear our current data set. */

    /* Ask the guest if there is a drag and drop operation pending (on the guest). */
    QVector<QString> vecFormats;
    m_dataSource.defaultAction = m_dndSource.DragIsPending(screenID, vecFormats, m_dataSource.vecActions);

    LogRelMax3(10, ("DnD: Default action is: 0x%x\n", m_dataSource.defaultAction));
    LogRelMax3(10, ("DnD: Number of supported guest actions: %d\n", m_dataSource.vecActions.size()));
        for (int i = 0; i < m_dataSource.vecActions.size(); i++)
            LogRelMax3(10, ("DnD: \tAction %d: 0x%x\n", i, m_dataSource.vecActions.at(i)));

    LogRelMax3(10, ("DnD: Number of supported guest formats: %d\n", vecFormats.size()));
        for (int i = 0; i < vecFormats.size(); i++)
            const QString &strFmtGuest = vecFormats.at(i);
            LogRelMax3(10, ("DnD: \tFormat %d: %s\n", i, strFmtGuest.toUtf8().constData()));

    LogFlowFunc(("defaultAction=0x%x, vecFormatsSize=%d, vecActionsSize=%d\n",
                 m_dataSource.defaultAction, vecFormats.size(), m_dataSource.vecActions.size()));

    if (   m_dataSource.defaultAction != KDnDAction_Ignore
        && vecFormats.size())
        for (int i = 0; i < vecFormats.size(); i++)
            const QString &strFormat = vecFormats.at(i);
            m_dataSource.lstFormats << strFormat;

        rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* There's a valid pending drag and drop operation on the guest. */
    else /* No format data from the guest arrived yet. */
        rc = VERR_NO_DATA;

    m_fIsPending = false;





    return rc;
Exemple #2
void UIDnDHandler::setOpMode(DNDOPMODE enmMode)
    QMutexLocker AutoWriteLock(&m_WriteLock);
    m_enmOpMode = enmMode;
    LogFunc(("Operation mode is now: %RU32\n", m_enmOpMode));
void UIDnDHandler::setMode(DNDMODE enmMode)
    QMutexLocker AutoWriteLock(&m_WriteLock);
    m_enmMode = enmMode;
    LogFlowFunc(("Mode is now: %RU32\n", m_enmMode));