static DWORD RemoveOption(struct SshConf *conf, const char *name) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; int line; for(line = 0; line < conf->lineCount; line++) { line = FindOption(conf, line, name); if(line == -1) break; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = RemoveLine(conf, &line)); if(line > 0) line--; } error: UpdatePublicLines(conf); return ceError; }
DWORD CTCheckDirectoryExists( PCSTR pszPath, PBOOLEAN pbDirExists ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; struct stat statbuf; while (1) { memset(&statbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); if (stat(pszPath, &statbuf) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } else if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR) { *pbDirExists = FALSE; break; } ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } /* The path exists. Is it a directory? */ *pbDirExists = (((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) ? TRUE : FALSE); break; } error: return ceError; }
DWORD DJIsDomainNameResolvable( PCSTR pszDomainName, PBOOLEAN pbIsResolvable ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; struct hostent* pHostent = NULL; int i = 0; *pbIsResolvable = FALSE; if (IsNullOrEmptyString(pszDomainName)) { ceError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){ pHostent = gethostbyname(pszDomainName); if (pHostent == NULL) { if (h_errno == TRY_AGAIN) { continue; } else { *pbIsResolvable = FALSE; break; } } else { *pbIsResolvable = !IsNullOrEmptyString(pHostent->h_name); break; } } return ceError; error: *pbIsResolvable = FALSE; return ceError; }
DWORD CTGetOwnerUID( PCSTR pszFilePath, uid_t* pUid ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; struct stat statbuf; memset(&statbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); if (stat(pszFilePath, &statbuf) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } *pUid = statbuf.st_uid; error: return ceError; }
DWORD CTRemoveFile( PCSTR pszPath ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; while (1) { if (unlink(pszPath) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } else { break; } } error: return ceError; }
DWORD CTChangePermissions( PCSTR pszPath, mode_t dwFileMode ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; while (1) { if (chmod(pszPath, dwFileMode) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } else { break; } } error: return ceError; }
DWORD DJParseHostsFile( const char *filename, PHOSTSFILELINE* ppHostsFileLineList ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PHOSTSFILELINE pLineHead = NULL; PHOSTSFILELINE pHostsLine = NULL; PHOSTFILEALIAS pAlias = NULL; FILE* fp = NULL; CHAR szBuf[1024+1]; PSTR pszTmp = NULL; DWORD iToken = 0; PHOSTSFILELINE pLineTail = NULL; BOOLEAN exists; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTCheckFileOrLinkExists(filename, &exists)); if(!exists) BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } while (1) { if (fgets(szBuf, 1024, fp) == NULL) { if (!feof(fp)) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } else { break; } } CTStripWhitespace(szBuf); ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(HOSTSFILELINE), (PVOID*)(PVOID)&pHostsLine); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); pHostsLine->pEntry = NULL; pHostsLine->pszComment = NULL; pszTmp = strchr(szBuf, '#'); if (pszTmp != NULL) { ceError = CTAllocateString(pszTmp, &pHostsLine->pszComment); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); *pszTmp = '\0'; } if(szBuf[0] != '\0') { ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(HOSTSFILEENTRY), (PVOID*)(PVOID)&pHostsLine->pEntry); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); iToken = 0; pszTmp = strtok(szBuf, " \t"); while (pszTmp != NULL) { if (iToken == 0) { ceError = CTAllocateString(pszTmp, &pHostsLine->pEntry->pszIpAddress); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } else if (iToken == 1) { ceError = CTAllocateString(pszTmp, &pHostsLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } else { ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(HOSTFILEALIAS), (PVOID*)(PVOID)&pAlias); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString(pszTmp, &pAlias->pszAlias); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); //The alias list is first built in reverse pAlias->pNext = pHostsLine->pEntry->pAliasList; pHostsLine->pEntry->pAliasList = pAlias; pAlias = NULL; } iToken++; pszTmp = strtok(NULL, " \t"); } if (pHostsLine->pEntry->pAliasList) { pHostsLine->pEntry->pAliasList = DJReverseAliasList(pHostsLine->pEntry->pAliasList); } } if(pLineTail != NULL) pLineTail->pNext = pHostsLine; else pLineHead = pHostsLine; pLineTail = pHostsLine; pHostsLine = NULL; } *ppHostsFileLineList = pLineHead; pLineHead = NULL; error: if (pAlias) DJFreeAlias(pAlias); if (pHostsLine) DJFreeHostsLine(pHostsLine); if (pLineHead) DJFreeHostsFileLineList(pLineHead); if (fp) fclose(fp); return ceError; }
static DWORD DJSetSearchPath( SearchPolicyType searchPolicyType ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPROCINFO pProcInfo = NULL; PSTR* ppszArgs = NULL; DWORD nArgs = 7; LONG status = 0; DJ_LOG_INFO("Setting search policy to %s", searchPolicyType == CSPSearchPath ? "Custom path" : "Automatic"); ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(PSTR)*nArgs, (PVOID*)(PVOID)&ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/usr/bin/dscl", ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/Search", ppszArgs+1); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("-create", ppszArgs+2); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/", ppszArgs+3); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("SearchPolicy", ppszArgs+4); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); switch (searchPolicyType) { case CSPSearchPath: { ceError = CTAllocateString("CSPSearchPath", ppszArgs+5); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); break; } case NSPSearchPath: { ceError = CTAllocateString("NSPSearchPath", ppszArgs+5); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); break; } } ceError = DJSpawnProcess(ppszArgs[0], ppszArgs, &pProcInfo); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJGetProcessStatus(pProcInfo, &status); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (status != 0) { ceError = ERROR_BAD_COMMAND; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } error: if (ppszArgs) { CTFreeStringArray(ppszArgs, nArgs); } if (pProcInfo) { FreeProcInfo(pProcInfo); } return ceError; }
DWORD DJIsAppleADPluginInUse(BOOLEAN* pExists) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPROCINFO pProcInfo = NULL; PSTR* ppszArgs = NULL; DWORD nArgs = 8; LONG status = 0; BOOLEAN bInUse = FALSE; DJ_LOG_INFO("Testing to see if Apple AD plugin is already in use"); ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(PSTR)*nArgs, (PVOID*)(PVOID)&ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/usr/bin/dscl", ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("localhost", ppszArgs+1); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("-list", ppszArgs+2); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/", ppszArgs+3); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("|", ppszArgs+4); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("grep", ppszArgs+5); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString(APPLEADDSPLUGIN_NAME, ppszArgs+6); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJSpawnProcess(ppszArgs[0], ppszArgs, &pProcInfo); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJGetProcessStatus(pProcInfo, &status); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (status == 0) { bInUse = TRUE; } error: if (ppszArgs) { CTFreeStringArray(ppszArgs, nArgs); } if (pProcInfo) { FreeProcInfo(pProcInfo); } *pExists = bInUse; return ceError; }
/* Copy a ssh configuration line and add it below the old line. */ static DWORD SetOption(struct SshConf *conf, const char *name, const char *value) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; int line = -1; DynamicArray printedLine; struct SshLine lineObj; int found = 0; memset(&lineObj, 0, sizeof(struct SshLine)); memset(&printedLine, 0, sizeof(printedLine)); for(line = 0; line < conf->lineCount; line++) { line = FindOption(conf, line, name); if(line == -1) break; found++; if(!strcmp(conf->lines[line].value.value, value)) continue; //Insert a commented out version of the line BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = GetPrintedLine(&printedLine, conf, line)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup("", &lineObj.leadingWhiteSpace)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup("", &; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup("", &; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup("", &lineObj.value.value)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTAllocateStringPrintf( &lineObj.value.trailingSeparator, "#Overwritten by lwidentity: %s",; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTArrayInsert(&conf->private_data, line, sizeof(struct SshLine), &lineObj, 1)); memset(&lineObj, 0, sizeof(lineObj)); UpdatePublicLines(conf); conf->modified = 1; line++; //Change the option value of the line CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(conf->lines[line].value.value); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup(value, &conf->lines[line].value.value)); } /*If the option wasn't already in the file, search for comments that mention the option, and insert the line after the comment*/ for(line = 0; !found && line < conf->lineCount; line++) { if(strstr(conf->lines[line].value.trailingSeparator, name) == NULL) continue; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup("", &lineObj.leadingWhiteSpace)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup(name, &; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup(" ", &; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup(value, &lineObj.value.value)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup("", &lineObj.value.trailingSeparator)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTArrayInsert(&conf->private_data, line + 1, sizeof(struct SshLine), &lineObj, 1)); memset(&lineObj, 0, sizeof(lineObj)); conf->modified = 1; found++; } /*If the option wasn't even in a comment, just add the option at the end of the file */ if(!found) { BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup("", &lineObj.leadingWhiteSpace)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup(name, &; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup(" ", &; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup(value, &lineObj.value.value)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTStrdup("", &lineObj.value.trailingSeparator)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTArrayAppend(&conf->private_data, sizeof(struct SshLine), &lineObj, 1)); memset(&lineObj, 0, sizeof(lineObj)); conf->modified = 1; } error: UpdatePublicLines(conf); FreeSshLineContents(&lineObj); CTArrayFree(&printedLine); return ceError; }
static DWORD WriteHostnameToSunFiles( PCSTR pOldShortHostname, PCSTR pNewShortHostname, PCSTR pDnsDomainName, PCSTR pOldFqdnHostname, PCSTR pNewFqdnHostname ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; FILE* fp = NULL; PSTR* ppszHostfilePaths = NULL; DWORD nPaths = 0; DWORD iPath = 0; PSTR pRealPath = NULL; PSTR pTempPath = NULL; PSTR pOldEscapedShortHostname = NULL; PSTR pOldEscapedFqdnHostname = NULL; PSTR pOldSedExpression = NULL; PSTR pSedExpression = NULL; BOOLEAN isSame = FALSE; DJ_LOG_INFO("Setting hostname to [%s]", pNewShortHostname); ceError = CTGetFileTempPath( "/etc/nodename", &pRealPath, &pTempPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTOpenFile( pTempPath, "w", &fp); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (fprintf(fp, "%s\n", pNewShortHostname) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } ceError = CTSafeCloseFile(&fp); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTFileContentsSame( pTempPath, pRealPath, &isSame); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (isSame) { BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTRemoveFile(pTempPath)); } else { ceError = CTSafeReplaceFile(pRealPath, pTempPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pRealPath); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pTempPath); ceError = CTGetFileTempPath( "/etc/defaultdomain", &pRealPath, &pTempPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTOpenFile( pTempPath, "w", &fp); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", pDnsDomainName); ceError = CTSafeCloseFile(&fp); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTFileContentsSame( pTempPath, pRealPath, &isSame); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (isSame) { BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError = CTRemoveFile(pTempPath)); } else { ceError = CTSafeReplaceFile(pRealPath, pTempPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } /* The first column of the /etc/hostname.<interface> files is the IP * address of the interface. It may either be specified directly in the * file, or the file may refer to an entry in /etc/hosts. This program is * editing /etc/hosts, any old entries in the hostname files need to be * fixed. */ ceError = CTGetMatchingFilePathsInFolder("/etc", "hostname.*", &ppszHostfilePaths, &nPaths); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = SedEscapeLiteral( pOldShortHostname, &pOldEscapedShortHostname); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = LwAllocateStringPrintf( &pSedExpression, "s/^%s\\([ ].*\\)\\{0,1\\}$/%s\\1/", pOldEscapedShortHostname, pNewShortHostname); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (pOldFqdnHostname != NULL) { ceError = SedEscapeLiteral( pOldFqdnHostname, &pOldEscapedFqdnHostname); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); pOldSedExpression = pSedExpression; pSedExpression = NULL; ceError = LwAllocateStringPrintf( &pSedExpression, "%s;s/^%s\\([ ].*\\)\\{0,1\\}$/%s\\1/", pOldSedExpression, pOldEscapedFqdnHostname, pNewFqdnHostname); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } for (iPath = 0; iPath < nPaths; iPath++) { if (!CTStrEndsWith(ppszHostfilePaths[iPath], ".lwidentity.bak") && !CTStrEndsWith(ppszHostfilePaths[iPath], ".lwidentity.orig")) { ceError = CTRunSedOnFile( ppszHostfilePaths[iPath], ppszHostfilePaths[iPath], FALSE, pSedExpression); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } error: if (ppszHostfilePaths) CTFreeStringArray(ppszHostfilePaths, nPaths); if (fp) { fclose(fp); } CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pRealPath); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pTempPath); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pOldEscapedShortHostname); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pOldEscapedFqdnHostname); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pOldSedExpression); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pSedExpression); return ceError; }
static DWORD SetHPUXHostname(PSTR pszComputerName) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPROCINFO pProcInfo = NULL; PSTR *ppszArgs = NULL; DWORD nArgs = 6; CHAR szBuf[512]; LONG status = 0; DJ_LOG_INFO("Setting hostname to [%s]", pszComputerName); ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(PSTR)*nArgs, PPCAST(&ppszArgs)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/bin/sh", ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("-c", ppszArgs+1); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); memset(szBuf, 0, sizeof(szBuf)); snprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), "/usr/bin/sed s/HOSTNAME=\\\"[a-zA-Z0-9].*\\\"/HOSTNAME=\\\"%s\\\"/ %s >", pszComputerName, NETCONF, NETCONF); ceError = CTAllocateString(szBuf, ppszArgs+2); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJSpawnProcess(ppszArgs[0], ppszArgs, &pProcInfo); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJGetProcessStatus(pProcInfo, &status); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (status != 0) { ceError = ERROR_BAD_COMMAND; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } memset(szBuf, 0, sizeof(szBuf)); snprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), "", NETCONF); ceError = CTMoveFile(szBuf, NETCONF); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); CTFreeStringArray(ppszArgs, nArgs); ppszArgs = NULL; FreeProcInfo(pProcInfo); pProcInfo = NULL; /* After updating the file, HP-UX wants us to "start" the hostname */ ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(PSTR)*nArgs, PPCAST(&ppszArgs)); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/sbin/init.d/hostname", ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("start", ppszArgs + 1); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJSpawnProcess(ppszArgs[0], ppszArgs, &pProcInfo); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJGetProcessStatus(pProcInfo, &status); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (status != 0) { ceError = ERROR_BAD_COMMAND; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } error: if(ppszArgs) CTFreeStringArray(ppszArgs, nArgs); if(pProcInfo) FreeProcInfo(pProcInfo); return ceError; }
// newFdqnHostname = <shortHostname>.<dnsDomainName> DWORD DJReplaceHostnameInMemory( PHOSTSFILELINE pHostsFileLineList, PCSTR oldShortHostname, PCSTR oldFqdnHostname, PCSTR shortHostname, PCSTR dnsDomainName ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PSTR pszDomainName = NULL; PSTR pszHostName = NULL; PSTR pszCanonicalName = NULL; PHOSTSFILELINE pLine = NULL; PHOSTSFILELINE pCreatedLine = NULL; BOOLEAN bFound = FALSE; BOOLEAN bModified = FALSE; PHOSTFILEALIAS pAlias = NULL; // // Ideal algorithm: // // 1) Find any lines with hostname. // 2) Make sure the the FQDN is present as the first // name in each of those lines. // 3) If no lines were found, then add hostname to // and put FQDN first. // 4) If line is present, edit that to just have our info. // if (IsNullOrEmptyString(shortHostname)) { ceError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } if (strchr(shortHostname, '.')) { ceError = ERROR_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } ceError = CTAllocateString(shortHostname, &pszHostName); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); CTStripWhitespace(pszHostName); CTStrToLower(pszHostName); if (dnsDomainName != NULL) { ceError = CTAllocateString(dnsDomainName, &pszDomainName); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); CTStripWhitespace(pszDomainName); CTStrToLower(pszDomainName); ceError = CTAllocateMemory(strlen(pszHostName)+strlen(pszDomainName)+2, (PVOID*)(PVOID)&pszCanonicalName); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); sprintf(pszCanonicalName, "%s.%s", pszHostName, pszDomainName); } else { ceError = CTAllocateString(pszHostName, &pszCanonicalName); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } for (pLine = pHostsFileLineList; pLine; pLine = pLine->pNext) { if (pLine->pEntry != NULL) { if (pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName != NULL && (!strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, pszHostName) || !strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, oldShortHostname ? oldShortHostname : "") || !strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, oldFqdnHostname ? oldFqdnHostname : "") || !strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, pszCanonicalName))) { ceError = DJUpdateHostEntry( pLine, pszHostName, pszCanonicalName, oldShortHostname, oldFqdnHostname); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); bFound = TRUE; } else if (DJEntryHasAlias(pLine->pEntry->pAliasList, pszHostName)) { bFound = TRUE; ceError = DJUpdateHostEntry( pLine, pszHostName, pszCanonicalName, oldShortHostname, oldFqdnHostname); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } } if (!bFound) { //First try to setup ip address on the loop back device which are not // for (pLine = pHostsFileLineList; pLine; pLine = pLine->pNext) { if (pLine->pEntry != NULL && !strncmp(pLine->pEntry->pszIpAddress, "127.0.", strlen("127.0.")) && strcmp(pLine->pEntry->pszIpAddress, "")) { ceError = DJUpdateHostEntry( pLine, pszHostName, pszCanonicalName, oldShortHostname, oldFqdnHostname); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); bFound = TRUE; } } if (!bFound) { //Have to add it to the address pLine = DJFindLineByIPAddress(pHostsFileLineList, ""); if(pLine == NULL) { //We have to create the address ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(HOSTSFILELINE), (PVOID*)(PVOID)&pCreatedLine); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(HOSTSFILEENTRY), (PVOID*)(PVOID)&pCreatedLine->pEntry); ceError = CTAllocateString("", &pCreatedLine->pEntry->pszIpAddress); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJAddAlias(pCreatedLine, "localhost", FALSE, &bModified); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); *DJGetLastHostsLine(&pHostsFileLineList) = pCreatedLine; pLine = pCreatedLine; pCreatedLine = NULL; } ceError = DJUpdateHostEntry( pLine, pszHostName, pszCanonicalName, oldShortHostname, oldFqdnHostname); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } error: if (pAlias) DJFreeAlias(pAlias); if (pszHostName) CTFreeString(pszHostName); if (pszDomainName) CTFreeString(pszDomainName); if (pszCanonicalName) CTFreeMemory(pszCanonicalName); if(pCreatedLine) DJFreeHostsLine(pCreatedLine); return ceError; }
DWORD CTCopyFileWithPerms( PCSTR pszSrcPath, PCSTR pszDstPath, mode_t dwPerms ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PCSTR pszTmpSuffix = ".tmp_likewise"; PSTR pszTmpPath = NULL; BOOLEAN bRemoveFile = FALSE; CHAR szBuf[1024+1]; int iFd = -1; int oFd = -1; ssize_t bytesRead = 0; if (IsNullOrEmptyString(pszSrcPath) || IsNullOrEmptyString(pszDstPath)) { ceError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } ceError = CTAllocateMemory(strlen(pszDstPath)+strlen(pszTmpSuffix)+2, (PVOID*)&pszTmpPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); strcpy(pszTmpPath, pszDstPath); strcat(pszTmpPath, pszTmpSuffix); if ((iFd = open(pszSrcPath, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR)) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } if ((oFd = open(pszTmpPath, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } bRemoveFile = TRUE; while (1) { if ((bytesRead = read(iFd, szBuf, 1024)) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } if (bytesRead == 0) break; if (write(oFd, szBuf, bytesRead) != bytesRead) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } close(iFd); iFd = -1; close(oFd); oFd = -1; ceError = CTMoveFile(pszTmpPath, pszDstPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); bRemoveFile = FALSE; ceError = CTChangePermissions(pszDstPath, dwPerms); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); error: if (iFd >= 0) close(iFd); if (oFd >= 0) close(oFd); if (bRemoveFile) { CTRemoveFile(pszTmpPath); } if (pszTmpPath) CTFreeString(pszTmpPath); return ceError; }
static DWORD DJWriteHostsFileIfModified( const char *filename, PHOSTSFILELINE pHostFileLineList ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PHOSTSFILELINE pLine = pHostFileLineList; FILE* fp = NULL; PHOSTFILEALIAS pAlias = NULL; BOOLEAN bRemoveFile = FALSE; char *tempName = NULL; char *finalName = NULL; ceError = CTGetFileTempPath( filename, &finalName, &tempName); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (DJHostsFileWasModified(pHostFileLineList)) { DJ_LOG_INFO("Writing out updated %s file", finalName); fp = fopen(tempName, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } bRemoveFile = TRUE; while (pLine) { if (pLine->pEntry != NULL) { if (!IsNullOrEmptyString(pLine->pEntry->pszIpAddress)) { if (fprintf(fp, "%s", pLine->pEntry->pszIpAddress) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } if (!IsNullOrEmptyString(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName)) { if (fprintf(fp, " %s", pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } pAlias = pLine->pEntry->pAliasList; while (pAlias) { if (!IsNullOrEmptyString(pAlias->pszAlias)) { if (fprintf(fp, " %s", pAlias->pszAlias) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } pAlias = pAlias->pNext; } if (pLine->pszComment != NULL) { if (fprintf(fp, " %s", pLine->pszComment) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } if (fprintf(fp, "\n") < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } else if(pLine->pszComment != NULL) { if (fprintf(fp, "%s\n", pLine->pszComment) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } pLine = pLine->pNext; } if (fp) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } ceError = CTSafeReplaceFile(finalName, tempName); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); #if defined(__LWI_DARWIN__) MacDnsCacheFlush(); #endif bRemoveFile = FALSE; } else DJ_LOG_INFO("%s file was not modified; not rewriting", finalName); error: if (fp) fclose(fp); if (bRemoveFile) CTRemoveFile(tempName); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(finalName); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(tempName); return ceError; }
static DWORD DJUpdateHostEntry( PHOSTSFILELINE pLine, PCSTR pszShortName, PCSTR pszFqdnName, PCSTR pszRemoveName1, PCSTR pszRemoveName2 ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PHOSTFILEALIAS *aliasPos; //This updates our hostname in a line of the hosts file // 1. pszFqdnName will be added as the primary name in the host entry // 2. pszShortName will be added as the first alias // 3. Whatever was previously the primary name and first alias will be // added as the second and third aliases // 4. If pszRemoveName1 and or pszRemoveName2 are not null, they will // be removed from the alias list if (pszFqdnName == NULL && pszShortName != NULL) { pszFqdnName = pszShortName; pszShortName = NULL; } else if (pszFqdnName != NULL && pszShortName != NULL && !strcasecmp(pszFqdnName, pszShortName)) { pszShortName = NULL; } DJ_LOG_INFO("Adding %s (fqdn %s) to /etc/hosts ip %s, " "removing %s, %s, %s, %s", Disp(pszShortName), Disp(pszFqdnName), Disp(pLine->pEntry->pszIpAddress), Disp(pszShortName), Disp(pszFqdnName), Disp(pszRemoveName1), Disp(pszRemoveName2)); if (pszFqdnName != NULL && (pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName == NULL || strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, pszFqdnName))) { if (pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName != NULL) { ceError = DJAddAlias(pLine, pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, FALSE, NULL); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); CTFreeString(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName); pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName = NULL; } ceError = CTAllocateString(pszFqdnName, &pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); pLine->bModified = TRUE; } aliasPos = &pLine->pEntry->pAliasList; if (pszShortName != NULL) { if (pLine->pEntry->pAliasList == NULL || strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pAliasList->pszAlias, pszShortName)) { ceError = DJAddAlias(pLine, pszShortName, TRUE, NULL); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } //Skip over this so we don't delete it aliasPos = &(*aliasPos)->pNext; } { PCSTR removeStrings[] = { pszShortName, pszFqdnName, pszRemoveName1, pszRemoveName2 }; while (*aliasPos != NULL) { int i; for(i=0; i<sizeof(removeStrings)/sizeof(removeStrings[0]); i++) { if(removeStrings[i] != NULL && !strcasecmp((*aliasPos)->pszAlias, removeStrings[i])) { //Remove it PHOSTFILEALIAS remove = *aliasPos; (*aliasPos) = remove->pNext; DJFreeAlias(remove); pLine->bModified = TRUE; goto removed_entry; } } //Advance to the next entry because nothing was removed. aliasPos = &(*aliasPos)->pNext; removed_entry: ; } } error: return ceError; }
/* // TODO: Check access and removability before actual deletion */ DWORD CTRemoveDirectory( PCSTR pszPath ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DIR* pDir = NULL; struct dirent* pDirEntry = NULL; struct stat statbuf; CHAR szBuf[PATH_MAX+1]; if ((pDir = opendir(pszPath)) == NULL) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } while ((pDirEntry = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) { if (!strcmp(pDirEntry->d_name, "..") || !strcmp(pDirEntry->d_name, ".")) continue; sprintf(szBuf, "%s/%s", pszPath, pDirEntry->d_name); memset(&statbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); if (stat(szBuf, &statbuf) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { ceError = CTRemoveDirectory(szBuf); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (rmdir(szBuf) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(ceError); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } else { ceError = CTRemoveFile(szBuf); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } if(closedir(pDir) < 0) { pDir = NULL; ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(ceError); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } pDir = NULL; if (rmdir(pszPath) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(ceError); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } error: if (pDir) closedir(pDir); return ceError; }
DWORD DJCopyMissingHostsEntry( PCSTR destFile, PCSTR srcFile, PCSTR entryName1, PCSTR entryName2) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PHOSTSFILELINE pDestList = NULL; PHOSTSFILELINE pSrcList = NULL; PHOSTSFILELINE pLine = NULL; PHOSTSFILELINE pCopiedLine = NULL; ceError = DJParseHostsFile(destFile, &pDestList); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJParseHostsFile(srcFile, &pSrcList); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if(entryName2 == NULL) entryName2 = ""; for (pLine = pDestList; pLine; pLine = pLine->pNext) { if (pLine->pEntry != NULL) { if ((pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName != NULL && (!strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, entryName1) || !strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, entryName2))) || DJEntryHasAlias(pLine->pEntry->pAliasList, entryName1) || DJEntryHasAlias(pLine->pEntry->pAliasList, entryName1)) { //The dest file already has this entry goto done; } } } for (pLine = pSrcList; pLine; pLine = pLine->pNext) { if (pLine->pEntry != NULL) { if ((pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName != NULL && (!strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, entryName1) || !strcasecmp(pLine->pEntry->pszCanonicalName, entryName2))) || DJEntryHasAlias(pLine->pEntry->pAliasList, entryName1) || DJEntryHasAlias(pLine->pEntry->pAliasList, entryName1)) { //Copy this line to dest ceError = DJCopyLine(pLine, &pCopiedLine); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); pCopiedLine->pNext = pDestList; pDestList = pCopiedLine; pCopiedLine->bModified = TRUE; pCopiedLine = NULL; } } } ceError = DJWriteHostsFileIfModified(destFile, pDestList); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); done: error: if (pDestList) DJFreeHostsFileLineList(pDestList); if (pSrcList) DJFreeHostsFileLineList(pSrcList); if (pCopiedLine) DJFreeHostsFileLineList(pCopiedLine); return ceError; }
DWORD SetStringRegistryValue( PCSTR path, PCSTR name, PSTR value ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hReg = (HANDLE)NULL; HKEY pRootKey = NULL; HKEY pNodeKey = NULL; char szEmpty[2] = ""; if (!value) { value = szEmpty; } ceError = RegOpenServer(&hReg); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = RegOpenKeyExA( hReg, NULL, HKEY_THIS_MACHINE, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &pRootKey); if (ceError) { DJ_LOG_ERROR( "Failed to open registry root key %s",HKEY_THIS_MACHINE); goto error; } ceError = RegOpenKeyExA( hReg, pRootKey, path, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &pNodeKey); if (ceError) { DJ_LOG_ERROR( "Failed to open registry key %s\\%s",HKEY_THIS_MACHINE, path); goto error; } ceError = RegSetValueExA( hReg, pNodeKey, name, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)value, (DWORD)strlen(value)+1); if (ceError) { DJ_LOG_ERROR( "Failed to set registry value %s with value %s", name, value); goto error; } cleanup: if (hReg) { if (pNodeKey) { RegCloseKey(hReg, pNodeKey); pNodeKey = NULL; } if (pRootKey) { RegCloseKey(hReg, pRootKey); pRootKey = NULL; } RegCloseServer(hReg); hReg = NULL; } return(ceError); error: goto cleanup; }
DWORD SetBooleanRegistryValue( PCSTR path, PCSTR name, BOOL value ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hReg = (HANDLE)NULL; HKEY pRootKey = NULL; HKEY pNodeKey = NULL; DWORD dwValue = 0; if (value) { dwValue = 1; } ceError = RegOpenServer(&hReg); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = RegOpenKeyExA( hReg, NULL, HKEY_THIS_MACHINE, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &pRootKey); if (ceError) { DJ_LOG_ERROR( "Failed to open registry root key %s",HKEY_THIS_MACHINE); goto error; } ceError = RegOpenKeyExA( hReg, pRootKey, path, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &pNodeKey); if (ceError) { DJ_LOG_ERROR( "Failed to open registry key %s\\%s",HKEY_THIS_MACHINE, path); goto error; } ceError = RegSetValueExA( hReg, pNodeKey, name, 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE*) &dwValue, sizeof(dwValue)); if (ceError) { DJ_LOG_ERROR( "Failed to set registry value %s with value %d", name, value ? 1 : 0); goto error; } cleanup: if (hReg) { if (pNodeKey) { RegCloseKey(hReg, pNodeKey); pNodeKey = NULL; } if (pRootKey) { RegCloseKey(hReg, pRootKey); pRootKey = NULL; } RegCloseServer(hReg); hReg = NULL; } return(ceError); error: goto cleanup; }
/* Use dscl to place the DSPlugin in the authenticator list */ static DWORD DJRegisterDSPlugin() { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPROCINFO pProcInfo = NULL; PSTR* ppszArgs = NULL; DWORD nArgs = 7; LONG status = 0; DWORD retryCount = 3; DJ_LOG_INFO("Registering DSPlugin for Macintosh Directory Services Authentication"); ceError = DJSetSearchPath(CSPSearchPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(PSTR)*nArgs, (PVOID*)(PVOID)&ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/usr/bin/dscl", ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/Search", ppszArgs+1); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("-append", ppszArgs+2); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/", ppszArgs+3); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("CSPSearchPath", ppszArgs+4); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString(LWDSPLUGIN_NAME, ppszArgs+5); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); while (retryCount) { ceError = DJSpawnProcess(ppszArgs[0], ppszArgs, &pProcInfo); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJGetProcessStatus(pProcInfo, &status); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (status == 0) { goto error; } if (pProcInfo) { FreeProcInfo(pProcInfo); pProcInfo = NULL; } retryCount--; sleep(5); // Set last error ceError = ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED; } error: if (ppszArgs) { CTFreeStringArray(ppszArgs, nArgs); } if (pProcInfo) { FreeProcInfo(pProcInfo); } return ceError; }
static DWORD DJReplaceNameValuePair( PSTR pszFilePath, PSTR pszName, PSTR pszValue ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PSTR pszTmpPath = NULL; PSTR pszFinalPath = NULL; FILE* fpSrc = NULL; FILE* fpDst = NULL; regex_t rx; CHAR szRegExp[256]; CHAR szBuf[1024+1]; BOOLEAN bRemoveFile = FALSE; memset(&rx, 0, sizeof(rx)); ceError = CTGetFileTempPath( pszFilePath, &pszFinalPath, &pszTmpPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); sprintf(szRegExp, "^[[:space:]]*%s[[:space:]]*=.*$", pszName); if (regcomp(&rx, szRegExp, REG_EXTENDED) < 0) { ceError = LW_ERROR_REGEX_COMPILE_FAILED; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } if ((fpSrc = fopen(pszFinalPath, "r")) == NULL) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } if ((fpDst = fopen(pszTmpPath, "w")) == NULL) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } bRemoveFile = TRUE; while (1) { if (fgets(szBuf, 1024, fpSrc) == NULL) { if (feof(fpSrc)) { break; } else { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } if (!IsComment(szBuf) && !regexec(&rx, szBuf, (size_t)0, NULL, 0)) { if (fprintf(fpDst, "%s=%s\n", pszName, pszValue) < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } else { if (fputs(szBuf, fpDst) == EOF) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } } fclose(fpSrc); fpSrc = NULL; fclose(fpDst); fpDst = NULL; ceError = CTSafeReplaceFile(pszFinalPath, pszTmpPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); bRemoveFile = FALSE; error: if (fpSrc) fclose(fpSrc); if (fpDst) fclose(fpDst); regfree(&rx); if (bRemoveFile) CTRemoveFile(pszTmpPath); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pszTmpPath); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pszFinalPath); return ceError; }
/* Remove DSPlugin from the authenticator list */ static DWORD DJUnregisterDSPlugin() { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPROCINFO pProcInfo = NULL; PSTR* ppszArgs = NULL; DWORD nArgs = 7; LONG status = 0; DJ_LOG_INFO("Unregistering DSPlugin from Open Directory Authentication"); ceError = CTAllocateMemory(sizeof(PSTR)*nArgs, (PVOID*)(PVOID)&ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/usr/bin/dscl", ppszArgs); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/Search", ppszArgs+1); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("-delete", ppszArgs+2); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("/", ppszArgs+3); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString("CSPSearchPath", ppszArgs+4); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = CTAllocateString(LWDSPLUGIN_NAME, ppszArgs+5); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJSpawnProcess(ppszArgs[0], ppszArgs, &pProcInfo); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); ceError = DJGetProcessStatus(pProcInfo, &status); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (status != 0) { ceError = ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } ceError = DJSetSearchPath(NSPSearchPath); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); error: if (ppszArgs) { CTFreeStringArray(ppszArgs, nArgs); } if (pProcInfo) { FreeProcInfo(pProcInfo); } return ceError; }
DWORD CTEscapeString( PCSTR pszOrig, PSTR * ppszEscapedString ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; int nQuotes = 0; PCSTR pszTmp = pszOrig; PSTR pszNew = NULL; PSTR pszNewTmp = NULL; if ( !ppszEscapedString || !pszOrig ) { ceError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } while(pszTmp && *pszTmp) { if (*pszTmp=='\'') { nQuotes++; } pszTmp++; } if (!nQuotes) { ceError = CTAllocateString(pszOrig, &pszNew); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } else { /* * We are going to escape each single quote and enclose it in two other * single-quotes */ ceError = CTAllocateMemory( strlen(pszOrig)+3*nQuotes+1, (PVOID*)&pszNew ); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); pszTmp = pszOrig; pszNewTmp = pszNew; while(pszTmp && *pszTmp) { if (*pszTmp=='\'') { *pszNewTmp++='\''; *pszNewTmp++='\\'; *pszNewTmp++='\''; *pszNewTmp++='\''; pszTmp++; } else { *pszNewTmp++ = *pszTmp++; } } *pszNewTmp = '\0'; } *ppszEscapedString = pszNew; pszNew = NULL; error: CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pszNew); return ceError; }
DWORD CTIsProgramRunning( PCSTR pszPidFile, PCSTR pszProgramName, pid_t *pPid, PBOOLEAN pbRunning ) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; pid_t pid = 0; int fd = -1; int result; char contents[20]; BOOLEAN bFileExists = FALSE; if(pbRunning != NULL) *pbRunning = FALSE; if(pPid != NULL) *pPid = -1; ceError = CTCheckFileExists(pszPidFile, &bFileExists); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if (bFileExists) { fd = open(pszPidFile, O_RDONLY, 0644); if (fd < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } result = read(fd, contents, sizeof(contents)-1); if (result < 0) { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } else if (result > 0) { contents[result-1] = 0; result = atoi(contents); } if (result <= 0) { ceError = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } pid = (pid_t) result; result = kill(pid, 0); if (!result) { // Verify that the peer process is the auth daemon ceError = CTMatchProgramToPID(pszProgramName, pid); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); if(pbRunning != NULL) { *pbRunning = TRUE; } if ( pPid ) { *pPid = pid; } } else if (errno == ESRCH) { ceError = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } else { ceError = LwMapErrnoToLwError(errno); BAIL_ON_CENTERIS_ERROR(ceError); } } error: if (fd != -1) { close(fd); } return (ceError == ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ceError); }