Exemple #1
/* Typical idiom for applets which exec *optional* PROG [ARGS] */
void FAST_FUNC exec_prog_or_SHELL(char **argv)
	if (argv[0]) {
	run_shell(getenv("SHELL"), /*login:*/ 1, NULL);
Exemple #2
void FAST_FUNC launch_helper(const char **argv)
	// setup vanilla unidirectional pipes interchange
	int i;
	int pipes[4];

	xpipe(pipes + 2);

	// NB: handler must be installed before vfork
		+ (1 << SIGCHLD)
		+ (1 << SIGALRM)
		, signal_handler);

	G.helper_pid = xvfork();

	i = (!G.helper_pid) * 2; // for parent:0, for child:2
	close(pipes[i + 1]); // 1 or 3 - closing one write end
	close(pipes[2 - i]); // 2 or 0 - closing one read end
	xmove_fd(pipes[i], STDIN_FILENO); // 0 or 2 - using other read end
	xmove_fd(pipes[3 - i], STDOUT_FILENO); // 3 or 1 - other write end

	if (!G.helper_pid) {
		// child: try to execute connection helper
		// NB: SIGCHLD & SIGALRM revert to SIG_DFL on exec

	// parent
	// check whether child is alive
	// child seems OK -> parent goes on
Exemple #3
int nohup_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	const char *nohupout;
	char *home;

	xfunc_error_retval = 127;

	if (!argv[1]) {

	/* If stdin is a tty, detach from it. */
	if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) {
		/* bb_error_msg("ignoring input"); */
		xopen(bb_dev_null, O_RDONLY); /* will be fd 0 (STDIN_FILENO) */

	nohupout = "nohup.out";
	/* Redirect stdout to nohup.out, either in "." or in "$HOME". */
	if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) {
		if (open(nohupout, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR) < 0) {
			home = getenv("HOME");
			if (home) {
				nohupout = concat_path_file(home, nohupout);
				xopen3(nohupout, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
			} else {
				xopen(bb_dev_null, O_RDONLY); /* will be fd 1 */
		bb_error_msg("appending output to %s", nohupout);

	/* If we have a tty on stderr, redirect to stdout. */
	if (isatty(STDERR_FILENO)) {
		/* if (stdout_wasnt_a_tty)
			bb_error_msg("redirecting stderr to stdout"); */

	signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);

Exemple #4
int chroot_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	if (!*argv)

	if (!*argv) { /* no 2nd param (PROG), use shell */
		argv -= 2;
		argv[0] = (char *) get_shell_name();
		argv[1] = (char *) "-i"; /* GNU coreutils 8.4 compat */
		/*argv[2] = NULL; - already is */

Exemple #5
int runcon_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	char *role = NULL;
	char *range = NULL;
	char *user = NULL;
	char *type = NULL;
	char *context = NULL;
	unsigned opts;
	context_t con;


	opts = getopt32long(argv, "^"
			"\0" "-1",
			&role, &type, &user, &range
	argv += optind;

	if (!(opts & OPTS_CONTEXT_COMPONENT)) {
		context = *argv++;
		if (!argv[0])
			bb_error_msg_and_die("no command given");

	if (context) {
		con = context_new(context);
		if (!con)
			bb_error_msg_and_die("'%s' is not a valid context", context);
	} else {
		con = runcon_compute_new_context(user, role, type, range,
				argv[0], opts & OPTS_COMPUTE);

	if (security_check_context(context_str(con)))
		bb_error_msg_and_die("'%s' is not a valid context",

	if (setexeccon(context_str(con)))
		bb_error_msg_and_die("can't set up security context '%s'",

Exemple #6
int setarch_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	unsigned opts;
	unsigned long pers;

	/* Figure out what personality we are supposed to switch to ...
	 * we can be invoked as either:
	 * argv[0],argv[1] == "setarch","personality"
	 * argv[0]         == "personality"
	if (ENABLE_SETARCH && applet_name[0] == 's'
	 && argv[1] && is_prefixed_with(argv[1], "linux")
	) {
		applet_name = argv[1];
	if (applet_name[5] == '6') /* linux64 */
		pers = PER_LINUX;
	else if (applet_name[5] == '3') /* linux32 */
		pers = PER_LINUX32;

	opts = getopt32(argv, "+R"); /* '+': stop at first non-option */
	if (opts)

	/* Try to set personality */
	if (personality(pers) < 0)
		bb_perror_msg_and_die("personality(0x%lx)", pers);

	argv += optind;
	if (!argv[0])
		(--argv)[0] = (char*)"/bin/sh";

	/* Try to execute the program */
Exemple #7
void FAST_FUNC launch_helper(const char **argv)
	// setup vanilla unidirectional pipes interchange
	int i;
	int pipes[4];

	xpipe(pipes + 2);

	// NB: handler must be installed before vfork
		+ (1 << SIGCHLD)
		+ (1 << SIGALRM)
		, signal_handler);

	G.helper_pid = xvfork();

	i = (!G.helper_pid) * 2; // for parent:0, for child:2
	close(pipes[i + 1]);     // 1 or 3 - closing one write end
	close(pipes[2 - i]);     // 2 or 0 - closing one read end
	xmove_fd(pipes[i], STDIN_FILENO);      // 0 or 2 - using other read end
	xmove_fd(pipes[3 - i], STDOUT_FILENO); // 3 or 1 - using other write end
	// End result:
	// parent stdout [3] -> child stdin [2]
	// child stdout [1] -> parent stdin [0]

	if (!G.helper_pid) {
		// child
		// if parent dies, get SIGTERM
		prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGTERM, 0, 0, 0);
		// try to execute connection helper
		// NB: SIGCHLD & SIGALRM revert to SIG_DFL on exec

	// parent goes on
Exemple #8
/* Run command CMD and return statistics on it.
   Put the statistics in *RESP.  */
static void run_command(char *const *cmd, resource_t *resp)
	pid_t pid;
	void (*interrupt_signal)(int);
	void (*quit_signal)(int);

	resp->elapsed_ms = monotonic_ms();
	pid = xvfork();
	if (pid == 0) {
		/* Child */

	/* Have signals kill the child but not self (if possible).  */
//TODO: just block all sigs? and reenable them in the very end in main?
	interrupt_signal = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
	quit_signal = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);

	resuse_end(pid, resp);

	/* Re-enable signals.  */
	signal(SIGINT, interrupt_signal);
	signal(SIGQUIT, quit_signal);
Exemple #9
static int parse(const char *boundary, char **argv)
	char *line, *s, *p;
	const char *type;
	int boundary_len = strlen(boundary);
	const char *delims = " ;\"\t\r\n";
	const char *uniq;
	int ntokens;
	const char *tokens[32]; // 32 is enough

	// prepare unique string pattern
	uniq = xasprintf("%%llu.%u.%s", (unsigned)getpid(), safe_gethostname());

//bb_info_msg("PARSE[%s]", uniq);

	while ((line = xmalloc_fgets_str(stdin, "\r\n\r\n")) != NULL) {

		// seek to start of MIME section
		// N.B. to avoid false positives let us seek to the _last_ occurance
		p = NULL;
		s = line;
		while ((s = strcasestr(s, "Content-Type:")) != NULL)
			p = s++;
		if (!p)
			goto next;
//bb_info_msg("L[%s]", p);

		// split to tokens
		// TODO: strip of comments which are of form: (comment-text)
		ntokens = 0;
		tokens[ntokens] = NULL;
		for (s = strtok(p, delims); s; s = strtok(NULL, delims)) {
			tokens[ntokens] = s;
			if (ntokens < ARRAY_SIZE(tokens) - 1)
//bb_info_msg("L[%d][%s]", ntokens, s);
		tokens[ntokens] = NULL;
//bb_info_msg("N[%d]", ntokens);

		// analyse tokens
		type = find_token(tokens, "Content-Type:", "text/plain");
//bb_info_msg("T[%s]", type);
		if (0 == strncasecmp(type, "multipart/", 10)) {
			if (0 == strcasecmp(type+10, "mixed")) {
				parse(xfind_token(tokens, "boundary="), argv);
			} else
				bb_error_msg_and_die("no support of content type '%s'", type);
		} else {
			pid_t pid = pid;
			int rc;
			FILE *fp;
			// fetch charset
			const char *charset = find_token(tokens, "charset=", CONFIG_FEATURE_MIME_CHARSET);
			// fetch encoding
			const char *encoding = find_token(tokens, "Content-Transfer-Encoding:", "7bit");
			// compose target filename
			char *filename = (char *)find_token(tokens, "filename=", NULL);
			if (!filename)
				filename = xasprintf(uniq, monotonic_us());
				filename = bb_get_last_path_component_strip(xstrdup(filename));

			// start external helper, if any
			if (opts & OPT_X) {
				int fd[2];
				pid = vfork();
				if (0 == pid) {
					// child reads from fd[0]
					xmove_fd(fd[0], STDIN_FILENO);
					xsetenv("CONTENT_TYPE", type);
					xsetenv("CHARSET", charset);
					xsetenv("ENCODING", encoding);
					xsetenv("FILENAME", filename);
				// parent dumps to fd[1]
				fp = xfdopen_for_write(fd[1]);
				signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); // ignore EPIPE
			// or create a file for dump
			} else {
				char *fname = xasprintf("%s%s", *argv, filename);
				fp = xfopen_for_write(fname);

			// housekeeping

			// dump to fp
			if (0 == strcasecmp(encoding, "base64")) {
				read_base64(stdin, fp, '-');
			} else if (0 != strcasecmp(encoding, "7bit")
				&& 0 != strcasecmp(encoding, "8bit")
			) {
				// quoted-printable, binary, user-defined are unsupported so far
				bb_error_msg_and_die("no support of encoding '%s'", encoding);
			} else {
				// N.B. we have written redundant \n. so truncate the file
				// The following weird 2-tacts reading technique is due to
				// we have to not write extra \n at the end of the file
				// In case of -x option we could truncate the resulting file as
				// fseek(fp, -1, SEEK_END);
				// if (ftruncate(fileno(fp), ftell(fp)))
				//	bb_perror_msg("ftruncate");
				// But in case of -X we have to be much more careful. There is
				// no means to truncate what we already have sent to the helper.
				p = xmalloc_fgets_str(stdin, "\r\n");
				while (p) {
					s = xmalloc_fgets_str(stdin, "\r\n");
					if (s == NULL)
					if ('-' == s[0]
					 && '-' == s[1]
					 && 0 == strncmp(s+2, boundary, boundary_len)
					) {
					fputs(p, fp);
					p = s;

				while ((s = xmalloc_fgetline_str(stdin, "\r\n")) != NULL) {
					if ('-' == s[0] && '-' == s[1]
						&& 0 == strncmp(s+2, boundary, boundary_len))
					fprintf(fp, "%s\n", s);
				// N.B. we have written redundant \n. so truncate the file
				fseek(fp, -1, SEEK_END);
				if (ftruncate(fileno(fp), ftell(fp)))

			// finalize helper
			if (opts & OPT_X) {
				signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
				// exit if helper exited >0
				rc = (wait4pid(pid) & 0xff);
				if (rc)
					return rc+20;

			// check multipart finalized
			if (s && '-' == s[2+boundary_len] && '-' == s[2+boundary_len+1]) {

//bb_info_msg("ENDPARSE[%s]", boundary);

Exemple #10
int lpd_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char *argv[])
	int spooling = spooling; // for compiler
	char *s, *queue;
	char *filenames[2];

	// goto spool directory
	if (*++argv)

	// error messages of xfuncs will be sent over network

	// nullify ctrl/data filenames
	memset(filenames, 0, sizeof(filenames));

	// read command
	s = queue = xmalloc_read_stdin();
	// we understand only "receive job" command
	if (2 != *queue) {
		printf("Command %02x %s\n",
			(unsigned char)s[0], "is not supported");
		goto err_exit;

	// parse command: "2 | QUEUE_NAME | '\n'"
	// protect against "/../" attacks
	// *strchrnul(queue, '\n') = '\0'; - redundant, sane() will do
	if (!*sane(queue))
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// queue is a directory -> chdir to it and enter spooling mode
	spooling = chdir(queue) + 1; // 0: cannot chdir, 1: done
	// we don't free(s), we might need "queue" var later

	while (1) {
		char *fname;
		int fd;
		// int is easier than ssize_t: can use xatoi_positive,
		// and can correctly display error returns (-1)
		int expected_len, real_len;

		// signal OK
		safe_write(STDOUT_FILENO, "", 1);

		// get subcommand
		// valid s must be of form: "SUBCMD | LEN | space | FNAME"
		// N.B. we bail out on any error
		s = xmalloc_read_stdin();
		if (!s) { // (probably) EOF
			char *p, *q, var[2];

			// non-spooling mode or no spool helper specified
			if (!spooling || !*argv)
				return EXIT_SUCCESS; // the only non-error exit
			// spooling mode but we didn't see both ctrlfile & datafile
			if (spooling != 7)
				goto err_exit; // reject job

			// spooling mode and spool helper specified -> exec spool helper
			// (we exit 127 if helper cannot be executed)
			var[1] = '\0';
			// read and delete ctrlfile
			q = xmalloc_xopen_read_close(filenames[0], NULL);
			// provide datafile name
			// we can use leaky setenv since we are about to exec or exit
			xsetenv("DATAFILE", filenames[1]);
			// parse control file by "\n"
			while ((p = strchr(q, '\n')) != NULL && isalpha(*q)) {
				*p++ = '\0';
				// q is a line of <SYM><VALUE>,
				// we are setting environment string <SYM>=<VALUE>.
				// Ignoring "l<datafile>", exporting others:
				if (*q != 'l') {
					var[0] = *q++;
					xsetenv(var, q);
				q = p; // next line
			// helper should not talk over network.
			// this call reopens stdio fds to "/dev/null"
			// (no daemonization is done)

		// validate input.
		// we understand only "control file" or "data file" cmds
		if (2 != s[0] && 3 != s[0])
			goto unsupported_cmd;
		if (spooling & (1 << (s[0]-1))) {
			puts("Duplicated subcommand");
			goto err_exit;
		// get filename
		fname = strchr(s, ' ');
		if (!fname) {
// bad_fname:
			puts("No or bad filename");
			goto err_exit;
		*fname++ = '\0';
//		// s[0]==2: ctrlfile, must start with 'c'
//		// s[0]==3: datafile, must start with 'd'
//		if (fname[0] != s[0] + ('c'-2))
//			goto bad_fname;
		// get length
		expected_len = bb_strtou(s + 1, NULL, 10);
		if (errno || expected_len < 0) {
			puts("Bad length");
			goto err_exit;
		if (2 == s[0] && expected_len > 16 * 1024) {
			// ctrlfile can't be big (we want to read it back later!)
			puts("File is too big");
			goto err_exit;

		// open the file
		if (spooling) {
			// spooling mode: dump both files
			// job in flight has mode 0200 "only writable"
			fd = open3_or_warn(fname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL, 0200);
			if (fd < 0)
				goto err_exit;
			filenames[s[0] - 2] = xstrdup(fname);
		} else {
			// non-spooling mode:
			// 2: control file (ignoring), 3: data file
			fd = -1;
			if (3 == s[0])
				fd = xopen(queue, O_RDWR | O_APPEND);

		// signal OK
		safe_write(STDOUT_FILENO, "", 1);

		// copy the file
		real_len = bb_copyfd_size(STDIN_FILENO, fd, expected_len);
		if (real_len != expected_len) {
			printf("Expected %d but got %d bytes\n",
				expected_len, real_len);
			goto err_exit;
		// get EOF indicator, see whether it is NUL (ok)
		// (and don't trash s[0]!)
		if (safe_read(STDIN_FILENO, &s[1], 1) != 1 || s[1] != 0) {
			// don't send error msg to peer - it obviously
			// doesn't follow the protocol, so probably
			// it can't understand us either
			goto err_exit;

		if (spooling) {
			// chmod completely downloaded file as "readable+writable"
			fchmod(fd, 0600);
			// accumulate dump state
			// N.B. after all files are dumped spooling should be 1+2+4==7
			spooling |= (1 << (s[0]-1)); // bit 1: ctrlfile; bit 2: datafile

		close(fd); // NB: can do close(-1). Who cares?

		// NB: don't do "signal OK" write here, it will be done
		// at the top of the loop
	} // while (1)

	// don't keep corrupted files
	if (spooling) {
#define i spooling
		for (i = 2; --i >= 0; )
			if (filenames[i])
Exemple #11
int timeout_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	int signo;
	int status;
	int parent = 0;
	int timeout = 10;
	pid_t pid;
#if !BB_MMU
	char *sv1, *sv2;
	const char *opt_s = "TERM";

	/* -p option is not documented, it is needed to support NOMMU. */

	/* -t SECONDS; -p PARENT_PID */
	opt_complementary = "t+" USE_FOR_NOMMU(":p+");
	/* '+': stop at first non-option */
	getopt32(argv, "+s:t:" USE_FOR_NOMMU("p:"), &opt_s, &timeout, &parent);
	/*argv += optind; - no, wait for bb_daemonize_or_rexec! */
	signo = get_signum(opt_s);
	if (signo < 0)
		bb_error_msg_and_die("unknown signal '%s'", opt_s);

	/* We want to create a grandchild which will watch
	 * and kill the grandparent. Other methods:
	 * making parent watch child disrupts parent<->child link
	 * (example: "tcpsvd 1234 timeout service_prog" -
	 * it's better if service_prog is a child of tcpsvd!),
	 * making child watch parent results in programs having
	 * unexpected children. */

	if (parent) /* we were re-execed, already grandchild */
		goto grandchild;
	if (!argv[optind]) /* no PROG? */

#if !BB_MMU
	sv1 = argv[optind];
	sv2 = argv[optind + 1];
	pid = xvfork();
	if (pid == 0) {
		/* Child: spawn grandchild and exit */
		parent = getppid();
#if !BB_MMU
		argv[optind] = xasprintf("-p%u", parent);
		argv[optind + 1] = NULL;
		/* NB: exits with nonzero on error: */
		bb_daemonize_or_rexec(0, argv);
		/* Here we are grandchild. Sleep, then kill grandparent */
		/* Just sleep(HUGE_NUM); kill(parent) may kill wrong process! */
		while (1) {
			if (--timeout <= 0)
			if (kill(parent, 0)) {
				/* process is gone */
				return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		kill(parent, signo);
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	/* Parent */
	wait(&status); /* wait for child to die */
	/* Did intermediate [v]fork or exec fail? */
	if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* Ok, exec a program as requested */
	argv += optind;
#if !BB_MMU
	argv[0] = sv1;
	argv[1] = sv2;
int tcpudpsvd_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	char *str_C, *str_t;
	char *user;
	struct hcc *hccp;
	const char *instructs;
	char *msg_per_host = NULL;
	unsigned len_per_host = len_per_host; /* gcc */
#ifndef SSLSVD
	struct bb_uidgid_t ugid;
	bool tcp;
	uint16_t local_port;
	char *preset_local_hostname = NULL;
	char *remote_hostname = remote_hostname; /* for compiler */
	char *remote_addr = remote_addr; /* for compiler */
	len_and_sockaddr *lsa;
	len_and_sockaddr local, remote;
	socklen_t sa_len;
	int pid;
	int sock;
	int conn;
	unsigned backlog = 20;
	unsigned opts;


	tcp = (applet_name[0] == 't');

	/* 3+ args, -i at most once, -p implies -h, -v is counter, -b N, -c N */
	opt_complementary = "-3:i--i:ph:vv:b+:c+";
#ifdef SSLSVD
	opts = getopt32(argv, "+c:C:i:x:u:l:Eb:hpt:vU:/:Z:K:",
		&cmax, &str_C, &instructs, &instructs, &user, &preset_local_hostname,
		&backlog, &str_t, &ssluser, &root, &cert, &key, &verbose
	/* "+": stop on first non-option */
	opts = getopt32(argv, "+c:C:i:x:u:l:Eb:hpt:v",
		&cmax, &str_C, &instructs, &instructs, &user, &preset_local_hostname,
		&backlog, &str_t, &verbose
	if (opts & OPT_C) { /* -C n[:message] */
		max_per_host = bb_strtou(str_C, &str_C, 10);
		if (str_C[0]) {
			if (str_C[0] != ':')
			msg_per_host = str_C + 1;
			len_per_host = strlen(msg_per_host);
	if (max_per_host > cmax)
		max_per_host = cmax;
	if (opts & OPT_u) {
		xget_uidgid(&ugid, user);
#ifdef SSLSVD
	if (opts & OPT_U) ssluser = optarg;
	if (opts & OPT_slash) root = optarg;
	if (opts & OPT_Z) cert = optarg;
	if (opts & OPT_K) key = optarg;
	argv += optind;
	if (!argv[0][0] || LONE_CHAR(argv[0], '0'))
		argv[0] = (char*)"";

	/* Per-IP flood protection is not thought-out for UDP */
	if (!tcp)
		max_per_host = 0;

	bb_sanitize_stdio(); /* fd# 0,1,2 must be opened */

#ifdef SSLSVD
	sslser = user;
	client = 0;
	if ((getuid() == 0) && !(opts & OPT_u)) {
		xfunc_exitcode = 100;
	if (opts & OPT_u)
		if (!uidgid_get(&sslugid, ssluser, 1)) {
			if (errno) {
				bb_perror_msg_and_die("can't get user/group: %s", ssluser);
			bb_error_msg_and_die("unknown user/group %s", ssluser);
	if (!cert) cert = "./cert.pem";
	if (!key) key = cert;
	if (matrixSslOpen() < 0)
		fatal("can't initialize ssl");
	if (matrixSslReadKeys(&keys, cert, key, 0, ca) < 0) {
		if (client)
			fatal("can't read cert, key, or ca file");
		fatal("can't read cert or key file");
	if (matrixSslNewSession(&ssl, keys, 0, SSL_FLAGS_SERVER) < 0)
		fatal("can't create ssl session");

	signal(SIGCHLD, sig_child_handler);
	bb_signals(BB_FATAL_SIGS, sig_term_handler);
	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	if (max_per_host)

	local_port = bb_lookup_port(argv[1], tcp ? "tcp" : "udp", 0);
	lsa = xhost2sockaddr(argv[0], local_port);
	argv += 2;

	sock = xsocket(lsa->u.sa.sa_family, tcp ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
	sa_len = lsa->len; /* I presume sockaddr len stays the same */
	xbind(sock, &lsa->u.sa, sa_len);
	if (tcp) {
		xlisten(sock, backlog);
	} else { /* udp: needed for recv_from_to to work: */
	/* ndelay_off(sock); - it is the default I think? */

#ifndef SSLSVD
	if (opts & OPT_u) {
		/* drop permissions */

	if (verbose) {
		char *addr = xmalloc_sockaddr2dotted(&lsa->u.sa);
		if (opts & OPT_u)
			bb_error_msg("listening on %s, starting, uid %u, gid %u", addr,
				(unsigned)ugid.uid, (unsigned)ugid.gid);
			bb_error_msg("listening on %s, starting", addr);

	/* Main accept() loop */

	hccp = NULL;

	while (cnum >= cmax)
		wait_for_any_sig(); /* expecting SIGCHLD */

	/* Accept a connection to fd #0 */
	local.len = remote.len = sa_len;
	if (tcp) {
		conn = accept(sock, &remote.u.sa, &remote.len);
	} else {
		/* In case recv_from_to won't be able to recover local addr.
		 * Also sets port - recv_from_to is unable to do it. */
		local = *lsa;
		conn = recv_from_to(sock, NULL, 0, MSG_PEEK,
				&remote.u.sa, &local.u.sa, sa_len);
	if (conn < 0) {
		if (errno != EINTR)
			bb_perror_msg(tcp ? "accept" : "recv");
		goto again2;
	xmove_fd(tcp ? conn : sock, 0);

	if (max_per_host) {
		/* Drop connection immediately if cur_per_host > max_per_host
		 * (minimizing load under SYN flood) */
		remote_addr = xmalloc_sockaddr2dotted_noport(&remote.u.sa);
		cur_per_host = ipsvd_perhost_add(remote_addr, max_per_host, &hccp);
		if (cur_per_host > max_per_host) {
			/* ipsvd_perhost_add detected that max is exceeded
			 * (and did not store ip in connection table) */
			if (msg_per_host) {
				/* don't block or test for errors */
				send(0, msg_per_host, len_per_host, MSG_DONTWAIT);
			goto again1;
		/* NB: remote_addr is not leaked, it is stored in conn table */

	if (!tcp) {
		/* Voodoo magic: making udp sockets each receive its own
		 * packets is not trivial, and I still not sure
		 * I do it 100% right.
		 * 1) we have to do it before fork()
		 * 2) order is important - is it right now? */

		/* Open new non-connected UDP socket for further clients... */
		sock = xsocket(lsa->u.sa.sa_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
		/* Make plain write/send work for old socket by supplying default
		 * destination address. This also restricts incoming packets
		 * to ones coming from this remote IP. */
		xconnect(0, &remote.u.sa, sa_len);
	/* hole? at this point we have no wildcard udp socket...
	 * can this cause clients to get "port unreachable" icmp?
	 * Yup, time window is very small, but it exists (is it?) */
		/* ..."open new socket", continued */
		xbind(sock, &lsa->u.sa, sa_len);

		/* Doesn't work:
		 * we cannot replace fd #0 - we will lose pending packet
		 * which is already buffered for us! And we cannot use fd #1
		 * instead - it will "intercept" all following packets, but child
		 * does not expect data coming *from fd #1*! */
#if 0
		/* Make it so that local addr is fixed to localp->u.sa
		 * and we don't accidentally accept packets to other local IPs. */
		/* NB: we possibly bind to the _very_ same_ address & port as the one
		 * already bound in parent! This seems to work in Linux.
		 * (otherwise we can move socket to fd #0 only if bind succeeds) */
		set_nport(localp, htons(local_port));
		xmove_fd(xsocket(localp->u.sa.sa_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0), 0);
		setsockopt_reuseaddr(0); /* crucial */
		xbind(0, &localp->u.sa, localp->len);

	pid = vfork();
	if (pid == -1) {
		goto again;

	if (pid != 0) {
		/* Parent */
		if (verbose)
		if (hccp)
			hccp->pid = pid;
		/* clean up changes done by vforked child */
		goto again;

	/* Child: prepare env, log, and exec prog */

	{ /* vfork alert! every xmalloc in this block should be freed! */
		char *local_hostname = local_hostname; /* for compiler */
		char *local_addr = NULL;
		char *free_me0 = NULL;
		char *free_me1 = NULL;
		char *free_me2 = NULL;

		if (verbose || !(opts & OPT_E)) {
			if (!max_per_host) /* remote_addr is not yet known */
				free_me0 = remote_addr = xmalloc_sockaddr2dotted(&remote.u.sa);
			if (opts & OPT_h) {
				free_me1 = remote_hostname = xmalloc_sockaddr2host_noport(&remote.u.sa);
				if (!remote_hostname) {
					bb_error_msg("can't look up hostname for %s", remote_addr);
					remote_hostname = remote_addr;
			/* Find out local IP peer connected to.
			 * Errors ignored (I'm not paranoid enough to imagine kernel
			 * which doesn't know local IP). */
			if (tcp)
				getsockname(0, &local.u.sa, &local.len);
			/* else: for UDP it is done earlier by parent */
			local_addr = xmalloc_sockaddr2dotted(&local.u.sa);
			if (opts & OPT_h) {
				local_hostname = preset_local_hostname;
				if (!local_hostname) {
					free_me2 = local_hostname = xmalloc_sockaddr2host_noport(&local.u.sa);
					if (!local_hostname)
						bb_error_msg_and_die("can't look up hostname for %s", local_addr);
				/* else: local_hostname is not NULL, but is NOT malloced! */
		if (verbose) {
			pid = getpid();
			if (max_per_host) {
				bb_error_msg("concurrency %s %u/%u",
					cur_per_host, max_per_host);
			bb_error_msg((opts & OPT_h)
				? "start %u %s-%s (%s-%s)"
				: "start %u %s-%s",
				local_addr, remote_addr,
				local_hostname, remote_hostname);

		if (!(opts & OPT_E)) {
			/* setup ucspi env */
			const char *proto = tcp ? "TCP" : "UDP";

			/* Extract "original" destination addr:port
			 * from Linux firewall. Useful when you redirect
			 * an outbond connection to local handler, and it needs
			 * to know where it originally tried to connect */
			if (tcp && getsockopt(0, SOL_IP, SO_ORIGINAL_DST, &local.u.sa, &local.len) == 0) {
				char *addr = xmalloc_sockaddr2dotted(&local.u.sa);
				xsetenv_plain("TCPORIGDSTADDR", addr);
			xsetenv_plain("PROTO", proto);
			xsetenv_proto(proto, "LOCALADDR", local_addr);
			xsetenv_proto(proto, "REMOTEADDR", remote_addr);
			if (opts & OPT_h) {
				xsetenv_proto(proto, "LOCALHOST", local_hostname);
				xsetenv_proto(proto, "REMOTEHOST", remote_hostname);
			//compat? xsetenv_proto(proto, "REMOTEINFO", "");
			/* additional */
			if (cur_per_host > 0) /* can not be true for udp */
				xsetenv_plain("TCPCONCURRENCY", utoa(cur_per_host));

	xdup2(0, 1);

	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); /* this one was SIG_IGNed */
	/* Non-ignored signals revert to SIG_DFL on exec anyway */
	/*signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);*/

#ifdef SSLSVD
	strcpy(id, utoa(pid));
	ssl_io(0, argv);
	bb_perror_msg_and_die("can't execute '%s'", argv[0]);