Exemple #1
static void menu_cb_DrawSelectedSound (TimeSoundEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_FORM) {
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Draw selected sound", nullptr)
		my v_form_pictureWindow (cmd);
		LABEL (U"", U"Sound:")
		BOOLEAN (U"Preserve times", my default_picture_preserveTimes ());
		REAL (U"left Vertical range", my default_picture_bottom ());
		REAL (U"right Vertical range", my default_picture_top ());
		my v_form_pictureMargins (cmd);
		BOOLEAN (U"Garnish", my default_picture_garnish ());
		my v_ok_pictureWindow (cmd);
		SET_INTEGER (U"Preserve times", my pref_picture_preserveTimes ());
		SET_REAL (U"left Vertical range", my pref_picture_bottom ());
		SET_REAL (U"right Vertical range", my pref_picture_top ());
		my v_ok_pictureMargins (cmd);
		SET_INTEGER (U"Garnish", my pref_picture_garnish ());
		my v_do_pictureWindow (cmd);
		my pref_picture_preserveTimes () = GET_INTEGER (U"Preserve times");
		my pref_picture_bottom () = GET_REAL (U"left Vertical range");
		my pref_picture_top () = GET_REAL (U"right Vertical range");
		my v_do_pictureMargins (cmd);
		my pref_picture_garnish () = GET_INTEGER (U"Garnish");
		if (! my d_longSound.data && ! my d_sound.data)
			Melder_throw (U"There is no sound to draw.");
		autoSound publish = my d_longSound.data ?
			LongSound_extractPart (my d_longSound.data, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection, my pref_picture_preserveTimes ()) :
			Sound_extractPart (my d_sound.data, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection, kSound_windowShape_RECTANGULAR, 1.0, my pref_picture_preserveTimes ());
		Editor_openPraatPicture (me);
		Sound_draw (publish.peek(), my pictureGraphics, 0.0, 0.0, my pref_picture_bottom (), my pref_picture_top (),
			my pref_picture_garnish (), U"Curve");
		Editor_closePraatPicture (me);
BOOL CALLBACK RHeadlineDepthPage::SelectResItem (
	HANDLE  hModule,			// resource-module handle 
	LPCTSTR /*lpszType*/,	// pointer to resource type 
	LPTSTR  lpszName,			// pointer to resource name 
	LONG    lParam) 			// application-defined parameter  
	RHeadlineDepthPage* pPage = (RHeadlineDepthPage*) lParam ;

	DepthPageData  data ;
	DepthPageData& classData = pPage->m_data ;
	pPage->LoadResData( (HMODULE) hModule, lpszName, data ) ;

	BOOLEAN fFound = TRUE ;

	if (classData.nDataType != data.nDataType)
		return TRUE ;  // Keep looking

	if (kBehindType == classData.nDataType)
		fFound = BOOLEAN(	data.nBehindEffect == classData.nBehindEffect ) ;
	else if (kShadowType == classData.nDataType)
		fFound = BOOLEAN( 
			data.nOpacity      == classData.nOpacity      &&
			data.nEdgeSoftness == classData.nEdgeSoftness &&
			data.nOffset       == classData.nOffset );

		if (classData.nSelProjection || classData.nSelShadow)
			fFound = BOOLEAN(
				data.nSelProjection == classData.nSelProjection &&
				data.nSelShadow     == classData.nSelShadow     &&
				data.nNumStages     == classData.nNumStages     &&
				data.flDepth        == classData.flDepth        &&
				data.fBlend         == classData.fBlend) ;

		if (fFound)
			classData.nVanishPointX = data.nVanishPointX ;
			classData.nVanishPointY = data.nVanishPointY ;

	if (fFound)
		pPage->m_gcImageList.SetCurSel( int(lpszName) - 100 ) ;

	return !fFound ;
bool cc2538_channel_clear(void)
        bool result;
        result = BOOLEAN(RFCORE->XREG_FSMSTAT1bits.CCA);
        return result;
    else {
        return BOOLEAN(RFCORE->XREG_FSMSTAT1bits.CCA);
Exemple #4
static void menu_cb_print (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (HyperPage);
	EDITOR_FORM (L"Print", 0)
		SENTENCE (L"Left or inside header", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Middle header", L"")
		LABEL (L"", L"Right or outside header:")
		TEXTFIELD (L"Right or outside header", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Left or inside footer", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Middle footer", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Right or outside footer", L"")
		BOOLEAN (L"Mirror even/odd headers", TRUE)
		INTEGER (L"First page number", L"0 (= no page numbers)")
		my v_defaultHeaders (cmd);
		if (my d_printingPageNumber) SET_INTEGER (L"First page number", my d_printingPageNumber + 1)
		my insideHeader = GET_STRING (L"Left or inside header");
		my middleHeader = GET_STRING (L"Middle header");
		my outsideHeader = GET_STRING (L"Right or outside header");
		my insideFooter = GET_STRING (L"Left or inside footer");
		my middleFooter = GET_STRING (L"Middle footer");
		my outsideFooter = GET_STRING (L"Right or outside footer");
		my mirror = GET_INTEGER (L"Mirror even/odd headers");
		my d_printingPageNumber = GET_INTEGER (L"First page number");
		Printer_print (print, me);
Exemple #5
static void menu_cb_printRange (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (Manual);
	EDITOR_FORM (L"Print range", 0)
		SENTENCE (L"Left or inside header", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Middle header", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Right or outside header", L"Manual")
		SENTENCE (L"Left or inside footer", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Middle footer", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Right or outside footer", L"")
		BOOLEAN (L"Mirror even/odd headers", TRUE)
		LABEL (L"", L"Print all pages whose title starts with:")
		TEXTFIELD (L"Print pages starting with", L"Intro")
		INTEGER (L"First page number", L"1")
		BOOLEAN (L"Suppress \"Links to this page\"", FALSE)
		ManPages manPages = (ManPages) my data;
		time_t today = time (NULL);
		char dateA [50];
		#ifdef UNIX
			struct tm *tm = localtime (& today);
			strftime (dateA, 50, "%B %e, %Y", tm);
			strcpy (dateA, ctime (& today));
		wchar_t *date = Melder_peekUtf8ToWcs (dateA), *newline;
		newline = wcschr (date, '\n'); if (newline) *newline = '\0';
		SET_STRING (L"Left or inside header", date)
		SET_STRING (L"Right or outside header", my name)
		if (my d_printingPageNumber) SET_INTEGER (L"First page number", my d_printingPageNumber + 1)
		if (my path >= 1 && my path <= manPages -> pages -> size) {
			ManPage page = (ManPage) manPages -> pages -> item [my path];
			SET_STRING (L"Print pages starting with", page -> title);
		my insideHeader = GET_STRING (L"Left or inside header");
		my middleHeader = GET_STRING (L"Middle header");
		my outsideHeader = GET_STRING (L"Right or outside header");
		my insideFooter = GET_STRING (L"Left or inside footer");
		my middleFooter = GET_STRING (L"Middle footer");
		my outsideFooter = GET_STRING (L"Right or outside footer");
		my mirror = GET_INTEGER (L"Mirror even/odd headers");
		my printPagesStartingWith = GET_STRING (L"Print pages starting with");
		my d_printingPageNumber = GET_INTEGER (L"First page number");
		my suppressLinksHither = GET_INTEGER (L"Suppress \"Links to this page\"");
		Printer_print (print, me);
Exemple #6
static void menu_cb_printRange (Manual me, EDITOR_ARGS_FORM) {
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Print range", 0)
		SENTENCE (U"Left or inside header", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Middle header", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Right or outside header", U"Manual")
		SENTENCE (U"Left or inside footer", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Middle footer", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Right or outside footer", U"")
		BOOLEAN (U"Mirror even/odd headers", true)
		LABEL (U"", U"Print all pages whose title starts with:")
		TEXTFIELD (U"Print pages starting with", U"Intro")
		INTEGER (U"First page number", U"1")
		BOOLEAN (U"Suppress \"Links to this page\"", false)
		ManPages manPages = (ManPages) my data;
		time_t today = time (nullptr);
		char dateA [50];
		#ifdef UNIX
			struct tm *tm = localtime (& today);
			strftime (dateA, 50, "%B %e, %Y", tm);
			strcpy (dateA, ctime (& today));
		char32 *date = Melder_peek8to32 (dateA), *newline;
		newline = str32chr (date, U'\n'); if (newline) *newline = U'\0';
		SET_STRING (U"Left or inside header", date)
		SET_STRING (U"Right or outside header", my name)
		if (my d_printingPageNumber) SET_INTEGER (U"First page number", my d_printingPageNumber + 1)
		if (my path >= 1 && my path <= manPages -> pages.size) {
			ManPage page = manPages -> pages.at [my path];
			SET_STRING (U"Print pages starting with", page -> title);
		my insideHeader = GET_STRING (U"Left or inside header");
		my middleHeader = GET_STRING (U"Middle header");
		my outsideHeader = GET_STRING (U"Right or outside header");
		my insideFooter = GET_STRING (U"Left or inside footer");
		my middleFooter = GET_STRING (U"Middle footer");
		my outsideFooter = GET_STRING (U"Right or outside footer");
		my mirror = GET_INTEGER (U"Mirror even/odd headers");
		my printPagesStartingWith = GET_STRING (U"Print pages starting with");
		my d_printingPageNumber = GET_INTEGER (U"First page number");
		my suppressLinksHither = GET_INTEGER (U"Suppress \"Links to this page\"");
		Printer_print (print, me);
Exemple #7
/*! acm_l26_modinit - module init
 * This is called immediately after the module is loaded or during
 * the kernel driver initialization if linked into the kernel.
static int acm_l26_modinit (void)
        BOOL tty_l26 = FALSE, tty_if = FALSE;
        int minor_numbers=1;
        /* register tty  and usb interface function drivers
        TTY = otg_trace_obtain_tag();
        THROW_UNLESS(tty_l26 = BOOLEAN(!tty_l26_init(ACM_DRIVER_PROCFS_NAME, ACM_TTY_MINORS)), error);
        THROW_UNLESS(tty_if = BOOLEAN(!tty_if_init()), error);

        CATCH(error) {
                if (tty_l26) tty_l26_exit();
                if (tty_if) tty_if_exit();
                return -EINVAL;
        return 0;
// Function Name:  RColorDialog
// Description:    Constructor (Default).
// Returns:		    None
// Exceptions:	    None
RColorDialog::RColorDialog( CWnd* pParent, UINT uwFlags ) : 
	CDialog( RColorDialog::IDD, pParent ),
	m_dlgColorPalette( NULL, BOOLEAN( uwFlags & kShowTransparent ) ),
	m_pCurrentPage( NULL ),
	m_uwFlags( uwFlags ),
	m_nStartPage( 0 )
Exemple #9
int Printer_postScriptSettings (void) {
	static UiForm *dia;
	if (dia == NULL) {
		UiForm::UiField *radio;
		dia = new UiForm (theCurrentPraatApplication -> topShell, L"PostScript settings", DO_Printer_postScriptSettings, NULL, L"PostScript settings...", L"PostScript settings...");
		#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (macintosh)
			BOOLEAN (L"Allow direct PostScript", TRUE);
		RADIO_ENUM (L"Grey resolution", kGraphicsPostscript_spots, DEFAULT)
		#if defined (UNIX)
			RADIO_ENUM (L"Paper size", kGraphicsPostscript_paperSize, DEFAULT);
			RADIO_ENUM (L"Orientation", kGraphicsPostscript_orientation, DEFAULT);
			POSITIVE (L"Magnification", L"1.0");
			LABEL (L"label", L"Print command:");
			#if defined (linux)
				TEXTFIELD (L"printCommand", L"lpr %s");
				TEXTFIELD (L"printCommand", L"lp -c %s");
		RADIO_ENUM (L"Font choice strategy", kGraphicsPostscript_fontChoiceStrategy, DEFAULT);
		#if defined (macintosh)
			BOOLEAN (L"EPS files include preview", TRUE);
		dia->finish ();
	#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (macintosh)
		SET_INTEGER (L"Allow direct PostScript", thePrinter. allowDirectPostScript);
	SET_ENUM (L"Grey resolution", kGraphicsPostscript_spots, thePrinter. spots);
	#if defined (UNIX)
		SET_ENUM (L"Paper size", kGraphicsPostscript_paperSize, thePrinter. paperSize);
		SET_ENUM (L"Orientation", kGraphicsPostscript_orientation, thePrinter. orientation);
		SET_REAL (L"Magnification", thePrinter. magnification);
		SET_STRING (L"printCommand", Site_getPrintCommand ());
	SET_ENUM (L"Font choice strategy", kGraphicsPostscript_fontChoiceStrategy, thePrinter. fontChoiceStrategy);
	#if defined (macintosh)
		SET_INTEGER (L"EPS files include preview", thePrinter. epsFilesHavePreview);
	dia->do_ (false);
	return 1;
Exemple #10
/*! mcpc_l26_modinit - module init
 * This is called immediately after the module is loaded or during
 * the kernel driver initialization if linked into the kernel.
STATIC int mcpc_l26_modinit (void)
    BOOL tty_l26 = FALSE, dun_if = FALSE, obex_if = FALSE, atcom_if = FALSE;

    TTY = otg_trace_obtain_tag();
    THROW_UNLESS (tty_l26 = BOOLEAN(!tty_l26_init("mcpc_if", 6)), error);
    THROW_UNLESS (tty_l26 = BOOLEAN(!dun_if_init()), error);
    THROW_UNLESS (tty_l26 = BOOLEAN(!obex_if_init()), error);
    THROW_UNLESS (tty_l26 = BOOLEAN(!atcom_if_init()), error);
    CATCH(error) {
        printk(KERN_ERR"%s: ERROR\n", __FUNCTION__);
        if (tty_l26) tty_l26_exit();
        if (dun_if) dun_if_exit();
        if (obex_if) obex_if_exit();
        if (atcom_if) atcom_if_exit();
        return -EINVAL;
    return 0;
Exemple #11
 *              rand_s (MSVCRT.@)
int CDECL rand_s(unsigned int *pval)
    BOOLEAN (WINAPI *pSystemFunction036)(PVOID, ULONG); // RtlGenRandom
    HINSTANCE hadvapi32 = LoadLibraryA("advapi32.dll");
    pSystemFunction036 = (void*)GetProcAddress(hadvapi32, "SystemFunction036");
#if 1
    if (!pval || (pSystemFunction036 && !pSystemFunction036(pval, sizeof(*pval))))
        _invalid_parameter(NULL,_CRT_WIDE("rand_s"),_CRT_WIDE(__FILE__),__LINE__, 0);
        *_errno() = EINVAL;
        return EINVAL;
    if(hadvapi32) FreeLibrary(hadvapi32);
    return 0;
Exemple #12
static void menu_cb_learnOneFromPartialOutput (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTGrammarEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Learn one from partial adult output", 0)
		LABEL (U"", U"Partial adult surface form (e.g. overt form):")
		SENTENCE (U"Partial output", U"")
		REAL (U"Evaluation noise", U"2.0")
		OPTIONMENU_ENUM (U"Update rule", kOTGrammar_rerankingStrategy, kOTGrammar_rerankingStrategy_SYMMETRIC_ALL)
		REAL (U"Plasticity", U"0.1")
		REAL (U"Rel. plasticity spreading", U"0.1")
		BOOLEAN (U"Honour local rankings", 1)
		NATURAL (U"Number of chews", U"1")
		Editor_save (me, U"Learn one from partial output");
		OTGrammar_learnOneFromPartialOutput ((OTGrammar) my data, GET_STRING (U"Partial output"),
			GET_REAL (U"Evaluation noise"), GET_ENUM (kOTGrammar_rerankingStrategy, U"Update rule"), GET_INTEGER (U"Honour local rankings"),
			GET_REAL (U"Plasticity"), GET_REAL (U"Rel. plasticity spreading"), GET_INTEGER (U"Number of chews"), TRUE);
		OTGrammar_sort ((OTGrammar) my data);
		Graphics_updateWs (my g);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Exemple #13
static void menu_cb_ExtractSelectedSound_windowed (TimeSoundEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_FORM) {
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Extract selected sound (windowed)", nullptr)
		WORD (U"Name", U"slice")
		OPTIONMENU_ENUM (U"Window shape", kSound_windowShape, my default_extract_windowShape ())
		POSITIVE (U"Relative width", my default_extract_relativeWidth ())
		BOOLEAN (U"Preserve times", my default_extract_preserveTimes ())
		SET_ENUM (U"Window shape", kSound_windowShape, my pref_extract_windowShape ())
		SET_REAL (U"Relative width", my pref_extract_relativeWidth ())
		SET_INTEGER (U"Preserve times", my pref_extract_preserveTimes ())
		Sound sound = my d_sound.data;
		Melder_assert (sound);
		my pref_extract_windowShape () = GET_ENUM (kSound_windowShape, U"Window shape");
		my pref_extract_relativeWidth () = GET_REAL (U"Relative width");
		my pref_extract_preserveTimes () = GET_INTEGER (U"Preserve times");
		autoSound extract = Sound_extractPart (sound, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection, my pref_extract_windowShape (),
			my pref_extract_relativeWidth (), my pref_extract_preserveTimes ());
		Thing_setName (extract.peek(), GET_STRING (U"Name"));
		Editor_broadcastPublication (me, extract.transfer());
Exemple #14
static void menu_cb_learnOne (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTGrammarEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Learn one", U"OTGrammar: Learn one...")
		LABEL (U"", U"Underlying form:")
		SENTENCE (U"Input string", U"")
		LABEL (U"", U"Adult surface form:")
		SENTENCE (U"Output string", U"")
		REAL (U"Evaluation noise", U"2.0")
		OPTIONMENU_ENUM (U"Update rule", kOTGrammar_rerankingStrategy, kOTGrammar_rerankingStrategy_SYMMETRIC_ALL)
		REAL (U"Plasticity", U"0.1")
		REAL (U"Rel. plasticity spreading", U"0.1")
		BOOLEAN (U"Honour local rankings", 1)
		Editor_save (me, U"Learn one");
		OTGrammar_learnOne ((OTGrammar) my data, GET_STRING (U"Input string"), GET_STRING (U"Output string"),
			GET_REAL (U"Evaluation noise"), GET_ENUM (kOTGrammar_rerankingStrategy, U"Update rule"), GET_INTEGER (U"Honour local rankings"),
			GET_REAL (U"Plasticity"), GET_REAL (U"Rel. plasticity spreading"), TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
		OTGrammar_sort ((OTGrammar) my data);
		Graphics_updateWs (my g);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Exemple #15
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RMFCCommandUI::GetDroppedState( )
//  Description:		This function is for when the update must be for a 
//							combobox.  If the RMFCCommandUI object is a combobox or has
//							a child combobox, this checks the combobox to see if its
//							list box is dropped.
//  Returns:			TRUE:		List box is dropped
//							FALSE:	List box is not dropped
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN RMFCCommandUI::GetDroppedState( )
	TpsAssert( m_pCmdUI->m_pMenu == NULL, "CommandUI object is not a control" );
	TpsAssert( m_pCmdUI->m_pOther, "m_pCmdUI->m_pOther is NULL" );

	HWND hWnd = m_pCmdUI->m_pOther->GetSafeHwnd();
	CWnd* pWnd = NULL;

	while ( hWnd )
		pWnd = pWnd->FromHandle( hWnd ); 
		if ( pWnd->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CComboBox ) ) )
				CComboBox* pComboBox = ( CComboBox* )pWnd;
				return BOOLEAN( pComboBox->GetDroppedState() );
			hWnd = ::GetWindow( hWnd, GW_CHILD );

	TpsAssertAlways( "RMFCCommandUI object is not a combobox" );
	return FALSE;
Exemple #16
static void menu_cb_pathFinder (EDITOR_ARGS) {
    EDITOR_IAM (PitchEditor);
    EDITOR_FORM (L"Path finder", 0)
    REAL (L"Silence threshold", L"0.03")
    REAL (L"Voicing threshold", L"0.45")
    REAL (L"Octave cost", L"0.01")
    REAL (L"Octave-jump cost", L"0.35")
    REAL (L"Voiced/unvoiced cost", L"0.14")
    POSITIVE (L"Ceiling (Hz)", L"600")
    BOOLEAN (L"Pull formants", 0)
    Pitch pitch = (Pitch) my data;
    SET_REAL (L"Ceiling", pitch -> ceiling)
    Pitch pitch = (Pitch) my data;
    Editor_save (me, L"Path finder");
    Pitch_pathFinder (pitch,
                      GET_REAL (L"Silence threshold"), GET_REAL (L"Voicing threshold"),
                      GET_REAL (L"Octave cost"), GET_REAL (L"Octave-jump cost"),
                      GET_REAL (L"Voiced/unvoiced cost"), GET_REAL (L"Ceiling"), GET_INTEGER (L"Pull formants"));
    FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
    my broadcastDataChanged ();
int CHOLMOD(change_factor)
    /* ---- input ---- */
    int to_xtype,	/* convert to CHOLMOD_PATTERN, _REAL, _COMPLEX, or
			 * _ZOMPLEX */
    int to_ll,		/* TRUE: convert to LL', FALSE: LDL' */
    int to_super,	/* TRUE: convert to supernodal, FALSE: simplicial */
    int to_packed,	/* TRUE: pack simplicial columns, FALSE: do not pack */
    int to_monotonic,	/* TRUE: put simplicial columns in order, FALSE: not */
    /* ---- in/out --- */
    cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
    /* --------------- */
    cholmod_common *Common

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get inputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (to_xtype < CHOLMOD_PATTERN || to_xtype > CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX)
	ERROR (CHOLMOD_INVALID, "xtype invalid") ;
	return (FALSE) ;
    Common->status = CHOLMOD_OK ;

    PRINT1 (("-----convert from (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) to (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
    L->xtype, L->is_ll, L->is_super, L_is_packed (L, Common), L->is_monotonic,
    to_xtype, to_ll,    to_super,    to_packed,               to_monotonic)) ;

    /* ensure all parameters are TRUE/FALSE */
    to_ll = BOOLEAN (to_ll) ;
    to_super = BOOLEAN (to_super) ;

    ASSERT (BOOLEAN (L->is_ll) == L->is_ll) ;
    ASSERT (BOOLEAN (L->is_super) == L->is_super) ;

    if (to_super && to_xtype == CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX)
	ERROR (CHOLMOD_INVALID, "supernodal zomplex L not supported") ;
	return (FALSE) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* convert */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (to_xtype == CHOLMOD_PATTERN)

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* convert to symbolic */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	if (!to_super)

	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* convert any factor into a simplicial symbolic factor */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    any_to_simplicial_symbolic (L, to_ll, Common) ;    /* cannot fail */


	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* convert to a supernodal symbolic factor */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    if (L->xtype != CHOLMOD_PATTERN && L->is_super)
		/* convert from supernodal numeric to supernodal symbolic.
		 * this preserves symbolic pattern of L, discards numeric
		 * values */
		ll_super_to_super_symbolic (L, Common) ;       /* cannot fail */
	    else if (L->xtype == CHOLMOD_PATTERN && !(L->is_super))
		/* convert from simplicial symbolic to supernodal symbolic.
		 * contents of supernodal pattern are uninitialized.  Not meant
		 * for the end user. */
		simplicial_symbolic_to_super_symbolic (L, Common) ;
		/* cannot convert from simplicial numeric to supernodal
		 * symbolic */
			"cannot convert L to supernodal symbolic") ;


	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* convert to numeric */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	if (to_super)

	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* convert to supernodal numeric factor */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    if (L->xtype == CHOLMOD_PATTERN)
		if (L->is_super)
		    /* Convert supernodal symbolic to supernodal numeric.
		     * Contents of supernodal numeric values are uninitialized.
		     * This is used by cholmod_super_numeric.  Not meant for
		     * the end user. */
		    super_symbolic_to_ll_super (to_xtype, L, Common) ;
		    /* Convert simplicial symbolic to supernodal numeric.
		     * Contents not defined.  This is used by
		     * Core/cholmod_copy_factor only.  Not meant for the end
		     * user. */
		    if (!simplicial_symbolic_to_super_symbolic (L, Common))
			/* failure, convert back to simplicial symbolic */
			any_to_simplicial_symbolic (L, to_ll, Common) ;
			/* conversion to super symbolic OK, allocate numeric
			 * part */
			super_symbolic_to_ll_super (to_xtype, L, Common) ;
		/* nothing to do if L is already in supernodal numeric form */
		if (!(L->is_super))
			"cannot convert simplicial L to supernodal") ;
		/* FUTURE WORK: convert to/from supernodal LL' and LDL' */


	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* convert any factor to simplicial numeric */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    if (L->xtype == CHOLMOD_PATTERN && !(L->is_super))

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* convert simplicial symbolic to simplicial numeric (L=I,D=I)*/
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */

		simplicial_symbolic_to_simplicial_numeric (L, to_ll, to_packed,
			to_xtype, Common) ;

	    else if (L->xtype != CHOLMOD_PATTERN && L->is_super)

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* convert a supernodal LL' to simplicial numeric */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */

		ll_super_to_simplicial_numeric (L, to_packed, to_ll, Common) ;

	    else if (L->xtype == CHOLMOD_PATTERN && L->is_super)

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* convert a supernodal symbolic to simplicial numeric (L=D=I)*/
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */

		any_to_simplicial_symbolic (L, to_ll, Common) ;
		/* if the following fails, it leaves the factor in simplicial
		 * symbolic form */
		simplicial_symbolic_to_simplicial_numeric (L, to_ll, to_packed,
			to_xtype, Common) ;


		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* change a simplicial numeric factor */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */

		/* change LL' to LDL', LDL' to LL', or leave as-is.  pack the
		 * columns of L, or leave as-is.  Ensure the columns are
		 * monotonic, or leave as-is. */

		change_simplicial_numeric (L, to_ll, to_packed, to_monotonic,
			Common) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* return result */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    return (Common->status >= CHOLMOD_OK) ;
Exemple #18
// use native bool parameter
jobject X_NewBoolean(JNIEnv *env, bool value) {
    CHK_NUL_RET_NUL(env, "env");
    return env->NewObject(jdk_clsBoolean, jdk_clsBoolean_initID, BOOLEAN(value));
Registered procedure for filtering if resource requirement
Required when the device supports MSI, but the driver decides - will it work with MSI or not
(currently MSI is supported but does not work, exactly our case).
In this case the resource requirement list must be replaced - we need to remove from it
all the "message interrupt" resources.

When we are ready to work with MSI (VIRTIO_USE_MSIX_INTERRUPT is DEFINED),
we just enumerate allocated resources and do not modify them.
static NDIS_STATUS ParaNdis6_FilterResource(IN NDIS_HANDLE  MiniportAddDeviceContext, IN PIRP  Irp)
    DPrintf(0, ("[%s] entered\n", __FUNCTION__));

#ifdef DBG

    PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST newPrrl = ParseFilterResourceIrp(MiniportAddDeviceContext, prrl, BOOLEAN(bDisableMSI));

        if (newPrrl)
            Irp->IoStatus.Information = (ULONG_PTR)newPrrl;
            NdisFreeMemory(prrl, 0, 0);
#ifdef DBG
        DPrintf(0, ("[%s] Resource requirement unchanged\n", __FUNCTION__));
Exemple #20


Routine Description

	This routine re-initializes display driver
	 to obtains its DrvCoptBits pointer.
	This routine executed as a separate thread in the context of CSRSS.EXE



		Thread context, always NULL

Return Value

	None, thread terminates by call PsTerminateSystemThread


	Separate thread of CSRSS process


	// This routine runs in the context of csrss.exe
	KdPrint(("REINITIALIZE_ADAPTER enter\n"));

	HANDLE hDrv = EngLoadImage (L"vid_copy.dll");
	KdPrint(("vid_copy is %X\n", hDrv));
	if (hDrv)
		BOOLEAN (NTAPI *pOriginalDrvEnableDriver)(
			ULONG iEngineVersion,
			ULONG cj,

		*(PVOID*)&pOriginalDrvEnableDriver = EngFindImageProcAddress (hDrv, "DrvEnableDriver");

		KdPrint(("pOriginalDrvEnableDriver = %X\n", pOriginalDrvEnableDriver));

		if (pOriginalDrvEnableDriver)
			DRVENABLEDATA DrvEnableData = {0};
			Ret = pOriginalDrvEnableDriver (DDI_DRIVER_VERSION_NT5_01_SP1,

			KdPrint(("pOriginalDrvEnableDriver returned %X\n", Ret));

			if (Ret)
				for (ULONG i = 0; i<DrvEnableData.c; i++)
					if (DrvEnableData.pdrvfn[i].iFunc == INDEX_DrvCopyBits)
						KdPrint(("Found DrvCopyBits: %X\n", DrvEnableData.pdrvfn[i].pfn));

						HANDLE hKey;
						wchar_t value[512];

						hKey = RegOpenKey (L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\NGdbg", KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
						if (hKey)
							ULONG Len = sizeof(value);

							if (RegQueryValue (hKey, L"DisplayDriver", REG_SZ, value, &Len))
								KdPrint(("Display driver: %S\n", value));

								wcscat (value, L".dll");

								PVOID OrigBase = FindImage (value);
								PVOID VidBase = FindImage (L"vid_copy.dll");

								if (OrigBase && VidBase)
									ULONG Offset = (ULONG)DrvEnableData.pdrvfn[i].pfn - (ULONG)VidBase;

									KdPrint(("Offset %X\n", Offset));

									pDrvCopyBits = (PUCHAR)OrigBase + Offset;

									KdPrint(("DrvCopyBits %X\n", pDrvCopyBits));
									KdPrint(("FindImage failed: OrigBase %X, VidBase %X\n", OrigBase, VidBase));
								KdPrint(("RegQueryValue failed\n"));

							ZwClose (hKey);
							KdPrint(("RegOpenKey failed\n"));

		EngUnloadImage (hDrv);

	KdPrint(("REINITIALIZE_ADAPTER exit\n"));

	PsTerminateSystemThread (0);