Exemple #1
PyObject *pyrna_struct_driver_add(BPy_StructRNA *self, PyObject *args)
	const char *path, *path_full;
	int index = -1;


	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|i:driver_add", &path, &index))
		return NULL;

	if (pyrna_struct_anim_args_parse(&self->ptr, "bpy_struct.driver_add():", path, &path_full, &index) == -1) {
		return NULL;
	else {
		PyObject *ret = NULL;
		ReportList reports;
		int result;

		BKE_reports_init(&reports, RPT_STORE);

		result = ANIM_add_driver(&reports, (ID *)self->ptr.id.data, path_full, index, 

		if (BPy_reports_to_error(&reports, PyExc_RuntimeError, true) == -1)
			return NULL;

		if (result) {
			ID *id = self->ptr.id.data;
			AnimData *adt = BKE_animdata_from_id(id);
			FCurve *fcu;

			PointerRNA tptr;

			if (index == -1) { /* all, use a list */
				int i = 0;
				ret = PyList_New(0);
				while ((fcu = list_find_fcurve(&adt->drivers, path_full, i++))) {
					RNA_pointer_create(id, &RNA_FCurve, fcu, &tptr);
					PyList_APPEND(ret, pyrna_struct_CreatePyObject(&tptr));
			else {
				fcu = list_find_fcurve(&adt->drivers, path_full, index);
				RNA_pointer_create(id, &RNA_FCurve, fcu, &tptr);
				ret = pyrna_struct_CreatePyObject(&tptr);
			WM_event_add_notifier(BPy_GetContext(), NC_ANIMATION | ND_FCURVES_ORDER, NULL);
		else {
			/* XXX, should be handled by reports, */
			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "bpy_struct.driver_add(): failed because of an internal error");
			return NULL;

		MEM_freeN((void *)path_full);

		return ret;
Exemple #2
PyObject *pyrna_struct_driver_remove(BPy_StructRNA *self, PyObject *args)
	const char *path, *path_full;
	int index = -1;


	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|i:driver_remove", &path, &index))
		return NULL;

	if (pyrna_struct_anim_args_parse(&self->ptr, "bpy_struct.driver_remove():", path, &path_full, &index) == -1) {
		return NULL;
	else {
		short result;
		ReportList reports;

		BKE_reports_init(&reports, RPT_STORE);

		result = ANIM_remove_driver(&reports, (ID *)self->ptr.id.data, path_full, index, 0);

		MEM_freeN((void *)path_full);

		if (BPy_reports_to_error(&reports, PyExc_RuntimeError, true) == -1)
			return NULL;
		WM_event_add_notifier(BPy_GetContext(), NC_ANIMATION | ND_FCURVES_ORDER, NULL);

		return PyBool_FromLong(result);
Exemple #3
/* internal use for insert and delete */
static int pyrna_struct_keyframe_parse(
        PointerRNA *ptr, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw, const char *parse_str, const char *error_prefix,
        const char **path_full, int *index, float *cfra, const char **group_name, int *options)     /* return values */
	static const char *kwlist[] = {"data_path", "index", "frame", "group", "options", NULL};
	PyObject *pyoptions = NULL;
	const char *path;

	/* note, parse_str MUST start with 's|ifsO!' */
	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, parse_str, (char **)kwlist, &path, index, cfra, group_name,
	                                 &PySet_Type, &pyoptions))
		return -1;

	if (pyrna_struct_anim_args_parse(ptr, error_prefix, path, path_full, index) == -1)
		return -1;

	if (*cfra == FLT_MAX)
		*cfra = CTX_data_scene(BPy_GetContext())->r.cfra;

	/* flag may be null (no option currently for remove keyframes e.g.). */
	if (options) {
		if (pyoptions && (pyrna_set_to_enum_bitfield(rna_enum_keying_flag_items, pyoptions, options, error_prefix) == -1)) {
			return -1;


	return 0; /* success */
Exemple #4
static PyObject *M_Blensorintern_copy_zbuf(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *obj)
  PyObject *result;
  float *outbuffer;
  int outbuffer_len;
  struct ID *id;
  bContext *C;
  BPy_StructRNA *blender_obj = NULL;
  int status = 0;
  int idx;
  status = pyrna_id_FromPyObject(obj, &id);
  if (status)
    blender_obj = (BPy_StructRNA *) obj;

	C = (bContext *)BPy_GetContext();
  blensor_Image_copy_zbuf((Image *)blender_obj->ptr.data, C, &outbuffer_len, &outbuffer);

  printf ("Size of buffer %d",outbuffer_len);
  result = PyTuple_New(outbuffer_len);
  for (idx = 0; idx < outbuffer_len; idx++)
    PyTuple_SetItem(result, idx, PyFloat_FromDouble(outbuffer[idx]));

	return result;
static PyObject *bpy_lib_load(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
	Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(BPy_GetContext());
	BPy_Library *ret;
	const char *filename = NULL;
	bool is_rel = false, is_link = false;

	static const char *_keywords[] = {"filepath", "link", "relative", NULL};
	static _PyArg_Parser _parser = {"s|O&O&:load", _keywords, 0};
	if (!_PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast(
	        args, kw, &_parser,
	        PyC_ParseBool, &is_link,
	        PyC_ParseBool, &is_rel))
		return NULL;

	ret = PyObject_New(BPy_Library, &bpy_lib_Type);

	BLI_strncpy(ret->relpath, filename, sizeof(ret->relpath));
	BLI_strncpy(ret->abspath, filename, sizeof(ret->abspath));
	BLI_path_abs(ret->abspath, BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain));

	ret->blo_handle = NULL;
	ret->flag = ((is_link ? FILE_LINK : 0) |
	             (is_rel ? FILE_RELPATH : 0));

	ret->dict = _PyDict_NewPresized(MAX_LIBARRAY);

	return (PyObject *)ret;
Exemple #6
static PyObject *pyop_as_string(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args)
	wmOperatorType *ot;
	PointerRNA ptr;

	char     *opname;
	PyObject *kw = NULL; /* optional args */
	int all_args = 1;
	int macro_args = 1;
	int error_val = 0;

	char *buf = NULL;
	PyObject *pybuf;

	bContext *C = (bContext *)BPy_GetContext();

	if (C == NULL) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Context is None, cant get the string representation of this object.");
		return NULL;
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|O!ii:_bpy.ops.as_string", &opname, &PyDict_Type, &kw, &all_args, &macro_args))
		return NULL;

	ot = WM_operatortype_find(opname, true);

	if (ot == NULL) {
		             "_bpy.ops.as_string: operator \"%.200s\" "
		             "could not be found", opname);
		return NULL;

	/* WM_operator_properties_create(&ptr, opname); */
	/* Save another lookup */
	RNA_pointer_create(NULL, ot->srna, NULL, &ptr);

	if (kw && PyDict_Size(kw))
		error_val = pyrna_pydict_to_props(&ptr, kw, 0, "Converting py args to operator properties: ");

	if (error_val == 0)
		buf = WM_operator_pystring_ex(C, NULL, all_args, macro_args, ot, &ptr);


	if (error_val == -1) {
		return NULL;

	if (buf) {
		pybuf = PyUnicode_FromString(buf);
	else {
		pybuf = PyUnicode_FromString("");

	return pybuf;
static PyObject *bpy_atexit(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *UNUSED(args), PyObject *UNUSED(kw))
	/* close down enough of blender at least not to crash */
	struct bContext *C= BPy_GetContext();

	WM_exit_ext(C, 0);

Exemple #8
static PyObject *M_Blensorintern_scan(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args)
  int raycount, elements_per_ray, keep_render_setup;
  int shading;
  float maximum_distance;
  char *ray_ptr_str, *return_ptr_str;
  bContext *C;
  PyObject *result;
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "IfIIIss", &raycount, &maximum_distance, &elements_per_ray,
      &keep_render_setup, &shading,  
      &ray_ptr_str, &return_ptr_str))
    return 0;
	C = (bContext *)BPy_GetContext();
  screen_blensor_exec(C, raycount, elements_per_ray, keep_render_setup, 
                 shading, maximum_distance, ray_ptr_str, return_ptr_str);

  result = Py_BuildValue("i",0);

	return result;
Exemple #9
static PyObject *pyop_poll(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args)
	wmOperatorType *ot;
	char     *opname;
	PyObject *context_dict = NULL; /* optional args */
	PyObject *context_dict_back;
	char     *context_str = NULL;
	PyObject *ret;

	int context = WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT;

	/* XXX Todo, work out a better solution for passing on context,
	 * could make a tuple from self and pack the name and Context into it... */
	bContext *C = (bContext *)BPy_GetContext();
	if (C == NULL) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Context is None, cant poll any operators");
		return NULL;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|Os:_bpy.ops.poll", &opname, &context_dict, &context_str))
		return NULL;
	ot = WM_operatortype_find(opname, true);

	if (ot == NULL) {
		             "Polling operator \"bpy.ops.%s\" error, "
		             "could not be found", opname);
		return NULL;

	if (context_str) {
		if (RNA_enum_value_from_id(operator_context_items, context_str, &context) == 0) {
			char *enum_str = BPy_enum_as_string(operator_context_items);
			             "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s.poll\" error, "
			             "expected a string enum in (%.200s)",
			             opname, enum_str);
			return NULL;
	if (context_dict == NULL || context_dict == Py_None) {
		context_dict = NULL;
	else if (!PyDict_Check(context_dict)) {
		             "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s.poll\" error, "
		             "custom context expected a dict or None, got a %.200s",
		             opname, Py_TYPE(context_dict)->tp_name);
		return NULL;

	context_dict_back = CTX_py_dict_get(C);
	CTX_py_dict_set(C, (void *)context_dict);
	Py_XINCREF(context_dict); /* so we done loose it */
	/* main purpose of thsi function */
	ret = WM_operator_poll_context((bContext *)C, ot, context) ? Py_True : Py_False;
	/* restore with original context dict, probably NULL but need this for nested operator calls */
	CTX_py_dict_set(C, (void *)context_dict_back);
	return ret;
Exemple #10
static PyObject *pyop_call(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args)
	wmOperatorType *ot;
	int error_val = 0;
	PointerRNA ptr;
	int operator_ret = OPERATOR_CANCELLED;

	char     *opname;
	char     *context_str = NULL;
	PyObject *kw = NULL; /* optional args */
	PyObject *context_dict = NULL; /* optional args */
	PyObject *context_dict_back;

	/* note that context is an int, python does the conversion in this case */
	int context = WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT;
	int is_undo = false;

	/* XXX Todo, work out a better solution for passing on context,
	 * could make a tuple from self and pack the name and Context into it... */
	bContext *C = (bContext *)BPy_GetContext();
	if (C == NULL) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Context is None, cant poll any operators");
		return NULL;
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "sO|O!si:_bpy.ops.call",
	                      &opname, &context_dict, &PyDict_Type, &kw, &context_str, &is_undo))
		return NULL;

	ot = WM_operatortype_find(opname, true);

	if (ot == NULL) {
		             "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s\" error, "
		             "could not be found", opname);
		return NULL;
	if (!pyrna_write_check()) {
		             "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s\" error, "
		             "can't modify blend data in this state (drawing/rendering)",
		return NULL;

	if (context_str) {
		if (RNA_enum_value_from_id(operator_context_items, context_str, &context) == 0) {
			char *enum_str = BPy_enum_as_string(operator_context_items);
			             "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s\" error, "
			             "expected a string enum in (%.200s)",
			             opname, enum_str);
			return NULL;

	if (context_dict == NULL || context_dict == Py_None) {
		context_dict = NULL;
	else if (!PyDict_Check(context_dict)) {
		             "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s\" error, "
		             "custom context expected a dict or None, got a %.200s",
		             opname, Py_TYPE(context_dict)->tp_name);
		return NULL;

	context_dict_back = CTX_py_dict_get(C);

	CTX_py_dict_set(C, (void *)context_dict);
	Py_XINCREF(context_dict); /* so we done loose it */

	if (WM_operator_poll_context((bContext *)C, ot, context) == false) {
		const char *msg = CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_get(C);
		             "Operator bpy.ops.%.200s.poll() %.200s",
		             opname, msg ? msg : "failed, context is incorrect");
		CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_set(C, NULL); /* better set to NULL else it could be used again */
		error_val = -1;
	else {
		WM_operator_properties_create_ptr(&ptr, ot);
		WM_operator_properties_sanitize(&ptr, 0);

		if (kw && PyDict_Size(kw))
			error_val = pyrna_pydict_to_props(&ptr, kw, 0, "Converting py args to operator properties: ");

		if (error_val == 0) {
			ReportList *reports;

			reports = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(ReportList), "wmOperatorReportList");
			BKE_reports_init(reports, RPT_STORE | RPT_OP_HOLD); /* own so these don't move into global reports */

			/* release GIL, since a thread could be started from an operator
			 * that updates a driver */
			/* note: I have not seen any examples of code that does this
			 * so it may not be officially supported but seems to work ok. */
				PyThreadState *ts = PyEval_SaveThread();

				operator_ret = WM_operator_call_py(C, ot, context, &ptr, reports, is_undo);

				/* regain GIL */

			error_val = BPy_reports_to_error(reports, PyExc_RuntimeError, false);

			/* operator output is nice to have in the terminal/console too */
			if (reports->list.first) {
				char *report_str = BKE_reports_string(reports, 0); /* all reports */
				if (report_str) {
					PySys_WriteStdout("%s\n", report_str);
			if ((reports->flag & RPT_FREE) == 0) {


#if 0
		/* if there is some way to know an operator takes args we should use this */
			/* no props */
			if (kw != NULL) {
				             "Operator \"%s\" does not take any args",
				return NULL;

			WM_operator_name_call(C, opname, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, NULL);

	/* restore with original context dict, probably NULL but need this for nested operator calls */
	CTX_py_dict_set(C, (void *)context_dict_back);

	if (error_val == -1) {
		return NULL;

	/* when calling  bpy.ops.wm.read_factory_settings() bpy.data's main pointer is freed by clear_globals(),
	 * further access will crash blender. setting context is not needed in this case, only calling because this
	 * function corrects bpy.data (internal Main pointer) */

	/* needed for when WM_OT_read_factory_settings us called from within a script */

	/* return operator_ret as a bpy enum */
	return pyrna_enum_bitfield_to_py(operator_return_items, operator_ret);

Exemple #11
static PyObject *bpy_lib_exit(BPy_Library *self, PyObject *UNUSED(args))
	Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(BPy_GetContext());
	Main *mainl = NULL;
	int err = 0;

	flag_all_listbases_ids(LIB_PRE_EXISTING, 1);

	/* here appending/linking starts */
	mainl = BLO_library_append_begin(bmain, &(self->blo_handle), self->relpath);

		int i = 0, code;
		while ((code = BKE_idcode_iter_step(&i))) {
			if (BKE_idcode_is_linkable(code)) {
				const char *name_plural = BKE_idcode_to_name_plural(code);
				PyObject *ls = PyDict_GetItemString(self->dict, name_plural);
				// printf("lib: %s\n", name_plural);
				if (ls && PyList_Check(ls)) {
					/* loop */
					Py_ssize_t size = PyList_GET_SIZE(ls);
					Py_ssize_t i;
					PyObject *item;
					const char *item_str;

					for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
						item = PyList_GET_ITEM(ls, i);
						item_str = _PyUnicode_AsString(item);

						// printf("  %s\n", item_str);

						if (item_str) {
							ID *id = BLO_library_append_named_part(mainl, &(self->blo_handle), item_str, code);
							if (id) {
								PointerRNA id_ptr;
								RNA_id_pointer_create(id, &id_ptr);
								item = pyrna_struct_CreatePyObject(&id_ptr);
							else {
								bpy_lib_exit_warn_idname(self, name_plural, item_str);
								/* just warn for now */
								/* err = -1; */
								item = Py_None;

							/* ID or None */
						else {
							/* XXX, could complain about this */
							bpy_lib_exit_warn_type(self, item);

							item = Py_None;

						PyList_SET_ITEM(ls, i, item);

	if (err == -1) {
		/* exception raised above, XXX, this leaks some memory */
		self->blo_handle = NULL;
		flag_all_listbases_ids(LIB_PRE_EXISTING, 0);
		return NULL;
	else {
		Library *lib = mainl->curlib; /* newly added lib, assign before append end */
		BLO_library_append_end(NULL, mainl, &(self->blo_handle), 0, self->flag);
		self->blo_handle = NULL;

		{	/* copied from wm_operator.c */
			/* mark all library linked objects to be updated */

			/* append, rather than linking */
			if ((self->flag & FILE_LINK) == 0) {
				BKE_library_make_local(bmain, lib, 1);

		flag_all_listbases_ids(LIB_PRE_EXISTING, 0);

Exemple #12
* Description: Creates the bpy module and adds it to sys.modules for importing
void BPy_init_modules(void)
	extern BPy_StructRNA *bpy_context_module;
	extern int bpy_lib_init(PyObject *);
	PointerRNA ctx_ptr;
	PyObject *mod;

	/* Needs to be first since this dir is needed for future modules */
	char *modpath= BLI_get_folder(BLENDER_SYSTEM_SCRIPTS, "modules");
	if (modpath) {
		// printf("bpy: found module path '%s'.\n", modpath);
		PyObject *sys_path= PySys_GetObject("path"); /* borrow */
		PyObject *py_modpath= PyUnicode_FromString(modpath);
		PyList_Insert(sys_path, 0, py_modpath); /* add first */
	else {
		printf("bpy: couldnt find 'scripts/modules', blender probably wont start.\n");
	/* stand alone utility modules not related to blender directly */
	IDProp_Init_Types(); /* not actually a submodule, just types */

	mod= PyModule_New("_bpy");

	/* add the module so we can import it */
	PyDict_SetItemString(PyImport_GetModuleDict(), "_bpy", mod);

	/* run first, initializes rna types */

	PyModule_AddObject(mod, "types", BPY_rna_types()); /* needs to be first so bpy_types can run */
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, "StructMetaPropGroup", (PyObject *)&pyrna_struct_meta_idprop_Type); /* metaclass for idprop types, bpy_types.py needs access */

	bpy_lib_init(mod); /* adds '_bpy._library_load', must be called before 'bpy_types' which uses it */

	PyModule_AddObject(mod, "data", BPY_rna_module()); /* imports bpy_types by running this */
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, "props", BPY_rna_props());
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, "ops", BPY_operator_module()); /* ops is now a python module that does the conversion from SOME_OT_foo -> some.foo */
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, "app", BPY_app_struct());

	/* bpy context */
	RNA_pointer_create(NULL, &RNA_Context, (void *)BPy_GetContext(), &ctx_ptr);
	bpy_context_module= (BPy_StructRNA *)pyrna_struct_CreatePyObject(&ctx_ptr);
	/* odd that this is needed, 1 ref on creation and another for the module
	 * but without we get a crash on exit */

	PyModule_AddObject(mod, "context", (PyObject *)bpy_context_module);

	/* utility func's that have nowhere else to go */
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_script_paths.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_script_paths, NULL));
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_blend_paths.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_blend_paths, NULL));
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_user_resource.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_user_resource, NULL));
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_resource_path.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_resource_path, NULL));

	/* register funcs (bpy_rna.c) */
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_register_class.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_register_class, NULL));
	PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_unregister_class.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_unregister_class, NULL));

	/* add our own modules dir, this is a python package */
	bpy_package_py= bpy_import_test("bpy");
Exemple #13
static PyObject *bpy_lib_exit(BPy_Library *self, PyObject *UNUSED(args))
	Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(BPy_GetContext());
	Main *mainl = NULL;
	int err = 0;

	BKE_main_id_flag_all(bmain, LIB_TAG_PRE_EXISTING, true);

	/* here appending/linking starts */
	mainl = BLO_library_link_begin(bmain, &(self->blo_handle), self->relpath);

		int idcode_step = 0, idcode;
		while ((idcode = BKE_idcode_iter_step(&idcode_step))) {
			if (BKE_idcode_is_linkable(idcode)) {
				const char *name_plural = BKE_idcode_to_name_plural(idcode);
				PyObject *ls = PyDict_GetItemString(self->dict, name_plural);
				// printf("lib: %s\n", name_plural);
				if (ls && PyList_Check(ls)) {
					/* loop */
					Py_ssize_t size = PyList_GET_SIZE(ls);
					Py_ssize_t i;
					PyObject *item;
					const char *item_str;

					for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
						item = PyList_GET_ITEM(ls, i);
						item_str = _PyUnicode_AsString(item);

						// printf("  %s\n", item_str);

						if (item_str) {
							ID *id = BLO_library_link_named_part(mainl, &(self->blo_handle), idcode, item_str);
							if (id) {
								/* swap name for pointer to the id */
								item = PyCapsule_New((void *)id, NULL, NULL);
							else {
								bpy_lib_exit_warn_idname(self, name_plural, item_str);
								/* just warn for now */
								/* err = -1; */
								item = Py_INCREF_RET(Py_None);

							/* ID or None */
						else {
							/* XXX, could complain about this */
							bpy_lib_exit_warn_type(self, item);

							item = Py_INCREF_RET(Py_None);

						PyList_SET_ITEM(ls, i, item);

	if (err == -1) {
		/* exception raised above, XXX, this leaks some memory */
		self->blo_handle = NULL;
		BKE_main_id_flag_all(bmain, LIB_TAG_PRE_EXISTING, false);
		return NULL;
	else {
		Library *lib = mainl->curlib; /* newly added lib, assign before append end */
		BLO_library_link_end(mainl, &(self->blo_handle), self->flag, NULL, NULL);
		self->blo_handle = NULL;

		/* copied from wm_operator.c */
			/* mark all library linked objects to be updated */

			/* append, rather than linking */
			if ((self->flag & FILE_LINK) == 0) {
				BKE_library_make_local(bmain, lib, true);

		BKE_main_id_flag_all(bmain, LIB_TAG_PRE_EXISTING, false);

		/* finally swap the capsules for real bpy objects
		 * important since BLO_library_append_end initializes NodeTree types used by srna->refine */
			int idcode_step = 0, idcode;
			while ((idcode = BKE_idcode_iter_step(&idcode_step))) {
				if (BKE_idcode_is_linkable(idcode)) {
					const char *name_plural = BKE_idcode_to_name_plural(idcode);
					PyObject *ls = PyDict_GetItemString(self->dict, name_plural);
					if (ls && PyList_Check(ls)) {
						Py_ssize_t size = PyList_GET_SIZE(ls);
						Py_ssize_t i;
						PyObject *item;

						for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
							item = PyList_GET_ITEM(ls, i);
							if (PyCapsule_CheckExact(item)) {
								PointerRNA id_ptr;
								ID *id;

								id = PyCapsule_GetPointer(item, NULL);

								RNA_id_pointer_create(id, &id_ptr);
								item = pyrna_struct_CreatePyObject(&id_ptr);
								PyList_SET_ITEM(ls, i, item);
