Exemple #1
void QF_onClockTickISR(void) {
    QF_tickXISR(0U);           /* perform the QF-nano clock tick processing */

    if (_kbhit()) {                                     /* any key pressed? */
Exemple #2
static void interrupt ISR_kbd() {
    uint8_t key;
    uint8_t kcr;

    _enable();                                         /* enable interrupts */

    key = inp(0x60);              /* key scan code from 8042 kbd controller */
    kcr = inp(0x61);                       /* get keyboard control register */
    outp(0x61, (uint8_t)(kcr | 0x80));       /* toggle acknowledge bit high */
    outp(0x61, kcr);                          /* toggle acknowledge bit low */

    BSP_onKeyboardInputISR(key);          /* process the keyboard scan code */

    _disable();                                 /* disable interrupts again */
    outp(0x20, 0x20);                        /* write EOI to the master PIC */