Exemple #1
rc_t KU64IndexFindAll_v3( const KU64Index_v3* self, uint64_t offset, 
    rc_t (CC*f)(uint64_t key, uint64_t key_size, int64_t id, uint64_t id_qty, void* data), void* data)
    KU64Index_GrepData d;

    memset(&d, 0, sizeof(KU64Index_GrepData));
    d.func = f;
    d.data = data;
    d.search.key = offset;
    BSTreeDoUntil(&self->tree, false, KU64Index_Grep, &d);
    return d.rc;
Exemple #2
rc_t foreach_ref_region( BSTree * regions,
    rc_t ( CC * on_region ) ( const char * name, const struct reference_range * range, void *data ), 
    void *data )
    foreach_ref_region_func func;

    func.on_region = on_region;
    func.data = data;
    func.rc = 0;
    BSTreeDoUntil ( regions, false, foreach_ref_region_wrapper, &func );
    return func.rc;
Exemple #3
rc_t KU64IndexFind_v3( const KU64Index_v3* self, uint64_t offset, uint64_t* key, uint64_t* key_size, int64_t* id, uint64_t* id_qty )
    KU64Index_GrepData d;

    memset(&d, 0, sizeof(KU64Index_GrepData));
    d.search.key = offset;
    d.key = key;
    d.key_size = key_size;
    d.id = id;
    d.id_qty = id_qty;
    if( !BSTreeDoUntil(&self->tree, false, KU64Index_Grep, &d) ) {
        d.rc = RC(rcDB, rcIndex, rcSelecting, rcId, rcNotFound);
    return d.rc;
Exemple #4
/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rc_t extract ()
    rc_data data;
    bool failed;

    /* done sequentially - this will cause back ups on reads if both
     * containers and their contents are extracted
     * we are also using a DoUntil approach that quits at the first failed
     * extract
    failed = BSTreeDoUntil (&options.pathtree, false, extract_one, &data);
    if (failed)
        LOGERR (klogErr, data.rc, "failure extracting a file");

    return data.rc;
Exemple #5
static rc_t Load( SParam* param )
    rc_t rc = 0, rc1 = 0;
    BSTree slides, evidence;

    param->map_dir = NULL;
    param->asm_dir = NULL;
    param->output_dir = ( KDirectory * )param->input_dir;
    BSTreeInit( &slides );
    BSTreeInit( &evidence );

    rc = open_dir_or_tar( param->input_dir, &param->map_dir, param->map_path );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        DirVisit_Data dv;

        dv.param = param;
        dv.tree = &slides;
        dv.dir = param->map_dir;
        rc = KDirectoryVisit( param->map_dir, true, DirVisitor, &dv, NULL );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            if ( param->asm_path != NULL )
                rc_t rc2 = open_dir_or_tar( param->input_dir, &param->asm_dir, param->asm_path );
                if ( rc2 == 0 )
                    dv.tree = &evidence;
                    dv.dir = param->asm_dir;
                    rc = KDirectoryVisit( param->asm_dir, true, DirVisitor, &dv, NULL );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                /* SHOULD HAVE A BSTreeEmpty FUNCTION OR SOMETHING...
#ifndef BSTreeEmpty
#define BSTreeEmpty( bst ) \
    ( ( bst ) -> root == NULL )
                if ( BSTreeEmpty ( & slides ) && BSTreeEmpty ( & evidence ) )
                    rc = RC( rcExe, rcFile, rcReading, rcData, rcInsufficient );
                    /* CORRECTED SETTING OF "rc" IN "FGroupMAP_Validate" */
                    assert ( rc == 0 );
                    BSTreeForEach( &slides, false, FGroupMAP_Validate, &rc );
                    BSTreeForEach( &evidence, false, FGroupMAP_Validate, &rc );

                if ( rc == 0 )
                    FGroupMAP_LoadData data;

                    PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo, "file set validation complete", "severity=status" ) );
                    memset( &data, 0, sizeof( data ) );
                    data.rc = 0;
                    data.param = param;
                    data.reads = &slides;
                    rc = DB_Init( param, &data.db );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        BSTreeDoUntil( &slides, false, FGroupMAP_LoadReads, &data );
                        rc = data.rc;
                        if ( rc == 0 )
                            PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo, "MAP loaded", "severity=status" ) );
                            BSTreeDoUntil( &evidence, false, FGroupMAP_LoadEvidence, &data );
                            rc = data.rc;
                            if ( rc == 0 )
                                PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo, "ASM loaded", "severity=status" ) );
                    rc1 = DB_Fini( param, &data.db, rc != 0 );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = rc1;

        /* copy the extra library ( file or recursive directory ) */
        if ( rc == 0 && param->library != NULL )
            const KDirectory *lib_src;
            rc = open_dir_or_tar( param->input_dir, &lib_src, param->library );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                rc = copy_library( param->input_dir, param->output_dir,
                                   param->library, param->out );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    STSMSG( 0, ( "extra lib copied" ) );
                    LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "failed to copy extra library" );
                KDirectoryRelease( lib_src );
                rc = copy_library( param->input_dir, param->output_dir,
                                   ".", param->out );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    STSMSG( 0, ( "extra lib copied" ) );
                    LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "failed to copy extra library" );
        KDirectoryRelease( param->map_dir );
        KDirectoryRelease( param->asm_dir );
    BSTreeWhack( &slides, FGroupMAP_Whack, NULL );
    BSTreeWhack( &evidence, FGroupMAP_Whack, NULL );
    return rc;
Exemple #6
bool CC FGroupMAP_LoadEvidence( BSTNode *node, void *data )
    FGroupMAP* n = (FGroupMAP*)node;
    FGroupMAP_LoadData* d = (FGroupMAP_LoadData*)data;

    DEBUG_MSG(5, ("' started\n", FGroupKey_Validate(&n->key)));
     while( d->rc == 0 ) {
        if( (d->rc = CGLoaderFile_GetEvidenceIntervals(n->seq, d->db.ev_int)) == 0 ) {
            int64_t evint_rowid;
            if( n->align != NULL ) {
                d->rc = CGLoaderFile_GetEvidenceDnbs(n->align, d->db.ev_int->interval_id, d->db.ev_dnb);
            } else {
		d->db.ev_dnb->qty = 0; /***weird, but the easiest place to fix ***/
            /* interval written 1st than dnbs which uses interval as reference */
            if( d->rc == 0 ) {
                d->rc = CGWriterEvdInt_Write(d->db.wev_int, d->db.ev_dnb, &evint_rowid);
            if( d->rc == 0 && n->align != NULL ) {
                /* attach dnbs to reads */
                uint16_t i;
                FGroupMAP_FindData found;

                found.key.type = cg_eFileType_READS;
                d->rc = CGLoaderFile_GetAssemblyId(n->align, &found.key.assembly_id);
                for(i = 0; d->rc == 0 && i < d->db.ev_dnb->qty; i++) {
                    found.key.u.map.slide = d->db.ev_dnb->dnbs[i].slide;
                    found.key.u.map.lane = d->db.ev_dnb->dnbs[i].lane;
                    found.key.u.map.batch_file_number = &d->db.ev_dnb->dnbs[i].file_num_in_lane;
                    if( BSTreeDoUntil(d->reads, false, FGroupMAP_FindRowId, &found) ) {
                        d->rc = CGWriterEvdDnbs_SetSEQ(d->db.wev_dnb, i, found.rowid);
                    } else {
                        d->rc = RC(rcExe, rcFile, rcWriting, rcData, rcInconsistent);
            if( d->rc == 0 && n->align != NULL ) {
                d->rc = CGWriterEvdDnbs_Write(d->db.wev_dnb, d->db.ev_int, evint_rowid);
        if( GetRCState(d->rc) == rcDone && GetRCObject(d->rc) == rcData ) {
            bool eof = false;
            d->rc = 0;
            if( n->align == NULL || ((d->rc = CGLoaderFile_IsEof(n->align, &eof)) == 0 && eof) ) {
                /* dnbs file EOF detected ok */
                DEBUG_MSG(5, ("' done\n", FGroupKey_Validate(&n->key)));
            } else if( d->rc == 0 ) {
                /* not EOF */
                d->rc = RC(rcExe, rcFile, rcReading, rcData, rcUnexpected);
                CGLoaderFile_LOG(n->align, klogErr, d->rc,
                    "extra dnbs, possible that corresponding intervals file is truncated", NULL);
        d->rc = d->rc ? d->rc : Quitting();
    if( d->rc != 0 ) {
        CGLoaderFile_LOG(n->seq, klogErr, d->rc, NULL, NULL);
        CGLoaderFile_LOG(n->align, klogErr, d->rc, NULL, NULL);
    return d->rc != 0;
Exemple #7
/* BSTreePersist
 *  write a b-tree to some storage location
 *  the b-tree is persisted by making between one and three passes
 *  over its nodes, see description of "write" parameter.
 *  the first pass examines internal tree structure and invokes
 *  a user-supplied function to determine overall size.
 *  the second pass persists the internal structure in a packed
 *  format, using the user-supplied generic "write" function.
 *  the third pass invokes another user-supplied function to write
 *  auxiliary node data to output.
 *  "num_writ" returns the number of bytes written as a result of
 *  persisting the b-tree. this will be the actual bytes written
 *  regardless of return status.
 *  "write" is a generic output streaming function used for all
 *  operations. if NULL, then the function will exit after its
 *  first pass with the number of bytes required in "num_writ".
 *  "aux" is a specialized function for streaming auxiliary node
 *  data to output using the supplied "write" function. it is invoked
 *  during the first pass with a NULL write function for gathering
 *  size data, and during the third pass with a non-NULL write function.
KLIB_EXTERN rc_t CC BSTreePersist ( const BSTree *bt, size_t *num_writ,
    PTWriteFunc write, void *write_param, PTAuxFunc aux, void *aux_param )
    PBSTreeData pb;

    if ( num_writ != NULL )
        * num_writ = 0;

    if ( bt == NULL )
        return RC ( rcCont, rcTree, rcPersisting, rcSelf, rcNull );
    if ( aux == NULL )
        return RC ( rcCont, rcTree, rcPersisting, rcFunction, rcNull );

    pb . num_writ = 0;

    /* handle the trivial case */
    if ( bt -> root == NULL )
        P_BSTree pt;
        if ( write == NULL )
            pb . num_writ = sizeof pt . num_nodes;
            pb . rc = 0;
            pt . num_nodes = 0;
            pb . rc = ( * write ) ( write_param,
                & pt, sizeof pt . num_nodes, & pb . num_writ );
        /* initialize callback param block */
        pb . write = write;
        pb . write_param = write_param;
        pb . aux = aux;
        pb . aux_param = aux_param;
        pb . rc = 0;

        /* count nodes and tally data size */
        pb . pt = NULL;
        pb . data_size = 0;
        pb . num_nodes = 0;
        BSTreeDoUntil ( bt, 0, PBSTreeGatherInfo, & pb );
        if ( pb . rc == 0 )
            size_t pt_size;

            /* determine object size */
            if ( pb . data_size <= 256 )
                pt_size = 1;
                pb . record = PBSTreeRecordU8;
            else if ( pb . data_size <= 65536 )
                pt_size = 2;
                pb . record = PBSTreeRecordU16;
                pt_size = 4;
                pb . record = PBSTreeRecordU32;

            pt_size = sizeof * pb . pt - sizeof pb . pt -> data_idx +
                pb . num_nodes * pt_size;

            if ( write == NULL )
                pb . num_writ = pt_size + pb . data_size;

                pb . pt = malloc ( pt_size );
                if ( pb . pt != NULL )
                    pb . pt -> num_nodes = pb . num_nodes;
                    pb . pt -> data_size = ( uint32_t ) pb . data_size;
                    /* record node offsets */
                    pb . data_size = 0;
                    pb . num_nodes = 0;
                    BSTreeDoUntil ( bt, 0, PBSTreeGatherInfo, & pb );
                    if ( pb . rc != 0 )
                        free ( pb . pt );
                        pb . rc = ( write ) ( write_param,
                            pb . pt, pt_size, & pb . num_writ );
                        free ( pb . pt );
                        if ( pb . rc == 0 )
                            BSTreeDoUntil ( bt, 0, PBSTreeWriteNodes, & pb );

    if ( num_writ != NULL )
        * num_writ = pb . num_writ;

    return pb . rc;
Exemple #8
KNSProxies * KNSManagerKNSProxiesMake ( struct KNSManager * mgr,
                                        const KConfig * kfg )
    rc_t rc = 0;

    int i = 0;
    int n = 2;

    typedef enum {
    } EType;

    EType type [ 2 ] = { eKfg, eEnv };

    KNSProxies * self = calloc ( 1, sizeof * self ); 
    if ( self == NULL )
        return NULL;

    assert ( self );

    BSTreeInit ( & self -> proxie_tree );

    rc = KConfigReadBool
        ( kfg, "/http/proxy/enabled", & self -> http_proxy_enabled );
    if ( rc != 0 ) {
        if ( GetRCState ( rc ) == rcNotFound )
            rc = 0;
        else {
            KNSManagerSetHTTPProxyPath ( mgr, NULL );
            assert ( self -> http_proxy_enabled == false );
    else if ( ! self -> http_proxy_enabled )
        return self;

        bool proxy_only = false;
        rc_t rc = KConfigReadBool ( kfg, "/http/proxy/only",  & proxy_only );
        if ( rc == 0 && proxy_only )
            self-> http_proxy_only = true;

        String * result = NULL;
        rc = KConfigReadString ( kfg, "/http/proxy/use", & result );
        if ( rc == 0 ) {
            if ( StringCmp ( result, "env") ) {
                n = 1;
                type [ 0 ] = eEnv;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "kfg") ) {
                n = 1;
                type [ 0 ] = eKfg;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "none") ) {
                n = 0;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "env,kfg") ) {
                n = 2;
                type [ 0 ] = eEnv;
                type [ 1 ] = eKfg;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "kfg,env") ) {
                n = 2;
                type [ 0 ] = eKfg;
                type [ 1 ] = eEnv;
        RELEASE ( String, result );

    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++ i ) {
        switch ( type [ i ] ) {
            case eEnv:
                KNSProxiesHttpProxyInitFromEnv ( self );
            case eKfg:
                KNSProxiesHttpProxyInitFromKfg ( self, kfg );
                assert ( 0 );

    BSTreeForEach ( & self -> proxie_tree, false, KNSProxiesBSTreeCount,
                    & self -> http_proxies_cnt );

    if ( self -> http_proxies_cnt > 0 ) {
        self -> http_proxies = calloc ( self -> http_proxies_cnt,
                                        sizeof * self -> http_proxies );
        if ( self -> http_proxies == NULL )
            return NULL;
            ( "Will use %zu proxy spec%s%s\n", self -> http_proxies_cnt,
              self -> http_proxies_cnt > 1 ? "s" : "",
              self -> http_proxy_only ? "" : " and direct connection") );

    self -> tmpS = 0;
    n = self -> http_proxies_cnt;
    srand ( time ( NULL ) );
    while ( n > 0 ) {
        self -> rand = rand () % n;
        self -> tmpI = 0;
        if ( ! BSTreeDoUntil ( & self -> proxie_tree, false,
                               KNSProxiesBSTreeSetRand, self ) )
            BSTreeForEach ( & self -> proxie_tree, false,
                               KNSProxiesBSTreeInit, self ) ;
            n = 0;
        else {
            const BSTItem * item = ( BSTItem * ) self -> tmpB;
            self -> http_proxies [ self -> tmpS ++ ] = item -> proxy;
            BSTreeUnlink ( & self -> proxie_tree, self -> tmpB );
            BSTItemWhack ( self -> tmpB, NULL );
            self -> tmpB = NULL;
            -- n;

/* BSTreeForEach ( & self -> proxie_tree, false, KNSProxiesBSTreeInit, self );*/

    for ( self -> tmpS = 1; self -> tmpS < self ->http_proxies_cnt;
       ++ self -> tmpS )
        self -> http_proxies [ self -> tmpS - 1 ] -> next
            = self -> http_proxies [ self -> tmpS ];

    return self;