Exemple #1
 * Does the sample acquisition. If threshold is specified, the actual sampling
 * is not commenced until the threshold has been reached.
 * This method implements decimation and quantization in order to
 * be able to provide longer sample traces.
 * Uses the following global settings:
 * @param decimation - how much should the signal be decimated. A decimation of N means we keep 1 in N samples, etc.
 * @param bits_per_sample - bits per sample. Max 8, min 1 bit per sample.
 * @param averaging If set to true, decimation will use averaging, so that if e.g. decimation is 3, the sample
 * value that will be used is the average value of the three samples.
 * @param trigger_threshold - a threshold. The sampling won't commence until this threshold has been reached. Set
 * to -1 to ignore threshold.
 * @param silent - is true, now outputs are made. If false, dbprints the status
 * @return the number of bits occupied by the samples.
uint32_t DoAcquisition(uint8_t decimation, uint32_t bits_per_sample, bool averaging, int trigger_threshold,bool silent)
	//bigbuf, to hold the aquired raw data signal
	uint8_t *dest = BigBuf_get_addr();
    uint16_t bufsize = BigBuf_max_traceLen();


	if(bits_per_sample < 1) bits_per_sample = 1;
	if(bits_per_sample > 8) bits_per_sample = 8;

	if(decimation < 1) decimation = 1;

	// Use a bit stream to handle the output
	BitstreamOut data = { dest , 0, 0};
	int sample_counter = 0;
	uint8_t sample = 0;
	//If we want to do averaging
	uint32_t sample_sum =0 ;
	uint32_t sample_total_numbers =0 ;
	uint32_t sample_total_saved =0 ;

	while(!BUTTON_PRESS() && !usb_poll_validate_length() ) {
			AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_THR = 0x43;
			sample = (uint8_t)AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_RHR;
			// threshold either high or low values 128 = center 0.  if trigger = 178 
			if ((trigger_threshold > 0) && (sample < (trigger_threshold+128)) && (sample > (128-trigger_threshold))) // 

			trigger_threshold = 0;

				sample_sum += sample;
			//Check decimation
			if(decimation > 1)
				if(sample_counter < decimation) continue;
				sample_counter = 0;
			if(averaging && decimation > 1) {
				sample = sample_sum / decimation;
				sample_sum =0;
			//Store the sample
			sample_total_saved ++;
			if(bits_per_sample == 8){
				dest[sample_total_saved-1] = sample;
				data.numbits = sample_total_saved << 3;//Get the return value correct
				if(sample_total_saved >= bufsize) break;
				pushBit(&data, sample & 0x80);
				if(bits_per_sample > 1)	pushBit(&data, sample & 0x40);
				if(bits_per_sample > 2)	pushBit(&data, sample & 0x20);
				if(bits_per_sample > 3)	pushBit(&data, sample & 0x10);
				if(bits_per_sample > 4)	pushBit(&data, sample & 0x08);
				if(bits_per_sample > 5)	pushBit(&data, sample & 0x04);
				if(bits_per_sample > 6)	pushBit(&data, sample & 0x02);
				//Not needed, 8bps is covered above
				//if(bits_per_sample > 7)	pushBit(&data, sample & 0x01);
				if((data.numbits >> 3) +1  >= bufsize) break;
Exemple #2
void ReadPCF7931() {
	uint8_t Blocks[8][17];
	uint8_t tmpBlocks[4][16];
	int i, j, ind, ind2, n;
	int num_blocks = 0;
	int max_blocks = 8;
	int ident = 0;
	int error = 0;
	int tries = 0;

	memset(Blocks, 0, 8*17*sizeof(uint8_t));

	do {
		memset(tmpBlocks, 0, 4*16*sizeof(uint8_t));
		n = DemodPCF7931((uint8_t**)tmpBlocks);
		if(error==10 && num_blocks == 0) {
			Dbprintf("Error, no tag or bad tag");
		else if (tries==20 || error==10) {
			Dbprintf("Error reading the tag");
			Dbprintf("Here is the partial content");
			goto end;

		for(i=0; i<n; i++)
			Dbprintf("(dbg) %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
					 tmpBlocks[i][0], tmpBlocks[i][1], tmpBlocks[i][2], tmpBlocks[i][3], tmpBlocks[i][4], tmpBlocks[i][5], tmpBlocks[i][6], tmpBlocks[i][7],
					tmpBlocks[i][8], tmpBlocks[i][9], tmpBlocks[i][10], tmpBlocks[i][11], tmpBlocks[i][12], tmpBlocks[i][13], tmpBlocks[i][14], tmpBlocks[i][15]);
		if(!ident) {
			for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
				if(IsBlock0PCF7931(tmpBlocks[i])) {
					// Found block 0 ?
					if(i < n-1 && IsBlock1PCF7931(tmpBlocks[i+1])) {
						// Found block 1!
						// \o/
						ident = 1;
						memcpy(Blocks[0], tmpBlocks[i], 16);
						Blocks[0][ALLOC] = 1;
						memcpy(Blocks[1], tmpBlocks[i+1], 16);
						Blocks[1][ALLOC] = 1;
						max_blocks = MAX((Blocks[1][14] & 0x7f), Blocks[1][15]) + 1;
						// Debug print
						Dbprintf("(dbg) Max blocks: %d", max_blocks);
						num_blocks = 2;
						// Handle following blocks
						for(j=i+2, ind2=2; j!=i; j++, ind2++, num_blocks++) {
							if(j==n) j=0;
							if(j==i) break;
							memcpy(Blocks[ind2], tmpBlocks[j], 16);
							Blocks[ind2][ALLOC] = 1;
		else {
			for(i=0; i<n; i++) { // Look for identical block in known blocks
				if(memcmp(tmpBlocks[i], "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 16)) { // Block is not full of 00
					for(j=0; j<max_blocks; j++) {
						if(Blocks[j][ALLOC] == 1 && !memcmp(tmpBlocks[i], Blocks[j], 16)) {
							// Found an identical block
							for(ind=i-1,ind2=j-1; ind >= 0; ind--,ind2--) {
								if(ind2 < 0)
									ind2 = max_blocks;
								if(!Blocks[ind2][ALLOC]) { // Block ind2 not already found
									// Dbprintf("Tmp %d -> Block %d", ind, ind2);
									memcpy(Blocks[ind2], tmpBlocks[ind], 16);
									Blocks[ind2][ALLOC] = 1;
									if(num_blocks == max_blocks) goto end;
							for(ind=i+1,ind2=j+1; ind < n; ind++,ind2++) {
								if(ind2 > max_blocks)
									ind2 = 0;
								if(!Blocks[ind2][ALLOC]) { // Block ind2 not already found
									// Dbprintf("Tmp %d -> Block %d", ind, ind2);
									memcpy(Blocks[ind2], tmpBlocks[ind], 16);
									Blocks[ind2][ALLOC] = 1;
									if(num_blocks == max_blocks) goto end;
		if (BUTTON_PRESS()) return;
	} while (num_blocks != max_blocks);
	Dbprintf("Memory content:");
	for(i=0; i<max_blocks; i++) {
			Dbprintf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
					 Blocks[i][0], Blocks[i][1], Blocks[i][2], Blocks[i][3], Blocks[i][4], Blocks[i][5], Blocks[i][6], Blocks[i][7],
					Blocks[i][8], Blocks[i][9], Blocks[i][10], Blocks[i][11], Blocks[i][12], Blocks[i][13], Blocks[i][14], Blocks[i][15]);
			Dbprintf("<missing block %d>", i);
