Exemple #1
void mainSighup( int signum, void *arg )
     * Need to rescan the plugins
    LogPrintNoArg( LOG_INFO, "Reloading plugins..." );

     * Reload server & channel info -- NOTE: this happens before the bot
     * threads get signalled
    LogPrintNoArg( LOG_INFO, "Reloading servers & channels..." );
    BalancedBTreeLock( ServerTree );
    serverUnvisit( ServerTree->root );


    while( serverFlushUnvisited( ServerTree->root ) ) {
         * If an unvisited entry is found, we need to loop as removing it can
         * mess up the recursion

    BalancedBTreeAdd( ServerTree, NULL, LOCKED, TRUE );
    BalancedBTreeUnlock( ServerTree );
Exemple #2
void cursesServerNew( void *arg )
    IRCServer_t            *server;
    BalancedBTreeItem_t    *item;

    server = (IRCServer_t *)malloc(sizeof(IRCServer_t));
    memset( server, 0, sizeof(IRCServer_t) );
    server->serverId = -1;

    item = (BalancedBTreeItem_t *)malloc(sizeof(BalancedBTreeItem_t));
    item->item = (void *)server;
    item->key  = (void *)&server->serverId;
    BalancedBTreeAdd( ServerTree, item, UNLOCKED, TRUE );

    server->server      = strdup("");
    server->password    = strdup("");
    server->nick        = strdup("");
    server->username    = strdup("");
    server->realname    = strdup("");
    server->nickserv    = strdup("");
    server->nickservmsg = strdup("");

    cursesRegisterCleanupFunc( cursesServerCleanup );
    cursesServerDisplay( server );
Exemple #3
void plugins_sighup( void )
    BalancedBTreeLock( pluginTree );

    pluginUnvisitTree( pluginTree->root );
    db_get_plugins( pluginTree );
    pluginInitializeTree( pluginTree->root );
    while( pluginFlushUnvisited( pluginTree->root ) ) {
         * Keep calling until nothing's been flushed.  This allows for the 
         * fact that the tree will shift around as we delete things, and the
         * recursion will be messed up by this.

    /* Rebalance the tree */
    BalancedBTreeAdd( pluginTree, NULL, LOCKED, TRUE );

    BalancedBTreeUnlock( pluginTree );
Exemple #4
void thread_register( pthread_t *pthreadId, char *name, 
                      ThreadCallback_t *callbacks )
    BalancedBTreeItem_t    *item;
    Thread_t               *thread;

    if( !ThreadTree ) {
        ThreadTree = BalancedBTreeCreate( NULL, BTREE_KEY_PTHREAD );
        if( !ThreadTree ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't create thread tree!\n" );
            _exit( 1 );

    thread = CREATE(Thread_t);
    thread->threadId   = pthreadId;
    thread->name       = name;
    if( callbacks ) {
        thread->callbacks  = CREATE(ThreadCallback_t);
        memcpy(thread->callbacks, callbacks, sizeof(ThreadCallback_t));
    thread->background = (threadCount - 1) / 15;
    thread->foreground = (threadCount - 1) % 15;
    if( thread->foreground >= thread->background) {

    item = CREATE(BalancedBTreeItem_t);
    item->item = (void *)thread;
    item->key  = (void *)thread->threadId;

    BalancedBTreeAdd( ThreadTree, item, UNLOCKED, TRUE );
    LogPrint( LOG_INFO, "Added thread as \"%s%s%s%s%s\" (%d/%d)", 
              foregroundColors[thread->foreground], name,
              backgroundColors[0], foregroundColors[1],
              thread->background, thread->foreground );
Exemple #5
void versionAdd( char *what, char *version )
    BalancedBTreeItem_t    *item;
    Version_t              *vItem;

    item = BalancedBTreeFind( versionTree, &what, UNLOCKED );
    if( item ) {
        vItem = (Version_t *)item->item;

    vItem = (Version_t *)malloc(sizeof(Version_t));
    item = (BalancedBTreeItem_t *)malloc(sizeof(BalancedBTreeItem_t));

    vItem->what    = strdup( what );
    vItem->version = strdup( version );
    vItem->count   = 1;

    item->item     = (void *)vItem;
    item->key      = (void *)&vItem->what;

    BalancedBTreeAdd( versionTree, item, UNLOCKED, TRUE );