// start or end interaction
void myMouseCB(int button, int state, int x, int y)
    Button = button ;
    if( Button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN )
        HVect arcball_coords;
        arcball_coords.x = 2.0*(float)x/(float)Width-1.0;
        arcball_coords.y = -2.0*(float)y/(float)Height+1.0;
        Ball_Mouse(Arcball, arcball_coords) ;

    if( Button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_UP )
        Button = -1 ;
    if( Button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN )
        PrevY = y ;

    // Tell the system to redraw the window
    glutPostRedisplay() ;
Exemple #2
// interaction (mouse motion)
void MotionCB(int x, int y)

	GLMouseButtonInfo mouseButtonInfo;

	mouseButtonInfo =  GlobalResourceManager::use()->getMouseButtonInfo();

	if( mouseButtonInfo.button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON )
		HVect arcball_coords;
		arcball_coords.x = 2.0*(float)x/(float)g_width - 1.0 ;
		arcball_coords.y = -2.0*(float)y/(float)g_height + 1.0 ;
		glutPostRedisplay() ;
	else if( mouseButtonInfo.button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON )
		if( y - g_prevY > 0 )
			g_zoom  = g_zoom * 1.03 ;
			g_zoom  = g_zoom * 0.97 ;

		g_prevY = y ;

		glutPostRedisplay() ;

	myMotion(x,y) ;

// interaction (mouse motion)
void myMotionCB(int x, int y)
    if( Button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON )
        HVect arcball_coords;
        arcball_coords.x = 2.0*(float)x/(float)Width - 1.0 ;
        arcball_coords.y = -2.0*(float)y/(float)Height + 1.0 ;
        glutPostRedisplay() ;
    else if( Button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON )
        if( y - PrevY > 0 )
            Zoom  = Zoom * 1.03 ;
            Zoom  = Zoom * 0.97 ;
        PrevY = y ;
        glutPostRedisplay() ;
Exemple #4
Event handler for mouse motion.
void myMotionCB(int x, int y)
	if( g_button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON )
		HVect arcball_coords;
		arcball_coords.x = 2.0*(float)x/(float)g_width - 1.0 ;
		arcball_coords.y = -2.0*(float)y/(float)g_height + 1.0;
	else if( g_button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON )
		if( y - g_previousY > 0 )
			g_zoom  = g_zoom * 1.03f;
			g_zoom  = g_zoom * 0.97f;
		g_previousY = y;
Exemple #5
// start or end interaction
void MouseCB(int button, int state, int x, int y)

	GlobalResourceManager::use()->setMouseButtonInfo( button, state );

	if( button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN )
		HVect arcball_coords;
		arcball_coords.x = 2.0*(float)x/(float)g_width-1.0;
		arcball_coords.y = -2.0*(float)y/(float)g_height+1.0;
		Ball_Mouse(g_arcball, arcball_coords) ;


	if( button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_UP )

		//		Button = -1 ;

		GlobalResourceManager::use()->setMouseButtonInfo( -1, state );


	if( button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN )
		g_prevY = y ;

	myMouse(button, state, x,y) ;

	// Tell the system to redraw the window
	glutPostRedisplay() ;
void CMassView::MouseDown(BPoint where)												//	reacts to mouse clicks
	long whichButtons = 1;															//	used for tracking which buttons are down
	Window()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons", &whichButtons);				//	find out which buttons are down
	if (inGLMode && (whichButtons & B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON))						//	if we are in GL mode, and button 2 is down
		float frameWidth = Frame().Width(), frameHeight = Frame().Height();			//	find the width & height
		dragMode = dragBall;														//	drag the arcball to rotate									
		HVect vNow;																	//	vector type for passing to ball functions					
		vNow.x = (2.0 * where.x - frameWidth)/frameWidth;							//	set the vector										
		vNow.y = -(2.0 * where.y - frameHeight)/frameHeight;							//	in both dimensions									
		Ball_Mouse(&ball, vNow);													//	and pass it to the Ball functions							
		Ball_BeginDrag(&ball);														//	start dragging										
		while (whichButtons)														//	loop until drop the mouse
			snooze(20 * 1000);														//	snooze for 20 µs
			GetMouse(&where, (ulong *)&whichButtons, true);									//	get the mouse location, &c.
			vNow.x = (2.0 * where.x - frameWidth)/frameWidth;						//	set the vector	
			vNow.y = -(2.0 * where.y - frameHeight)/frameHeight;						//	in both dimensions
			Ball_Mouse(&ball, vNow);												//	and pass it to the Ball functions
			Draw(Frame());															//	redraw the entire frame
			} // end of while (whichButtons)
		Ball_EndDrag(&ball);														//	stop dragging	
		} // end of case where dragging

	else if (acceptClicks)															//	if we have "accept" switched on
		long row, col;																//	the board coordinates of the click
		if (!inGLMode)																//	if it's the regular board
			row = where.y / CELL_SIZE;												//	calculate which row to look in
			col = where.x / CELL_SIZE;												//	and which column
			} // end of normal mode
			GLubyte theColour[4];													//	array for retrieving "colour"
			LockGL();																//	lock in preparation for drawing
			GLfloat mNow[16];														//	local matrix for ball routines							
			Ball_Update(&ball);														//	update the data for the ball								
			Ball_Value(&ball, mNow);												//	retrieve the ball's position as a matrix						
			glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);													//	disable lighting
			glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);													//	switch to flat shading
			glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);												//	make sure that we are set to the model matrix				
			glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);										//	and set the "clear" colour to black						
			glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);						//	clear the window to black								
			glPushMatrix();															//	push the GL stack to get a new matrix						
			glLoadIdentity();														//	load the identity matrix								
			glTranslatef(0, 0, -600.0);												//	translate the model matrix									
			glMultMatrixf(mNow);													//	multiply by this matrix								
			glCallList(torusPickListID);											// and call the display list							
			glReadPixels(where.x, Frame().Height() - where.y, 1, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, theColour);
																					//	read a single pixel at the mouse location
			glPopMatrix();															//	pop the matrix back off the stack
			glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);													//	re-enable lighting
			glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);												//	and smoothness
			UnlockGL();																//	unlock GL
			Draw(Frame());															//	redraw the entire picture
			row = theColour[1] - 128; col = theColour[0] - 128;						//	retrieve the row & column
																					//	(background is black & returns -128)
//			printf("%d %d\n", row, col); return;
			} // end of GL mode code
		if (row < 0) return;														//	make sure it is a legal cell
		else if (row >= theBoard.getHeight()) return;										//	i.e. not off top or bottom
		if (col < 0) return;														//	same with left & right
		else if (col >= theBoard.getWidth()) return;	
		BMessage *theMessage = new BMessage(CM_MSG_MOVE_CHOSEN);					//	create a message for it
		acceptClicks = false;														//	turn off "accept clicks"
		theMessage->AddInt32("row", row); theMessage->AddInt32("column", col);		//	add the coordinates to the message
		be_app->PostMessage(theMessage);											//	send the message off
		delete theMessage;															//	get rid of the message when done
		} // end of case where we accept clicks
	} // end of MouseDown()