// onDataLoaded
void CsFileReaderRPC::onDataLoaded( void* pData, BcSize Size )
	// Chunk index is fed in as we can't simply match pointers here.
	BcU32 ChunkIdx = *(BcU32*)pData;
	pData = ((BcU32*)pData) + 1;
	Size -= sizeof( BcU32 );
	// Find the chunk that data matches to.
	if( ChunkIdx < Header_.NoofChunks_ )
		CsFileChunk* pChunk = &pChunks_[ ChunkIdx ];
		CsFileChunkProps* pChunkProps = &pChunkProps_[ ChunkIdx ];
		BcAssert( pChunk->Size_ == Size );
		// Copy data and cache pointer.
		BcU32 TotalHeaderSize = sizeof( CsFileHeader ) + sizeof( CsFileChunk ) * Header_.NoofChunks_;
		void* pInternalData = pData_ + ( pChunk->Offset_ - TotalHeaderSize );
		BcMemCopy( pInternalData, pData, Size );

		BcAssert( (BcU8*)pInternalData < ( pData_ + TotalDataSize_ ) );
		pChunkProps->Status_ = CsFileChunkProps::STATUS_LOADED;
		ChunkDelegate_( this, ChunkIdx, pChunk, pInternalData );
// addChunk
BcU32 CsPackageImporter::addChunk( BcU32 ID, const void* pData, BcSize Size, BcSize RequiredAlignment, BcU32 Flags )
	std::lock_guard< std::recursive_mutex > Lock( BuildingLock_ );
	BcAssert( BuildingBeginCount_ > 0 );

	BcAssert( Size > 0 );
	BcAssert( BcPot( RequiredAlignment ) );
	BcAssert( RequiredAlignment <= 4096 );

	const BcU8* pPackedData = reinterpret_cast< const BcU8* >( pData );
	size_t PackedSize = Size;
	BcBool HaveCompressed = BcFalse;

	// If we need to compress, do so.
	if( ( Flags & csPCF_COMPRESSED ) != 0 )
		if( BcCompressData( static_cast< const BcU8* >( pData ), Size, pPackedData, PackedSize ) )
			HaveCompressed = BcTrue;
			// On failure, strip compressed flag.
			Flags &= ~csPCF_COMPRESSED;
	// Generate header.
	CsPackageChunkHeader ChunkHeader;
	ChunkHeader.ID_ = ID;
	ChunkHeader.Offset_ = 0;
	ChunkHeader.Flags_ = Flags;
	ChunkHeader.RequiredAlignment_ = static_cast< BcU32 >( RequiredAlignment );
	ChunkHeader.PackedBytes_ = static_cast< BcU32 >( PackedSize );
	ChunkHeader.UnpackedBytes_ = static_cast< BcU32 >( Size );
	ChunkHeader.PackedHash_ = BcHash( (BcU8*)pPackedData, PackedSize );
	ChunkHeader.UnpackedHash_ = BcHash( (BcU8*)pData, Size );

	// Generate data.
	CsPackageChunkData ChunkData;
	ChunkData.Status_ = csPCS_NOT_LOADED;
	ChunkData.Managed_ = BcFalse;
	// Store as packed data.
	ChunkData.pPackedData_ = new BcU8[ PackedSize ];
	ChunkData.pUnpackedData_ = NULL;
	BcMemCopy( ChunkData.pPackedData_, pPackedData, PackedSize );
	if( HaveCompressed )
		delete [] pPackedData;

	// Push into lists.
	ChunkHeaders_.push_back( ChunkHeader );
	ChunkDatas_.push_back( ChunkData );

	return static_cast< BcU32 >( ChunkHeaders_.size() - 1 );
Exemple #3
// onResourceHeadersLoaded
void CsPackageLoader::onResourceHeadersLoaded( void* pData, BcSize Size )
	// Check we have the right data.
	BcAssert( pData == pResourceHeaders_ );
	BcAssert( Size == sizeof( CsPackageResourceHeader ) * Header_.TotalResources_ );

	// This callback is complete.
Exemple #4
// fileChunkReady
void ScnModel::fileChunkReady( BcU32 ChunkIdx, BcU32 ChunkID, void* pData )
	// If we have no render core get chunk 0 so we keep getting entered into.
	if( RsCore::pImpl() == NULL )
		requestChunk( 0 );

	if( ChunkID == BcHash( "header" ) )
		pHeader_ = (ScnModelHeader*)pData;
	else if( ChunkID == BcHash( "nodetransformdata" ) )
		pNodeTransformData_ = (ScnModelNodeTransformData*)pData;
	else if( ChunkID == BcHash( "nodepropertydata" ) )
		pNodePropertyData_ = (ScnModelNodePropertyData*)pData;

		// Mark up node names.
		// TODO: Automate this process with reflection!
		for( BcU32 NodeIdx = 0; NodeIdx < pHeader_->NoofNodes_; ++NodeIdx )
			ScnModelNodePropertyData* pNodePropertyNode = &pNodePropertyData_[ NodeIdx ];
			markupName( pNodePropertyNode->Name_ );
	else if( ChunkID == BcHash( "vertexdata" ) )
		BcAssert( pVertexBufferData_ == NULL || pVertexBufferData_ == pData );
		pVertexBufferData_ = (BcU8*)pData;
	else if( ChunkID == BcHash( "indexdata" ) )
		BcAssert( pIndexBufferData_ == NULL || pIndexBufferData_ == pData );
		pIndexBufferData_ = (BcU8*)pData;
	else if( ChunkID == BcHash( "vertexelements" ) )
		pVertexElements_ = (RsVertexElement*)pData;
	else if( ChunkID == BcHash( "meshdata" ) )
		pMeshData_ = (ScnModelMeshData*)pData;

		RsVertexElement* pVertexElements = pVertexElements_;
		for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < pHeader_->NoofPrimitives_; ++Idx )
			pMeshData_->VertexElements_ = pVertexElements;
			pVertexElements += pMeshData_->NoofVertexElements_;
		markCreate(); // All data loaded, time to create.
Exemple #5
// add
void ScnAnimationPose::add( const ScnAnimationPose& Reference, const ScnAnimationPose& A, const ScnAnimationPose& B, BcF32 T )
	BcAssert( A.NoofTransforms_ == NoofTransforms_ );
	BcAssert( B.NoofTransforms_ == NoofTransforms_ );

	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < NoofTransforms_; ++Idx )
		pTransforms_[ Idx ].add( Reference.pTransforms_[ Idx ], A.pTransforms_[ Idx ], B.pTransforms_[ Idx ], T );
Exemple #6
// blend
void ScnAnimationPose::blend( const ScnAnimationPose& A, const ScnAnimationPose& B, BcF32 T )
	BcAssert( A.NoofTransforms_ == NoofTransforms_ );
	BcAssert( B.NoofTransforms_ == NoofTransforms_ );

	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < NoofTransforms_; ++Idx )
		pTransforms_[ Idx ].blend( A.pTransforms_[ Idx ], B.pTransforms_[ Idx ], T );
Exemple #7
// onStringTableLoaded
void CsPackageLoader::onStringTableLoaded( void* pData, BcSize Size )
	// Check we have the right data.
	BcAssert( pData == pStringTable_ );
	BcAssert( Size == Header_.StringTableBytes_ );

	// String table is ready.
	IsStringTableReady_ = BcTrue;

	// This callback is complete.
// interpolatePose
void ScnAnimationTreeTrackNode::interpolatePose()
	if( AnimationQueue_.size() > 0 )
		BcAssert( pPoseFileDataA_ != nullptr );
		BcAssert( pPoseFileDataB_ != nullptr );
		const BcF32 TimeLength = pPoseFileDataB_->Time_ - pPoseFileDataA_->Time_;
		const BcF32 TimeRelative = Time_ - pPoseFileDataA_->Time_;
		const BcF32 LerpAmount = TimeRelative / TimeLength;
		pWorkingPose_->blend( *pPoseA_, *pPoseB_, LerpAmount );
Exemple #9
// recreate
void ScnViewComponent::recreateFrameBuffer()
	if( RenderTarget_.isValid() || DepthStencilTarget_.isValid() )
		BcAssert( RenderTarget_.isValid() && DepthStencilTarget_.isValid() );
		BcAssert( RenderTarget_->getWidth() && DepthStencilTarget_->getWidth() );
		BcAssert( RenderTarget_->getHeight() && DepthStencilTarget_->getHeight() );

		RsFrameBufferDesc FrameBufferDesc( 1 );
		FrameBufferDesc.setRenderTarget( 0, RenderTarget_->getTexture() );
		FrameBufferDesc.setDepthStencilTarget( DepthStencilTarget_->getTexture() );

		FrameBuffer_ = RsCore::pImpl()->createFrameBuffer( FrameBufferDesc );
Exemple #10
// type
void MdlNode::type( BcU32 NodeType )
	if( NodeType != eNT_COLMESH && NodeType != eNT_ENTITY )
		BcAssert( ( NodeType_ & ~NodeType ) == 0 );

	if( ( NodeType_ & NodeType ) == 0 )
		NodeType_ |= NodeType;

		switch( NodeType )
		case eNT_EMPTY:

		case eNT_MESH:
			pNodeMeshObject_ = new MdlMesh();

		case eNT_SKIN:
			pNodeSkinObject_ = new MdlMesh();

		case eNT_COLMESH:
			// Naughty.
			//pNodeColMeshObject_ = new MdlMesh();
			BcAssert( pNodeMeshObject_ != NULL );

		case eNT_MORPH:
			pNodeMorphObject_ = new MdlMesh();

		case eNT_ENTITY:
			pNodeEntityObject_ = new MdlEntity();

		case eNT_LIGHT:
			pNodeLightObject_ = new MdlLight();

			pNodeProjectorObject_ = new MdlProjector();
Exemple #11
// addString
BcU32 CsPackageImporter::addString( const BcChar* pString )
	std::lock_guard< std::recursive_mutex > Lock( BuildingLock_ );
	BcAssert( BuildingBeginCount_ > 0 );

	BcU32 CurrentOffset = 0;

	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < StringList_.size(); ++Idx )
		const std::string& StringEntry( StringList_[ Idx ] );

		if( StringEntry == pString )
			return CurrentOffset;

		// String length with null terminator.
		CurrentOffset += static_cast< BcU32 >( StringEntry.length() + 1 );

	// Add string to list.
	StringList_.push_back( pString );

	// Return current offset.
	return CurrentOffset;
Exemple #12
// importResource
BcBool CsPackageImporter::importResource( 
	CsResourceImporterUPtr Importer, 
	const Json::Value& Resource )
	// Catch name being missing.
	if( Importer->getResourceName().empty() )
		PSY_LOG( "ERROR: Name not specified for resource.\n" );
		return BcFalse;

	// Catch type being missing.
	if( Importer->getResourceType().empty() )
		PSY_LOG( "ERROR: Type not specified for resource.\n" );
		return BcFalse;
	PSY_LOG( "INFO: Processing \"%s\" of type \"%s\"\n", 
		Importer->getResourceName().c_str(), Importer->getResourceType().c_str() );
	// Get first chunk used by resource.
	size_t FirstChunk = ChunkHeaders_.size();

	BcBool SuccessfulImport = BcFalse;

	// NOTE: Eventually we will be exception safe throught the import
	//       pipeline, so shouldn't need these adhoc try/catch blocks.
		SuccessfulImport = Importer->import( Resource );

		// Check for error + critical messages.
		SuccessfulImport &= Importer->getMessageCount( CsMessageCategory::ERROR ) == 0;
		SuccessfulImport &= Importer->getMessageCount( CsMessageCategory::CRITICAL ) == 0;
	catch( CsImportException ImportException )
		PSY_LOG( "ERROR: %s", ImportException.what() );
	// Handle success.
	if( SuccessfulImport )
		// Setup current resource header.
		CurrResourceHeader_.Name_ = addString( Importer->getResourceName().c_str() );
		CurrResourceHeader_.Type_ = addString( Importer->getResourceType().c_str() );
		CurrResourceHeader_.Flags_ = csPEF_DEFAULT;
		CurrResourceHeader_.FirstChunk_ = static_cast< BcU32 >( FirstChunk );
		CurrResourceHeader_.LastChunk_ = static_cast< BcU32 >( ChunkHeaders_.size() - 1 ); // Assumes 1 chunk for resource. Fair assumption.
		// Make sure chunk indices are valid.
		BcAssert( CurrResourceHeader_.FirstChunk_ <= CurrResourceHeader_.LastChunk_ );

		ResourceHeaders_.push_back( CurrResourceHeader_ );
	return SuccessfulImport;
Exemple #13
// haveAnyValidResources
BcBool CsPackage::haveAnyValidResources() const
	BcAssert( BcIsGameThread() );

	// If the data isn't ready, we will have valid resources soon.
	if( pLoader_->isDataReady() == BcFalse )
		return BcTrue;

	// If our resource list is empty we can exit early.
	if( Resources_.size() == 0 )
		return BcFalse;

	// Search through list for all valid resources.
	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < Resources_.size(); ++Idx )
		const CsResourceRef<>& Resource( Resources_[ Idx ] );

		if( Resource.isValid() == BcTrue )
			return BcTrue;

	return BcFalse;
Exemple #14
// hasUnreferencedResources
BcBool CsPackage::hasUnreferencedResources() const
	BcAssert( BcIsGameThread() );

	// If the data isn't ready, we are still referenced.
	if( pLoader_->isDataReady() == BcFalse )
		return BcFalse;

	BcBool IsUnreferenced = BcTrue;
	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < Resources_.size(); ++Idx )
		const CsResourceRef<>& Resource( Resources_[ Idx ] );

		// If we've got invalid resources, or a ref count of 1 (self-ref'd) we have unreferenced resources.
		if( Resource.isValid() == BcFalse || Resource.refCount() == 1 )
			return BcTrue;

	return BcFalse;
// allocParticle
BcBool ScnParticleSystemComponent::allocParticle( ScnParticle*& pParticle )
	// We can't be allocating whilst we're updating.
	BcAssert( UpdateFence_.count() == 0 );

	// TODO: Perhaps a free list of indices? Reordering of dead particles?
	//       Either way I want the update to be cache friendly.
	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < NoofParticles_; ++Idx )
		BcU32 RealIdx = ( Idx + PotentialFreeParticle_ ) % NoofParticles_; // Slow. If we use powers of 2, we can &.
		ScnParticle* pPotentiallyFreeParticle = &pParticleBuffer_[ RealIdx ];

		if( pPotentiallyFreeParticle->Alive_ == BcFalse )
			pParticle = pPotentiallyFreeParticle;

			// Prevent it being rendered for the first frame.
			pParticle->Scale_ = MaVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0 );
			pParticle->Colour_ = RsColour( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

			return BcTrue;
	return BcFalse;
Exemple #16
// buildNormals
void MdlMesh::buildNormals()
	for ( BcU32 i = 0; i < ( aIndices_.size() / 3 ); ++i )
		BcU32 TA = aIndices_[ ( i * 3 ) + 0 ].iVertex_;
		BcU32 TB = aIndices_[ ( i * 3 ) + 1 ].iVertex_;
		BcU32 TC = aIndices_[ ( i * 3 ) + 2 ].iVertex_;

		MdlVertex& VertA = aVertices_[ TA ];
		MdlVertex& VertB = aVertices_[ TB ];
		MdlVertex& VertC = aVertices_[ TC ];

		BcVec3d VertPosA( VertA.Position_.x(), VertA.Position_.y(), VertA.Position_.z() );
		BcVec3d VertPosB( VertB.Position_.x(), VertB.Position_.y(), VertB.Position_.z() );
		BcVec3d VertPosC( VertC.Position_.x(), VertC.Position_.y(), VertC.Position_.z() );

		BcVec3d Normal = ( VertPosA - VertPosB ).cross( ( VertPosB - VertPosC ) );

		VertA.Normal_ += Normal;
		VertB.Normal_ += Normal;
		VertC.Normal_ += Normal;

	for ( BcU32 i = 0; i < aVertices_.size(); ++i )
		MdlVertex& Vert = aVertices_[ i ];
		Vert.bNormal_ = BcTrue;

		BcReal Mag = Vert.Normal_.magnitude(); 
		BcAssert( BcAbs( Mag - 1.0f ) < 0.00001f );
Exemple #17
// getContext
RsContext* RsCoreImplGL::getContext( OsClient* pClient )
    BcAssert( BcIsGameThread() );
    TContextMapIterator It = ContextMap_.find( pClient );

    if( It != ContextMap_.end() )
        return It->second;
        if( pClient != NULL )
            RsContextGL* pResource = new RsContextGL( pClient, ContextMap_[ NULL ] );
            createResource( pResource );

            // If we have no default context, set it.
            if( ContextMap_[ NULL ] == NULL )
                ContextMap_[ NULL ] = pResource;

            // Store mapped to client.
            ContextMap_[ pClient ] = pResource;

            return pResource;

    return NULL;
Exemple #18
// fileChunkReady
void ScnTexture::fileChunkReady( BcU32 ChunkIdx, BcU32 ChunkID, void* pData )
	// If we have no render core get chunk 0 so we keep getting entered into.
	if( RsCore::pImpl() == NULL )
		requestChunk( 0 );

	if( ChunkID == BcHash( "header" ) )
		// Request all texture levels.
		for( BcU32 iLevel = 0; iLevel < Header_.Levels_; ++iLevel )
			requestChunk( ++ChunkIdx );
		// We update the header, create a new texture rather than updating.
		CreateNewTexture_ = BcTrue;	
	else if( ChunkID == BcHash( "body" ) )
		// Grab pointer to data.
		BcAssert( pTextureData_ == NULL || pTextureData_ == pData );
		pTextureData_ = pData;
		// Setup.
Exemple #19
// requestChunk
BcBool CsPackageLoader::requestChunk( BcU32 ResourceIdx, BcU32 ResourceChunkIdx, void* pDataLocation )
	BcAssert( IsDataReady_ );
	CsPackageResourceHeader& ResourceHeader = pResourceHeaders_[ ResourceIdx ];
	BcU32 ChunkIdx = ResourceHeader.FirstChunk_ + ResourceChunkIdx;
	CsPackageChunkHeader& ChunkHeader = pChunkHeaders_[ ChunkIdx ];
	CsPackageChunkData& ChunkData = pChunkData_[ ChunkIdx ];
	// Handle unmanaged data.
	if( ( ChunkHeader.Flags_ & csPCF_MANAGED ) == 0 )
		BcAssertMsg( pDataLocation != NULL, "CsPackageLoader: Unmanaged chunks require a data location." );
		ChunkData.pUnpackedData_ = reinterpret_cast< BcU8* >( pDataLocation );
	// If the chunk isn't loaded, then process (this will kick off the load).
	if( ChunkData.Status_ == csPCS_NOT_LOADED || ChunkData.Status_ == csPCS_READY )
		processResourceChunk( ResourceIdx, ChunkIdx );
		return BcTrue;

	return BcFalse;
// updateParticle
void ScnParticleSystemComponent::updateParticle( ScnParticle& Particle, BcReal Tick )
	// TODO: Move each section of this into "affectors":
	// - Physics affector: Move physically based on vel/accel.
	// - Colour lerp affector: Some more advanced colour interpolation.
	// - Maybe even fancier stuff like curve based interpolation of position, colour, scale?
	// - - Advantage: Min/Max and that stuff can live in the affector (memory saving++).
	// For now, KISS. This just needs to function, I can make it better later :)
	BcAssert( Particle.Alive_ == BcTrue );
	// Do position.
	Particle.Position_ += Particle.Velocity_ * Tick;
	Particle.Velocity_ += Particle.Acceleration_ * Tick;

	// Calculate interpolators.
	BcReal LerpValue = Particle.CurrentTime_ / Particle.MaxTime_;
	Particle.Scale_.lerp( Particle.MinScale_, Particle.MaxScale_, LerpValue );
	Particle.Colour_.lerp( Particle.MinColour_, Particle.MaxColour_, LerpValue );

	// Advance current time.
	Particle.CurrentTime_ += Tick;
	// Kill particle!
	if( Particle.CurrentTime_ > Particle.MaxTime_ )
		Particle.Alive_ = BcFalse;
Exemple #21
// realloc
void BcStream::realloc( BcSize NewSize )
	BcAssert( NewSize > BufferSize_ );

	// Round up size
	NewSize = ( ( (BcSize)( NewSize ) + AllocSize_ - 1 ) & ~( AllocSize_ - 1 ) );

	if( pDataBuffer_ != NULL )
		BcU8* pNewBuffer = new BcU8[ NewSize ];

		// Copy data to new buffer
		memcpy( pNewBuffer, pDataBuffer_, BufferSize_ );

		// Free old buffer
		delete [] pDataBuffer_;

		// Assign new buffer.
		pDataBuffer_ = pNewBuffer;
		BufferSize_ = NewSize;
		// New buffer from scratch.
		pDataBuffer_ = new BcU8[ NewSize ];
		BufferSize_ = NewSize;
Exemple #22
// BcGetHardwareThreadCount
BcU32 BcGetHardwareThreadCount()
	::GetSystemInfo( &SysInfo );
	BcU32 RetVal = (BcU32)SysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
	BcAssert( RetVal >= 1 );
	return RetVal;
Exemple #23
// addChunk
BcU32 CsFileWriter::addChunk( BcU32 ID, void* pData, BcU32 Size )
	BcAssert( Size > 0 );
	CsFileChunkNative Chunk = { ID, new BcU8[ Size ], Size };
	BcMemCopy( Chunk.pData_, pData, Size );
	Chunks_.push_back( Chunk );
	return Chunks_.size() - 1;
Exemple #24
// getNoofChunks
BcU32 CsPackageLoader::getNoofChunks( BcU32 ResourceIdx )
	BcAssert( IsDataReady_ );

	CsPackageResourceHeader& ResourceHeader = pResourceHeaders_[ ResourceIdx ];

	return ( (BcU32)ResourceHeader.LastChunk_ - (BcU32)ResourceHeader.FirstChunk_ ) + 1;
// queueAnimation
void ScnAnimationTreeTrackNode::queueAnimation( ScnAnimation* pAnimation )
	BcAssert( pAnimation != nullptr );
	AnimationQueue_.push_back( pAnimation );

	// TODO: Create a map to map any animation by node name onto our reference
	//       pose. Probably want to do this asynchronously on a job.
Exemple #26
// tick
void SysKernel::tick()
	BcAssert( BcIsGameThread() );

	if( ShuttingDown_ == BcFalse )
		BcScopedLock< BcMutex > Lock( SystemLock_ );

		// Add systems.
		// Remove systems.	
		// Iterate over and process all systems.
		TSystemListIterator Iter = SystemList_.begin();
		while( Iter != SystemList_.end() && ShuttingDown_ == BcFalse )
			// Cache system.
			SysSystem* pSystem = (*Iter);
			// Process system.
			if( pSystem->process() == BcFalse )
				PendingRemoveSystemList_.push_back( pSystem );		
			// Next system.
		BcScopedLock< BcMutex > Lock( SystemLock_ );

		// Iterate over and process all systems.
		TSystemListReverseIterator Iter = SystemList_.rbegin();
		if( Iter != SystemList_.rend() )
			// Cache system.
			SysSystem* pSystem = (*Iter);
			//  Process system.
			if( pSystem->process() == BcFalse )
				PendingRemoveSystemList_.push_back( pSystem );		
		// Remove systems.
	// Dispatch callbacks.
Exemple #27
// onChunkHeadersLoaded
void CsPackageLoader::onChunkHeadersLoaded( void* pData, BcSize Size )
	// Check we have the right data.
	BcAssert( pData == pChunkHeaders_ );
	BcAssert( Size == sizeof( CsPackageChunkHeader ) * Header_.TotalChunks_ );

	// Mark up all the resources.
	// Data is ready.
	IsDataReady_ = BcTrue;

	// Now initialise resources.

	// This callback is complete.
// onDetach
void ScnDebugRenderComponent::onDetach( ScnEntityWeakRef Parent )
	getParentEntity()->detach( MaterialComponent_ );

	BcAssert( pImpl_ == this );
	pImpl_ = NULL;

	Super::onDetach( Parent );
// visit
void ScnRenderingVisitor::visit( class ScnRenderableComponent* pComponent )
	if( pViewComponent_->getRenderMask() & pComponent->getRenderMask() )
		PSY_LOGSCOPEDCATEGORY( *pComponent->getClass()->getName() );
		BcAssert( pComponent->isReady() );
		pComponent->render( pViewComponent_, pFrame_, Sort_ );
// onAttach
void ScnDebugRenderComponent::onAttach( ScnEntityWeakRef Parent )
	Super::onAttach( Parent );

	getParentEntity()->attach( MaterialComponent_ );

	BcAssert( pImpl_ == NULL );
	pImpl_ = this;