Exemple #1
// onDetach
void ScnComponent::onDetach( ScnEntityWeakRef Parent )
	BcAssertMsg( ParentEntity_.isValid() == BcTrue, "Attempting to detach component that is already detached!" );
	BcAssertMsg( ParentEntity_ == Parent, "Attempting to detach component from an entity it isn't attached to!" );

	ParentEntity_ = NULL;
Exemple #2
// getResource
ReObjectRef< CsResource > CsCore::getResource( const BcChar* pFullName )
	ReObjectRef< CsResource > Handle;
	if( pFullName != NULL )
		BcChar FullNameBuffer[ 1024 ];
		BcAssertMsg( BcStrLength( pFullName ) < sizeof( FullNameBuffer ), "CsPackageImporter: Full name too long." );
		BcStrCopy( FullNameBuffer, pFullName );
		BcChar* pPackageNameBuffer = NULL;
		BcChar* pResourceNameBuffer = NULL;
		BcChar* pTypeNameBuffer = NULL;

		BcAssertMsg( BcStrStr( FullNameBuffer, "." ) != NULL, "CsCore: Missing package from \"%s\"", FullNameBuffer );
		BcAssertMsg( BcStrStr( FullNameBuffer, ":" ) != NULL, "CsCore: Missing type from \"%s\"", FullNameBuffer );
		pPackageNameBuffer = &FullNameBuffer[ 0 ];
		pResourceNameBuffer = BcStrStr( FullNameBuffer, "." );
		pTypeNameBuffer = BcStrStr( FullNameBuffer, ":" );
		*pResourceNameBuffer++ = '\0';
		*pTypeNameBuffer++ = '\0';

		BcName PackageName = pPackageNameBuffer;
		BcName ResourceName = pResourceNameBuffer;

		internalFindResource( PackageName, ResourceName, ReManager::GetClass( pTypeNameBuffer ), Handle );

		BcAssertMsg( Handle.isValid(), "CsCore: Unable to find \"%s\"", FullNameBuffer );

	return Handle;
// loadJsonFile
BcBool CsPackageImporter::loadJsonFile( const BcChar* pFileName, Json::Value& Root )
	BcBool Success = BcFalse;
	BcFile File;
	if( File.open( pFileName ) )
		const BcU8* pData = File.readAllBytes();		
		Json::Reader Reader;
		if( Reader.parse( (const char*)pData, (const char*)pData + File.size(), Root ) )
			Success = BcTrue;
			PSY_LOG( "Failed to parse Json:\n %s\n", Reader.getFormatedErrorMessages().c_str() );
 			BcAssertMsg( BcFalse, "Failed to parse \"%s\", see log for more details.", pFileName );
		BcMemFree( (void*)pData );
		BcAssertMsg( BcFalse, "Failed to load \"%s\"", pFileName );
	return Success;
Exemple #4
// preInitialise
void CsResource::preInitialise( const BcName& Name, BcU32 Index, CsPackage* pPackage )
	BcAssertMsg( Name != BcName::INVALID, "Resource can not have an invalid name." );
	BcAssertMsg( Name != BcName::NONE, "Resource can not have a none name." );

	setName( Name );
	setOwner( pPackage );
	Index_ = Index;
Exemple #5
// setParentEntity
void ScnComponent::setParentEntity( ScnEntityWeakRef Entity )
	BcAssertMsg( !isFlagSet( scnCF_ATTACHED ), "ScnComponent: Already attached, can't reassign parent entity."  );
	BcAssertMsg( !isFlagSet( scnCF_PENDING_ATTACH ), "ScnComponent: Currently attaching, can't reassign parent entity."  );
	BcAssertMsg( !isFlagSet( scnCF_PENDING_DETACH ), "ScnComponent: Currently detaching, can't reassign parent entity."  );
	BcAssertMsg( !isFlagSet( scnCF_PENDING_DESTROY ), "ScnComponent: Currently being destroyed, can't reassign parent entity."  );
	BcAssertMsg( ParentEntity_ == nullptr, "ScnComponent: Already have a parent, can't reassign parent entity."  );
	ParentEntity_ = Entity;
Exemple #6
// onAttach
void ScnComponent::onAttach( ScnEntityWeakRef Parent )
	BcAssertMsg( !isFlagSet( scnCF_ATTACHED ), "Attempting to attach component when it's already attached!" );
	BcAssertMsg( isFlagSet( scnCF_PENDING_ATTACH ), "ScnComponent: Not pending attach!" );

	clearFlag( scnCF_PENDING_ATTACH );
	setFlag( scnCF_ATTACHED );

	ParentEntity_ = Parent;
Exemple #7
// setRenderTarget
RsFrameBufferDesc& RsFrameBufferDesc::setRenderTarget( BcU32 Idx, RsTexture* Texture )
	BcAssertMsg( ( Texture->getDesc().BindFlags_ & RsResourceBindFlags::RENDER_TARGET ) != RsResourceBindFlags::NONE,
		"Can't bind texture as render target, was it created with RsResourceBindFlags::RENDER_TARGET?" );
	BcAssertMsg( Texture->getDesc().Type_ == RsTextureType::TEX2D, "Can only use TEX2D textures." );

	RenderTargets_[ Idx ] = Texture;

	return *this;
Exemple #8
// onDetach
void ScnComponent::onDetach( ScnEntityWeakRef Parent )
	BcAssertMsg( ParentEntity_ == Parent, "Attempting to detach component from an entity it isn't attached to!" );
	BcAssertMsg( isFlagSet( scnCF_ATTACHED ), "ScnComponent: Not attached!" );
	BcAssertMsg( isFlagSet( scnCF_PENDING_DETACH ), "ScnComponent: Not pending detach!" );

	clearFlag( scnCF_PENDING_DETACH );
	clearFlag( scnCF_ATTACHED );
	setFlag( scnCF_PENDING_DESTROY );
	ParentEntity_ = nullptr;
Exemple #9
// Ctor
CsPackage::CsPackage( const BcName& Name ):
	Name_( Name ),
	pLoader_( NULL )
	// Cache paths related to this package.
	const BcPath PackedPackage( CsCore::pImpl()->getPackagePackedPath( Name ) );
	const BcPath ImportPackage( CsCore::pImpl()->getPackageImportPath( Name ) );

	// Keep attempting load.
	BcBool LoaderValid = BcFalse;
		BcBool PackedPackageExists = FsCore::pImpl()->fileExists( (*PackedPackage).c_str() );

		if( PackedPackageExists )
			pLoader_ = new CsPackageLoader( this, PackedPackage );
			// If the loader has no error it's valid to continue.
			if( !pLoader_->hasError() )
				LoaderValid = BcTrue;
				delete pLoader_;
				pLoader_ = NULL;

		// Attempt to import.
		if( LoaderValid == BcFalse )
			BcBool ImportPackageExists = FsCore::pImpl()->fileExists( (*ImportPackage).c_str() );
			BcAssertMsg( ImportPackageExists, "CsPackage: Missing import package \"%s\"", (*ImportPackage).c_str() );

			if( ImportPackageExists )
				CsPackageImporter Importer;
				BcBool ImportSucceeded = Importer.import( Name );
				BcAssertMsg( ImportSucceeded, "CsPackage: Failed to import \"%s\"", (*ImportPackage).c_str() );
	while( LoaderValid == BcFalse );
// initialise
void ScnParticleSystemComponent::initialise( const Json::Value& Object )
	Super::initialise( Object );

	// Grab number of particles.
	NoofParticles_ = Object["noofparticles"].asUInt();
	ScnMaterialRef Material = getPackage()->getPackageCrossRef( Object["material"].asUInt() );
	if( !CsCore::pImpl()->createResource( BcName::INVALID, getPackage(), MaterialComponent_, Material, scnSPF_PARTICLE_3D ) )
		BcAssertMsg( BcFalse, "Material invalid blah." );

	IsLocalSpace_ = Object["localspace"].asBool();

	// Cache texture bounds.
	ScnTextureRef Texture = Material->getTexture( "aDiffuseTex" );
	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < Texture->noofRects(); ++Idx )
		ScnRect Rect = Texture->getRect( Idx );
		UVBounds_.push_back( MaVec4d( Rect.X_, Rect.Y_, Rect.X_ + Rect.W_, Rect.Y_ + Rect.H_ ) );

	WorldTransformParam_ = MaterialComponent_->findParameter( "uWorldTransform" );

	BcMemZero( &VertexBuffers_, sizeof( VertexBuffers_ ) );
	pParticleBuffer_ = NULL;
	CurrentVertexBuffer_ = 0;

	PotentialFreeParticle_ = 0;
Exemple #11
// setDepthStencilTarget
RsFrameBufferDesc& RsFrameBufferDesc::setDepthStencilTarget( RsTexture* Texture )
	BcAssertMsg( ( Texture->getDesc().BindFlags_ & RsResourceBindFlags::DEPTH_STENCIL ) != RsResourceBindFlags::NONE,
		"Can't bind texture as depth stencil target, was it created with RsResourceBindFlags::DEPTH_STENCIL?" );
	DepthStencilTarget_ = Texture;
	return *this;
Exemple #12
// updateTexture
bool RsContextNull::updateTexture( 
	class RsTexture* Texture,
	const struct RsTextureSlice& Slice,
	RsResourceUpdateFlags Flags,
	RsTextureUpdateFunc UpdateFunc )
	BcAssertMsg( BcCurrentThreadId() == OwningThread_, "Calling context calls from invalid thread." );
	BcUnusedVar( Texture );
	BcUnusedVar( Slice );
	BcUnusedVar( Flags );
	BcUnusedVar( UpdateFunc );
	const auto& TextureDesc = Texture->getDesc();
	std::unique_ptr< BcU8[] > TempBuffer;
		BcU32 Width = BcMax( 1, TextureDesc.Width_ >> Slice.Level_ );
		BcU32 Height = BcMax( 1, TextureDesc.Height_ >> Slice.Level_ );
		BcU32 Depth = BcMax( 1, TextureDesc.Depth_ >> Slice.Level_ );
		BcU32 DataSize = RsTextureFormatSize( 
			1 );
	TempBuffer.reset( new BcU8[ DataSize ] );
	RsTextureLock Lock = 
		TextureDesc.Width_ * TextureDesc.Height_
	UpdateFunc( Texture, Lock );
	return true;
Exemple #13
// destroyBuffer
bool RsContextNull::destroyBuffer( 
	class RsBuffer* Buffer )
	BcAssertMsg( BcCurrentThreadId() == OwningThread_, "Calling context calls from invalid thread." );
	BcUnusedVar( Buffer );
	return true;
Exemple #14
// createRenderState
bool RsContextNull::createRenderState(
	RsRenderState* RenderState )
	BcAssertMsg( BcCurrentThreadId() == OwningThread_, "Calling context calls from invalid thread." );
	BcUnusedVar( RenderState );
	return true;
// addPrimitive
void ScnDebugRenderComponent::addPrimitive( eRsPrimitiveType Type, ScnDebugRenderComponentVertex* pVertices, BcU32 NoofVertices, BcU32 Layer, BcBool UseMatrixStack )
	BcAssertMsg( MaterialComponent_.isValid(), "ScnDebugRenderComponent: Material component has not been set!" );

	// Check if the vertices are owned by us, if not copy in.
	if( pVertices < pVertices_ || pVertices_ >= pVerticesEnd_ )
		ScnDebugRenderComponentVertex* pNewVertices = allocVertices( NoofVertices );
		if( pNewVertices != NULL )
			BcMemCopy( pNewVertices, pVertices, sizeof( ScnDebugRenderComponentVertex ) * NoofVertices );
			pVertices = pNewVertices;
	// TODO: If there was a previous primitive which we can marge into, attempt to.
	BcU32 VertexIndex = convertVertexPointerToIndex( pVertices );
	ScnDebugRenderComponentPrimitiveSection PrimitiveSection = 
	PrimitiveSectionList_.push_back( PrimitiveSection );
	LastPrimitiveSection_ = (BcU32)PrimitiveSectionList_.size() - 1;
Exemple #16
// drawPrimitives
void RsContextNull::drawPrimitives( RsTopologyType PrimitiveType, BcU32 IndexOffset, BcU32 NoofIndices )
	BcAssertMsg( BcCurrentThreadId() == OwningThread_, "Calling context calls from invalid thread." );
	BcUnusedVar( PrimitiveType );
	BcUnusedVar( IndexOffset );
	BcUnusedVar( NoofIndices );
Exemple #17
	ReClass* GetClass( BcName Name )
		auto NameString = (*Name);

		// If it begins with "class", "struct", or "enum", strip it.
		// NOTE: We should move this work into the demangling stuff.
		if( NameString.substr( 0, 6 ) == "class " ||
			NameString.substr( 0, 7 ) == "struct " ||
			NameString.substr( 0, 5 ) == "enum " )
			Name = BcName( NameString.substr( NameString.find( " " ) + 1, NameString.length() - 1 ) );

		// Try find class.
		ReClass* FoundType = GetType( Name );
		if( FoundType == nullptr )
			BcAssertMsg( BcIsGameThread(), "Reflection can only modify database on the game thread." );
			FoundType = new ReClass( Name );
			Types_[ Name ] = FoundType;

		// Use dynamic cast here instead of our internal RTTI.
		// It may still be under construction so not yet valid.
		return dynamic_cast< ReClass* >( FoundType );
Exemple #18
// destroySamplerState
bool RsContextNull::destroySamplerState(
	RsSamplerState* SamplerState )
	BcAssertMsg( BcCurrentThreadId() == OwningThread_, "Calling context calls from invalid thread." );
	BcUnusedVar( SamplerState );
	return true;
Exemple #19
	ReEnum* GetEnum( BcName Name )
		auto NameString = ( *Name );

		// If it begins with "class", "struct", or "enum", strip it.
		// NOTE: We should move this work into the demangling stuff.
		if( NameString.substr( 0, 5 ) == "enum " )
			Name = BcName( NameString.substr( NameString.find( " " ) + 1, NameString.length() - 1 ) );

		// Try find class.
		ReClass* FoundType = GetType( Name );
		if( FoundType == nullptr )
			BcAssertMsg( BcIsGameThread(), "Reflection can only modify database on the game thread." );
			FoundType = new ReEnum( Name );
			Types_[ Name ] = FoundType;

		if( FoundType->isTypeOf< ReEnum >() )
			return static_cast< ReEnum* >( FoundType );
			return nullptr;
Exemple #20
// destroyTexture
bool RsContextNull::destroyTexture( 
	class RsTexture* Texture )
	BcAssertMsg( BcCurrentThreadId() == OwningThread_, "Calling context calls from invalid thread." );
	BcUnusedVar( Texture );
	return true;
Exemple #21
// update
void RsRenderTargetGL::update()
    GLuint ColourBufferHandle = pColourBuffer_->getHandle< GLuint >();
    GLuint DepthStencilBufferHandle = pDepthStencilBuffer_->getHandle< GLuint >();
    GLuint FrameBufferHandle = pFrameBuffer_->getHandle< GLuint >();
    GLuint TextureHandle = pTexture_->getHandle< GLuint >();

    // Bind framebuffer.
    glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, FrameBufferHandle );

    // NOTE: Don't need a render buffer for colour attachment. Remove this when we get to MRT.
    // Setup attachments.
    glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, ColourBufferHandle );
    glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, DepthStencilBufferHandle );

    // Bind texture to framebuffer.
    glFramebufferTexture2D( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, TextureHandle, 0 );

    // Check the framebuffer is complete.
    GLenum Status = glCheckFramebufferStatus( GL_FRAMEBUFFER );
    BcAssertMsg( Status == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE, "RsRenderTargetGL: Framebuffer not complete." );

    // Unbind framebuffer.
    glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );

    // Set out handle to be the framebuffer handle.
    setHandle< GLuint >( FrameBufferHandle );
Exemple #22
// markReady
void CsResource::markDestroy()
	BcU32 OldStage = InitStage_.exchange( INIT_STAGE_DESTROY );
	BcAssertMsg( OldStage == INIT_STAGE_READY, "CsResource: Trying to mark \"%s\" for destruction when it's not ready.", (*getName()).c_str() );

	CsCore::pImpl()->destroyResource( this );
Exemple #23
// requestChunk
BcBool CsPackageLoader::requestChunk( BcU32 ResourceIdx, BcU32 ResourceChunkIdx, void* pDataLocation )
	BcAssert( IsDataReady_ );
	CsPackageResourceHeader& ResourceHeader = pResourceHeaders_[ ResourceIdx ];
	BcU32 ChunkIdx = ResourceHeader.FirstChunk_ + ResourceChunkIdx;
	CsPackageChunkHeader& ChunkHeader = pChunkHeaders_[ ChunkIdx ];
	CsPackageChunkData& ChunkData = pChunkData_[ ChunkIdx ];
	// Handle unmanaged data.
	if( ( ChunkHeader.Flags_ & csPCF_MANAGED ) == 0 )
		BcAssertMsg( pDataLocation != NULL, "CsPackageLoader: Unmanaged chunks require a data location." );
		ChunkData.pUnpackedData_ = reinterpret_cast< BcU8* >( pDataLocation );
	// If the chunk isn't loaded, then process (this will kick off the load).
	if( ChunkData.Status_ == csPCS_NOT_LOADED || ChunkData.Status_ == csPCS_READY )
		processResourceChunk( ResourceIdx, ChunkIdx );
		return BcTrue;

	return BcFalse;
Exemple #24
// requestPackage
CsPackage* CsCore::requestPackage( const BcName& Package )
	CsPackage* pPackage = findPackage( Package );
	if( pPackage != NULL )
		return pPackage;

	// Check for a packed package.
	BcPath PackedPackage( getPackagePackedPath( Package ) );
	BcPath ImportPackage( getPackageImportPath( Package ) );
	BcBool PackageExists = FsCore::pImpl()->fileExists( (*PackedPackage).c_str() ) || FsCore::pImpl()->fileExists( (*ImportPackage).c_str() );

	// If it exists, create it. Internally it will trigger it's own load.
	if( PackageExists )
		pPackage = new CsPackage( Package );
		PackageList_.push_back( pPackage );
		BcAssertMsg( BcFalse, "CsCore: Can't import package, missing \"%s\" or \"%s\"", (*PackedPackage).c_str(), (*ImportPackage).c_str() );

	return pPackage;	
Exemple #25
// setUniformBuffer
void RsContextNull::setUniformBuffer( 
	BcU32 Handle, 
	class RsBuffer* UniformBuffer )
	BcAssertMsg( BcCurrentThreadId() == OwningThread_, "Calling context calls from invalid thread." );
	BcUnusedVar( Handle );
	BcUnusedVar( UniformBuffer );
Exemple #26
// execute
void SysJobWorker::execute()
	// Enter loop.
	while( Active_ )
		PSY_PROFILER_SECTION( SysJobWorker_BeginWait_Profile, "SysJobWorker_BeginWait" );

		// Wait till we are told to resume.
			std::unique_lock< std::mutex > ResumeLock( ResumeMutex_ );
			ResumeEvent_.wait( ResumeLock, [ this ]{ return pCurrentJob_ != NULL; } );

		PSY_PROFILER_SECTION( SysJobWorker_EndWait_Profile, "SysJobWorker_EndWait" );

		if( Active_ == BcTrue )
			BcAssertMsg( pCurrentJob_ != NULL, "No job has been given!" );

		BcAssertMsg( HaveJob_ == BcTrue, "SysJobWorker: We have a job pointer set, but haven't got it via giveJob." );

		// Start timing the job.
		BcTimer Timer;
		// Execute our job.

		// Add time spent to our total.
		const BcU32 TimeWorkingUS = static_cast< BcU32 >( Timer.time() * 1000000.0f );;
		TimeWorkingUS_ += TimeWorkingUS;
		// No job now, clean up.
		delete pCurrentJob_;
		pCurrentJob_ = NULL;
		HaveJob_ = BcFalse;
		// Signal job queue parent to schedule.
Exemple #27
// Dtor
	BcAssertMsg( hasPendingCallback() == BcFalse, "CsPackageLoader: Callbacks are pending." );

	BcMemFree( pPackageData_ );
	pPackageData_ = NULL;
void ScnCanvasComponent::render( class ScnViewComponent* pViewComponent, RsFrame* pFrame, RsRenderSort Sort )
	if( HaveVertexBufferLock_ == BcFalse )
	BcAssertMsg( HaveVertexBufferLock_ == BcTrue, "ScnCanvasComponent: Can't render without a vertex buffer lock." );

	// HUD pass.
	Sort.Layer_ = 0;
	Sort.Pass_ = RS_SORT_PASS_MAX;

	// NOTE: Could do this sort inside of the renderer, but I'm just gonna keep the canvas
	//       as one solid object as to not conflict with other canvas objects when rendered
	//       to the scene. Will not sort by transparency or anything either.
	std::stable_sort( PrimitiveSectionList_.begin(), PrimitiveSectionList_.end(), ScnCanvasComponentPrimitiveSectionCompare() );
	// Cache last material instance.
	ScnMaterialComponent* pLastMaterialComponent = NULL;
	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < PrimitiveSectionList_.size(); ++Idx )
		ScnCanvasComponentRenderNode* pRenderNode = pFrame->newObject< ScnCanvasComponentRenderNode >();
		pRenderNode->NoofSections_ = 1;//PrimitiveSectionList_.size();
		pRenderNode->pPrimitiveSections_ = pFrame->alloc< ScnCanvasComponentPrimitiveSection >( 1 );
		pRenderNode->pPrimitive_ = pRenderResource_->pPrimitive_;
		// Copy primitive sections in.
		BcMemCopy( pRenderNode->pPrimitiveSections_, &PrimitiveSectionList_[ Idx ], sizeof( ScnCanvasComponentPrimitiveSection ) * 1 );
		// Bind material.
		// NOTE: We should be binding for every single draw call. We can have the material deal with redundancy internally
		//       if need be. If using multiple canvases we could potentially lose a material bind.
		//if( pLastMaterialComponent != pRenderNode->pPrimitiveSections_->MaterialComponent_ )
			pLastMaterialComponent = pRenderNode->pPrimitiveSections_->MaterialComponent_;
			pLastMaterialComponent->bind( pFrame, Sort );
		// Add to frame.
		pRenderNode->Sort_ = Sort;
		pFrame->addRenderNode( pRenderNode );
	// Unlock vertex buffer.
	pRenderResource_->pVertexBuffer_->setNoofUpdateVertices( VertexIndex_ );
	HaveVertexBufferLock_ = BcFalse;

	// Flip the render resource.
	CurrentRenderResource_ = 1 - CurrentRenderResource_;

	// Reset render resource pointers to aid debugging.
	pRenderResource_ = NULL;
	pVertices_ = pVerticesEnd_ = NULL;
Exemple #29
eEvtReturn OnPostOsOpen_CreateClient( EvtID, const EvtBaseEvent& )
	GMainWindow = new OsClientSDL();
	if( GMainWindow->create( GPsySetupParams.Name_.c_str(), GInstance_, GResolutionWidth, GResolutionHeight, BcFalse, GPsySetupParams.Flags_ & psySF_WINDOW ? BcTrue : BcFalse ) == BcFalse )
		BcAssertMsg( BcFalse, "Failed to create client!" );
		return evtRET_REMOVE;

	// Get rendering context.
	if( RsCore::pImpl() != NULL )
		RsContext* pContext = RsCore::pImpl()->getContext( GMainWindow );
		BcAssertMsg( pContext != NULL, "Failed to create render context!" );

	return evtRET_REMOVE;
Exemple #30
// setFields
void ReClass::setFields( BcU32 NoofFields, const ReField* pFields )
	BcAssertMsg( Fields_.size() == 0, "Fields already set." );
	Fields_.reserve( NoofFields );
	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < NoofFields; ++Idx )
		Fields_.push_back( &pFields[ Idx ] );