Exemple #1
BitmapRef Sprite::Refresh(Rect& rect) {
	if (zoom_x_effect != 1.0 && zoom_y_effect != 1.0 && angle_effect != 0.0 && waver_effect_depth != 0) {
		// TODO: Out of bounds check adjustments for zoom, angle and waver
		// but even without this will catch most of the cases
		if (Rect(x - ox, y - oy, GetWidth(), GetHeight()).IsOutOfBounds(Rect(0, 0, SCREEN_TARGET_WIDTH, SCREEN_TARGET_HEIGHT))) {
			return BitmapRef();

	rect.Adjust(bitmap->GetWidth(), bitmap->GetHeight());

	bool no_tone = tone_effect == Tone();
	bool no_flash = flash_effect.alpha == 0;
	bool no_flip = !flipx_effect && !flipy_effect;
	bool no_effects = no_tone && no_flash && no_flip;
	bool effects_changed = tone_effect != current_tone ||
		flash_effect != current_flash ||
		flipx_effect != current_flip_x ||
		flipy_effect != current_flip_y;
	bool effects_rect_changed = rect != bitmap_effects_src_rect;

	if (effects_changed || effects_rect_changed || bitmap_changed) {
		bitmap_effects_valid = false;

	if (no_effects)
		return bitmap;

	if (bitmap_effects && bitmap_effects_valid)
		return bitmap_effects;

	BitmapRef src_bitmap;

	if (no_effects)
		src_bitmap = bitmap;
	else if (bitmap_effects_valid)
		src_bitmap = bitmap_effects;
	else {
		current_tone = tone_effect;
		current_flash = flash_effect;
		current_flip_x = flipx_effect;
		current_flip_y = flipy_effect;

		if (bitmap_effects &&
			bitmap_effects->GetWidth() < rect.x + rect.width &&
			bitmap_effects->GetHeight() < rect.y + rect.height) {

		if (!bitmap_effects)
			bitmap_effects = Bitmap::Create(bitmap->GetWidth(), bitmap->GetHeight(), true);

		if (no_tone && no_flash)
			bitmap_effects->FlipBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, flipx_effect, flipy_effect, Opacity::opaque);
		else if (no_flip && no_flash)
			bitmap_effects->ToneBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, tone_effect, Opacity::opaque);
		else if (no_flip && no_tone)
			bitmap_effects->BlendBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, flash_effect, Opacity::opaque);
		else if (no_flash) {
			bitmap_effects->ToneBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, tone_effect, Opacity::opaque);
			bitmap_effects->Flip(rect, flipx_effect, flipy_effect);
		else if (no_tone) {
			bitmap_effects->BlendBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, flash_effect, Opacity::opaque);
			bitmap_effects->Flip(rect, flipx_effect, flipy_effect);
		else if (no_flip) {
			bitmap_effects->ToneBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, tone_effect, Opacity::opaque);
			bitmap_effects->BlendBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap_effects, rect, flash_effect, Opacity::opaque);
		else {
			bitmap_effects->ToneBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, tone_effect, Opacity::opaque);
			bitmap_effects->BlendBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap_effects, rect, flash_effect, Opacity::opaque);
			bitmap_effects->Flip(rect, flipx_effect, flipy_effect);

		bitmap_effects_src_rect = rect;
		bitmap_effects_valid = true;

		src_bitmap = bitmap_effects;

	return src_bitmap;
BitmapScreenRef BitmapScreen::Create() {
	return Create(BitmapRef());
BitmapRef BitmapScreen::Refresh(Rect& rect, bool& need_scale, int& bush_y) {
	need_scale = false;

	rect.Adjust(bitmap->GetWidth(), bitmap->GetHeight());

	if (rect.IsOutOfBounds(bitmap->GetWidth(), bitmap->GetHeight()))
	return BitmapRef();

	bool no_tone = tone_effect == Tone();
	bool no_flash = flash_effect.alpha == 0;
	bool no_flip = !flipx_effect && !flipy_effect;
	bool no_effects = no_tone && no_flash && no_flip;
	bool no_zoom = zoom_x_effect == 1.0 && zoom_y_effect == 1.0;
	bool effects_changed = tone_effect != current_tone ||
		flash_effect != current_flash ||
		flipx_effect != current_flip_x ||
		flipy_effect != current_flip_y;
	bool effects_rect_changed = rect != bitmap_effects_src_rect;

	if (effects_changed || effects_rect_changed || bitmap_changed) {
		bitmap_effects_valid = false;
		bitmap_scale_valid = false;

	if (no_effects && no_zoom)
		return bitmap;

	if (bitmap_effects != NULL && bitmap_effects_valid && no_zoom)
		return bitmap_effects;

	BitmapRef src_bitmap;

	if (no_effects)
		src_bitmap = bitmap;
	else if (bitmap_effects_valid)
		src_bitmap = bitmap_effects;
	else {
		current_tone = tone_effect;
		current_flash = flash_effect;
		current_flip_x = flipx_effect;
		current_flip_y = flipy_effect;

		if (bitmap_effects != NULL &&
			bitmap_effects->GetWidth() < rect.x + rect.width &&
			bitmap_effects->GetHeight() < rect.y + rect.height) {

		if (!bitmap_effects)
			bitmap_effects = Bitmap::Create(bitmap->GetWidth(), bitmap->GetHeight(), true);

		if (no_tone && no_flash)
			bitmap_effects->FlipBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, flipx_effect, flipy_effect);
		else if (no_flip && no_flash)
			bitmap_effects->ToneBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, tone_effect);
		else if (no_flip && no_tone)
			bitmap_effects->BlendBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, flash_effect);
		else if (no_flash) {
			bitmap_effects->ToneBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, tone_effect);
			bitmap_effects->Flip(rect, flipx_effect, flipy_effect);
		else if (no_tone) {
			bitmap_effects->BlendBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, flash_effect);
			bitmap_effects->Flip(rect, flipx_effect, flipy_effect);
		else if (no_flip) {
			bitmap_effects->BlendBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, flash_effect);
			bitmap_effects->ToneBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap_effects, rect, tone_effect);
		else {
			bitmap_effects->BlendBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap, rect, flash_effect);
			bitmap_effects->ToneBlit(rect.x, rect.y, *bitmap_effects, rect, tone_effect);
			bitmap_effects->Flip(rect, flipx_effect, flipy_effect);

		bitmap_effects_src_rect = rect;
		bitmap_effects_valid = true;

		src_bitmap = bitmap_effects;

	if (no_zoom || angle_effect != 0.0)
		return src_bitmap;

	int zoomed_width  = (int)(rect.width  * zoom_x_effect);
	int zoomed_height = (int)(rect.height * zoom_y_effect);

	if (zoomed_width > 640 || zoomed_height > 640) {
		need_scale = true;
		return src_bitmap;

	bool zoom_changed =
		zoom_x_effect != current_zoom_x ||
		zoom_y_effect != current_zoom_y;

	bool scale_rect_changed = rect != bitmap_scale_src_rect;

	if (zoom_changed || scale_rect_changed)
		bitmap_scale_valid = false;

	if (bitmap_scale != NULL && bitmap_scale_valid) {
		bush_y = bush_y * bitmap_scale->GetHeight() / rect.height;
		rect = bitmap_scale->GetRect();
		return bitmap_scale;

	current_zoom_x = zoom_x_effect;
	current_zoom_y = zoom_y_effect;


	bitmap_scale = src_bitmap->Resample(zoomed_width, zoomed_height, rect);

	bitmap_scale_src_rect = rect;
	bitmap_scale_valid = true;

	bush_y = bush_y * bitmap_scale->GetHeight() / rect.height;
	rect = bitmap_scale->GetRect();
	return bitmap_scale;
Exemple #4
void Window::RefreshFrame() {
	frame_needs_refresh = false;

	BitmapRef up_bitmap = Bitmap::Create(width, 8);
	BitmapRef down_bitmap = Bitmap::Create(width, 8);



	Rect src_rect, dst_rect;

	// Border Up
	src_rect.Set(32 + 8, 0, 16, 8);
	dst_rect.Set(8, 0, max(width - 16, 1), 8);
	up_bitmap->TiledBlit(8, 0, src_rect, *windowskin, dst_rect, 255);

	// Border Down
	src_rect.Set(32 + 8, 32 - 8, 16, 8);
	dst_rect.Set(8, 0, max(width - 16, 1), 8);
	down_bitmap->TiledBlit(8, 0, src_rect, *windowskin, dst_rect, 255);

	// Upper left corner
	up_bitmap->Blit(0, 0, *windowskin, Rect(32, 0, 8, 8), 255);

	// Upper right corner
	up_bitmap->Blit(width - 8, 0, *windowskin, Rect(64 - 8, 0, 8, 8), 255);

	// Lower left corner
	down_bitmap->Blit(0, 0, *windowskin, Rect(32, 32 - 8, 8, 8), 255);

	// Lower right corner
	down_bitmap->Blit(width - 8, 0, *windowskin, Rect(64 - 8, 32 - 8, 8, 8), 255);


	if (height > 16) {
		BitmapRef left_bitmap = Bitmap::Create(8, height - 16);
		BitmapRef right_bitmap = Bitmap::Create(8, height - 16);



		// Border Left
		src_rect.Set(32, 8, 8, 16);
		dst_rect.Set(0, 0, 8, height - 16);
		left_bitmap->TiledBlit(0, 8, src_rect, *windowskin, dst_rect, 255);

		// Border Right
		src_rect.Set(64 - 8, 8, 8, 16);
		dst_rect.Set(0, 0, 8, height - 16);
		right_bitmap->TiledBlit(0, 8, src_rect, *windowskin, dst_rect, 255);

	} else {