void ClearRectangleOnBackground(Bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y,
				int width, int height)
  if (DrawingOnBackground(x, y))
    BlitBitmap(gfx.background_bitmap, bitmap, x, y, width, height, x, y);
    ClearRectangle(bitmap, x, y, width, height);
void BlitBitmapOnBackground(Bitmap *src_bitmap, Bitmap *dst_bitmap,
			    int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height,
			    int dst_x, int dst_y)
  if (DrawingOnBackground(dst_x, dst_y))
    /* draw background */
    BlitBitmap(gfx.background_bitmap, dst_bitmap, dst_x, dst_y, width, height,
	       dst_x, dst_y);

    /* draw foreground */
    SetClipOrigin(src_bitmap, src_bitmap->stored_clip_gc,
		  dst_x - src_x, dst_y - src_y);
    BlitBitmapMasked(src_bitmap, dst_bitmap, src_x, src_y, width, height,
		     dst_x, dst_y);
    BlitBitmap(src_bitmap, dst_bitmap, src_x, src_y, width, height,
	       dst_x, dst_y);
static void ScrollPlayfield(int dx, int dy)
  int x1 = mScrollX_last / TILEX - 2;
  int y1 = mScrollY_last / TILEY - 2;
  int x2 = mScrollX_last / TILEX + (SCR_FIELDX - 1) + 2;
  int y2 = mScrollY_last / TILEY + (SCR_FIELDY - 1) + 2;
  int x, y;

  BlitBitmap(bitmap_db_field_sp, bitmap_db_field_sp,
             TILEX * (dx == -1),
             TILEY * (dy == -1),
             (MAX_BUF_XSIZE * TILEX) - TILEX * (dx != 0),
             (MAX_BUF_YSIZE * TILEY) - TILEY * (dy != 0),
             TILEX * (dx == 1),
             TILEY * (dy == 1));

  /* when scrolling the whole playfield, do not redraw single tiles */
  for (x = 0; x < MAX_BUF_XSIZE; x++)
    for (y = 0; y < MAX_BUF_YSIZE; y++)
      redraw[x][y] = FALSE;
  redraw_tiles = 0;


  for (y = DisplayMinY; y <= DisplayMaxY; y++)
    for (x = DisplayMinX; x <= DisplayMaxX; x++)
      if (x >= x1 && x <= x2 && y >= y1 && y <= y2)
	int sx = x - x1;
	int sy = y - y1;
	int tsi = GetSI(x, y);
	long id = ((PlayField16[tsi]) |
		   (PlayField8[tsi] << 16) |
		   (DisPlayField[tsi] << 24));

	if ((dx == -1 && x == x2) ||
	    (dx == +1 && x == x1) ||
	    (dy == -1 && y == y2) ||
	    (dy == +1 && y == y1))
	  DrawFieldNoAnimated(x, y);
	  DrawFieldAnimated(x, y);

	ScreenBuffer[sx][sy] = id;
Exemple #4
int GenericSLM::DisplayImage()
   if (initialized_)
      inversionStr_ = invert_ ? "On" : "Off" ;


      return DEVICE_OK;
      SetErrorText(DEVICE_LOCALLY_DEFINED_ERROR, "SLM not active.");
void BackToFront_SP(void)
  static boolean scrolling_last = FALSE;
  int left = mScrollX / TILEX;
  int top  = mScrollY / TILEY;
  boolean scrolling = (mScrollX % TILEX != 0 || mScrollY % TILEY != 0);
  int x, y;


  if (1 ||
      redraw_tiles > REDRAWTILES_THRESHOLD || scrolling || scrolling_last)
    for (x = 0; x < SCR_FIELDX; x++)
      for (y = 0; y < SCR_FIELDY; y++)
	int xx = (left + x) % MAX_BUF_XSIZE;
	int yy = (top  + y) % MAX_BUF_YSIZE;

	if (redraw[xx][yy])
	  BlitBitmap(bitmap_db_field_sp, window,
		     xx * TILEX, yy * TILEY, TILEX, TILEY,
		     SX + x * TILEX, SY + y * TILEY);


  for (x = 0; x < MAX_BUF_XSIZE; x++)
    for (y = 0; y < MAX_BUF_YSIZE; y++)
      redraw[x][y] = FALSE;
  redraw_tiles = 0;

  scrolling_last = scrolling;
void BlitScreenToBitmap_SP(Bitmap *target_bitmap)
  int px = 2 * TILEX + (mScrollX - mScrollX_last) % TILEX;
  int py = 2 * TILEY + (mScrollY - mScrollY_last) % TILEY;
  int sx, sy, sxsize, sysize;

#if 0
  printf("::: %d, %d / %d, %d / %ld, %ld (%ld, %ld) / %d, %d\n",
	 MurphyScreenXPos, MurphyScreenYPos,
	 ScreenScrollXPos, ScreenScrollYPos,
	 mScrollX, mScrollY,
	 mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last,
	 px, py);

  int xsize = SXSIZE;
  int ysize = SYSIZE;
  int full_xsize = (FieldWidth  - (menBorder ? 0 : 1)) * TILEX;
  int full_ysize = (FieldHeight - (menBorder ? 0 : 1)) * TILEY;

  sxsize = (full_xsize < xsize ? full_xsize : xsize);
  sysize = (full_ysize < ysize ? full_ysize : ysize);
  sx = SX + (full_xsize < xsize ? (xsize - full_xsize) / 2 : 0);
  sy = SY + (full_ysize < ysize ? (ysize - full_ysize) / 2 : 0);

  /* scroll correction for even number of visible tiles (half tile shifted) */
  px += game_sp.scroll_xoffset;
  py += game_sp.scroll_yoffset;

#if 1
  if (ExplosionShakeMurphy != 0)
    px += TILEX / 2 - GetSimpleRandom(TILEX + 1);
    py += TILEY / 2 - GetSimpleRandom(TILEX + 1);

  BlitBitmap(bitmap_db_field_sp, target_bitmap, px, py, sxsize, sysize, sx, sy);
static void Blt(int pX, int pY, Bitmap *bitmap, int SpriteX, int SpriteY)
  int scx = (mScrollX_last < 0 ? 0 : mScrollX_last);
  int scy = (mScrollY_last < 0 ? 0 : mScrollY_last);
  int sx1 = scx - 2 * TILEX;
  int sy1 = scy - 2 * TILEY;
  int sx2 = scx + SXSIZE + 1 * TILEX;
  int sy2 = scy + SYSIZE + 1 * TILEY;

  int sx = pX - sx1;
  int sy = pY - sy1;

  if (NoDisplayFlag)

  /* do not draw fields that are outside the visible screen area */
  if (pX < sx1 || pX > sx2 || pY < sy1 || pY > sy2)

  BlitBitmap(bitmap, bitmap_db_field_sp, SpriteX, SpriteY,
	     TILEX, TILEY, sx, sy);
static void DrawBitmapFromTile(Bitmap *bitmap, Bitmap *tile,
			       int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height)
  int bitmap_xsize = width;
  int bitmap_ysize = height;
  int tile_xsize = tile->width;
  int tile_ysize = tile->height;
  int tile_xsteps = (bitmap_xsize + tile_xsize - 1) / tile_xsize;
  int tile_ysteps = (bitmap_ysize + tile_ysize - 1) / tile_ysize;
  int x, y;

  for (y = 0; y < tile_ysteps; y++)
    for (x = 0; x < tile_xsteps; x++)
      int draw_x = dest_x + x * tile_xsize;
      int draw_y = dest_y + y * tile_ysize;
      int draw_xsize = MIN(tile_xsize, bitmap_xsize - x * tile_xsize);
      int draw_ysize = MIN(tile_ysize, bitmap_ysize - y * tile_ysize);

      BlitBitmap(tile, bitmap, 0, 0, draw_xsize, draw_ysize, draw_x, draw_y);
static void CreateScaledBitmaps(Bitmap *old_bitmap, int zoom_factor,
				boolean create_small_bitmaps)
  Bitmap swap_bitmap;
  Bitmap *new_bitmap;
  Bitmap *tmp_bitmap_1;
  Bitmap *tmp_bitmap_2;
  Bitmap *tmp_bitmap_4;
  Bitmap *tmp_bitmap_8;
  Bitmap *tmp_bitmap_16;
  Bitmap *tmp_bitmap_32;
  int width_1, height_1;
  int width_2, height_2;
  int width_4, height_4;
  int width_8, height_8;
  int width_16, height_16;
  int width_32, height_32;
  int new_width, new_height;

  /* calculate new image dimensions for normal sized image */
  width_1  = old_bitmap->width  * zoom_factor;
  height_1 = old_bitmap->height * zoom_factor;

  /* get image with normal size (this might require scaling up) */
  if (zoom_factor != 1)
    tmp_bitmap_1 = ZoomBitmap(old_bitmap, width_1, height_1);
    tmp_bitmap_1 = old_bitmap;

  /* this is only needed to make compilers happy */
  tmp_bitmap_2 = NULL;
  tmp_bitmap_4 = NULL;
  tmp_bitmap_8 = NULL;
  tmp_bitmap_16 = NULL;
  tmp_bitmap_32 = NULL;

  if (create_small_bitmaps)
    /* calculate new image dimensions for small images */
    width_2  = width_1  / 2;
    height_2 = height_1 / 2;
    width_4  = width_1  / 4;
    height_4 = height_1 / 4;
    width_8  = width_1  / 8;
    height_8 = height_1 / 8;
    width_16  = width_1  / 16;
    height_16 = height_1 / 16;
    width_32  = width_1  / 32;
    height_32 = height_1 / 32;


    /* get image with 1/2 of normal size (for use in the level editor) */
    if (zoom_factor != 2)
      tmp_bitmap_2 = ZoomBitmap(tmp_bitmap_1, width_1 / 2, height_1 / 2);
      tmp_bitmap_2 = old_bitmap;


    /* get image with 1/4 of normal size (for use in the level editor) */
    if (zoom_factor != 4)
      tmp_bitmap_4 = ZoomBitmap(tmp_bitmap_2, width_2 / 2, height_2 / 2);
      tmp_bitmap_4 = old_bitmap;


    /* get image with 1/8 of normal size (for use on the preview screen) */
    if (zoom_factor != 8)
      tmp_bitmap_8 = ZoomBitmap(tmp_bitmap_4, width_4 / 2, height_4 / 2);
      tmp_bitmap_8 = old_bitmap;


    /* get image with 1/16 of normal size (for use on the preview screen) */
    if (zoom_factor != 16)
      tmp_bitmap_16 = ZoomBitmap(tmp_bitmap_8, width_8 / 2, height_8 / 2);
      tmp_bitmap_16 = old_bitmap;


    /* get image with 1/32 of normal size (for use on the preview screen) */
    if (zoom_factor != 32)
      tmp_bitmap_32 = ZoomBitmap(tmp_bitmap_16, width_16 / 2, height_16 / 2);
      tmp_bitmap_32 = old_bitmap;


#if 0
  /* if image was scaled up, create new clipmask for normal size image */
  if (zoom_factor != 1)
#if defined(TARGET_X11)
    if (old_bitmap->clip_mask)
      XFreePixmap(display, old_bitmap->clip_mask);

    old_bitmap->clip_mask =
      Pixmap_to_Mask(tmp_bitmap_1->drawable, width_1, height_1);

    XSetClipMask(display, old_bitmap->stored_clip_gc, old_bitmap->clip_mask);
    SDL_Surface *tmp_surface_1 = tmp_bitmap_1->surface;

    if (old_bitmap->surface_masked)

    SDL_SetColorKey(tmp_surface_1, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,
		    SDL_MapRGB(tmp_surface_1->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
    if ((old_bitmap->surface_masked = SDL_DisplayFormat(tmp_surface_1)) ==NULL)
      Error(ERR_EXIT, "SDL_DisplayFormat() failed");
    SDL_SetColorKey(tmp_surface_1, 0, 0);	/* reset transparent pixel */

  if (create_small_bitmaps)
    new_width  = width_1;
    new_height = height_1 + (height_1 + 1) / 2;     /* prevent odd height */

    new_bitmap = CreateBitmap(new_width, new_height, DEFAULT_DEPTH);

    BlitBitmap(tmp_bitmap_1, new_bitmap, 0, 0, width_1, height_1, 0, 0);
    BlitBitmap(tmp_bitmap_2, new_bitmap, 0, 0, width_1 / 2, height_1 / 2,
	       0, height_1);
    BlitBitmap(tmp_bitmap_4, new_bitmap, 0, 0, width_1 / 4, height_1 / 4,
	       width_1 / 2, height_1);
    BlitBitmap(tmp_bitmap_8, new_bitmap, 0, 0, width_1 / 8, height_1 / 8,
	       3 * width_1 / 4, height_1);
    BlitBitmap(tmp_bitmap_16, new_bitmap, 0, 0, width_1 / 16, height_1 / 16,
	       7 * width_1 / 8, height_1);
    BlitBitmap(tmp_bitmap_32, new_bitmap, 0, 0, width_1 / 32, height_1 / 32,
	       15 * width_1 / 16, height_1);

    new_width  = width_1;
    new_height = height_1;

    new_bitmap = tmp_bitmap_1;	/* directly use tmp_bitmap_1 as new bitmap */

  if (create_small_bitmaps)
    /* if no small bitmaps created, tmp_bitmap_1 is used as new bitmap now */
    if (zoom_factor != 1)

    if (zoom_factor != 2)

    if (zoom_factor != 4)

    if (zoom_factor != 8)

    if (zoom_factor != 16)

    if (zoom_factor != 32)

  /* replace image with extended image (containing 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 size) */
#if defined(TARGET_SDL)
  swap_bitmap.surface = old_bitmap->surface;
  old_bitmap->surface = new_bitmap->surface;
  new_bitmap->surface = swap_bitmap.surface;
  swap_bitmap.drawable = old_bitmap->drawable;
  old_bitmap->drawable = new_bitmap->drawable;
  new_bitmap->drawable = swap_bitmap.drawable;

  old_bitmap->width  = new_bitmap->width;
  old_bitmap->height = new_bitmap->height;

#if 1
  /* this replaces all blit masks created when loading -- maybe optimize this */
#if defined(TARGET_X11)
    if (old_bitmap->clip_mask)
      XFreePixmap(display, old_bitmap->clip_mask);

    old_bitmap->clip_mask =
      Pixmap_to_Mask(old_bitmap->drawable, new_width, new_height);

    XSetClipMask(display, old_bitmap->stored_clip_gc, old_bitmap->clip_mask);
    SDL_Surface *old_surface = old_bitmap->surface;

    if (old_bitmap->surface_masked)

    SDL_SetColorKey(old_surface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,
		    SDL_MapRGB(old_surface->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
    if ((old_bitmap->surface_masked = SDL_DisplayFormat(old_surface)) ==NULL)
      Error(ERR_EXIT, "SDL_DisplayFormat() failed");
    SDL_SetColorKey(old_surface, 0, 0);		/* reset transparent pixel */


  FreeBitmap(new_bitmap);	/* this actually frees the _old_ bitmap now */