Exemple #1
// Name: 
// Desc: 
HRESULT CDisplay::Blt( DWORD x, DWORD y, CSurface* pSurface, RECT* prc )
    if( NULL == pSurface )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if( pSurface->IsColorKeyed() )
        return Blt( x, y, pSurface->GetDDrawSurface(), prc, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY );
        return Blt( x, y, pSurface->GetDDrawSurface(), prc, 0L );
Exemple #2
void BlendBlt(int pno, int dx, int dy, int ar, int ag, int ab, int br, int bg, int bb)
	glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, ar);
	Blt(pno, dx, dy);
	glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 255);
	if ( s_pYGSTexture[pno] == NULL ) return;

	SDL_SetAlpha(s_pYGSTexture[pno], SDL_SRCALPHA | SDL_RLEACCEL, 128);
	Blt(pno, dx, dy);
	SDL_SetAlpha(s_pYGSTexture[pno], SDL_SRCALPHA | SDL_RLEACCEL, 255);
Exemple #3
// 이미지의 일부분만 서피스로 만드는 버전
xRESULT XSurfaceOpenGL::Create( const int memSrcx, const int memSrcy, const int memSrcw, const int        memSrch, const float surfaceDstw, const float surfaceDsth, const float adjx, const float adjy,  void *_pSrcImg, const int bpp, BOOL bSrcKeep )
    if( XBREAK( bpp == 2 ) )
        return xFAIL;
    // 빈 텍스쳐 만듬.

//	m_nWidth = dstw;
//	m_nHeight = dsth;
    SetAdjust( adjx, adjy );
//	m_AdjustX = adjx;
//	m_AdjustY = adjy;
    // w,h값을 2^단위로 정렬한다.
    int memDstw = ConvertToMemSize( surfaceDstw );
    int memDsth = ConvertToMemSize( surfaceDsth );
    GLsizei alignedW = memDstw;
    GLsizei alignedH = memDsth;
    GRAPHICS->AlignPowSize( &alignedW, &alignedH );

    // 정렬된 크기로 버텍스버퍼생성.
    CreateVertexBuffer( surfaceDstw, surfaceDsth, adjx, adjy, memDstw, memDsth, alignedW, alignedH );

    m_nAlignedWidth = alignedW;
    m_nAlignedHeight = alignedH;

    // pImg내용을 this로 옮김.
//    int areaw = ConvertToMemSize( surfaceDstw );
    //  int areah = ConvertToMemSize( surfaceDsth );
    RECT rect = { memSrcx, memSrcy, memSrcx+memDstw-1, memSrcy+memDsth-1 };
    Blt( (DWORD *)_pSrcImg, &rect, bpp, xNO_ALPHA, memSrcw, memSrch, 0, bSrcKeep );

    return xSUCCESS;
Exemple #4
// pImg로 버텍스/텍스쳐버퍼 생성.
xRESULT XSurfaceOpenGL::Create( const float surfaceW, const float surfaceH,
                                const float adjx, const float adjy,
                                xAlpha alpha, const void *pImg, int bytePerPixel, XCOLOR dwKeyColor, BOOL bSrcKeep )
    // 빈 텍스쳐 만듬.
    float memSrcw = ConvertToMemSize( surfaceW );
    float memSrch = ConvertToMemSize( surfaceH );
//	m_nWidth = width;
//	m_nHeight = height;
    SetAdjust( adjx, adjy );
    GLsizei alignedW = memSrcw;
    GLsizei alignedH = memSrch;
//	m_AdjustX = adjx;
//	m_AdjustY = adjy;
    // w,h값을 2^단위로 정렬한다.
    GRAPHICS->AlignPowSize( &alignedW, &alignedH );

    // 정렬된 크기로 버텍스버퍼생성.
//	CreateVertexBuffer( alignedW, alignedH, adjx, adjy );
    CreateVertexBuffer( surfaceW, surfaceH, adjx, adjy, memSrcw, memSrch, alignedW, alignedH );

    m_nAlignedWidth = alignedW;
    m_nAlignedHeight = alignedH;

    // pImg내용을 this로 옮김.
    Blt( (DWORD *)pImg, NULL, bytePerPixel, alpha, memSrcw, memSrch, dwKeyColor, bSrcKeep );

    return xSUCCESS;
Exemple #5
void DibBitmap::Scroll(Rect *prcSrc, int xDst, int yDst)
    // Some implementations do blts differently (such as rotated dibs).
    // That is why this method - essentially a blt from and to the
    // destination - exists.
    Blt(this, prcSrc, xDst, yDst);
Exemple #6
void DibBitmap::BltTiles(DibBitmap *pbmSrc, UpdateMap *pupd, int yTopDst)
	bool fFirst = true;
	Rect rc;
	while (pupd->EnumUpdateRects(fFirst, NULL, &rc)) {
		fFirst = false;
		Blt(pbmSrc, &rc, rc.left, rc.top + yTopDst);
Exemple #7

	CHECK_MODE( dwDrawMode );
	CHECK_RANGE_STR( FromID , 0 , dwSpriteNum , "Draw系関数(SpritePaste)->Sprite ID" );
	CHECK_RANGE_STR( ToID , 0 , dwSpriteNum , "Draw系関数(SpritePaste)->Sprite ID" );
	CHECK_EMPTY_STR( Sprites, FromID , "Draw系関数(SpritePaste)->Sprite" );

	Blt( FromID , 0 , 0 , EXPAND_SIZE( Sprites[ FromID ].Size ) ,  ToID , x , y );
	return S_OK;
void DDSpriteBuffer_BltImg(int pX, int pY, int graphic, int sync_frame)
  struct GraphicInfo_SP g;

  if (NoDisplayFlag)

  getGraphicSource_SP(&g, graphic, sync_frame, -1, -1);

  Blt(pX, pY, g.bitmap, g.src_x, g.src_y);
Exemple #9

	CHECK_MODE( dwDrawMode );
	CHECK_RANGE_STR( FromID , 0 , dwSpriteNum , "Draw系関数(SpriteCopy)->Sprite ID" );
	CHECK_RANGE_STR( ToID , 0 , dwSpriteNum , "Draw系関数(SpriteCopy)->Sprite ID" );
	CHECK_EMPTY_STR( Sprites, FromID , "Draw系関数(SpriteCopy)->Sprite" );

	/* -- ブリッティング(コピー ) -- */
	Blt( FromID , 0 , 0 ,  EXPAND_SIZE( Sprites[ FromID ].Size ) , ToID , 0 , 0 );
	return S_OK;
Exemple #10
void DibBitmap::BltTiles(DibBitmap *pbmSrc, UpdateMap *pupd, int yTopDst)
	// OS5 path usually not executed

	if (IsOS50Compat()) {
		bool fFirst = true;
		Rect rc;
		while (pupd->EnumUpdateRects(fFirst, NULL, &rc)) {
			fFirst = false;
			Blt(pbmSrc, &rc, rc.left, rc.top + yTopDst);

	// Init

	bool *pfMap = pupd->GetInvalidMap();
	MapInfo *pmnfo = pupd->GetMapInfo();
	Size sizMap;

	dword cbOffset = yTopDst * (dword)m_siz.cx;
	byte *pbSrc = pbmSrc->GetBits();
	byte *pbDst = m_pb + cbOffset;

	switch (gcxTile) {
	case 16:
		UpdateScreen816(pfMap, sizMap.cx, sizMap.cy, pbSrc, pbDst, m_siz.cx,
				pmnfo->cxLeftTile, pmnfo->cyTopTile, pmnfo->cxRightTile, pmnfo->cyBottomTile, pmnfo->ctxInside, pmnfo->ctyInside);

	case 24:
		UpdateScreen824(pfMap, sizMap.cx, sizMap.cy, pbSrc, pbDst, m_siz.cx,
				pmnfo->cxLeftTile, pmnfo->cyTopTile, pmnfo->cxRightTile, pmnfo->cyBottomTile, pmnfo->ctxInside, pmnfo->ctyInside);
Exemple #11
void ExBlt(int pno, int dx, int dy)
	Blt(pno, dx * zoomRate, dy * zoomRate);
Exemple #12
void BltFast(int pno, int dx, int dy)
	Blt(pno, dx, dy);
Exemple #13
void DibBitmap::BltTiles(DibBitmap *pbmSrc, UpdateMap *pupd, int yTopDst)
	MapInfo *pmnfo = pupd->GetMapInfo();
	bool *pfInvalid = pupd->GetInvalidMap();
	Size sizMap;
	int cbReturn = sizMap.cx - ((pmnfo->cxLeftTile != 0 ? 1 : 0) + pmnfo->ctxInside + (pmnfo->cxRightTile != 0 ? 1 : 0));

	Rect rcSrc;
	int xT = 0;
	int yDst = yTopDst;
	int ySrc = 0;
	if (pmnfo->cyTopTile != 0) {
		// Upper left corner

		if (pmnfo->cxLeftTile != 0 && *pfInvalid++) {
			rcSrc.Set(xT, ySrc, xT + pmnfo->cxLeftTile, ySrc + pmnfo->cyTopTile);
			Blt(pbmSrc, &rcSrc, xT, yDst);
		xT += pmnfo->cxLeftTile;

		// Upper edge

		for (int tx = 0; tx < pmnfo->ctxInside; tx++) {
			if (*pfInvalid++) {
				rcSrc.Set(xT, ySrc, xT + gcxTile, ySrc + pmnfo->cyTopTile);
				Blt(pbmSrc, &rcSrc, xT, yDst);
			xT += gcxTile;

		// Upper right corner

		if (pmnfo->cxRightTile != 0 && *pfInvalid++) {
			rcSrc.Set(xT, ySrc, xT + pmnfo->cxRightTile, ySrc + pmnfo->cyTopTile);
			Blt(pbmSrc, &rcSrc, xT, yDst);
		xT = 0;
		yDst += pmnfo->cyTopTile;
		ySrc += pmnfo->cyTopTile;
		pfInvalid += cbReturn;

	// Inside

	for (int ty = 0; ty < pmnfo->ctyInside; ty++) {

		// Inside left

		if (pmnfo->cxLeftTile != 0 && *pfInvalid++) {
			rcSrc.Set(xT, ySrc, xT + pmnfo->cxLeftTile, ySrc + gcyTile);
			Blt(pbmSrc, &rcSrc, xT, yDst);
		xT += pmnfo->cxLeftTile;

		// Inside

		for (int tx = 0; tx < pmnfo->ctxInside; tx++) {
			if (*pfInvalid++) {
				rcSrc.Set(xT, ySrc, xT + gcxTile, ySrc + gcyTile);
				Blt(pbmSrc, &rcSrc, xT, yDst);
			xT += gcxTile;

		// Inside right

		if (pmnfo->cxRightTile != 0 && *pfInvalid++) {
			rcSrc.Set(xT, ySrc, xT + pmnfo->cxRightTile, ySrc + gcyTile);
			Blt(pbmSrc, &rcSrc, xT, yDst);
		xT = 0;
		yDst += gcyTile;
		ySrc += gcyTile;
		pfInvalid += cbReturn;

	if (pmnfo->cyBottomTile != 0) {
		// Bottom left tile

		if (pmnfo->cxLeftTile != 0 && *pfInvalid++) {
			rcSrc.Set(xT, ySrc, xT + pmnfo->cxLeftTile, ySrc + pmnfo->cyBottomTile);
			Blt(pbmSrc, &rcSrc, xT, yDst);
		xT += pmnfo->cxLeftTile;

		// Bottom edge

		for (int tx = 0; tx < pmnfo->ctxInside; tx++) {
			if (*pfInvalid++) {
				rcSrc.Set(xT, ySrc, xT + gcxTile, ySrc + pmnfo->cyBottomTile);
				Blt(pbmSrc, &rcSrc, xT, yDst);
			xT += gcxTile;

		// Bottom right corner

		if (pmnfo->cxRightTile != 0 && *pfInvalid++) {
			rcSrc.Set(xT, ySrc, xT + pmnfo->cxRightTile, ySrc + pmnfo->cyBottomTile);
			Blt(pbmSrc, &rcSrc, xT, yDst);