Exemple #1
Bool BufferCommit(Buffer buffer, Addr p, Size size)
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, BufferPool(buffer)->alignment));

  /* <design/collection#.flip>. */
  /* .commit.before: If a flip occurs before this point, when the */
  /* pool reads "initAtFlip" it will point below the object, so it */
  /* will be trashed and the commit must fail when trip is called.  */
  AVER(p == buffer->ap_s.init);
  AVER(AddrAdd(buffer->ap_s.init, size) == buffer->ap_s.alloc);

  /* .commit.update: Atomically update the init pointer to declare */
  /* that the object is initialized (though it may be invalid if a */
  /* flip occurred). */
  buffer->ap_s.init = buffer->ap_s.alloc;

  /* .improve.memory-barrier: Memory barrier here on the DEC Alpha */
  /* (and other relaxed memory order architectures). */
  /* .commit.after: If a flip occurs at this point, the pool will */
  /* see "initAtFlip" above the object, which is valid, so it will */
  /* be collected.  The commit must succeed when trip is called.  */
  /* The pointer "p" will have been fixed up. */
  /* TODO: Check the above assertion and explain why it is so. */
  /* .commit.trip: Trip the buffer if a flip has occurred. */
  if (buffer->ap_s.limit == 0)
    return BufferTrip(buffer, p, size);

  /* No flip occurred, so succeed. */

  return TRUE;
Exemple #2
Res BufferFill(Addr *pReturn, Buffer buffer, Size size)
  Res res;
  Pool pool;
  Addr base, limit, next;

  AVER(pReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, BufferPool(buffer)->alignment));

  pool = BufferPool(buffer);

  /* If we're here because the buffer was trapped, then we attempt */
  /* the allocation here. */
  if (!BufferIsReset(buffer) && buffer->ap_s.limit == (Addr)0) {
    /* .fill.unflip: If the buffer is flipped then we unflip the buffer. */
    if (buffer->mode & BufferModeFLIPPED) {

    /* .fill.logged: If the buffer is logged then we leave it logged. */
    next = AddrAdd(buffer->ap_s.alloc, size);
    if (next > (Addr)buffer->ap_s.alloc &&
        next <= (Addr)buffer->poolLimit) {
      buffer->ap_s.alloc = next;
      if (buffer->mode & BufferModeLOGGED) {
        EVENT3(BufferReserve, buffer, buffer->ap_s.init, size);
      *pReturn = buffer->ap_s.init;
      return ResOK;

  /* There really isn't enough room for the allocation now. */
  AVER(AddrAdd(buffer->ap_s.alloc, size) > buffer->poolLimit ||
       AddrAdd(buffer->ap_s.alloc, size) < (Addr)buffer->ap_s.alloc);

  BufferDetach(buffer, pool);

  /* Ask the pool for some memory. */
  res = Method(Pool, pool, bufferFill)(&base, &limit, pool, buffer, size);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  /* Set up the buffer to point at the memory given by the pool */
  /* and do the allocation that was requested by the client. */
  BufferAttach(buffer, base, limit, base, size);

  if (buffer->mode & BufferModeLOGGED) {
    EVENT3(BufferReserve, buffer, buffer->ap_s.init, size);

  *pReturn = base;
  return res;
Exemple #3
void BufferFinish(Buffer buffer)
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);

  BufferDetach(buffer, BufferPool(buffer)); /* FIXME: Should be in BufferAbsFinish? */

  Method(Inst, buffer, finish)(MustBeA(Inst, buffer));
static void NBufferEmpty(Pool pool, Buffer buffer,
                         Addr init, Addr limit)
    AVERT(Pool, pool);
    AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
    AVER(init <= limit);

    NOTREACHED;   /* can't create buffers, so they shouldn't trip */
Exemple #5
void BufferSetAllocAddr(Buffer buffer, Addr addr)
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  /* Can't check Addr */
  AVER(buffer->base <= addr);
  AVER(buffer->poolLimit >= addr);

  buffer->ap_s.init = addr;
  buffer->ap_s.alloc = addr;
Exemple #6
void BufferDetach(Buffer buffer, Pool pool)
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);

  if (!BufferIsReset(buffer)) {
    Addr init, limit;
    Size spare;

    buffer->mode |= BufferModeTRANSITION;

    /* Ask the owning pool to do whatever it needs to before the */
    /* buffer is detached (e.g. copy buffer state into pool state). */
    Method(Pool, pool, bufferEmpty)(pool, buffer);

    /* run any class-specific detachment method */
    Method(Buffer, buffer, detach)(buffer);

    init = BufferGetInit(buffer);
    limit = BufferLimit(buffer);
    spare = AddrOffset(init, limit);
    buffer->emptySize += spare;
    if (buffer->isMutator) {
      ArenaGlobals(buffer->arena)->emptyMutatorSize += spare;
      ArenaGlobals(buffer->arena)->allocMutatorSize +=
        AddrOffset(buffer->base, init);
    } else {
      ArenaGlobals(buffer->arena)->emptyInternalSize += spare;

    /* Reset the buffer. */
    buffer->base = (Addr)0;
    buffer->initAtFlip = (Addr)0;
    buffer->ap_s.init = (mps_addr_t)0;
    buffer->ap_s.alloc = (mps_addr_t)0;
    buffer->ap_s.limit = (mps_addr_t)0;
    buffer->poolLimit = (Addr)0;
    buffer->mode &=

    EVENT2(BufferEmpty, buffer, spare);
Exemple #7
static void MVFFBufferEmpty(Pool pool, Buffer buffer,
                            Addr base, Addr limit)
  MVFF mvff;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(base <= limit);

  if (base == limit)

  MVFFAddToFreeList(&base, &limit, mvff);
  MVFFFreeSegs(mvff, base, limit);

Exemple #8
Res BufferReserve(Addr *pReturn, Buffer buffer, Size size)
  Addr next;

  AVER(pReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, BufferPool(buffer)->alignment));
  AVER(BufferIsReady(buffer)); /* <design/check/#.common> */

  /* Is there enough room in the unallocated portion of the buffer to */
  /* satisfy the request?  If so, just increase the alloc marker and */
  /* return a pointer to the area below it. */
  next = AddrAdd(buffer->ap_s.alloc, size);
  if (next > (Addr)buffer->ap_s.alloc &&
      next <= (Addr)buffer->ap_s.limit) {
    buffer->ap_s.alloc = next;
    *pReturn = buffer->ap_s.init;
    return ResOK;

  /* If the buffer can't accommodate the request, call "fill". */
  return BufferFill(pReturn, buffer, size);