void ConsoleListener::LetterSpace(int Width, int Height)
#ifdef _WIN32
	// Get console info
	GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &ConInfo);

	int OldBufferWidth = ConInfo.dwSize.X;
	int OldBufferHeight = ConInfo.dwSize.Y;
	int OldScreenWidth = (ConInfo.srWindow.Right - ConInfo.srWindow.Left);
	int OldScreenHeight = (ConInfo.srWindow.Bottom - ConInfo.srWindow.Top);
	int NewBufferWidth = Width;
	int NewBufferHeight = Height;
	int NewScreenWidth = NewBufferWidth - 1;
	int NewScreenHeight = OldScreenHeight;

	// Width
	BufferWidthHeight(NewBufferWidth, OldBufferHeight, NewScreenWidth, OldScreenHeight, (NewBufferWidth > OldScreenWidth-1));
	// Height
	BufferWidthHeight(NewBufferWidth, NewBufferHeight, NewScreenWidth, NewScreenHeight, (NewBufferHeight > OldScreenHeight-1));

	// Resize the window too
	//MoveWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), 200,200, (Width*8 + 50),(NewScreenHeight*12 + 200), true);
void ConsoleListener::LetterSpace(int Width, int Height)
	_dbg_assert_msg_(COMMON, IsOpen(), "Don't call this before opening the console.");
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
	// Get console info
	GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &ConInfo);

	int OldBufferWidth = ConInfo.dwSize.X;
	int OldBufferHeight = ConInfo.dwSize.Y;
	int OldScreenWidth = (ConInfo.srWindow.Right - ConInfo.srWindow.Left);
	int OldScreenHeight = (ConInfo.srWindow.Bottom - ConInfo.srWindow.Top);
	int NewBufferWidth = Width;
	int NewBufferHeight = Height;
	int NewScreenWidth = NewBufferWidth - 1;
	int NewScreenHeight = OldScreenHeight;

	// Width
	BufferWidthHeight(NewBufferWidth, OldBufferHeight, NewScreenWidth, OldScreenHeight, (NewBufferWidth > OldScreenWidth-1));
	// Height
	BufferWidthHeight(NewBufferWidth, NewBufferHeight, NewScreenWidth, NewScreenHeight, (NewBufferHeight > OldScreenHeight-1));

	// Resize the window too
	//MoveWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), 200,200, (Width*8 + 50),(NewScreenHeight*12 + 200), true);