Bundle Bundle::fromPath(const QString &path) { Bundle bundle; QFileInfo bundlePath(path); if (!bundlePath.isReadable()) { qCWarning(l) << "bundle" << bundlePath.absolutePath() << "is not readable"; return Bundle(); } bundle.b->path = path; QScopedPointer<QIODevice> manifestJSON(bundle.openFile(Bundle::MANIFEST, QIODevice::Text)); if (!manifestJSON) { qCWarning(l) << "cannot find" << path << "manifest json"; return Bundle(); } QJsonParseError parseError; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(manifestJSON->readAll(), &parseError); if (parseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qCWarning(l) << "cannot parse" << path << "manifest json" << parseError.errorString(); return Bundle(); } manifestJSON->close(); bundle.b->manifest = doc.object(); bundle.b->isValid = true; return bundle; }
/** * Check the bad raw exception. * Create a primary block a payload block and a raw canonical without any flags. * Add all of them into a raw bundle. * The bundle must throw an exception, because no last block flag is found. * Create the canonical block with the raw data, set the flag. Create the new raw * bundle, now no exception will be through. */ TEST(BundleTest, BadRawException) { std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> time = TimestampManager::getInstance() ->getTimestamp(); PrimaryBlock pb = PrimaryBlock("Source", "Destination", time.first, time.second); PayloadBlock pb1 = PayloadBlock("This is a payload"); std::stringstream ss; ss << static_cast<uint8_t>(2) << SDNV::encode(std::bitset<7>().to_ulong()); std::string data = std::to_string(rand() + 1); ss << SDNV::encode(data.size()) << data; std::string canonical = ss.str(); ss.str(std::string()); ss << pb.toRaw() << pb1.toRaw() << canonical; ASSERT_THROW(Bundle(ss.str()), BundleCreationException); // Add last block flag to canonical. ss.str(std::string()); ss << static_cast<uint8_t>(2) << SDNV::encode(std::bitset<7>().to_ulong()) << SDNV::encode(data.size()) << data; CanonicalBlock cb = CanonicalBlock(ss.str()); cb.setProcFlag(CanonicalBlockControlFlags::LAST_BLOCK); ss.str(std::string()); ss << pb.toRaw() << pb1.toRaw() << cb.toRaw(); ASSERT_NO_THROW(Bundle(ss.str())); // Check Exception when two payload blocks are present ss.str(std::string()); ss << pb.toRaw() << pb1.toRaw() << pb1.toRaw() << cb.toRaw(); ASSERT_THROW(Bundle(ss.str()), BundleCreationException); }
AnyValue CVDSMModel::toAnyValue() const { return Bundle({ {"name", _name}, {"categories", toAnyArray(_categories)} }); }
// Geerbt über Serializable virtual AnyValue toAnyValue() const override { return Bundle({ { "id", id }, { "value", value } }); }
AnyValue CVImageCaption::toAnyValue() const { return Bundle({ { "text", _text }, { "confidence", _confidence } }); }
/** * Check that a bundle id is correctly generated. * Bundle id format: * <Source><CreationTimestamp><TimestampSeqNumber> */ TEST(BundleTest, BundleId) { Bundle b = Bundle("Source", "Destination", "This is a payload"); std::stringstream ss; ss << b.getPrimaryBlock()->getSource() << "_" << b.getPrimaryBlock()->getCreationTimestamp() << "_" << b.getPrimaryBlock()->getCreationTimestampSeqNumber(); ASSERT_EQ(ss.str(), b.getId()); }
/** * Check the constructor with parameters. * The primary block must contain the source and the destination. * The bundle must contain a payloadBlock with the payload value. */ TEST(BundleTest, FilledConstructor) { Bundle b = Bundle("source", "destination", "payload"); ASSERT_EQ("source", b.getPrimaryBlock()->getSource()); ASSERT_EQ("destination", b.getPrimaryBlock()->getDestination()); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<uint8_t>(2), b.getBlocks().size()); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<uint8_t>(CanonicalBlockTypes::PAYLOAD_BLOCK), b.getPayloadBlock()->getBlockType()); }
/** * Check the raw constructor. * Generate a bundle, convert it to raw, and generate a new bundle from that * raw. * The blocks must be the same. */ TEST(BundleTest, RawFunctions) { Bundle b = Bundle("Source", "Destination", "This is a payload"); std::string raw = b.toRaw(); Bundle b1 = Bundle(raw); ASSERT_EQ(b.getPrimaryBlock()->getSource(), b1.getPrimaryBlock()->getSource()); ASSERT_EQ(b.getPrimaryBlock()->getDestination(), b1.getPrimaryBlock()->getDestination()); ASSERT_EQ(b.getBlocks().size(), b1.getBlocks().size()); ASSERT_EQ( std::static_pointer_cast<CanonicalBlock>(b.getBlocks()[1])->getBlockType(), std::static_pointer_cast<CanonicalBlock>(b1.getBlocks()[1])->getBlockType()); std::shared_ptr<CanonicalBlock> PB = std::static_pointer_cast<CanonicalBlock>( b.getBlocks()[1]); std::shared_ptr<CanonicalBlock> PB1 = std::static_pointer_cast<CanonicalBlock>(b1.getBlocks()[1]); ASSERT_EQ(std::static_pointer_cast<PayloadBlock>(PB)->getPayload(), std::static_pointer_cast<PayloadBlock>(PB1)->getPayload()); }
/** * Check the raw functions when a canonical block is added. * Generate a bundle, add a valid canonical block, convert all to raw. * Create a new bundle from that raw, check that all the blocks are correct. */ TEST(BundleTest, ConstructorWithCanonical) { Bundle b = Bundle("Source", "Destination", "This is a payload"); std::stringstream ss; // Block Type ss << static_cast<uint8_t>(2) << SDNV::encode(std::bitset<7>().to_ulong()); std::string data = std::to_string(rand() + 1); ss << SDNV::encode(data.size()) << data; std::shared_ptr<CanonicalBlock> cb = std::shared_ptr<CanonicalBlock>( new CanonicalBlock(ss.str())); ASSERT_EQ(ss.str(), cb->toRaw()); b.addBlock(cb); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<uint8_t>(3), b.getBlocks().size()); std::string raw = b.toRaw(); Bundle b1 = Bundle(raw); ASSERT_EQ(b.getBlocks().size(), b1.getBlocks().size()); std::shared_ptr<CanonicalBlock> cb1 = std::static_pointer_cast<CanonicalBlock>(b1.getBlocks()[2]); ASSERT_EQ(cb->toRaw(), cb1->toRaw()); ASSERT_EQ(cb->getBlockType(), cb1->getBlockType()); }
Bundle Bundle::split(StandardSegment &s) { /** This will return the left/smaller part of split and modify the current tree to hold the right/bigger part */ Bundle rv = Bundle(STree::split(s, STree::ITEM_NOT_FOUND), NULL, bottom_line); rv.top_line = (StandardSegment*)&rv.findMax(); bottom_line = (STree::root->element); return rv; }
TEST(PHPSessionSerializer, Serialize) { Bundle b({ { "bool", true }, { "string", "Hallo" }, { "array", Bundle({ { "0", std::string("hallo") } }) }, { "null", nullptr }, { "double", 10.0 } }); std::string res = Serialize::PHPSessionSerializer().serialize(b); ASSERT_EQ("array|a:1:{s:1:\"0\";s:5:\"hallo\";}bool|b:1;double|d:10.000000;null|N;string|s:5:\"Hallo\";", res); }
TEST(BundleTest, GetFrameworkExtension) { Bundle b = Bundle("Source", "Destination", "This is a payload"); uint8_t fwkId = 1; std::map<uint8_t, std::shared_ptr<FrameworkExtension>> extensions; nlohmann::json state = {"source", "me"}; uint8_t fwkExtId = 2; std::string code = "code"; std::shared_ptr<FrameworkExtension> ext = std::shared_ptr<FrameworkExtension>( new FrameworkExtension(fwkExtId, code)); extensions.insert(std::pair<uint8_t, std::shared_ptr<FrameworkExtension>> (fwkExtId, ext)); std::shared_ptr<FrameworkMEB> fmeb = std::shared_ptr<FrameworkMEB>(new FrameworkMEB(fwkId, extensions, state)); b.addBlock(fmeb); std::shared_ptr<FrameworkExtension> fe = b.getFwkExt(fwkId, fwkExtId); ASSERT_EQ(fe->getCodeLength(), static_cast<uint16_t>(code.length())); ASSERT_EQ(fe->getFwkExtId(), fwkExtId); ASSERT_EQ(fe->getSwSrcCode(), code); Bundle b2 = Bundle("Source", "Destination", "This is a payload"); ASSERT_THROW(b2.getFwkExt(fwkId, fwkExtId), FrameworkNotFoundException); b2.addBlock(fmeb); uint8_t fwkId2 = 3; uint8_t fwkExtId2 = 4; ASSERT_THROW(b2.getFwkExt(fwkId, fwkExtId2), FrameworkNotFoundException); ASSERT_THROW(b2.getFwkExt(fwkId2, fwkExtId), FrameworkNotFoundException); ASSERT_THROW(b2.getFwkExt(fwkId2, fwkExtId2), FrameworkNotFoundException); }
Bundle BundleHooks::FilterBundle(const BundleContext& context, const Bundle& bundle) const { if (!bundle) { return bundle; } std::vector<ServiceRegistrationBase> srl; coreCtx->services.Get(us_service_interface_iid<BundleFindHook>(), srl); if (srl.empty()) { return bundle; } else { std::vector<Bundle> ml; ml.push_back(bundle); this->FilterBundles(context, ml); return ml.empty() ? Bundle() : bundle; } }
/** * Send a bundle to check it with the wireshark. * The bundle must be valid. * It will appears under UDP. */ TEST(BundleTest, WiresharkTest) { Bundle b = Bundle("node100", "node101", "This is a test payload"); std::string raw = b.toRaw(); sockaddr_in remote = { 0 }; remote.sin_family = AF_INET; remote.sin_port = htons(0); remote.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); EXPECT_LE(0, bind(sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&remote), sizeof(remote))); sockaddr_in destination = { 0 }; destination.sin_family = AF_INET; destination.sin_port = htons(4556); inet_aton("", &destination.sin_addr); EXPECT_LT( 0, sendto(sock, raw.c_str(), raw.size(), 0, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&destination), sizeof(destination))); }
UkrWord::UkrWord(QGraphicsView * view): UkrWord(view,Bundle()) { }
/** * Check that toRaw saves the raw into the bundle. */ TEST(BundleTest, RawBundleTest) { Bundle b = Bundle("Source", "Destination", "This is a payload"); ASSERT_EQ("", b.getRaw()); std::string raw = b.toRaw(); ASSERT_EQ(raw, b.getRaw()); }
Bundle Bundle::subBundle(const Path& inRelativePath) { return Bundle(_path / inRelativePath); }
/** * Check an exception throw when a second payload is inserted. */ TEST(BundleTest, ConstructorWithTwoPayload) { Bundle b = Bundle("Source", "Destination", "This is a payload"); std::shared_ptr<CanonicalBlock> payload = std::shared_ptr<CanonicalBlock>( new PayloadBlock("This is a new payload", false)); ASSERT_THROW(b.addBlock(payload), BundleException); }
AnyValue BsonSerializer::deserialize(const std::string & str) { Bundle res; std::vector<uint8_t> data(str.begin(), str.end()); BufferReader rdr(data); if (rdr.getSize() < 4) throw std::invalid_argument("Document must be at least 4 byte long"); rdr.readInt32(); while (true) { uint8_t field_type = rdr.readUInt8(); if (field_type == 0x00) break; std::string name = rdr.readCString(); if (field_type == 0x01) { res.set(name, rdr.readDouble()); } else if (field_type == 0x02) { int32_t len = rdr.readInt32(); res.set(name, rdr.readString(len - 1)); rdr.readUInt8(); // skip trailing 0 } else if (field_type == 0x03) { // Document int32_t len = rdr.peekInt32(); const uint8_t* ptr = rdr.readBytes(len); std::string document(ptr, ptr + len); res.set(name, this->deserialize(document)); } else if (field_type == 0x04) { // Array int32_t len = rdr.peekInt32(); const uint8_t* ptr = rdr.readBytes(len); std::string document(ptr, ptr + len); std::vector<AnyValue> bdocres; for (auto& elem : this->deserialize(document).as<Bundle>()) bdocres.push_back(elem.second); res.set(name, bdocres); } else if (field_type == 0x05) { // Binary Data int32_t len = rdr.readInt32(); rdr.readUInt8(); // Subtype // TODO: What to do with subtype ? auto ptr = rdr.readBytes(len); res.set(name, std::vector<uint8_t>(ptr, ptr + len)); } else if (field_type == 0x06) { // Deprecated } else if (field_type == 0x07) { // ObjectID // We don't know what to do with it in standard implementations. rdr.readBytes(12); } else if (field_type == 0x08) { // Boolean res.set(name, (rdr.readUInt8() == 1)); } else if (field_type == 0x09) { // UTC Date int64 res.set(name, rdr.readInt64()); } else if (field_type == 0x0A) { res.set(name, nullptr); } else if (field_type == 0x0B) { rdr.readCString(); rdr.readCString(); } else if (field_type == 0x0C) { // DB Pointer // Deprecated int32_t len = rdr.readInt32(); rdr.readBytes(len + 12); } else if (field_type == 0x0D) { // Javascript code // Is this a good idea ? Bundle js; int32_t len = rdr.readInt32(); js.set("js", rdr.readString(len)); rdr.readUInt8(); // skip trailing 0 js.set("scope", Bundle()); res.set(name, js); } else if (field_type == 0x0E) { // Deprecated int32_t len = rdr.readInt32(); rdr.readBytes(len); } else if (field_type == 0x0F) { // Javascript code with scope // Is this a good idea ? Bundle js; rdr.readInt32(); // code length int32_t jslen = rdr.readInt32(); js.set("js", rdr.readString(jslen)); rdr.readUInt8(); // skip trailing 0 int32_t doclen = rdr.peekInt32(); auto docptr = rdr.readBytes(doclen); js.set("scope", this->deserialize(std::string(docptr, docptr + doclen))); res.set(name, js); } else if (field_type == 0x10) { // INT32 res.set(name, rdr.readInt32()); } else if (field_type == 0x11) { // Timestamp res.set(name, rdr.readInt64()); } else if (field_type == 0x12) { // Int64 res.set(name, rdr.readInt64()); } else if (field_type == 0xFF) { // Min key } else if (field_type == 0x7F) { // Max key } } return res; }