Exemple #1
void test_ByteBuffer_BytesRemaining_should_return_lenth_of_unconsumed_bytes(void)
    uint8_t data[] = {0x1u, 0x2u, 0x3u, 0x4u};
    size_t len = sizeof(data);
    ByteArray array = {.data = data, .len = len};

    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(array);

    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(len, ByteBuffer_BytesRemaining(buffer));

    buffer.bytesUsed = 3;
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, ByteBuffer_BytesRemaining(buffer));

    buffer.bytesUsed = len;
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, ByteBuffer_BytesRemaining(buffer));
void* store_data(void* args)
    write_args* thread_args = (write_args*)args;
    KineticEntry* entry = &(thread_args->entry);
    int32_t objIndex;
    for (objIndex = 0; ByteBuffer_BytesRemaining(thread_args->data) > 0; objIndex++) {

        // Configure meta-data
        char keySuffix[8];
        snprintf(keySuffix, sizeof(keySuffix), "%02d", objIndex);
        entry->key.bytesUsed = strlen(thread_args->keyPrefix);
        ByteBuffer_AppendCString(&entry->key, keySuffix);
        entry->synchronization = KINETIC_SYNCHRONIZATION_WRITEBACK;

        // Prepare the next chunk of data to store
        ByteBuffer_AppendArray(&entry->value, ByteBuffer_Consume(&thread_args->data, KINETIC_OBJ_SIZE));

        // Store the data slice
        KineticStatus status = KineticClient_Put(thread_args->session, entry, NULL);
        if (status != KINETIC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed writing entry %d to disk w/status: %s",
                objIndex+1, Kinetic_GetStatusDescription(status));
            return (void*)NULL;
    printf("File stored successfully to Kinetic device across %d entries!\n", objIndex);
    return (void*)NULL;
void* kinetic_put(void* kinetic_arg)
    struct kinetic_thread_arg* arg = kinetic_arg;
    KineticEntry* entry = &(arg->entry);
    int32_t objIndex = 0;

    while (ByteBuffer_BytesRemaining(arg->data) > 0) {

        // Configure meta-data
        char keySuffix[8];
        snprintf(keySuffix, sizeof(keySuffix), "_%02d", objIndex);
        entry->key.bytesUsed = arg->keyPrefixLength;
        ByteBuffer_AppendCString(&entry->key, keySuffix);

        // Move dbVersion back to newVersion, since successful PUTs do this
        // in order to sync with the actual entry on disk
        if (entry->newVersion.array.data == NULL) {
            entry->newVersion = entry->dbVersion;
            entry->dbVersion = BYTE_BUFFER_NONE;

        // Prepare the next chunk of data to store
                MIN(ByteBuffer_BytesRemaining(arg->data), KINETIC_OBJ_SIZE)

        // Store the data slice
        LOGF("Storing a data slice (%u bytes)", entry->value.bytesUsed);
        KineticStatus status = KineticClient_Put(arg->sessionHandle, entry);
        LOGF("KineticClient put to disk success, ip:%s", arg->ip);


    return (void*)0;
void store_data(write_args* args)
    KineticEntry* entry = &(args->entry);
    int32_t objIndex = 0;

    while (ByteBuffer_BytesRemaining(args->data) > 0) {

        // Configure entry meta-data
        ByteBuffer_AppendCString(&entry->key, args->keyPrefix);
        char keySuffix[8];
        snprintf(keySuffix, sizeof(keySuffix), "%02d", objIndex);
        ByteBuffer_AppendCString(&entry->key, keySuffix);

        // Prepare entry with the next object to store
                MIN(ByteBuffer_BytesRemaining(args->data), KINETIC_OBJ_SIZE))

        // Store the object
        KineticStatus status = KineticClient_Put(args->session, entry, NULL);
        if (status != KINETIC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Kinetic PUT of object %d to host %s failed w/ status: %s\n",
                objIndex, args->ip, Kinetic_GetStatusDescription(status));


    printf("File stored on Kinetic Device across %d entries\n", objIndex);