// Exercise concurrent serialization and deserialization.
TEST_F(PushDeserializerTest, SerializationDeserialization) {
  auto const trajectory = BuildTrajectory();
  int const byte_size = trajectory->ByteSize();
  for (int i = 0; i < kRunsPerTest; ++i) {
    auto read_trajectory = make_not_null_unique<Trajectory>();
    auto written_trajectory = BuildTrajectory();
    auto storage = std::make_unique<std::uint8_t[]>(byte_size);
    std::uint8_t* data = &storage[0];

    pull_serializer_ =
        std::make_unique<PullSerializer>(kSerializerChunkSize, kNumberOfChunks);
    push_deserializer_ = std::make_unique<PushDeserializer>(
        kDeserializerChunkSize, kNumberOfChunks);

        std::move(read_trajectory), PushDeserializerTest::CheckSerialization);
    for (;;) {
      Bytes const bytes = pull_serializer_->Pull();
      std::memcpy(data, bytes.data, static_cast<size_t>(bytes.size));
      push_deserializer_->Push(Bytes(data, bytes.size),
                                         Bytes(data, bytes.size)));
      data = &data[bytes.size];
      if (bytes.size == 0) {

    // Destroying the deserializer waits until deserialization is done.  It is
    // important that this happens before |storage| is destroyed.
Exemple #2
void Disassembler::disassemble(const image::ByteSource *source, ByteAddr begin, ByteAddr end, InstructionCallback callback, const CancellationToken &canceled) {
    assert(source != NULL);
    assert(begin <= end);

    const SmallByteSize maxInstructionSize = architecture_->maxInstructionSize();
    const ByteSize bufferSize = std::min(ByteSize(std::max(65536, maxInstructionSize)), end - begin);
    const std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[bufferSize]);

    auto bufferBegin = begin;
    auto bufferEnd = begin;

    for (ByteAddr pc = begin; pc < end; canceled.poll()) {
        if (pc + maxInstructionSize > bufferEnd && bufferEnd < end) {
            bufferBegin = pc;
            bufferEnd = bufferBegin + source->readBytes(pc, buffer.get(), std::min(bufferSize, end - pc));

        auto instruction = disassembleSingleInstruction(pc, buffer.get() + (pc - bufferBegin), bufferEnd - pc);

        if (instruction) {
            assert(instruction->size() > 0);
            pc += instruction->size();
        } else {
Exemple #3
IntType::canCastTo (Type* symDestType) const
   DEBUG_REQUIRE (symDestType != NULL);

   if (st::isa<st::IntType>(symDestType))
      return symDestType->hasByteSize() && ByteSize() <= symDestType->ByteSize();
   return false;
void CVirtualDrawDevice::ConstructL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode)
	// Attempt to create a screen device
	CFbsDrawDevice* drawDevice = NULL;
	TRAPD(ret, drawDevice = CFbsDrawDevice::NewScreenDeviceL(KDefaultScreenNo, aDisplayMode));
	if (ret != KErrNone)
		// Screen device cannot be created so create an off screen bitmap draw device
		iSize = GetDisplaySizeInPixels();
		iDrawDevice  = CFbsDrawDevice::NewBitmapDeviceL(iSize, aDisplayMode, ByteSize(iSize, aDisplayMode) / iSize.iHeight);
		iDeviceMemory = new (ELeave) TUint8[ByteSize(iSize, aDisplayMode)];
		iIsDrawDevice = EFalse;
		iDrawDevice = drawDevice;
		iSize = iDrawDevice->SizeInPixels();
		iIsDrawDevice = ETrue;
TEST_F(PullSerializerTest, SerializationThreading) {
  Trajectory read_trajectory;
  auto const trajectory = BuildTrajectory();
  int const byte_size = trajectory->ByteSize();
  auto expected_serialized_trajectory =

  // Run this test repeatedly to detect threading issues (it will flake in case
  // of problems).
  for (int i = 0; i < kRunsPerTest; ++i) {
    auto trajectory = BuildTrajectory();
    auto actual_serialized_trajectory =
    std::uint8_t* data = &actual_serialized_trajectory[0];

    // The serialization happens concurrently with the test.
    pull_serializer_ =
        std::make_unique<PullSerializer>(kChunkSize, kNumberOfChunks);
    for (;;) {
      Bytes const bytes = pull_serializer_->Pull();
      std::memcpy(data, bytes.data, static_cast<size_t>(bytes.size));
      data = &data[bytes.size];
      if (bytes.size == 0) {

    // Check if the serialized version can be parsed and if not print the first
    // difference.
    if (!read_trajectory.ParseFromArray(&actual_serialized_trajectory[0],
                                        byte_size)) {
      for (int i = 0; i < byte_size; ++i) {
        if (expected_serialized_trajectory[i] !=
            actual_serialized_trajectory[i]) {
          LOG(FATAL) << "position=" << i
                     << ", expected="
                     << static_cast<int>(expected_serialized_trajectory[i])
                     << ", actual="
                     << static_cast<int>(actual_serialized_trajectory[i]);
Exemple #6
 void List<T>::Reserve( int capacity )
     assert( capacity > 0 );
     if( capacity <= maxSize ) return;
     auto byteLen = (int)Round2n( capacity * sizeof( T ) );
     maxSize = byteLen / sizeof( T );
     auto newBuf = ( T* )new char[ byteLen ];
     if( std::is_pod<T>::value
         || std::is_base_of<Memmoveable, T>::value )
         memcpy( newBuf, buf, ByteSize() );
         for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
             new ( newBuf + i ) T( std::move( buf[ i ] ) );
     delete[]( char* )buf;
     buf = newBuf;
Exemple #7
DwarfType::ResolveObjectDataLocation(const ValueLocation& objectLocation,
	ValueLocation*& _location)
	// TODO: In some source languages the object address might be a pointer
	// to a descriptor, not the actual object data.

	// If the given location looks good already, just clone it.
	int32 count = objectLocation.CountPieces();
	if (count == 0)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	ValuePieceLocation piece = objectLocation.PieceAt(0);
	if (count > 1 || piece.type != VALUE_PIECE_LOCATION_MEMORY
		|| piece.size != 0 || piece.bitSize != 0) {
		ValueLocation* location
			= new(std::nothrow) ValueLocation(objectLocation);
		if (location == NULL || location->CountPieces() != count) {
			delete location;
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

		_location = location;
		return B_OK;

	// The location contains just a single address piece with a zero size
	// -- set the type's size.
		// TODO: Use bit size and bit offset, if specified!

	ValueLocation* location = new(std::nothrow) ValueLocation(
	if (location == NULL || !location->AddPiece(piece)) {
		delete location;
		return B_NO_MEMORY;

	_location = location;
	return B_OK;
Exemple #8
bool Hprose_Message::Serialize(void * buf, std::size_t len)
    if (len < ByteSize()) return false;
    memcpy(buf, body_.data(), len);
    return true;

    // Destroying the deserializer waits until deserialization is done.  It is
    // important that this happens before |storage| is destroyed.

// Check that deserialization fails if we stomp on one extra bytes.
TEST_F(PushDeserializerDeathTest, Stomp) {
    const int kStompChunk = 77;
    auto read_trajectory = make_not_null_unique<Trajectory>();
    auto const trajectory = BuildTrajectory();
    int const byte_size = trajectory->ByteSize();
    auto serialized_trajectory =
    trajectory->SerializePartialToArray(&serialized_trajectory[0], byte_size);
      std::move(read_trajectory), &PushDeserializerTest::CheckSerialization);
    int left = byte_size;
    for (int i = 0; i < byte_size; i += kStompChunk) {
      Bytes bytes(&serialized_trajectory[i], std::min(left, kStompChunk));
                                         Bytes(bytes.data, bytes.size + 1)));
      left -= kStompChunk;
    push_deserializer_->Push(Bytes(), nullptr);
Exemple #10
DwarfCompoundType::ResolveDataMemberLocation(DataMember* _member,
	const ValueLocation& parentLocation, ValueLocation*& _location)
	DwarfDataMember* member = dynamic_cast<DwarfDataMember*>(_member);
	if (member == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	DwarfTypeContext* typeContext = TypeContext();

	bool isBitField = true;
	DIEMember* memberEntry = member->Entry();
	// TODO: handle DW_AT_data_bit_offset
	if (!memberEntry->ByteSize()->IsValid()
		&& !memberEntry->BitOffset()->IsValid()
		&& !memberEntry->BitSize()->IsValid()) {
		isBitField = false;

	ValueLocation* location;
	status_t error = _ResolveDataMemberLocation(member->GetDwarfType(),
		member->Entry()->Location(), parentLocation, isBitField, location);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;

	// If the member isn't a bit field, we're done.
	if (!isBitField) {
		_location = location;
		return B_OK;

	BReference<ValueLocation> locationReference(location);

	// get the byte size
	target_addr_t byteSize;
	if (memberEntry->ByteSize()->IsValid()) {
		BVariant value;
		error = typeContext->File()->EvaluateDynamicValue(
			typeContext->GetCompilationUnit(), typeContext->AddressSize(),
			typeContext->SubprogramEntry(), memberEntry->ByteSize(),
			typeContext->TargetInterface(), typeContext->InstructionPointer(),
			typeContext->FramePointer(), value);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		byteSize = value.ToUInt64();
	} else
		byteSize = ByteSize();

	// get the bit offset
	uint64 bitOffset = 0;
	if (memberEntry->BitOffset()->IsValid()) {
		BVariant value;
		error = typeContext->File()->EvaluateDynamicValue(
			typeContext->GetCompilationUnit(), typeContext->AddressSize(),
			typeContext->SubprogramEntry(), memberEntry->BitOffset(),
			typeContext->TargetInterface(), typeContext->InstructionPointer(),
			typeContext->FramePointer(), value);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		bitOffset = value.ToUInt64();

	// get the bit size
	uint64 bitSize = byteSize * 8;
	if (memberEntry->BitSize()->IsValid()) {
		BVariant value;
		error = typeContext->File()->EvaluateDynamicValue(
			typeContext->GetCompilationUnit(), typeContext->AddressSize(),
			typeContext->SubprogramEntry(), memberEntry->BitSize(),
			typeContext->TargetInterface(), typeContext->InstructionPointer(),
			typeContext->FramePointer(), value);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		bitSize = value.ToUInt64();

	TRACE_LOCALS("bit field: byte size: %" B_PRIu64 ", bit offset/size: %"
		B_PRIu64 "/%" B_PRIu64 "\n", byteSize, bitOffset, bitSize);

	if (bitOffset + bitSize > byteSize * 8)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	// create the bit field value location
	ValueLocation* bitFieldLocation = new(std::nothrow) ValueLocation;
	if (bitFieldLocation == NULL)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;
	BReference<ValueLocation> bitFieldLocationReference(bitFieldLocation, true);

	if (!bitFieldLocation->SetTo(*location, bitOffset, bitSize))
		return B_NO_MEMORY;

	_location = bitFieldLocationReference.Detach();
	return B_OK;
Exemple #11
DwarfType::ResolveLocation(DwarfTypeContext* typeContext,
	const LocationDescription* description, target_addr_t objectAddress,
	bool hasObjectAddress, ValueLocation& _location)
	status_t error = typeContext->File()->ResolveLocation(
		typeContext->GetCompilationUnit(), typeContext->AddressSize(),
		typeContext->SubprogramEntry(), description,
		typeContext->TargetInterface(), typeContext->InstructionPointer(),
		objectAddress, hasObjectAddress, typeContext->FramePointer(),
		typeContext->RelocationDelta(), _location);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;

	// translate the DWARF register indices and the bit offset/size semantics
	const Register* registers = typeContext->GetArchitecture()->Registers();
	bool bigEndian = typeContext->GetArchitecture()->IsBigEndian();
	int32 count = _location.CountPieces();
	for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		ValuePieceLocation piece = _location.PieceAt(i);
		if (piece.type == VALUE_PIECE_LOCATION_REGISTER) {
			int32 reg = typeContext->FromDwarfRegisterMap()->MapRegisterIndex(
			if (reg >= 0) {
				piece.reg = reg;
				// The bit offset for registers is to the least
				// significant bit, while we want the offset to the most
				// significant bit.
				if (registers[reg].BitSize() > piece.bitSize) {
					piece.bitOffset = registers[reg].BitSize() - piece.bitSize
						- piece.bitOffset;
			} else
		} else if (piece.type == VALUE_PIECE_LOCATION_MEMORY) {
			// Whether the bit offset is to the least or most significant bit
			// is target architecture and source language specific.
			// TODO: Check whether this is correct!
			// TODO: Source language!
			if (!bigEndian && piece.size * 8 > piece.bitSize) {
				piece.bitOffset = piece.size * 8 - piece.bitSize
					- piece.bitOffset;

		_location.SetPieceAt(i, piece);

	// If we only have one piece and that doesn't have a size, try to retrieve
	// the size of the type.
	if (count == 1) {
		ValuePieceLocation piece = _location.PieceAt(0);
		if (piece.IsValid() && piece.size == 0 && piece.bitSize == 0) {
				// TODO: Use bit size and bit offset, if specified!
			_location.SetPieceAt(0, piece);

			TRACE_LOCALS("  set single piece size to %" B_PRIu64 "\n",

	return B_OK;
Exemple #12
ByteSize ByteSize::operator+(const ByteSize & other)
    return ByteSize(bytes() + other.bytes());