Exemple #1
  Element IntegerGroup::EncodeBytes(const QByteArray &in) const
    // We can store p bytes minus 2 bytes for padding and one more to be safe
    const int can_read = BytesPerElement();

    if(can_read < 1) qFatal("Illegal parameters");
    if(in.count() > can_read) qFatal("Cannot encode: string is too long");

    // Add initial 0xff byte and trailing 0x00 byte
    QByteArray padded;

    // Change byte of padded string until the
    // integer represented by the byte arry is a quadratic
    // residue. We need to be sure that every plaintext
    // message is a quadratic residue modulo p
    const int last = padded.count()-2;

    for(unsigned char pad=0x00; pad < 0xff; pad++) {
      padded[last] = pad;

      Element element(new IntegerElementData(Integer(padded)));
      if(IsElement(element)) {
        return element;

    qFatal("Could not encode message as quadratic residue");
    return Element(new IntegerElementData(Integer(1)));
Exemple #2
  Element CppECGroup::EncodeBytes(const QByteArray &in) const
    * See the article 
    *  "Encoding And Decoding  of  a Message in the 
    *  Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography 
    *  using Koblitz’s Method" for details on how this works.
    * k == MessageSerializationParameter defines the percentage
    * chance that we won't be able to encode a given message
    * in a given elliptic curve point. The failure probability
    * is 2^(-k).
    * We can store b = log_2(p/k) bytes in every 
    * elliptic curve point, where p is the security
    * parameter (prime size) of the elliptic curve.
    * For p = 2^256, k = 256, b = 224 (minus 2 padding bytes)

    if(in.count() > BytesPerElement()) {
      qFatal("Failed to serialize over-sized string");

    // Holds the data to be encoded plus a leading and a trailing
    // 0xFF byte
    QByteArray data;
    data += in;

    // r is an encoding of the string in a big integer
    CryptoPP::Integer r(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data.constData()), data.count());

    //qDebug() << "r" << FromCppInteger(r)).GetByteArray().toHex();
    Q_ASSERT(r < _curve.FieldSize());

    Element point;
    CryptoPP::Integer x, y;
    for(int i=0; i<_k; i++) {
      // x = rk + i mod p
      x = ((r*_k)+i);

      Q_ASSERT(x < _curve.FieldSize());

      if(SolveForY(x, point)) {
        return point;

    qFatal("Failed to find point");
    return Element(new CppECElementData(CryptoPP::ECPPoint()));
Exemple #3
Element ByteGroup::EncodeBytes(const QByteArray &in) const
    const int can_read = BytesPerElement();

    if(can_read < 1) qFatal("Illegal parameters");
    if(in.count() > can_read) qFatal("Cannot encode: string is too long");

    QByteArray out(_n_bytes, 0);
    Utils::Serialization::WriteInt(in.count(), out, 0);
    for(int i=0; i<can_read && i<in.count(); i++) {
        out[i+4] = in[i];

    return Element(new ByteElementData(out));
Exemple #4
Element CompositeIntegerGroup::EncodeBytes(const QByteArray &in) const
    // We can store p bytes minus 2 bytes for padding and one more to be safe
    const int can_read = BytesPerElement();

    if(can_read < 1) qFatal("Illegal parameters");
    if(in.count() > can_read) qFatal("Cannot encode: string is too long");

    // Add initial 0xff byte and trailing 0x00 byte
    QByteArray padded;

    return Element(new IntegerElementData(Integer(padded)));