Exemple #1
   void swpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar    * agent,
                   SpiceInt            nnames,
                   SpiceInt            lenvals,
                   const void        * names   ) 

   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   agent      I   The name of an agent to be notified after updates. 
   nnames     I   The number of variables to associate with agent. 
   lenvals    I   Length of strings in the names array.
   names      I   Variable names whose update causes the notice. 
   agent       is the name of a routine or entry point (agency) that 
               will want to know when a some variables in the kernel 
               pool have been updated. 
   nnames      is the number of kernel pool variable names that will 
               be associated with agent. 
   lenvals     is the length of the strings in the array names, 
               including the null terminators.  
   names       is an array of names of variables in the kernel pool. 
               Whenever any of these is updated, a notice will be 
               posted for agent so that one can quickly check 
               whether needed data has been modified. 
   1) If sufficient room is not available to hold a name or new agent,
      a routine in the call tree for this routine will signal an error.
   2) If either of the input string pointers are null, the error 
      SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
   3) If any input string agent has length zero, the error 
      SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) will be signaled.
   4) The caller must pass a value indicating the length of the strings
      in the names array.  If this value is not at least 2, the error
      SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.
   The kernel pool is a convenient place to store a wide variety of
   data needed by routines in CSPICE and routines that interface with
   CSPICE routines.  However, when a single name has a large quantity
   of data associated with it, it becomes inefficient to constantly
   query the kernel pool for values that are not updated on a frequent
   This entry point allows a routine to instruct the kernel pool to
   post a message whenever a particular value gets updated. In this
   way, a routine can quickly determine whether or not data it requires
   has been updated since the last time the data was accessed.  This
   makes it reasonable to buffer the data in local storage and update
   it only when a variable in the kernel pool that affects this data
   has been updated.
   Note that swpool_c has a side effect.  Whenever a call to swpool_c
   is made, the agent specified in the calling sequence is added to the
   list of agents that should be notified that an update of its
   variables has occurred.  In other words the code
       swpool_c ( agent, nnames, lenvals, names   ); 
       cvpool_c ( agent,                  &update ); 
   will always return update as SPICETRUE. 
   This feature allows for a slightly cleaner use of swpool_c and
   cvpool_c as shown in the example below.  Because swpool_c
   automatically loads agent into the list of agents to notify of a
   kernel pool update, you do not have to include the code for fetching
   the initial values of the kernel variables in the initialization
   portion of a subroutine.  Instead, the code for the first fetch from
   the pool is the same as the code for fetching when the pool is
   Suppose that you have an application subroutine, MYTASK, that 
   needs to access a large data set in the kernel pool.  If this 
   data could be kept in local storage and kernel pool queries 
   performed only when the data in the kernel pool has been 
   updated, the routine can perform much more efficiently. 
   The code fragment below illustrates how you might make use of this 
      #include "SpiceUsr.h"
      On the first call to this routine establish those variables 
      that we will want to read from the kernel pool only when 
      new values have been assigned. 
      if ( first )
         first = SPICEFALSE;
         swpool_c ( "MYTASK", nnames, lenvals, names ); 
      If any of the variables has been updated, fetch them from the
      kernel pool.
      cvpool_c ( "MYTASK", &update ); 
      if ( update )
         for ( i = 0;  i < NVAR;  i++ )
            gdpool_c( MYTASK_VAR[i], 1, NMAX, n[i], val[i], &found[i] );
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.3.0, 27-AUG-2002 (NJB)

      Call to C2F_CreateStrArr_Sig replaced with call to C2F_MapStrArr.

   -CSPICE Version 1.2.0, 28-AUG-2001 (NJB)

      Const-qualified input array names.

   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 14-FEB-2000 (NJB)

       Calls to C2F_CreateStrArr replaced with calls to error-signaling 
       version of this routine:  C2F_CreateStrArr_Sig.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 05-JUN-1999 (NJB) (WLT)

   Watch for an update to a kernel pool variable 
   Notify a routine of an update to a kernel pool variable 

{ /* Begin swpool_c */

   Local variables

   SpiceChar             * fCvalsArr;

   SpiceInt                fCvalsLen;

   Participate in error tracing.
   chkin_c ( "swpool_c" );

   Make sure the input string pointer for agent is non-null 
   and that the length is sufficient.  
   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "swpool_c", agent );

   Make sure the input string pointer for the names array is non-null 
   and that the length lenvals is sufficient.  
   CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "swpool_c", names, lenvals );

   Create a Fortran-style string array.
   C2F_MapStrArr ( "swpool_c", 
                   nnames, lenvals, names, &fCvalsLen,  &fCvalsArr );

   if ( failed_c() )
      chkout_c ( "swpool_c" );

   Call the f2c'd routine.
   swpool_ (  ( char       * ) agent,
              ( integer    * ) &nnames,
              ( char       * ) fCvalsArr,
              ( ftnlen       ) strlen(agent),
              ( ftnlen       ) fCvalsLen      );

   Free the dynamically allocated array.
   free ( fCvalsArr );

   chkout_c ( "swpool_c" );

} /* End swpool_c */
Exemple #2
void pcpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar  * name,
                SpiceInt          n,
                SpiceInt          lenvals,
                const void      * cvals    )


   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   name       I   The kernel pool name to associate with cvals.
   n          I   The number of values to insert.
   lenvals    I   The lengths of the strings in the array cvals.
   cvals      I   An array of strings to insert into the kernel pool.


   name       is the name of the kernel pool variable to associate
              with the values supplied in the array cvals. 'name' is
              restricted to a length of 32 characters or less.

   n          is the number of values to insert into the kernel pool.

   lenvals    is the length of the strings in the array cvals,
              including the null terminators.

   cvals      is an array of strings to insert into the kernel
              pool.  cvals should be declared as follows:

                 char  cvals[n][lenvals];






   1) If name is already present in the kernel pool and there
      is sufficient room to hold all values supplied in values,
      the old values associated with name will be overwritten.

   2) If there is not sufficient room to insert a new variable
      into the kernel pool and name is not already present in
      the kernel pool, the error SPICE(KERNELPOOLFULL) is
      signaled by a routine in the call tree to this routine.

   3) If there is not sufficient room to insert the values associated
      with name, the error SPICE(NOMOREROOM) will be signaled.

   4) If either input string pointer is null, the error
      SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.

   5) If the input string name has length zero, the error
      SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) will be signaled.

   6) If the input cvals string length is less than 2, the error
      SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.

   7) The error 'SPICE(BADVARNAME)' signals if the kernel pool
      variable name length exceeds 32.




   This entry point provides a programmatic interface for inserting
   character data into the SPICE kernel pool without reading an
   external file.


   The following example program shows how a topocentric frame for a
   point on the surface of the earth may be defined at run time using
   pcpool_c, pdpool_c, and pipool_c.  In this example, the surface
   point is associated with the body code 300000.  To facilitate
   testing, the location of the surface point coincides with that of
   the DSN station DSS-12; the reference frame MYTOPO defined here
   coincides with the reference frame DSS-12_TOPO.

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include "SpiceUsr.h"

      int main()
         The first angle is the negative of the longitude of the
         surface point; the second angle is the negative of the
         point's colatitude.
         SpiceDouble             angles [3]      =  { -243.1945102442646,
                                                       180.0              };

         SpiceDouble             et              =    0.0;
         SpiceDouble             rmat   [3][3];

         SpiceInt                axes   [3]      =  { 3, 2, 3 };
         SpiceInt                center          =    300000;
         SpiceInt                frclass         =    4;
         SpiceInt                frclsid         =    1500000;
         SpiceInt                frcode          =    1500000;

         Define the MYTOPO reference frame.

         Note that the third argument in the pcpool_c calls is
         the length of the final string argument, including the
         terminating null character.
         pipool_c ( "FRAME_MYTOPO",            1,     &frcode   );
         pcpool_c ( "FRAME_1500000_NAME",      1, 7,  "MYTOPO"  );
         pipool_c ( "FRAME_1500000_CLASS",     1,     &frclass  );
         pipool_c ( "FRAME_1500000_CLASS_ID",  1,     &frclsid  );
         pipool_c ( "FRAME_1500000_CENTER",    1,     &center   );

         pcpool_c ( "OBJECT_300000_FRAME",     1, 7,  "MYTOPO"  );

         pcpool_c ( "TKFRAME_MYTOPO_RELATIVE", 1, 7,  "ITRF93"  );
         pcpool_c ( "TKFRAME_MYTOPO_SPEC",     1, 7,  "ANGLES"  );
         pcpool_c ( "TKFRAME_MYTOPO_UNITS",    1, 8,  "DEGREES" );
         pipool_c ( "TKFRAME_MYTOPO_AXES",     3,     axes      );
         pdpool_c ( "TKFRAME_MYTOPO_ANGLES",   3,     angles    );

         Load a high precision binary earth PCK. Also load a
         topocentric frame kernel for DSN stations. The file names
         shown here are simply examples; users should replace these
         with the names of appropriate kernels.
         furnsh_c ( "earth_000101_060207_051116.bpc" );
         furnsh_c ( "earth_topo_050714.tf"           );

         Look up transformation from DSS-12_TOPO frame to MYTOPO frame.
         This transformation should differ by round-off error from
         the identity matrix.
         pxform_c ( "DSS-12_TOPO", "MYTOPO", et, rmat );

         printf   ( "\n"
                    "DSS-12_TOPO to MYTOPO transformation at "
                    "et %23.16e = \n"
                    "    %25.16f  %25.16f  %25.16f\n"
                    "    %25.16f  %25.16f  %25.16f\n"
                    "    %25.16f  %25.16f  %25.16f\n",
                    rmat[0][0],  rmat[0][1],  rmat[0][2],
                    rmat[1][0],  rmat[1][1],  rmat[1][2],
                    rmat[2][0],  rmat[2][1],  rmat[2][2]       );

         return ( 0 );






   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   W.L. Taber      (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.3.3,  17-JAN-2014 (NJB)

      Updated Index_Entries section.

   -CSPICE Version 1.3.2,  10-FEB-2010 (EDW)

      Added mention of the restriction on kernel pool variable
      names to 32 characters or less.

      Reordered header sections to conform to SPICE convention.

   -CSPICE Version 1.3.1, 17-NOV-2005 (NJB)

      Replaced code fragment in Examples section of header with
      smaller, complete program.

   -CSPICE Version 1.3.0, 12-JUL-2002 (NJB)

      Call to C2F_CreateStrArr_Sig replaced with call to C2F_MapStrArr.

   -CSPICE Version 1.2.0, 28-AUG-2001 (NJB)

      Const-qualified input array cvals.

   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 14-FEB-2000 (NJB)

       Calls to C2F_CreateStrArr replaced with calls to error-signaling
       version of this routine:  C2F_CreateStrArr_Sig.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 18-JUN-1999 (NJB) (WLT)


   Set the value of a character_variable in the kernel_pool


{   /* Begin pcpool_c */

    Local variables
    SpiceChar             * fCvalsArr;

    SpiceInt                fCvalsLen;

    Participate in error tracing.
    chkin_c ( "pcpool_c" );

    Check the input kernel variable name to make sure the pointer is
    non-null and the string length is non-zero.
    CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "pcpool_c", name );

    Make sure the input string pointer for the cvals array is non-null
    and that the length lenvals is sufficient.
    CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "pcpool_c", cvals, lenvals );

    Create a Fortran-style string array.
    C2F_MapStrArr ( "pcpool_c",
                    n, lenvals, cvals, &fCvalsLen, &fCvalsArr );

    if ( failed_c() )
        chkout_c ( "pcpool_c" );

    Call the f2c'd routine.
    pcpool_ (  ( char       * ) name,
               ( integer    * ) &n,
               ( char       * ) fCvalsArr,
               ( ftnlen       ) strlen(name),
               ( ftnlen       ) fCvalsLen     );

    Free the dynamically allocated array.
    free ( fCvalsArr );

    chkout_c ( "pcpool_c" );

} /* End pcpool_c */
Exemple #3
   void dafac_c ( SpiceInt      handle,
                  SpiceInt      n,
                  SpiceInt      lenvals,
                  const void  * buffer  ) 


   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   handle     I    handle of a DAF opened with write access. 
   n          I    Number of comments to put into the comment area. 
   lenvals    I    Length of elements
   buffer     I    Buffer of comments to put into the comment area. 
   handle   is the file handle of a binary DAF which has been opened 
            with write access. 
   n        is the number of rows in the array `buffer'.  This is
            also the number of comment lines in `buffer' that are to be
            added to the comment area of the binary DAF attached to
   buffer   A string buffer containing comments which are to be added 
            to the comment area of the binary DAF attached to `handle'. 
            buffer should be declared by the caller has follows:

               SpiceChar    buffer[n][lenvals];
            Each row of the buffer should contain one comment line.

   1) If the number of comments to be added is not positive, the 
      error SPICE(INVALIDARGUMENT) will be signaled. 
   2) If a non printing ASCII character is encountered in the 
      comments, the error SPICE(ILLEGALCHARACTER) will be signaled.
   3) If the binary DAF file attached to HANDLE is not open with 
      write access an error will be signalled by a routine called by
      this routine.
   4) If the end of the comments cannot be found, i.e., the end of 
      comments marker is missing on the last comment record, the error
      SPICE(BADCOMMENTAREA) will be signaled.
   5) If the input pointer `buffer' is null, the error
      SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
   6) If the input buffer string length indicated by `lenvals' 
      is less than 2, the error SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled. 

   See argument `handle' in $ Detailed_Input. 
   A binary DAF contains a data area which is reserved for storing
   annotations or descriptive textual information about the data
   contained in a file. This area is referred to as the ``comment
   area'' of the file. The comment area of a DAF is a line oriented
   medium for storing textual information. The comment area preserves
   leading or embedded white space in the line(s) of text which are
   stored so that the appearance of the information will be unchanged
   when it is retrieved (extracted) at some other time. Trailing
   blanks, however, are NOT preserved, due to the way that character
   strings are represented in standard Fortran 77.
   This routine will take a buffer of text lines and add (append) them
   to the comment area of a binary DAF. If there are no comments in the
   comment area of the file, then space will be allocated and the text
   lines in `buffer' will be placed into the comment area. The text lines
   may contain only printable ASCII characters (decimal values 32 -
   There is NO maximum length imposed on the significant portion of a
   text line that may be placed into the comment area of a DAF. The
   maximum length of a line stored in the comment area should be
   reasonable, however, so that they may be easily extracted. A good
   maximum value for this would be 255 characters, as this can easily
   accommodate ``screen width'' lines as well as long lines which may
   contain some other form of information.
   1) Let 
         handle   be the handle for a DAF which has been opened with 
                  write access. 
         n        be the number of lines of text to be added to the 
                  comment area of the binary DAF attached to handle. 
         lenvals  be the length of the rows of a string buffer.

         buffer   is an array of text lines to be added to the comment 
                  area of the binary DAF attached to handle. `buffer'
                  normally is declared

                     SpiceChar buffer [n][lenvals];
      The call 
         dafac_c ( handle, n, lenvals, buffer );
      will append the first n line(s) in `buffer' to the comment area 
      of the binary DAF attached to `handle'. 
   1) This routine uses constants that are specific to the ASCII 
      character sequence. The results of using this routine with 
      a different character sequence are unpredictable. 
   2) This routine is only used to extract records on environments 
      whose characters are a single byte in size.  Updates to this 
      routine and routines in its call tree may be required to 
      properly handle other cases. 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL)
   K.R. Gehringer (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 16-NOV-2006 (NJB) (KRG)

   add comments to a binary daf file 
   append comments to a daf file comment area 

{ /* Begin dafac_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceChar             * fCvalsArr;
   SpiceInt                fCvalsLen;

   Participate in error tracing.
   chkin_c ( "dafac_c" );

   Make sure the input string pointer for the `buffer' array is non-null 
   and that the length lenvals is sufficient.  
   CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "dafac_c", buffer, lenvals );
   The input buffer contains C-style strings; we must pass a 
   Fortran-style buffer to dafac_.
   C2F_MapStrArr ( "dafac_c", 
                   n, lenvals, buffer, &fCvalsLen, &fCvalsArr );

   if ( failed_c() )
      chkout_c ( "dafac_c" );

   Call the f2c'd routine.
   dafac_ ( ( integer * ) &handle,
            ( integer * ) &n,
            ( char    * ) fCvalsArr,
            ( ftnlen    ) fCvalsLen );

   Free the dynamically allocated array.
   free ( fCvalsArr );

   chkout_c ( "dafac_c" );

} /* End dafac_c */
Exemple #4
   void ekbseg_c ( SpiceInt           handle,
                   ConstSpiceChar   * tabnam,
                   SpiceInt           ncols,
                   SpiceInt           cnmlen,
                   const void       * cnames,
                   SpiceInt           declen,
                   const void       * decls,
                   SpiceInt         * segno  ) 

   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   handle     I   File handle. 
   tabnam     I   Table name. 
   ncols      I   Number of columns in the segment. 
   cnmlen     I   Length of names in in column name array.
   cnames     I   Names of columns. 
   declen     I   Length of declaration strings in declaration array.
   decls      I   Declarations of columns. 
   segno      O   Segment number. 
   handle         the handle of an EK file that is open for writing. 
   tabnam         is the name of the EK table to which the current 
                  segment belongs.  All segments in the EK file 
                  designated by handle must have identical column 
                  attributes. tabnam must not exceed SPICE_EK_TNAMSZ
                  characters (see SpiceEK.h) in length.  Case is not 
                  significant. Table names must start with a letter and
                  contain only characters from the set
   ncols          is the number of columns in a new segment. 

   cnames         are, respectively, the length of the column name
                  strings in the column name array, and the base
                  address of the array itself.  The array should have
   decls          are, respectively, the length of the declaration
                  strings in the declaration array, and the base 
                  address of the array itself.  The array should have
                  The Ith element of cnames and the Ith element of decls
                  apply to the Ith column in the segment. 
                  Column names must not exceed CSPICE_EK_CNAMSZ
                  characters (see SpiceEK.h) in length.  Case is not
                  significant.  Column names must start with a letter 
                  and contain only characters from the set 
                  The declarations are strings that contain 
                  "keyword=value" assignments that define the 
                  attributes of the columns to which they apply.  The 
                  column attributes that are defined by a column 
                  declaration are: 
                     <is the column indexed?> 
                     <does the column allow null values?> 
                  The form of a declaration is 
                     "DATATYPE  = <type>, 
                      SIZE      = <size>, 
                      INDEXED   = <boolean>, 
                      NULLS_OK  = <boolean>" 
                  For example, an indexed, scalar, integer column 
                  that allows null values would have the declaration 
                     "DATATYPE  = INTEGER, 
                      SIZE      = 1, 
                      INDEXED   = TRUE, 
                      NULLS_OK  = TRUE" 
                  Commas are required to separate the assignments 
                  within declarations; white space is optional; 
                  case is not significant. 
                  The order in which the attribute keywords are 
                  listed in declaration is not significant. 
                  Every column in a segment must be declared. 
                  Each column entry is effectively an array, each 
                  element of which has the declared data type.  The 
                  SIZE keyword indicates how many elements are in 
                  each entry of the column in whose declaration the 
                  keyword appears.  Note that only scalar-valued 
                  columns (those for which SIZE = 1) may be 
                  referenced in query constraints.  A size 
                  assignment has the syntax 
                     SIZE = <integer> 
                     SIZE = VARIABLE 
                  The size value defaults to 1 if omitted. 
                  The DATATYPE keyword defines the data type of 
                  column entries.  The DATATYPE assignment syntax 
                  has any of the forms 
                     DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(<length>) 
                     DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(*) 
                     DATATYPE = DOUBLE PRECISION 
                     DATATYPE = INTEGER 
                     DATATYPE = TIME 
                  As the datatype declaration syntax suggests, 
                  character strings may have fixed or variable 
                  length.  Variable-length strings are allowed only 
                  in columns of size 1. 
                  Optionally, scalar-valued columns may be indexed. 
                  To create an index for a column, use the assignment 
                     INDEXED = TRUE 
                  By default, columns are not indexed. 
                  Optionally, any column can allow null values.  To 
                  indicate that a column may allow null values, use 
                  the assigment 
                     NULLS_OK = TRUE 
                  in the column declaration.  By default, null 
                  values are not allowed in column entries. 


   segno          is the number of the segment to which data is to be
                  added. Segments are numbered from 0 to nseg-1, where
                  nseg is the count of segments in the file.  Segment
                  numbers are used as unique identifiers by other EK
                  access routines.
   1)  If handle is invalid, the error will be diagnosed by routines 
       called by this routine. 
   2)  If tabnam is more than SPICE_EK_TNAMSZ characters long, the 
       error is diagnosed by routines called by this routine. 
   3)  If tabnam contains any nonprintable characters, the error 
       is diagnosed by routines called by this routine. 
   4)  If ncols is non-positive or greater than the maximum allowed 
       number SPICE_EK_MXCLSG, the error SPICE(INVALIDCOUNT) is 
   5)  If any column name exceeds SPICE_EK_CNAMSZ characters in 
       length, the error is diagnosed by routines called by this 
   6)  If any column name contains non-printable characters, the 
       error is diagnosed by routines called by this routine. 
   7)  If a declaration cannot be understood by this routine, the 
       error is diagnosed by routines called by this routine. 
   8)  If an non-positive string length or element size is specified, 
       the error is diagnosed by routines called by this routine. 
   9)  If an I/O error occurs while reading or writing the indicated 
       file, the error will be diagnosed by routines called by this 

   10) If the input string pointer for the table name is null, the 
       error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
   12) If the input tablen name string has length zero, the error 
       SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) will be signaled.
   13) If the string pointer for cnames is null, the error
       SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
   14) If the string length cnmlen is less than 2, the error 
       SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.

   15) If the string pointer for decls is null, the error
       SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
   16) If the string length declen is less than 2, the error 
       SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.
   See the EK Required Reading for a discussion of the EK file 
   This routine operates by side effects:  it prepares an EK for 
   the addition of a new segment.  It is not necessary to take 
   any special action to `complete' a segment; segments are readable 
   after the completion of any record insertion, deletion, write, 
   or update operation. 
   1)  Suppose we have an E-kernel named ORDER_DB.EK which contains 
       records of orders for data products.  The E-kernel has a 
       table called DATAORDERS that consists of the set of columns 
       listed below: 
             Column Name     Data Type 
             -----------     --------- 
             ORDER_ID        INTEGER 
             CUSTOMER_ID     INTEGER 
             LAST_NAME       CHARACTER*(*) 
             FIRST_NAME      CHARACTER*(*) 
             ORDER_DATE      TIME 
             COST            DOUBLE PRECISION 
       The order database also has a table of items that have been 
       ordered.  The columns of this table are shown below: 
             Column Name     Data Type 
             -----------     --------- 
             ITEM_ID         INTEGER 
             ORDER_ID        INTEGER 
             ITEM_NAME       CHARACTER*(*) 
             DESCRIPTION     CHARACTER*(*) 
             PRICE           DOUBLE PRECISION 
       We'll suppose that the file ORDER_DB.EK contains two segments, 
       the first containing the DATAORDERS table and the second 
       containing the DATAITEMS table. 
       Below, we show how we'd open a new EK file and start the 
       first of the segments described above. 
       #include "SpiceUsr.h"
       #include <stdio.h>
       void main()
          #define  CNMLEN        SPICE_EK_CSTRLN
          #define  DECLEN        201
          #define  EKNAME        "order_db.ek"
          #define  FNMLEN        50
          #define  IFNAME        "Test EK/Created 20-SEP-1995"
          #define  LNMLEN        50
          #define  LSK           "leapseconds.ker"
          #define  NCOLS         6
          #define  NRESVC        0
          #define  TABLE         "DATAORDERS"
          #define  TNMLEN        CSPICE_EK_TAB_NAM_LEN
          #define  UTCLEN        30
          Local variables
          SpiceBoolean            nlflgs [ NROWS  ];
          SpiceChar               cdecls  [ NCOLS ] [ DECLEN ];
          SpiceChar               cnames  [ NCOLS ] [ CNMLEN ];
          SpiceChar               fnames  [ NROWS ] [ FNMLEN ];
          SpiceChar               lnames  [ NROWS ] [ LNMLEN ];
          SpiceChar               dateStr [ UTCLEN ];
          SpiceDouble             costs  [ NROWS ];
          SpiceDouble             ets    [ NROWS ];
          SpiceInt                cstids [ NROWS ];
          SpiceInt                ordids [ NROWS ];
          SpiceInt                handle;
          SpiceInt                i;
          SpiceInt                segno;
          SpiceInt                sizes  [ NROWS ];
          Load a leapseconds kernel for UTC/ET conversion.
          furnsh_c ( LSK );
          Open a new EK file.  For simplicity, we will not 
          reserve any space for the comment area, so the 
          number of reserved comment characters is zero. 
          The constant IFNAME is the internal file name. 
          ekopn_c ( EKNAME, IFNAME, NRESVC, &handle );
          Set up the table and column names and declarations 
          for the DATAORDERS segment.  We'll index all of 
          the columns.  All columns are scalar, so we omit 
          the size declaration.  Only the COST column may take 
          null values. 
          strcpy ( cnames[0], "ORDER_ID"                           );
          strcpy ( cdecls[0], "DATATYPE = INTEGER, INDEXED = TRUE" );
          strcpy ( cnames[1], "CUSTOMER_ID"                        );
          strcpy ( cdecls[1], "DATATYPE = INTEGER, INDEXED = TRUE" );
          strcpy ( cnames[2], "LAST_NAME"                          ); 
          strcpy ( cdecls[2], "DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(*),"
                              "INDEXED  = TRUE"                    );
          strcpy ( cnames[3], "FIRST_NAME"                         );
          strcpy ( cdecls[3], "DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(*),"   
                              "INDEXED  = TRUE"                    );
          strcpy ( cnames[4], "ORDER_DATE"                         );
          strcpy ( cdecls[4], "DATATYPE = TIME, INDEXED  = TRUE"   );
          strcpy ( cnames[5], "COST"                               );
          strcpy ( cdecls[5], "DATATYPE = DOUBLE PRECISION,"   
                              "INDEXED  = TRUE,"             
                              "NULLS_OK = TRUE"                    );
          Start the segment. 
          ekbseg_c ( handle,  TABLE,   NCOLS,   CNMLEN,  
                     cnames,  DECLEN,  cdecls,  &segno  );

          Add data to the segment.  No special action 
          is required to finish the segment. 
             [Data are added via calls to ekappr_c and the 
              ekacec_c, ekaced_c, and ekacei_c routines.  See any 
              of these routines for examples.] 
          At this point, the second segment could be 
          created by an analogous process.  In fact, the 
          second segment could be created at any time; it is 
          not necessary to populate the first segment with 
          data before starting the second segment. 

          The file must be closed by a call to ekcls_c. 
          ekcls_c ( handle ); 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 12-JUL-2002 (NJB)

      Call to C2F_CreateStrArr_Sig replaced with call to C2F_MapStrArr.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 17-NOV-2001 (NJB)

   start new E-kernel segment 
   start new EK segment 

{ /* Begin ekbseg_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceChar             * fCnameArr;
   SpiceChar             * fCdeclArr;

   SpiceInt                fCnameLen;
   SpiceInt                fCdeclLen;

   Participate in error tracing.
   chkin_c ( "ekbseg_c" );

   Check the table name to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.
   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "ekbseg_c", tabnam );

   Check the column name array to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.  Note:  this check is normally
   done for output strings:  CHKOSTR is the macro that does the job.
   CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "ekbseg_c", cnames, cnmlen );

   Check the declaration array to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.
   CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "ekbseg_c", decls, declen );

   C2F_MapStrArr ( "ekbseg_c", 
                   ncols, cnmlen, cnames, &fCnameLen, &fCnameArr );
   if ( failed_c() )
      chkout_c ( "ekbseg_c" );

   C2F_MapStrArr ( "ekbseg_c", 
                   ncols, declen, decls, &fCdeclLen, &fCdeclArr );
   if ( failed_c() )
      free ( fCnameArr );
      chkout_c ( "ekbseg_c" );

   Call the f2c'd Fortran routine.  Use explicit type casts for every
   type defined by f2c.
   ekbseg_ ( ( integer  * ) &handle,
             ( char     * ) tabnam,
             ( integer  * ) &ncols,
             ( char     * ) fCnameArr,
             ( char     * ) fCdeclArr,
             ( integer  * ) segno,
             ( ftnlen     ) strlen(tabnam),
             ( ftnlen     ) fCnameLen,
             ( ftnlen     ) fCdeclLen       );

   Clean up all of our dynamically allocated arrays.
   free ( fCnameArr );
   free ( fCdeclArr );

   Map segno to C style range.
   chkout_c ( "ekbseg_c" );

} /* End ekbseg_c */
Exemple #5
   void dasac_c ( SpiceInt       handle,
                  SpiceInt       n,
                  SpiceInt       buflen,
                  const void   * buffer  ) 


   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   handle     I   DAS handle of a file opened with write access. 
   n          I   Number of comments to put into the comment area. 
   buflen     I   Line length associated with buffer.
   buffer     I   Buffer of lines to be put into the comment area. 
   handle   The file handle of a binary DAS file which has been 
            opened with write access. 
   n        The number of strings in buffer that are to be 
            appended to the comment area of the binary DAS file 
            attached to handle. 

   buflen   is the common length of the strings in buffer, including the 
            terminating nulls.
   buffer   A buffer containing comments which are to be added 
            to the comment area of the binary DAS file attached 
            to handle.  buffer should be declared as follows:
               ConstSpiceChar   buffer [n][buflen]
            Each string in buffer is null-terminated.
   1) If the number of comments to be added is not positive, the 
      error SPICE(INVALIDARGUMENT) will be signaled. 
   2) If a non-null, non printing ASCII character is encountered in the 
      comments, the error SPICE(ILLEGALCHARACTER) will be 
   3) If the binary DAS file attached to handle is not open for 
      write access, an error will be signaled by a routine called 
      by this routine. 
   4) If the input buffer pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) 
      will be signaled.

   5) If the input buffer string length buflen is not at least 2, 
      the error SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.

   See argument handle in Detailed_Input. 
   Binary DAS files contain a data area which is reserved for storing 
   annotations or descriptive textual information about the data 
   contained in a file. This area is referred to as the "comment 
   area" of the file. The comment area of a DAS file is a line 
   oriented medium for storing textual information. The comment 
   area preserves any leading or embedded white space in the line(s) 
   of text which are stored so that the appearance of the 
   information will be unchanged when it is retrieved (extracted) at 
   some other time. Trailing blanks, however, are NOT preserved, 
   due to the way that character strings are represented in 
   standard Fortran 77. 
   This routine will take a buffer of text lines and add (append) 
   them to the comment area of a binary DAS file. If there are no 
   comments in the comment area of the file, then space will be 
   allocated and the text lines in buffer will then placed into the 
   comment area. The text lines may contain only printable ASCII 
   characters (decimal values 32 - 126). 
   There is no maximum length imposed on the significant portion 
   of a text line that may be placed into the comment area of a 
   DAS file. The maximum length of a line stored in the comment 
   area should be reasonable, however, so that they may be easily 
   extracted. A good value for this would be 255 characters, as 
   this can easily accommodate "screen width" lines as well as 
   long lines which may contain some other form of information. 
      handle   be the handle for a DAS file which has been opened 
               with write access. 

      n        be the number of lines of text to be added to the 
               comment area of the binary DAS file attached to 

      BUFLEN   be the declared line length of the buffer.

      buffer   is a list of text lines to be added to the comment 
               area of the binary DAS file attached to handle. 
   The call 
      dasac_c ( handle, n, BUFLEN, buffer );
   will append the first n line(s) in buffer to the comment area 
   of the binary DAS file attached to handle. 
   1) This routine uses constants that are specific to the ASCII 
      character sequence. The results of using this routine with 
      a different character sequence are unpredictable. 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 
   K.R. Gehringer (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 02-MAR-2003 (NJB) 

       Added error check in wrapper for non-positive
       buffer line count.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 25-FEB-2003 (NJB) (KRG)

    add comments to a binary das file 
    append comments to a das file comment area 

{ /* Begin dasac_c */

   Local variables

   SpiceChar             * fCvalsArr;

   SpiceInt                fCvalsLen;

   Participate in error tracing.
   if ( return_c() )
   chkin_c ( "dasac_c" );

   Check the line count of the input buffer. 
   if ( n < 1 ) 
      setmsg_c ( "Comment buffer line count n = #; must be positive." );
      errint_c ( "#", n                                               );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(INVALIDARGUMENT)"                             );
      chkout_c ( "dasac_c"                                            );

   Check the input buffer for null pointer or short lines. 
   CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "dasac_c", buffer, buflen );

   Map the input buffer to a Fortran-style buffer. 
   C2F_MapStrArr ( "dasac_c", n, buflen, buffer, &fCvalsLen, &fCvalsArr );

   if ( failed_c() )
      chkout_c ( "dasac_c" );

   Call the f2c'd routine.
   dasac_ (  ( integer    * ) &handle,
             ( integer    * ) &n,
             ( char       * ) fCvalsArr,
             ( ftnlen       ) fCvalsLen );

   Free the dynamically allocated array.
   free ( fCvalsArr );

   chkout_c ( "dasac_c" );

} /* End dasac_c */
Exemple #6
   void lmpool_c ( const void  * cvals,
                   SpiceInt      lenvals,
                   SpiceInt      n       ) 


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   cvals      I   An array that contains a SPICE text kernel.
   lenvals    I   Length of strings in cvals.
   n          I   The number of entries in cvals. 
   cvals          is an array of strings that contains lines of text 
                  that could serve as a SPICE text kernel.  cvals is 
                  declared as follows:
                     ConstSpiceChar   cvals [n][lenvals]
                  Each string in cvals is null-terminated.
   lenvals        is the common length of the strings in cvals,
                  including the terminating nulls.
   n              is the number of strings in cvals. 
   1) If the input string pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) 
      will be signaled.

   2) If the input string length lenvals is not at least 2, the error
      SPICE(STRINGTOOLSHORT) will be signaled.

   3) The error 'SPICE(BADVARNAME)' signals if a kernel pool
      variable name length exceeds 32.

   4) Other exceptions are diagnosed by routines in the call tree of 
      this routine.
   This routine allows you to store a text kernel in an internal 
   array of your program and load this array into the kernel pool 
   without first storing its contents as a text kernel. 

   Kernel pool variable names are restricted to a length of 32
   characters or less.
   Suppose that your application is not particularly sensitive 
   to the current number of leapseconds but that you would 
   still like to use a relatively recent leapseconds kernel 
   without requiring users to load a leapseconds kernel into 
   the program.  The example below shows how you might set up 
   the initialization portion of your program. 
      #include "SpiceUsr.h"
      #define LNSIZE          81
      #define NLINES          27
      SpiceChar               textbuf[NLINES][LNSIZE] = 
                        "DELTET/DELTA_T_A = 32.184",
                        "DELTET/K         = 1.657D-3",
                        "DELTET/EB        = 1.671D-2",
                        "DELTET/M         = ( 6.239996 1.99096871D-7 )",
                        "DELTET/DELTA_AT  = ( 10, @1972-JAN-1",
                        "                     11, @1972-JUL-1",
                        "                     12, @1973-JAN-1",
                        "                     13, @1974-JAN-1",
                        "                     14, @1975-JAN-1",
                        "                     15, @1976-JAN-1",
                        "                     16, @1977-JAN-1",
                        "                     17, @1978-JAN-1",
                        "                     18, @1979-JAN-1",
                        "                     19, @1980-JAN-1",
                        "                     20, @1981-JUL-1",
                        "                     21, @1982-JUL-1",
                        "                     22, @1983-JUL-1",
                        "                     23, @1985-JUL-1",
                        "                     24, @1988-JAN-1",
                        "                     25, @1990-JAN-1",
                        "                     26, @1991-JAN-1",
                        "                     27, @1992-JUL-1",
                        "                     28, @1993-JUL-1",
                        "                     29, @1994-JUL-1",
                        "                     30, @1996-JAN-1",
                        "                     31, @1997-JUL-1",
                        "                     32, @1999-JAN-1 )"
      lmpool_c ( textbuf, LNSIZE, NLINES );
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 

   -CSPICE Version 1.3.1,  10-FEB-2010 (EDW)

      Added mention of the restriction on kernel pool variable 
      names to 32 characters or less.

   -CSPICE Version 1.3.0, 12-JUL-2002 (NJB)

      Call to C2F_CreateStrArr_Sig replaced with call to C2F_MapStrArr.

   -CSPICE Version 1.2.0, 28-AUG-2001 (NJB)

      Const-qualified input array.

   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 14-FEB-2000 (NJB)

       Calls to C2F_CreateStrArr replaced with calls to error-signaling 
       version of this routine:  C2F_CreateStrArr_Sig.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 08-JUN-1999 (NJB) (WLT) 

   Load the kernel pool from an internal text buffer 

{ /* Begin lmpool_c */

   Local variables

   SpiceChar             * fCvalsArr;

   SpiceInt                fCvalsLen;

   Participate in error tracing.
   chkin_c ( "lmpool_c" );

   Make sure the input string pointer is non-null and that the
   length lenvals is sufficient.  
   CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "lmpool_c", cvals, lenvals );

   Create a Fortran-style string array.
   C2F_MapStrArr ( "lmpool_c", n, lenvals, cvals, &fCvalsLen, &fCvalsArr );

   if ( failed_c() )
      chkout_c ( "lmpool_c" );

   Call the f2c'd routine.
   lmpool_ (  ( char       * ) fCvalsArr,
              ( integer    * ) &n,
              ( ftnlen       ) fCvalsLen );

   Free the dynamically allocated array.
   free ( fCvalsArr );
   chkout_c ( "lmpool_c" );

} /* End lmpool_c */