Exemple #1
std::vector<ClangPlugin::CCToken> ClangPlugin::GetTokenAt(int pos, cbEditor* ed, bool& /*allowCallTip*/)
    fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    std::vector<CCToken> tokens;
    if (ed != m_pLastEditor)
        return tokens;
    if (m_TranslUnitId == wxNOT_FOUND)
        return tokens;

    cbStyledTextCtrl* stc = ed->GetControl();
    if (stc->GetTextRange(pos - 1, pos + 1).Strip().IsEmpty())
        return tokens;
    const unsigned int line = stc->LineFromPosition(pos);
    ClTokenPosition loc(line + 1, pos - stc->PositionFromLine(line) + 1);

    ClangProxy::GetTokensAtJob job( cbEVT_CLANG_SYNCTASK_FINISHED, idClangSyncTask, ed->GetFilename(), loc, m_TranslUnitId);
    wxStringVec names = job.GetResults();
    for (wxStringVec::const_iterator nmIt = names.begin(); nmIt != names.end(); ++nmIt)
        tokens.push_back(CCToken(-1, *nmIt));
    return tokens;
Exemple #2
std::vector<ClangPlugin::CCToken> ClangPlugin::GetTokenAt(int pos, cbEditor* ed, bool& allowCallTip)
    std::vector<CCToken> tokens;
    if (ed != m_pLastEditor)
        m_TranslUnitId = m_Proxy.GetTranslationUnitId(ed->GetFilename());
        m_pLastEditor = ed;
    if (m_TranslUnitId == wxNOT_FOUND)
        return tokens;

    cbStyledTextCtrl* stc = ed->GetControl();
    if (stc->GetTextRange(pos - 1, pos + 1).Strip().IsEmpty())
        return tokens;
    const int line = stc->LineFromPosition(pos);
    const int column = pos - stc->PositionFromLine(line);
    wxStringVec names;
    m_Proxy.GetTokensAt(ed->GetFilename(), line + 1, column + 1, m_TranslUnitId, names);
    for (wxStringVec::const_iterator nmIt = names.begin(); nmIt != names.end(); ++nmIt)
        tokens.push_back(CCToken(-1, *nmIt));
    return tokens;
Exemple #3
void cbCodeCompletionPlugin::DoAutocomplete(const wxString& token, cbEditor* ed)
    DoAutocomplete(CCToken(-1, token), ed);
Exemple #4
std::vector<ClangPlugin::CCToken> ClangPlugin::GetAutocompList(bool isAuto, cbEditor* ed, int& tknStart, int& tknEnd)
    std::vector<CCToken> tokens;
    if (ed != m_pLastEditor)
        m_TranslUnitId = m_Proxy.GetTranslationUnitId(ed->GetFilename());
        m_pLastEditor = ed;
    if (m_TranslUnitId == wxNOT_FOUND)
        Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->LogWarning(wxT("ClangLib: m_TranslUnitId == wxNOT_FOUND, cannot complete in file ") + ed->GetFilename());
        return tokens;

    cbStyledTextCtrl* stc = ed->GetControl();
    const int style = stc->GetStyleAt(tknEnd);
    const wxChar curChar = stc->GetCharAt(tknEnd - 1);
    if (isAuto) // filter illogical cases of auto-launch
        if (   (   curChar == wxT(':') // scope operator
                && stc->GetCharAt(tknEnd - 2) != wxT(':') )
            || (   curChar == wxT('>') // '->'
                && stc->GetCharAt(tknEnd - 2) != wxT('-') )
            || (   wxString(wxT("<\"/")).Find(curChar) != wxNOT_FOUND // #include directive (TODO: enumerate completable include files)
                && !stc->IsPreprocessor(style) ) )
            return tokens;

    std::vector<ClToken> tknResults;
    const int line = stc->LineFromPosition(tknStart);
    std::map<wxString, wxString> unsavedFiles;
    EditorManager* edMgr = Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager();
    for (int i = 0; i < edMgr->GetEditorsCount(); ++i)
        cbEditor* editor = edMgr->GetBuiltinEditor(i);
        if (editor && editor->GetModified())
            unsavedFiles.insert(std::make_pair(editor->GetFilename(), editor->GetControl()->GetText()));
    const int lnStart = stc->PositionFromLine(line);
    int column = tknStart - lnStart;
    for (; column > 0; --column)
        if (   !wxIsspace(stc->GetCharAt(lnStart + column - 1))
            || (column != 1 && !wxIsspace(stc->GetCharAt(lnStart + column - 2))) )
    m_Proxy.CodeCompleteAt(isAuto, ed->GetFilename(), line + 1, column + 1, m_TranslUnitId, unsavedFiles, tknResults);
    const wxString& prefix = stc->GetTextRange(tknStart, tknEnd).Lower();
    bool includeCtors = true; // sometimes we get a lot of these
    for (int i = tknStart - 1; i > 0; --i)
        wxChar chr = stc->GetCharAt(i);
        if (!wxIsspace(chr))
            if (chr == wxT(';') || chr == wxT('}')) // last non-whitespace character
                includeCtors = false; // filter out ctors (they are unlikely to be wanted in this situation)
    if (prefix.Length() > 3) // larger context, match the prefix at any point in the token
        for (std::vector<ClToken>::const_iterator tknIt = tknResults.begin();
             tknIt != tknResults.end(); ++tknIt)
            if (tknIt->name.Lower().Find(prefix) != wxNOT_FOUND && (includeCtors || tknIt->category != tcCtorPublic))
                tokens.push_back(CCToken(tknIt->id, tknIt->name, tknIt->name, tknIt->weight, tknIt->category));
    else if (prefix.IsEmpty())
        for (std::vector<ClToken>::const_iterator tknIt = tknResults.begin();
             tknIt != tknResults.end(); ++tknIt)
            if (!tknIt->name.StartsWith(wxT("operator")) && (includeCtors || tknIt->category != tcCtorPublic)) // it is rather unlikely for an operator to be the desired completion
                tokens.push_back(CCToken(tknIt->id, tknIt->name, tknIt->name, tknIt->weight, tknIt->category));
    else // smaller context, only allow matches of the prefix at the beginning of the token
        for (std::vector<ClToken>::const_iterator tknIt = tknResults.begin();
             tknIt != tknResults.end(); ++tknIt)
            if (tknIt->name.Lower().StartsWith(prefix) && (includeCtors || tknIt->category != tcCtorPublic))
                tokens.push_back(CCToken(tknIt->id, tknIt->name, tknIt->name, tknIt->weight, tknIt->category));

    if (!tokens.empty())
        if (prefix.IsEmpty() && tokens.size() > 1500) // reduce to give only top matches
            std::partial_sort(tokens.begin(), tokens.begin() + 1000, tokens.end(), PrioritySorter());
            tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + 1000, tokens.end());
        const int imgCount = m_ImageList.GetImageCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < imgCount; ++i)
            stc->RegisterImage(i, m_ImageList.GetBitmap(i));
        bool isPP = stc->GetLine(line).Strip(wxString::leading).StartsWith(wxT("#"));
        std::set<int> usedWeights;
        for (std::vector<CCToken>::iterator tknIt = tokens.begin();
             tknIt != tokens.end(); ++tknIt)
            switch (tknIt->category)
                case tcNone:
                    if (isPP)
                        tknIt->category = tcMacroDef;
                    else if (std::binary_search(m_CppKeywords.begin(), m_CppKeywords.end(), GetActualName(tknIt->name)))
                        tknIt->category = tcLangKeyword;

                case tcClass:
                case tcCtorPublic:
                case tcDtorPublic:
                case tcFuncPublic:
                case tcVarPublic:
                case tcEnum:
                case tcTypedef:
                    m_Proxy.RefineTokenType(m_TranslUnitId, tknIt->id, tknIt->category);

        // Clang sometimes gives many weight values, which can make completion more difficult
        // because results are less alphabetical. Use a compression map on the lower priority
        // values (higher numbers) to reduce the total number of weights used.
        if (usedWeights.size() > 3)
            std::vector<int> weightsVec(usedWeights.begin(), usedWeights.end());
            std::map<int, int> weightCompr;
            weightCompr[weightsVec[0]] = weightsVec[0];
            weightCompr[weightsVec[1]] = weightsVec[1];
            int factor = (weightsVec.size() > 7 ? 3 : 2);
            for (size_t i = 2; i < weightsVec.size(); ++i)
                weightCompr[weightsVec[i]] = weightsVec[(i - 2) / factor + 2];
            for (std::vector<CCToken>::iterator tknIt = tokens.begin();
                 tknIt != tokens.end(); ++tknIt)
                tknIt->weight = weightCompr[tknIt->weight];

    return tokens;