static int lua_cb_dispatch_values(lua_State *L) /* {{{ */ { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); if (nargs != 1) return luaL_error(L, "Invalid number of arguments (%d != 1)", nargs); luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE); value_list_t *vl = luaC_tovaluelist(L, -1); if (vl == NULL) return luaL_error(L, "%s", "luaC_tovaluelist failed"); #if COLLECT_DEBUG char identifier[6 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; FORMAT_VL(identifier, sizeof(identifier), vl); DEBUG("Lua plugin: collectd.dispatch_values(): Received value list \"%s\", " "time %.3f, interval %.3f.", identifier, CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(vl->time), CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(vl->interval)); #endif plugin_dispatch_values(vl); sfree(vl->values); sfree(vl); return 0; } /* }}} lua_cb_dispatch_values */
void latency_counter_reset(latency_counter_t *lc) /* {{{ */ { if (lc == NULL) return; cdtime_t bin_width = lc->bin_width; cdtime_t max_bin = (lc->max - 1) / lc->bin_width; /* If max latency is REDUCE_THRESHOLD times less than histogram's range, then cut it in half. REDUCE_THRESHOLD must be >= 2. Value of 4 is selected to reduce frequent changes of bin width. */ #define REDUCE_THRESHOLD 4 if ((lc->num > 0) && (lc->bin_width >= HISTOGRAM_DEFAULT_BIN_WIDTH * 2) && (max_bin < HISTOGRAM_NUM_BINS / REDUCE_THRESHOLD)) { /* new bin width will be the previous power of 2 */ bin_width = bin_width / 2; DEBUG("utils_latency: latency_counter_reset: max_latency = %.3f; " "max_bin = %" PRIu64 "; old_bin_width = %.3f; new_bin_width = %.3f;", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(lc->max), max_bin, CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(lc->bin_width), CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(bin_width)); } memset(lc, 0, sizeof(*lc)); /* preserve bin width */ lc->bin_width = bin_width; lc->start_time = cdtime(); } /* }}} void latency_counter_reset */
int create_putval (char *ret, size_t ret_len, /* {{{ */ const data_set_t *ds, const value_list_t *vl) { char buffer_ident[6 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; char buffer_values[1024]; int status; status = FORMAT_VL (buffer_ident, sizeof (buffer_ident), vl); if (status != 0) return (status); escape_string (buffer_ident, sizeof (buffer_ident)); status = format_values (buffer_values, sizeof (buffer_values), ds, vl, /* store rates = */ 0); if (status != 0) return (status); escape_string (buffer_values, sizeof (buffer_values)); ssnprintf (ret, ret_len, "PUTVAL %s interval=%.3f %s", buffer_ident, (vl->interval > 0) ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (vl->interval) : CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (interval_g), buffer_values); return (0); } /* }}} int create_putval */
static void *camqp_subscribe_thread (void *user_data) /* {{{ */ { camqp_config_t *conf = user_data; int status; cdtime_t interval = plugin_get_interval (); while (subscriber_threads_running) { amqp_frame_t frame; status = camqp_connect (conf); if (status != 0) { struct timespec ts_interval; ERROR ("amqp plugin: camqp_connect failed. " "Will sleep for %.3f seconds.", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (interval)); CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC (interval, &ts_interval); nanosleep (&ts_interval, /* remaining = */ NULL); continue; } status = amqp_simple_wait_frame (conf->connection, &frame); if (status < 0) { struct timespec ts_interval; ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_simple_wait_frame failed. " "Will sleep for %.3f seconds.", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (interval)); camqp_close_connection (conf); CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC (interval, &ts_interval); nanosleep (&ts_interval, /* remaining = */ NULL); continue; } if (frame.frame_type != AMQP_FRAME_METHOD) { DEBUG ("amqp plugin: Unexpected frame type: %#"PRIx8, frame.frame_type); continue; } if ( != AMQP_BASIC_DELIVER_METHOD) { DEBUG ("amqp plugin: Unexpected method id: %#"PRIx32,; continue; } camqp_read_header (conf); amqp_maybe_release_buffers (conf->connection); } /* while (subscriber_threads_running) */ camqp_config_free (conf); pthread_exit (NULL); return (NULL); } /* }}} void *camqp_subscribe_thread */
static int csnmp_read_host (user_data_t *ud) { host_definition_t *host; cdtime_t time_start; cdtime_t time_end; int status; int success; int i; host = ud->data; if (host->interval == 0) host->interval = plugin_get_interval (); time_start = cdtime (); if (host->sess_handle == NULL) csnmp_host_open_session (host); if (host->sess_handle == NULL) return (-1); success = 0; for (i = 0; i < host->data_list_len; i++) { data_definition_t *data = host->data_list[i]; if (data->is_table) status = csnmp_read_table (host, data); else status = csnmp_read_value (host, data); if (status == 0) success++; } time_end = cdtime (); if ((time_end - time_start) > host->interval) { WARNING ("snmp plugin: Host `%s' should be queried every %.3f " "seconds, but reading all values takes %.3f seconds.", host->name, CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (host->interval), CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (time_end - time_start)); } if (success == 0) return (-1); return (0); } /* int csnmp_read_host */
cdtime_t latency_counter_get_percentile (latency_counter_t *lc, /* {{{ */ double percent) { double percent_upper; double percent_lower; double p; cdtime_t latency_lower; cdtime_t latency_interpolated; int sum; size_t i; if ((lc == NULL) || (lc->num == 0) || !((percent > 0.0) && (percent < 100.0))) return (0); /* Find index i so that at least "percent" events are within i+1 ms. */ percent_upper = 0.0; percent_lower = 0.0; sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_NUM_BINS; i++) { percent_lower = percent_upper; sum += lc->histogram[i]; if (sum == 0) percent_upper = 0.0; else percent_upper = 100.0 * ((double) sum) / ((double) lc->num); if (percent_upper >= percent) break; } if (i >= HISTOGRAM_NUM_BINS) return (0); assert (percent_upper >= percent); assert (percent_lower < percent); if (i == 0) return (lc->bin_width); latency_lower = ((cdtime_t) i) * lc->bin_width; p = (percent - percent_lower) / (percent_upper - percent_lower); latency_interpolated = latency_lower + DOUBLE_TO_CDTIME_T (p * CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (lc->bin_width)); DEBUG ("latency_counter_get_percentile: latency_interpolated = %.3f", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_interpolated)); return (latency_interpolated); } /* }}} cdtime_t latency_counter_get_percentile */
static int do_loop(void) { cdtime_t interval = cf_get_default_interval(); cdtime_t wait_until = cdtime() + interval; while (loop == 0) { #if HAVE_LIBKSTAT update_kstat(); #endif /* Issue all plugins */ plugin_read_all(); cdtime_t now = cdtime(); if (now >= wait_until) { WARNING("Not sleeping because the next interval is " "%.3f seconds in the past!", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(now - wait_until)); wait_until = now + interval; continue; } struct timespec ts_wait = CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC(wait_until - now); wait_until = wait_until + interval; while ((loop == 0) && (nanosleep(&ts_wait, &ts_wait) != 0)) { if (errno != EINTR) { ERROR("nanosleep failed: %s", STRERRNO); return -1; } } } /* while (loop == 0) */ return 0; } /* int do_loop */
int tail_match_add_match(cu_tail_match_t *obj, cu_match_t *match, int (*submit_match)(cu_match_t *match, void *user_data), void *user_data, void (*free_user_data)(void *user_data)) { cu_tail_match_match_t *temp; temp = realloc(obj->matches, sizeof(cu_tail_match_match_t) * (obj->matches_num + 1)); if (temp == NULL) return (-1); obj->matches = temp; obj->matches_num++; DEBUG("tail_match_add_match interval %lf", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(((cu_tail_match_simple_t *)user_data)->interval)); temp = obj->matches + (obj->matches_num - 1); temp->match = match; temp->user_data = user_data; temp->submit = submit_match; temp->free = free_user_data; return (0); } /* int tail_match_add_match */
static int we_flush_nolock (cdtime_t timeout, we_callback_t *cb) { int status; DEBUG("write_extremon plugin: we_flush_nolock: timeout = %.3f; " "send_buffer_fill = %zu;", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (timeout), cb->send_buffer_fill); if(timeout>0) { cdtime_t now; now = cdtime (); if ((cb->send_buffer_init_time + timeout) > now) return (0); } /* if (cb->send_buffer_fill <= 0) # { # cb->send_buffer_init_time = cdtime (); # return (0); # } */ status = we_send_buffer (cb); we_reset_buffer (cb); return (status); }
double latency_counter_get_rate(const latency_counter_t *lc, /* {{{ */ cdtime_t lower, cdtime_t upper, const cdtime_t now) { if ((lc == NULL) || (lc->num == 0)) return NAN; if (upper && (upper < lower)) return NAN; if (lower == upper) return 0; /* Buckets have an exclusive lower bound and an inclusive upper bound. That * means that the first bucket, index 0, represents (0-bin_width]. That means * that latency==bin_width needs to result in bin=0, that's why we need to * subtract one before dividing by bin_width. */ cdtime_t lower_bin = 0; if (lower) /* lower is *exclusive* => determine bucket for lower+1 */ lower_bin = ((lower + 1) - 1) / lc->bin_width; /* lower is greater than the longest latency observed => rate is zero. */ if (lower_bin >= HISTOGRAM_NUM_BINS) return 0; cdtime_t upper_bin = HISTOGRAM_NUM_BINS - 1; if (upper) upper_bin = (upper - 1) / lc->bin_width; if (upper_bin >= HISTOGRAM_NUM_BINS) { upper_bin = HISTOGRAM_NUM_BINS - 1; upper = 0; } double sum = 0; for (size_t i = lower_bin; i <= upper_bin; i++) sum += lc->histogram[i]; if (lower) { /* Approximate ratio of requests in lower_bin, that fall between * lower_bin_boundary and lower. This ratio is then subtracted from sum to * increase accuracy. */ cdtime_t lower_bin_boundary = lower_bin * lc->bin_width; assert(lower >= lower_bin_boundary); double lower_ratio = (double)(lower - lower_bin_boundary) / ((double)lc->bin_width); sum -= lower_ratio * lc->histogram[lower_bin]; } if (upper) { /* As above: approximate ratio of requests in upper_bin, that fall between * upper and upper_bin_boundary. */ cdtime_t upper_bin_boundary = (upper_bin + 1) * lc->bin_width; assert(upper <= upper_bin_boundary); double ratio = (double)(upper_bin_boundary - upper) / (double)lc->bin_width; sum -= ratio * lc->histogram[upper_bin]; } return sum / (CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(now - lc->start_time)); } /* }}} double latency_counter_get_rate */
static counter_t disk_calc_time_incr (counter_t delta_time, counter_t delta_ops) { double interval = CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (plugin_get_interval ()); double avg_time = ((double) delta_time) / ((double) delta_ops); double avg_time_incr = interval * avg_time; return ((counter_t) (avg_time_incr + .5)); }
cdtime_t latency_counter_get_average (latency_counter_t *lc) /* {{{ */ { double average; if ((lc == NULL) || (lc->num == 0)) return (0); average = CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (lc->sum) / ((double) lc->num); return (DOUBLE_TO_CDTIME_T (average)); } /* }}} cdtime_t latency_counter_get_average */
static int ts_invoke_absolute(const data_set_t *ds, value_list_t *vl, /* {{{ */ ts_data_t *data, int dsrc_index) { uint64_t curr_absolute; double rate; int status; /* Required meta data */ double int_fraction; char key_int_fraction[128]; curr_absolute = (uint64_t)vl->values[dsrc_index].absolute; snprintf(key_int_fraction, sizeof(key_int_fraction), "target_scale[%p,%i]:int_fraction", (void *)data, dsrc_index); int_fraction = 0.0; /* Query the meta data */ status = uc_meta_data_get_double(vl, key_int_fraction, &int_fraction); if (status != 0) int_fraction = 0.0; rate = ((double)curr_absolute) / CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(vl->interval); /* Modify the rate. */ if (!isnan(data->factor)) rate *= data->factor; if (!isnan(data->offset)) rate += data->offset; /* Calculate the new absolute. */ int_fraction += (rate * CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(vl->interval)); curr_absolute = (uint64_t)int_fraction; int_fraction -= ((double)curr_absolute); vl->values[dsrc_index].absolute = (absolute_t)curr_absolute; /* Update to the new absolute value */ uc_meta_data_add_double(vl, key_int_fraction, int_fraction); return 0; } /* }}} int ts_invoke_absolute */
/* * Histogram represents the distribution of data, it has a list of "bins". * Each bin represents an interval and has a count (frequency) of * number of values fall within its interval. * * Histogram's range is determined by the number of bins and the bin width, * There are 1000 bins and all bins have the same width of default 1 millisecond. * When a value above this range is added, Histogram's range is increased by * increasing the bin width (note that number of bins remains always at 1000). * This operation of increasing bin width is little expensive as each bin need * to be visited to update its count. To reduce frequent change of bin width, * new bin width will be the next nearest power of 2. Example: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, * 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 5086, ... * * So, if the required bin width is 300, then new bin width will be 512 as it is * the next nearest power of 2. */ static void change_bin_width(latency_counter_t *lc, cdtime_t latency) /* {{{ */ { /* This function is called because the new value is above histogram's range. * First find the required bin width: * requiredBinWidth = (value + 1) / numBins * then get the next nearest power of 2 * newBinWidth = 2^(ceil(log2(requiredBinWidth))) */ double required_bin_width = ((double)(latency + 1)) / ((double)HISTOGRAM_NUM_BINS); double required_bin_width_logbase2 = log(required_bin_width) / log(2.0); cdtime_t new_bin_width = (cdtime_t)(pow(2.0, ceil(required_bin_width_logbase2)) + .5); cdtime_t old_bin_width = lc->bin_width; lc->bin_width = new_bin_width; /* bin_width has been increased, now iterate through all bins and move the * old bin's count to new bin. */ if (lc->num > 0) // if the histogram has data then iterate else skip { double width_change_ratio = ((double)old_bin_width) / ((double)new_bin_width); for (size_t i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_NUM_BINS; i++) { size_t new_bin = (size_t)(((double)i) * width_change_ratio); if (i == new_bin) continue; assert(new_bin < i); lc->histogram[new_bin] += lc->histogram[i]; lc->histogram[i] = 0; } } DEBUG("utils_latency: change_bin_width: latency = %.3f; " "old_bin_width = %.3f; new_bin_width = %.3f;", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(latency), CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(old_bin_width), CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(new_bin_width)); } /* }}} void change_bin_width */
/** * Read configuration. */ static int cgps_config (oconfig_item_t *ci) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) { oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i; if (strcasecmp ("Host", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_string (child, &; else if (strcasecmp ("Port", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_service (child, &cgps_config_data.port); else if (strcasecmp ("Timeout", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_cdtime (child, &cgps_config_data.timeout); else if (strcasecmp ("PauseConnect", child->key) == 0) cf_util_get_cdtime (child, &cgps_config_data.pause_connect); else WARNING ("gps plugin: Ignoring unknown config option \"%s\".", child->key); } // Controlling the value for timeout: // If set too high it blocks the reading (> 5 s), too low it gets not reading (< 500 us). // To avoid any issues we replace "out of range" value by the default value. if ( cgps_config_data.timeout > TIME_T_TO_CDTIME_T(5) || cgps_config_data.timeout < US_TO_CDTIME_T(500) ) { WARNING ("gps plugin: timeout set to %.6f sec. setting to default (%.6f).", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(cgps_config_data.timeout), CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(CGPS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) ); cgps_config_data.timeout = CGPS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; } return (0); }
int handle_listval (FILE *fh, char *buffer) { char *command; char **names = NULL; cdtime_t *times = NULL; size_t number = 0; size_t i; int status; DEBUG ("utils_cmd_listval: handle_listval (fh = %p, buffer = %s);", (void *) fh, buffer); command = NULL; status = parse_string (&buffer, &command); if (status != 0) { print_to_socket (fh, "-1 Cannot parse command.\n"); free_everything_and_return (-1); } assert (command != NULL); if (strcasecmp ("LISTVAL", command) != 0) { print_to_socket (fh, "-1 Unexpected command: `%s'.\n", command); free_everything_and_return (-1); } if (*buffer != 0) { print_to_socket (fh, "-1 Garbage after end of command: %s\n", buffer); free_everything_and_return (-1); } status = uc_get_names (&names, ×, &number); if (status != 0) { DEBUG ("command listval: uc_get_names failed with status %i", status); print_to_socket (fh, "-1 uc_get_names failed.\n"); free_everything_and_return (-1); } print_to_socket (fh, "%i Value%s found\n", (int) number, (number == 1) ? "" : "s"); for (i = 0; i < number; i++) print_to_socket (fh, "%.3f %s\n", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (times[i]), names[i]); free_everything_and_return (0); } /* int handle_listval */
/** * Init. */ static int cgps_init (void) { int status; if (cgps_thread_running == CGPS_TRUE) { DEBUG ("gps plugin: error gps thread already running ... "); return 0; } DEBUG ("gps plugin: config{host: \"%s\", port: \"%s\", timeout: %.6f sec., pause connect: %.3f sec.}",, cgps_config_data.port, CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (cgps_config_data.timeout), CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (cgps_config_data.pause_connect)); status = plugin_thread_create (&cgps_thread_id, NULL, cgps_thread, NULL); if (status != 0) { ERROR ("gps plugin: pthread_create() failed."); return (-1); } return (0); }
static void cc_submit_response_time (const web_page_t *wp, /* {{{ */ cdtime_t response_time) { value_t values[1]; value_list_t vl = VALUE_LIST_INIT; values[0].gauge = CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (response_time); vl.values = values; vl.values_len = 1; sstrncpy (, hostname_g, sizeof (; sstrncpy (vl.plugin, "curl", sizeof (vl.plugin)); sstrncpy (vl.plugin_instance, wp->instance, sizeof (vl.plugin_instance)); sstrncpy (vl.type, "response_time", sizeof (vl.type)); plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } /* }}} void cc_submit_response_time */
static PGresult *c_psql_exec_query_params (c_psql_database_t *db, udb_query_t *q, c_psql_user_data_t *data) { char *params[db->max_params_num]; char interval[64]; int i; if ((data == NULL) || (data->params_num == 0)) return (c_psql_exec_query_noparams (db, q)); assert (db->max_params_num >= data->params_num); for (i = 0; i < data->params_num; ++i) { switch (data->params[i]) { case C_PSQL_PARAM_HOST: params[i] = C_PSQL_IS_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET (db->host) ? "localhost" : db->host; break; case C_PSQL_PARAM_DB: params[i] = db->database; break; case C_PSQL_PARAM_USER: params[i] = db->user; break; case C_PSQL_PARAM_INTERVAL: ssnprintf (interval, sizeof (interval), "%.3f", (db->interval > 0) ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (db->interval) : plugin_get_interval ()); params[i] = interval; break; case C_PSQL_PARAM_INSTANCE: params[i] = db->instance; break; default: assert (0); } } return PQexecParams (db->conn, udb_query_get_statement (q), data->params_num, NULL, (const char *const *) params, NULL, NULL, /* return text data */ 0); } /* c_psql_exec_query_params */
/* wg_force_reconnect_check closes cb->sock_fd when it was open for longer * than cb->reconnect_interval. Must hold cb->send_lock when calling. */ static void wg_force_reconnect_check (struct wg_callback *cb) { cdtime_t now; if (cb->reconnect_interval == 0) return; /* check if address changes if addr_timeout */ now = cdtime (); if ((now - cb->last_reconnect_time) < cb->reconnect_interval) return; /* here we should close connection on next */ close (cb->sock_fd); cb->sock_fd = -1; cb->last_reconnect_time = now; cb->reconnect_interval_reached = 1; INFO ("write_graphite plugin: Connection closed after %.3f seconds.", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (now - cb->last_reconnect_time)); }
static int init_global_variables(void) { interval_g = cf_get_default_interval(); assert(interval_g > 0); DEBUG("interval_g = %.3f;", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(interval_g)); const char *str = global_option_get("Timeout"); if (str == NULL) str = "2"; timeout_g = atoi(str); if (timeout_g <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set the timeout to a correct value.\n" "Please check your settings.\n"); return -1; } DEBUG("timeout_g = %i;", timeout_g); if (init_hostname() != 0) return -1; DEBUG("hostname_g = %s;", hostname_g); return 0; } /* int init_global_variables */
static int apcups_config (oconfig_item_t *ci) { int i; _Bool persistent_conn_set = 0; for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) { oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i; if (strcasecmp (child->key, "Host") == 0) cf_util_get_string (child, &conf_node); else if (strcasecmp (child->key, "Port") == 0) cf_util_get_service (child, &conf_service); else if (strcasecmp (child->key, "ReportSeconds") == 0) cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf_report_seconds); else if (strcasecmp (child->key, "PersistentConnection") == 0) { cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf_persistent_conn); persistent_conn_set = 1; } else ERROR ("apcups plugin: Unknown config option \"%s\".", child->key); } if (!persistent_conn_set) { double interval = CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(plugin_get_interval()); if (interval > APCUPS_SERVER_TIMEOUT) { NOTICE ("apcups plugin: Plugin poll interval set to %.3f seconds. " "Apcupsd NIS socket timeout is %.3f seconds, " "PersistentConnection disabled by default.", interval, APCUPS_SERVER_TIMEOUT); conf_persistent_conn = 0; } } return (0); } /* int apcups_config */
static riemann_event_t * wrr_value_to_event(struct riemann_host const *host, /* {{{ */ data_set_t const *ds, value_list_t const *vl, size_t index, gauge_t const *rates, int status) { riemann_event_t *event; char name_buffer[5 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; char service_buffer[6 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; size_t i; event = riemann_event_new(); if (event == NULL) { ERROR("write_riemann plugin: riemann_event_new() failed."); return NULL; } format_name(name_buffer, sizeof(name_buffer), /* host = */ "", vl->plugin, vl->plugin_instance, vl->type, vl->type_instance); if (host->always_append_ds || (ds->ds_num > 1)) { if (host->event_service_prefix == NULL) snprintf(service_buffer, sizeof(service_buffer), "%s/%s", &name_buffer[1], ds->ds[index].name); else snprintf(service_buffer, sizeof(service_buffer), "%s%s/%s", host->event_service_prefix, &name_buffer[1], ds->ds[index].name); } else { if (host->event_service_prefix == NULL) sstrncpy(service_buffer, &name_buffer[1], sizeof(service_buffer)); else snprintf(service_buffer, sizeof(service_buffer), "%s%s", host->event_service_prefix, &name_buffer[1]); } riemann_event_set( event, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_HOST, vl->host, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_TIME, (int64_t)CDTIME_T_TO_TIME_T(vl->time), RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_TTL, (float)CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(vl->interval) * host->ttl_factor, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_STRING_ATTRIBUTES, "plugin", vl->plugin, "type", vl->type, "ds_name", ds->ds[index].name, NULL, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_SERVICE, service_buffer, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_NONE); #if RCC_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x010A00 riemann_event_set(event, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_TIME_MICROS, (int64_t)CDTIME_T_TO_US(vl->time)); #endif if (host->check_thresholds) { const char *state = NULL; switch (status) { case STATE_OKAY: state = "ok"; break; case STATE_ERROR: state = "critical"; break; case STATE_WARNING: state = "warning"; break; case STATE_MISSING: state = "unknown"; break; } if (state) riemann_event_set(event, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_STATE, state, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_NONE); } if (vl->plugin_instance[0] != 0) riemann_event_string_attribute_add(event, "plugin_instance", vl->plugin_instance); if (vl->type_instance[0] != 0) riemann_event_string_attribute_add(event, "type_instance", vl->type_instance); if ((ds->ds[index].type != DS_TYPE_GAUGE) && (rates != NULL)) { char ds_type[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; snprintf(ds_type, sizeof(ds_type), "%s:rate", DS_TYPE_TO_STRING(ds->ds[index].type)); riemann_event_string_attribute_add(event, "ds_type", ds_type); } else { riemann_event_string_attribute_add(event, "ds_type", DS_TYPE_TO_STRING(ds->ds[index].type)); } { char ds_index[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; snprintf(ds_index, sizeof(ds_index), "%" PRIsz, index); riemann_event_string_attribute_add(event, "ds_index", ds_index); } for (i = 0; i < riemann_attrs_num; i += 2) riemann_event_string_attribute_add(event, riemann_attrs[i], riemann_attrs[i + 1]); for (i = 0; i < riemann_tags_num; i++) riemann_event_tag_add(event, riemann_tags[i]); if (ds->ds[index].type == DS_TYPE_GAUGE) { riemann_event_set(event, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_METRIC_D, (double)vl->values[index].gauge, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_NONE); } else if (rates != NULL) { riemann_event_set(event, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_METRIC_D, (double)rates[index], RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_NONE); } else { int64_t metric; if (ds->ds[index].type == DS_TYPE_DERIVE) metric = (int64_t)vl->values[index].derive; else if (ds->ds[index].type == DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE) metric = (int64_t)vl->values[index].absolute; else metric = (int64_t)vl->values[index].counter; riemann_event_set(event, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_METRIC_S64, (int64_t)metric, RIEMANN_EVENT_FIELD_NONE); } DEBUG("write_riemann plugin: Successfully created message for metric: " "host = \"%s\", service = \"%s\"", event->host, event->service); return event; } /* }}} riemann_event_t *wrr_value_to_event */
static Event *riemann_value_to_protobuf (struct riemann_host const *host, /* {{{ */ data_set_t const *ds, value_list_t const *vl, size_t index, gauge_t const *rates) { Event *event; char name_buffer[5 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; char service_buffer[6 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; double ttl; int i; event = malloc (sizeof (*event)); if (event == NULL) { ERROR ("write_riemann plugin: malloc failed."); return (NULL); } memset (event, 0, sizeof (*event)); event__init (event); event->host = strdup (vl->host); event->time = CDTIME_T_TO_TIME_T (vl->time); event->has_time = 1; ttl = CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (vl->interval) * host->ttl_factor; event->ttl = (float) ttl; event->has_ttl = 1; riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "plugin", vl->plugin); if (vl->plugin_instance[0] != 0) riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "plugin_instance", vl->plugin_instance); riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "type", vl->type); if (vl->type_instance[0] != 0) riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "type_instance", vl->type_instance); if ((ds->ds[index].type != DS_TYPE_GAUGE) && (rates != NULL)) { char ds_type[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; ssnprintf (ds_type, sizeof (ds_type), "%s:rate", DS_TYPE_TO_STRING(ds->ds[index].type)); riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "ds_type", ds_type); } else { riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "ds_type", DS_TYPE_TO_STRING(ds->ds[index].type)); } riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "ds_name", ds->ds[index].name); { char ds_index[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; ssnprintf (ds_index, sizeof (ds_index), "%zu", index); riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "ds_index", ds_index); } for (i = 0; i < riemann_attrs_num; i += 2) riemann_event_add_attribute(event, riemann_attrs[i], riemann_attrs[i +1]); for (i = 0; i < riemann_tags_num; i++) riemann_event_add_tag (event, riemann_tags[i]); if (ds->ds[index].type == DS_TYPE_GAUGE) { event->has_metric_d = 1; event->metric_d = (double) vl->values[index].gauge; } else if (rates != NULL) { event->has_metric_d = 1; event->metric_d = (double) rates[index]; } else { event->has_metric_sint64 = 1; if (ds->ds[index].type == DS_TYPE_DERIVE) event->metric_sint64 = (int64_t) vl->values[index].derive; else if (ds->ds[index].type == DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE) event->metric_sint64 = (int64_t) vl->values[index].absolute; else event->metric_sint64 = (int64_t) vl->values[index].counter; } format_name (name_buffer, sizeof (name_buffer), /* host = */ "", vl->plugin, vl->plugin_instance, vl->type, vl->type_instance); if (host->always_append_ds || (ds->ds_num > 1)) ssnprintf (service_buffer, sizeof (service_buffer), "%s/%s", &name_buffer[1], ds->ds[index].name); else sstrncpy (service_buffer, &name_buffer[1], sizeof (service_buffer)); event->service = strdup (service_buffer); DEBUG ("write_riemann plugin: Successfully created protobuf for metric: " "host = \"%s\", service = \"%s\"", event->host, event->service); return (event); } /* }}} Event *riemann_value_to_protobuf */
int uc_update (const data_set_t *ds, const value_list_t *vl) { char name[6 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; cache_entry_t *ce = NULL; int status; size_t i; if (FORMAT_VL (name, sizeof (name), vl) != 0) { ERROR ("uc_update: FORMAT_VL failed."); return (-1); } pthread_mutex_lock (&cache_lock); status = c_avl_get (cache_tree, name, (void *) &ce); if (status != 0) /* entry does not yet exist */ { status = uc_insert (ds, vl, name); pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock); return (status); } assert (ce != NULL); assert (ce->values_num == ds->ds_num); if (ce->last_time >= vl->time) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock); NOTICE ("uc_update: Value too old: name = %s; value time = %.3f; " "last cache update = %.3f;", name, CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (vl->time), CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (ce->last_time)); return (-1); } for (i = 0; i < ds->ds_num; i++) { switch (ds->ds[i].type) { case DS_TYPE_COUNTER: { counter_t diff = counter_diff (ce->values_raw[i].counter, vl->values[i].counter); ce->values_gauge[i] = ((double) diff) / (CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (vl->time - ce->last_time)); ce->values_raw[i].counter = vl->values[i].counter; } break; case DS_TYPE_GAUGE: ce->values_raw[i].gauge = vl->values[i].gauge; ce->values_gauge[i] = vl->values[i].gauge; break; case DS_TYPE_DERIVE: { derive_t diff = vl->values[i].derive - ce->values_raw[i].derive; ce->values_gauge[i] = ((double) diff) / (CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (vl->time - ce->last_time)); ce->values_raw[i].derive = vl->values[i].derive; } break; case DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE: ce->values_gauge[i] = ((double) vl->values[i].absolute) / (CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (vl->time - ce->last_time)); ce->values_raw[i].absolute = vl->values[i].absolute; break; default: /* This shouldn't happen. */ pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock); ERROR ("uc_update: Don't know how to handle data source type %i.", ds->ds[i].type); return (-1); } /* switch (ds->ds[i].type) */ DEBUG ("uc_update: %s: ds[%zu] = %lf", name, i, ce->values_gauge[i]); } /* for (i) */ /* Update the history if it exists. */ if (ce->history != NULL) { assert (ce->history_index < ce->history_length); for (i = 0; i < ce->values_num; i++) { size_t hist_idx = (ce->values_num * ce->history_index) + i; ce->history[hist_idx] = ce->values_gauge[i]; } assert (ce->history_length > 0); ce->history_index = (ce->history_index + 1) % ce->history_length; } /* Prune invalid gauge data */ uc_check_range (ds, ce); ce->last_time = vl->time; ce->last_update = cdtime (); ce->interval = vl->interval; pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock); return (0); } /* int uc_update */
static int wh_flush_nolock (cdtime_t timeout, wh_callback_t *cb) /* {{{ */ { int status; DEBUG ("write_http plugin: wh_flush_nolock: timeout = %.3f; " "send_buffer_fill = %zu;", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (timeout), cb->send_buffer_fill); /* timeout == 0 => flush unconditionally */ if (timeout > 0) { cdtime_t now; now = cdtime (); if ((cb->send_buffer_init_time + timeout) > now) return (0); } if (cb->format == WH_FORMAT_COMMAND) { if (cb->send_buffer_fill == 0) { cb->send_buffer_init_time = cdtime (); return (0); } status = wh_send_buffer (cb); wh_reset_buffer (cb); } else if (cb->format == WH_FORMAT_JSON) { if (cb->send_buffer_fill <= 2) { cb->send_buffer_init_time = cdtime (); return (0); } status = format_json_finalize (cb->send_buffer, &cb->send_buffer_fill, &cb->send_buffer_free); if (status != 0) { ERROR ("write_http: wh_flush_nolock: " "format_json_finalize failed."); wh_reset_buffer (cb); return (status); } status = wh_send_buffer (cb); wh_reset_buffer (cb); } else { ERROR ("write_http: wh_flush_nolock: " "Unknown format: %i", cb->format); return (-1); } return (status); } /* }}} wh_flush_nolock */
/* Must hold metrics_lock when calling this function. */ static int statsd_metric_submit_unsafe (statsd_config_t *conf, char const *name, /* {{{ */ statsd_metric_t const *metric) { value_t values[1]; value_list_t vl = VALUE_LIST_INIT; char *global_prefix = NULL; char *type_prefix = NULL; char *global_postfix = NULL; char full_name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN] = {0}; DEBUG("statsd plugin: submit metric"); vl.values = values; vl.values_len = 1; sstrncpy (, hostname_g, sizeof (; sstrncpy (vl.plugin, "statsd", sizeof (vl.plugin)); sstrncpy (vl.plugin_instance, conf->node_name, sizeof (vl.plugin_instance)); global_prefix = (NULL == conf->global_prefix) ? "" : conf->global_prefix; global_postfix = (NULL == conf->global_postfix) ? "" : conf->global_postfix; switch (metric->type) { case STATSD_GAUGE: sstrncpy (vl.type, "gauge", sizeof (vl.type)); type_prefix = (NULL == conf->gauge_prefix) ? "" : conf->gauge_prefix; break; case STATSD_TIMER: sstrncpy (vl.type, "latency", sizeof (vl.type)); type_prefix = (NULL == conf->timer_prefix) ? "" : conf->timer_prefix; break; case STATSD_SET: sstrncpy (vl.type, "objects", sizeof (vl.type)); type_prefix = (NULL == conf->set_prefix) ? "" : conf->set_prefix; break; case STATSD_COUNTER: sstrncpy (vl.type, "derive", sizeof (vl.type)); type_prefix = (NULL == conf->counter_prefix) ? "" : conf->counter_prefix; break; default: ERROR("statsd plugin: unknow metrics type %d", metric->type); } ssnprintf(full_name, sizeof(full_name), "%s%s%s%s", global_prefix, type_prefix, name, global_postfix); DEBUG("statsd plugin: metric name %s", full_name); sstrncpy (vl.type_instance, full_name, sizeof (vl.type_instance)); if (metric->type == STATSD_GAUGE) values[0].gauge = (gauge_t) metric->value; else if (metric->type == STATSD_TIMER) { size_t i; _Bool have_events = (metric->updates_num > 0); /* Make sure all timer metrics share the *same* timestamp. */ vl.time = cdtime (); if (!conf->leave_metrics_name_asis) ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-average", full_name); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_average (metric->latency)) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); if (conf->timer_lower) { ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-lower", full_name); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_min (metric->latency)) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } if (conf->timer_upper) { ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-upper", full_name); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_max (metric->latency)) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } if (conf->timer_sum) { ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-sum", full_name); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_sum (metric->latency)) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } for (i = 0; i < conf->timer_percentile_num; i++) { ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-percentile-%.0f", full_name, conf->timer_percentile[i]); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_percentile (metric->latency, conf->timer_percentile[i])) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } /* Keep this at the end, since vl.type is set to "gauge" here. The * vl.type's above are implicitly set to "latency". */ if (conf->timer_count) { sstrncpy (vl.type, "gauge", sizeof (vl.type)); ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-count", full_name); values[0].gauge = latency_counter_get_num (metric->latency); plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } latency_counter_reset (metric->latency); return (0); } else if (metric->type == STATSD_SET) { if (metric->set == NULL) values[0].gauge = 0.0; else values[0].gauge = (gauge_t) c_avl_size (metric->set); } else { /* STATSD_COUNTER */ /* * Expand a single value to two metrics: * * - The absolute counter, as a gauge * - A derived rate for this counter */ values[0].derive = (derive_t) metric->value; plugin_dispatch_values(&vl); sstrncpy(vl.type, "gauge", sizeof (vl.type)); values[0].gauge = (gauge_t) metric->value; } return (plugin_dispatch_values (&vl)); } /* }}} int statsd_metric_submit_unsafe */
/* Must hold metrics_lock when calling this function. */ static int statsd_metric_submit_unsafe (char const *name, /* {{{ */ statsd_metric_t const *metric) { value_t values[1]; value_list_t vl = VALUE_LIST_INIT; vl.values = values; vl.values_len = 1; sstrncpy (, hostname_g, sizeof (; sstrncpy (vl.plugin, "statsd", sizeof (vl.plugin)); if (metric->type == STATSD_GAUGE) sstrncpy (vl.type, "gauge", sizeof (vl.type)); else if (metric->type == STATSD_TIMER) sstrncpy (vl.type, "latency", sizeof (vl.type)); else if (metric->type == STATSD_SET) sstrncpy (vl.type, "objects", sizeof (vl.type)); else /* if (metric->type == STATSD_COUNTER) */ sstrncpy (vl.type, "derive", sizeof (vl.type)); sstrncpy (vl.type_instance, name, sizeof (vl.type_instance)); if (metric->type == STATSD_GAUGE) values[0].gauge = (gauge_t) metric->value; else if (metric->type == STATSD_TIMER) { size_t i; _Bool have_events = (metric->updates_num > 0); /* Make sure all timer metrics share the *same* timestamp. */ vl.time = cdtime (); ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-average", name); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_average (metric->latency)) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); if (conf_timer_lower) { ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-lower", name); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_min (metric->latency)) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } if (conf_timer_upper) { ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-upper", name); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_max (metric->latency)) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } if (conf_timer_sum) { ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-sum", name); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_sum (metric->latency)) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } for (i = 0; i < conf_timer_percentile_num; i++) { ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-percentile-%.0f", name, conf_timer_percentile[i]); values[0].gauge = have_events ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_percentile (metric->latency, conf_timer_percentile[i])) : NAN; plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } /* Keep this at the end, since vl.type is set to "gauge" here. The * vl.type's above are implicitly set to "latency". */ if (conf_timer_count) { sstrncpy (vl.type, "gauge", sizeof (vl.type)); ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance), "%s-count", name); values[0].gauge = latency_counter_get_num (metric->latency); plugin_dispatch_values (&vl); } latency_counter_reset (metric->latency); return (0); } else if (metric->type == STATSD_SET) { if (metric->set == NULL) values[0].gauge = 0.0; else values[0].gauge = (gauge_t) c_avl_size (metric->set); } else values[0].derive = (derive_t) metric->value; return (plugin_dispatch_values (&vl)); } /* }}} int statsd_metric_submit_unsafe */
/* * Functions */ static int wr_write (const data_set_t *ds, /* {{{ */ const value_list_t *vl, user_data_t *ud) { wr_node_t *node = ud->data; char ident[512]; char key[512]; char value[512]; char time[24]; size_t value_size; char *value_ptr; int status; redisReply *rr; status = FORMAT_VL (ident, sizeof (ident), vl); if (status != 0) return (status); ssnprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s%s", (node->prefix != NULL) ? node->prefix : REDIS_DEFAULT_PREFIX, ident); ssnprintf (time, sizeof (time), "%.9f", CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(vl->time)); memset (value, 0, sizeof (value)); value_size = sizeof (value); value_ptr = &value[0]; status = format_values (value_ptr, value_size, ds, vl, node->store_rates); if (status != 0) return (status); pthread_mutex_lock (&node->lock); if (node->conn == NULL) { node->conn = redisConnectWithTimeout ((char *)node->host, node->port, node->timeout); if (node->conn == NULL) { ERROR ("write_redis plugin: Connecting to host \"%s\" (port %i) failed: Unkown reason", (node->host != NULL) ? node->host : "localhost", (node->port != 0) ? node->port : 6379); pthread_mutex_unlock (&node->lock); return (-1); } else if (node->conn->err) { ERROR ("write_redis plugin: Connecting to host \"%s\" (port %i) failed: %s", (node->host != NULL) ? node->host : "localhost", (node->port != 0) ? node->port : 6379, node->conn->errstr); pthread_mutex_unlock (&node->lock); return (-1); } rr = redisCommand(node->conn, "SELECT %d", node->database); if (rr == NULL) WARNING("SELECT command error. database:%d message:%s", node->database, node->conn->errstr); else freeReplyObject (rr); } rr = redisCommand (node->conn, "ZADD %s %s %s", key, time, value); if (rr == NULL) WARNING("ZADD command error. key:%s message:%s", key, node->conn->errstr); else freeReplyObject (rr); if (node->max_set_size >= 0) { rr = redisCommand (node->conn, "ZREMRANGEBYRANK %s %d %d", key, 0, (-1 * node->max_set_size) - 1); if (rr == NULL) WARNING("ZREMRANGEBYRANK command error. key:%s message:%s", key, node->conn->errstr); else freeReplyObject (rr); } /* TODO(octo): This is more overhead than necessary. Use the cache and * metadata to determine if it is a new metric and call SADD only once for * each metric. */ rr = redisCommand (node->conn, "SADD %svalues %s", (node->prefix != NULL) ? node->prefix : REDIS_DEFAULT_PREFIX, ident); if (rr==NULL) WARNING("SADD command error. ident:%s message:%s", ident, node->conn->errstr); else freeReplyObject (rr); pthread_mutex_unlock (&node->lock); return (0); } /* }}} int wr_write */
static int uc_insert (const data_set_t *ds, const value_list_t *vl, const char *key) { char *key_copy; cache_entry_t *ce; size_t i; /* `cache_lock' has been locked by `uc_update' */ key_copy = strdup (key); if (key_copy == NULL) { ERROR ("uc_insert: strdup failed."); return (-1); } ce = cache_alloc (ds->ds_num); if (ce == NULL) { sfree (key_copy); ERROR ("uc_insert: cache_alloc (%zu) failed.", ds->ds_num); return (-1); } sstrncpy (ce->name, key, sizeof (ce->name)); for (i = 0; i < ds->ds_num; i++) { switch (ds->ds[i].type) { case DS_TYPE_COUNTER: ce->values_gauge[i] = NAN; ce->values_raw[i].counter = vl->values[i].counter; break; case DS_TYPE_GAUGE: ce->values_gauge[i] = vl->values[i].gauge; ce->values_raw[i].gauge = vl->values[i].gauge; break; case DS_TYPE_DERIVE: ce->values_gauge[i] = NAN; ce->values_raw[i].derive = vl->values[i].derive; break; case DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE: ce->values_gauge[i] = NAN; if (vl->interval > 0) ce->values_gauge[i] = ((double) vl->values[i].absolute) / CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (vl->interval); ce->values_raw[i].absolute = vl->values[i].absolute; break; default: /* This shouldn't happen. */ ERROR ("uc_insert: Don't know how to handle data source type %i.", ds->ds[i].type); sfree (key_copy); cache_free (ce); return (-1); } /* switch (ds->ds[i].type) */ } /* for (i) */ /* Prune invalid gauge data */ uc_check_range (ds, ce); ce->last_time = vl->time; ce->last_update = cdtime (); ce->interval = vl->interval; ce->state = STATE_OKAY; if (c_avl_insert (cache_tree, key_copy, ce) != 0) { sfree (key_copy); ERROR ("uc_insert: c_avl_insert failed."); return (-1); } DEBUG ("uc_insert: Added %s to the cache.", key); return (0); } /* int uc_insert */