void CFE_PSP_Panic(int32 ErrorCode)

   OS_printf("\nWarning: CFE PSP Panic with error code %d!  A restart will occur!\n\n", ErrorCode);

   ** Delay for second or two, allow the print statement to send


   ** Debug Switch is not set, do a processor Reset
** Name: CFE_ES_SetupResetVariables
** Purpose: This function initializes the ES reset variables depending on the reset type.
**          It will also initiate a power on reset when too many processor resets
**           have happened.
void CFE_ES_SetupResetVariables(uint32 StartType, uint32 StartSubtype, uint32 BootSource )

   int32  status;
   uint32 resetAreaSize;
   ** Get the pointer to the Reset area from the BSP
   status = CFE_PSP_GetResetArea (&(CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr), &(resetAreaSize));
   ** Make sure the status is OK or size is big enough
   if ( status == OS_ERROR )
      ** Cannot use the ES System log without the Reset Area
      OS_printf("ES Startup: CFE_PSP_GetResetArea call Failed!\n");
      ** Delay to allow the message to be read
      ** cFE Cannot continue to start up. 
   else if ( resetAreaSize < sizeof(CFE_ES_ResetData_t))
      ** Cannot use the ES system log without the Reset Area
      OS_printf("ES Startup: Error: ES Reset area not big enough. Needed: %d, Given: %d.\n",
      ** Delay to allow the message to be read
      ** cFE Cannot continue to start up. 

   ** Determine how the system was started. The choices are:
   ** The subtypes include:
   if ( StartType == CFE_ES_POWERON_RESET )
      ** Record the reset type and subtype
      CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ResetSubtype = StartSubtype;
      CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ResetType = CFE_ES_POWERON_RESET;

      ** Always log the power-on reset. 
      status =  CFE_ES_WriteToERLog(CFE_ES_CORE_LOG_ENTRY, CFE_ES_POWERON_RESET, StartSubtype,
                                    "ES Startup: POWER ON Reset", NULL,0 );

      ** Initialize all reset counters.
      CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ProcessorResetCount = 0;
      CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.MaxProcessorResetCount = CFE_ES_MAX_PROCESSOR_RESETS;
      CFE_ES_Global.DebugVars.DebugFlag = 0;
   else if ( StartType == CFE_ES_PROCESSOR_RESET )
      ** If a Processor reset was not commanded, it must be a watchdog reset.
      ** Log the reset before updating any reset variables.
      if ( CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ES_CausedReset != TRUE )

         CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ResetType = CFE_ES_PROCESSOR_RESET;
         CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ResetSubtype = CFE_ES_HW_WATCHDOG;
         ** Log the watchdog reset 
         status =  CFE_ES_WriteToERLog(CFE_ES_CORE_LOG_ENTRY, CFE_ES_PROCESSOR_RESET, StartSubtype,
                                       "ES Startup: PROCESSOR RESET due to Watchdog.", NULL,0 );

         ** When coming up from a Processor reset that was not caused by ES, check to see 
         ** if the maximum number has been exceeded
         if ( CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ProcessorResetCount >= 
              CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.MaxProcessorResetCount )
             CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: CFE ES Power On Reset Due to Max Processor Resets.\n");

             ** Log the reset in the ER Log. The log will be wiped out, but it's good to have
             ** the entry just in case something fails.
             status =  CFE_ES_WriteToERLog(CFE_ES_CORE_LOG_ENTRY, CFE_ES_POWERON_RESET, StartSubtype,
                                       "ES Startup: POWER ON RESET due to Maximum Processor Resets in ES Startup.", NULL,0 );
             ** Call the BSP reset routine 
             ** Should not return here.
             CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error: CFE_PSP_Restart returned.\n");
            ** Increment the Processor Reset Count after the check to see
            ** if there are too many processor resets. This keeps the logic consistent with
            ** the resets that are caused by the cFE ( command or exception )
         } /* end if */
      ** If a processor reset was commanded, the reset has already been logged.
      ** Update the reset variables only.
      ** The logic for detecting maximum resets is done on the command side
      ** on the "way down", or when the command is executed.
         CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ResetType    = CFE_ES_PROCESSOR_RESET;
         CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ResetSubtype = StartSubtype;

      ** Initialize processor reset counters.
      CFE_ES_Global.DebugVars.DebugFlag = 0;
   ** Clear the commanded reset flag, in case a watchdog happens.
   CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.ES_CausedReset = FALSE;
   CFE_ES_ResetDataPtr->ResetVars.BootSource   = BootSource;