// ____________________________________________________________________________
// Obtain the name of an endpoint without regard for whether it has connections.
// The result should be released by the caller.
static CFStringRef EndpointName(MIDIEndpointRef endpoint, bool isExternal) {
    CFMutableStringRef result = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0);
    CFStringRef str;
    // begin with the endpoint's name
    str = NULL;
    MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(endpoint, kMIDIPropertyName, &str);
    if (str != NULL) {
        CFStringAppend(result, str);
    MIDIEntityRef entity = NULL;
    MIDIEndpointGetEntity(endpoint, &entity);
    if (entity == NULL)
        // probably virtual
        return result;
    if (CFStringGetLength(result) == 0) {
        // endpoint name has zero length -- try the entity
        str = NULL;
        MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(entity, kMIDIPropertyName, &str);
        if (str != NULL) {
            CFStringAppend(result, str);
    // now consider the device's name
    MIDIDeviceRef device = NULL;
    MIDIEntityGetDevice(entity, &device);
    if (device == NULL)
        return result;
    str = NULL;
    MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(device, kMIDIPropertyName, &str);
    if (str != NULL) {
        // if an external device has only one entity, throw away the endpoint name and just use the device name
        if (isExternal && MIDIDeviceGetNumberOfEntities(device) < 2) {
            return str;
        else {
            // does the entity name already start with the device name? (some drivers do this though they shouldn't)
            // if so, do not prepend
            if (CFStringCompareWithOptions(str /* device name */, result /* endpoint name */, CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(str)), 0) != kCFCompareEqualTo) {
                // prepend the device name to the entity name
                if (CFStringGetLength(result) > 0)
                    CFStringInsert(result, 0, CFSTR(" "));
                CFStringInsert(result, 0, str);
    return result;
static void _CFStringTransformCopy(UReplaceable *rep, int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t dest) {
    CFMutableStringRef string = (CFMutableStringRef)rep;
    UniChar stack_text[BUFFER_SIZE];
    UniChar *text = &stack_text[0];
    if (limit - start > BUFFER_SIZE) {
        text = malloc(limit - start);
        if (text == NULL) {
            // we cant throw a NSException here, but return before anything blows up...
            DEBUG_LOG("ICU Internal failure occurred, we are out of memory: time to go cry in a corner now...");

    CFStringGetCharacters(string, CFRangeMake(start, limit - start), text);
    CFStringRef insert = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, text, limit - start, kCFAllocatorNull);
    CFStringInsert(string, dest, insert);

    if (text != &stack_text[0]) {
	CFStringRef result = NULL;
	CFErrorRef error = NULL;
 	CFDataRef encodedData = NULL;
    CFDataRef randData = getRandomBytes(16);
	int i;
	// base32FDE is a "private" base32 encoding, it has no 0/O or L/l/1 in it (it uses 8 and 9).
	SecTransformRef	encodeTrans = SecEncodeTransformCreate(CFSTR("base32FDE"), &error);
    if(error == NULL) {
		SecTransformSetAttribute(encodeTrans, kSecTransformInputAttributeName, randData, &error);
		if(error == NULL) encodedData = SecTransformExecute(encodeTrans, &error);

	if(encodedData != NULL && error == NULL) {
        CFStringRef	b32string = CFStringCreateFromExternalRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, encodedData, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
        CFMutableStringRef encodedString = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 64, b32string);
        // Add some hyphens to make the generated password easier to use
        for(i = 4; i < 34; i += 5)  CFStringInsert(encodedString, i, CFSTR("-"));
        // Trim so the last section is 4 characters long
		CFStringDelete(encodedString, CFRangeMake(29,CFStringGetLength(encodedString)-29));
        result = CFStringCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, encodedString);
	} else {
        secDebug(ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Failed to base32 encode random data for recovery password\n", NULL);

	return result;
// performs a locale sensitive date formatting operation on the struct tm parameter
nsresult nsDateTimeFormatMac::FormatTMTime(nsILocale* locale, 
                                           const nsDateFormatSelector  dateFormatSelector, 
                                           const nsTimeFormatSelector timeFormatSelector, 
                                           const struct tm*  tmTime, 
                                           nsAString& stringOut)
  nsresult res = NS_OK;

  // set up locale data
  (void) Initialize(locale);
  // return, nothing to format
  if (dateFormatSelector == kDateFormatNone && timeFormatSelector == kTimeFormatNone) {
    return NS_OK;

  NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_mon >= 0, "tm is not set correctly");
  NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_mday >= 1, "tm is not set correctly");
  NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_hour >= 0, "tm is not set correctly");
  NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_min >= 0, "tm is not set correctly");
  NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_sec >= 0, "tm is not set correctly");
  NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_wday >= 0, "tm is not set correctly");

  // Got the locale for the formatter:
  CFLocaleRef formatterLocale;
  if (!locale) {
    formatterLocale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
  } else {
    CFStringRef localeStr = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(nullptr,
                                                         reinterpret_cast<const UniChar*>(mLocale.get()),
    formatterLocale = CFLocaleCreate(nullptr, localeStr);

  // Get the date style for the formatter:  
  CFDateFormatterStyle dateStyle;
  switch (dateFormatSelector) {
    case kDateFormatLong:
      dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterLongStyle;
    case kDateFormatShort:
      dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterShortStyle;
    case kDateFormatYearMonth:
    case kDateFormatWeekday:
      dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle; // formats handled below
    case kDateFormatNone:
      dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle;
      NS_ERROR("Unknown nsDateFormatSelector");
      res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle;
  // Get the time style for the formatter:
  CFDateFormatterStyle timeStyle;
  switch (timeFormatSelector) {
    case kTimeFormatSeconds:
    case kTimeFormatSecondsForce24Hour: // 24 hour part fixed below
      timeStyle = kCFDateFormatterMediumStyle;
    case kTimeFormatNoSeconds:
    case kTimeFormatNoSecondsForce24Hour: // 24 hour part fixed below
      timeStyle = kCFDateFormatterShortStyle;
    case kTimeFormatNone:
      timeStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle;
      NS_ERROR("Unknown nsTimeFormatSelector");
      res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      timeStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle;
  // Create the formatter and fix up its formatting as necessary:
  CFDateFormatterRef formatter =
    CFDateFormatterCreate(nullptr, formatterLocale, dateStyle, timeStyle);
  if (dateFormatSelector == kDateFormatYearMonth ||
      dateFormatSelector == kDateFormatWeekday) {
    CFStringRef dateFormat =
      dateFormatSelector == kDateFormatYearMonth ? CFSTR("yyyy/MM ") : CFSTR("EEE ");
    CFStringRef oldFormat = CFDateFormatterGetFormat(formatter);
    CFMutableStringRef newFormat = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(nullptr, 0, oldFormat);
    CFStringInsert(newFormat, 0, dateFormat);
    CFDateFormatterSetFormat(formatter, newFormat);
    CFRelease(newFormat); // note we don't own oldFormat
  if (timeFormatSelector == kTimeFormatSecondsForce24Hour ||
      timeFormatSelector == kTimeFormatNoSecondsForce24Hour) {
    // Replace "h" with "H", and remove "a":
    CFStringRef oldFormat = CFDateFormatterGetFormat(formatter);
    CFMutableStringRef newFormat = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(nullptr, 0, oldFormat);
    CFIndex replaceCount = CFStringFindAndReplace(newFormat,
                                                  CFSTR("h"), CFSTR("H"),
                                                  CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(newFormat)),	
    NS_ASSERTION(replaceCount <= 2, "Unexpected number of \"h\" occurrences");
    replaceCount = CFStringFindAndReplace(newFormat,
                                          CFSTR("a"), CFSTR(""),
                                          CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(newFormat)),	
    NS_ASSERTION(replaceCount <= 1, "Unexpected number of \"a\" occurrences");
    CFDateFormatterSetFormat(formatter, newFormat);
    CFRelease(newFormat); // note we don't own oldFormat
  // Now get the formatted date:
  CFGregorianDate date;
  date.second = tmTime->tm_sec;
  date.minute = tmTime->tm_min;
  date.hour = tmTime->tm_hour;
  date.day = tmTime->tm_mday;      // Mac is 1-based, tm is 1-based
  date.month = tmTime->tm_mon + 1; // Mac is 1-based, tm is 0-based
  date.year = tmTime->tm_year + 1900;

  CFTimeZoneRef timeZone = CFTimeZoneCopySystem(); // tmTime is in local time
  CFAbsoluteTime absTime = CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(date, timeZone);

  CFStringRef formattedDate = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithAbsoluteTime(nullptr,

  CFIndex stringLen = CFStringGetLength(formattedDate);

  AutoTArray<UniChar, 256> stringBuffer;
  stringBuffer.SetLength(stringLen + 1);
  CFStringGetCharacters(formattedDate, CFRangeMake(0, stringLen), stringBuffer.Elements());
  stringOut.Assign(reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(stringBuffer.Elements()), stringLen);


  return res;
Exemple #5
void DAMountWithArguments( DADiskRef disk, CFURLRef mountpoint, DAMountCallback callback, void * callbackContext, ... )
     * Mount the specified volume.  A status of 0 indicates success.  All arguments in
     * the argument list shall be of type CFStringRef.  The argument list must be NULL
     * terminated.

    CFStringRef                argument   = NULL;
    va_list                    arguments;
    CFBooleanRef               automatic  = kCFBooleanTrue;
    CFBooleanRef               check      = NULL;
    __DAMountCallbackContext * context    = NULL;
    CFIndex                    count      = 0;
    DAFileSystemRef            filesystem = DADiskGetFileSystem( disk );
    Boolean                    force      = FALSE;
    CFIndex                    index      = 0;
    CFDictionaryRef            map        = NULL;
    CFMutableStringRef         options    = NULL;
    int                        status     = 0;

    DALogDebugHeader( "%s -> %s", gDAProcessNameID, gDAProcessNameID );

     * Initialize our minimal state.

    if ( mountpoint )
        CFRetain( mountpoint );

     * Prepare the mount context.

    context = malloc( sizeof( __DAMountCallbackContext ) );

    if ( context == NULL )
        status = ENOMEM;

        goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

     * Prepare the mount options.

    options = CFStringCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 );

    if ( options == NULL )
        status = ENOMEM;

        goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

    va_start( arguments, callbackContext );

    while ( ( argument = va_arg( arguments, CFStringRef ) ) )
        if ( CFEqual( argument, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentForce ) )
            force = TRUE;
        else if ( CFEqual( argument, CFSTR( "automatic" ) ) )
            automatic = NULL;

            check = kCFBooleanTrue;
            CFStringAppend( options, argument );
            CFStringAppend( options, CFSTR( "," ) );

    va_end( arguments );

    CFStringTrim( options, CFSTR( "," ) );
    context->automatic = ( automatic == NULL ) ? TRUE : FALSE;

     * Determine whether the volume is to be updated.

    if ( DAMountContainsArgument( options, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentUpdate ) )
        if ( mountpoint )
            status = EINVAL;

            goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

        mountpoint = DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumePathKey );

        if ( mountpoint == NULL )
            status = EINVAL;

            goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

        CFRetain( mountpoint );

     * Scan the mount map list.

    count = CFArrayGetCount( gDAMountMapList1 );

    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        map = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDAMountMapList1, index );

        if ( map )
            CFTypeRef   id;
            CFStringRef kind;

            id   = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapProbeIDKey );
            kind = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapProbeKindKey );

            if ( kind )
                 * Determine whether the volume kind matches.

                if ( CFEqual( kind, DAFileSystemGetKind( filesystem ) ) == FALSE )

            if ( CFGetTypeID( id ) == CFUUIDGetTypeID( ) )
                 * Determine whether the volume UUID matches.

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeUUIDKey, id ) == kCFCompareEqualTo )
            else if ( CFGetTypeID( id ) == CFStringGetTypeID( ) )
                 * Determine whether the volume name matches.

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNameKey, id ) == kCFCompareEqualTo )
            else if ( CFGetTypeID( id ) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID( ) )
                boolean_t match = FALSE;

                 * Determine whether the device description matches.

                IOServiceMatchPropertyTable( DADiskGetIOMedia( disk ), id, &match );

                if ( match )

     * Process the map.

    if ( index < count )
        CFStringRef string;

         * Determine whether the volume is to be mounted.

        if ( automatic == NULL )
            automatic = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountAutomaticKey );

            if ( automatic == kCFBooleanTrue )
                DADiskSetState( disk, _kDADiskStateMountAutomatic,        TRUE );
                DADiskSetState( disk, _kDADiskStateMountAutomaticNoDefer, TRUE );

         * Prepare the mount options.

        string = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountOptionsKey );

        if ( string )
            CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
            CFStringInsert( options, 0, string );

         * Prepare the mount point.

        if ( mountpoint == NULL )
            mountpoint = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountPathKey );

            if ( mountpoint )
                CFRetain( mountpoint );

     * Scan the mount map list.

    count = CFArrayGetCount( gDAMountMapList2 );

    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        map = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDAMountMapList2, index );

        if ( map )
            CFTypeRef id;

            id = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapProbeIDKey );

             * Determine whether the volume UUID matches.

            if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeUUIDKey, id ) == kCFCompareEqualTo )

     * Process the map.

    if ( index < count )
        CFStringRef string;

         * Prepare the mount options.

        string = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountOptionsKey );

        if ( string )
            CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
            CFStringInsert( options, 0, string );

     * Determine whether the volume is to be mounted.

    if ( automatic == NULL )
        if ( DADiskGetState( disk, _kDADiskStateMountAutomatic ) )
            if ( DADiskGetState( disk, _kDADiskStateMountAutomaticNoDefer ) )
                automatic = kCFBooleanTrue;
            automatic = kCFBooleanFalse;

        if ( automatic == NULL )
            if ( gDAConsoleUserList == NULL )
                if ( DAMountGetPreference( disk, kDAMountPreferenceDefer ) )
                    automatic = kCFBooleanFalse;

    if ( automatic == kCFBooleanFalse )
        status = ECANCELED;

        goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

     * Prepare the mount options.

    if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey ) == kCFBooleanFalse )
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoWrite );

    if ( DAMountGetPreference( disk, kDAMountPreferenceTrust ) == FALSE )
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoSetUserID );

        CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoOwnership );

        CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoDevice );
    if ( CFEqual( DAFileSystemGetKind( filesystem ), CFSTR( "hfs" ) ) )
        ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-m=%o," ), 0755 );

        if ( DADiskGetUserGID( disk ) )
            ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-g=%d," ), DADiskGetUserGID( disk ) );
            ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-g=%d," ), ___GID_UNKNOWN );

        if ( DADiskGetUserUID( disk ) )
            ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-u=%d," ), DADiskGetUserUID( disk ) );
            ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-u=%d," ), ___UID_UNKNOWN );

    CFStringTrim( options, CFSTR( "," ) );

     * Determine whether the volume is to be repaired.

    if ( check == NULL )
        if ( DAMountContainsArgument( options, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoWrite ) )
            check = kCFBooleanFalse;
            check = kCFBooleanTrue;

    if ( check == kCFBooleanFalse )
        if ( DADiskGetState( disk, kDADiskStateRequireRepair ) )
            if ( force == FALSE )
                status = ___EDIRTY;

                goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

    if ( check == kCFBooleanTrue )
        if ( DADiskGetState( disk, kDADiskStateRequireRepair ) == FALSE )
            check = kCFBooleanFalse;

     * Repair the volume.

    CFRetain( disk );

    context->assertionID     = kIOPMNullAssertionID;
    context->callback        = callback;
    context->callbackContext = callbackContext;
    context->disk            = disk;
    context->force           = force;
    context->mountpoint      = mountpoint;
    context->options         = options;

    if ( check == kCFBooleanTrue )
        DALogDebug( "  repaired disk, id = %@, ongoing.", disk );

        IOPMAssertionCreateWithDescription( kIOPMAssertionTypePreventUserIdleSystemSleep,
                                            CFSTR( _kDADaemonName ),
                                            &context->assertionID );

        DAFileSystemRepair( DADiskGetFileSystem( disk ),
                            DADiskGetDevice( disk ),
                            context );
        __DAMountWithArgumentsCallbackStage1( ECANCELED, context );


    if ( status )
        if ( context )
            free( context );

        if ( mountpoint )
            CFRelease( mountpoint );

        if ( options )
            CFRelease( options );

        if ( callback )
            ( callback )( status, NULL, callbackContext );
Exemple #6
static void
encodeName(CFStringRef			name,
	   CFStringEncoding		encoding,
	   CFMutableDictionaryRef	startup,
	   CFMutableDictionaryRef	globals)
	CFDataRef		bytes;
	CFMutableStringRef	encodedName = NULL;
	CFIndex			len;

	if (!isA_CFString(name)) {

	if (encoding == kCFStringEncodingASCII) {
		encodedName = (CFMutableStringRef)CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, name);
		goto done;

	 * encode the potentially non-printable string
	bytes = CFStringCreateExternalRepresentation(NULL,
	if (bytes) {
		unsigned char	*byte;
		CFIndex		i;

		 * check if the MacRoman string can be represented as ASCII
		if (encoding == kCFStringEncodingMacRoman) {
			CFDataRef       ascii;

			ascii = CFStringCreateExternalRepresentation(NULL,
			if (ascii) {
				encodedName = (CFMutableStringRef)CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, name);
				goto done;

		encodedName = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0);

		len  = CFDataGetLength(bytes);
		byte = (unsigned char *)CFDataGetBytePtr(bytes);
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++, byte++) {

		 * add "encoded string" markers
		CFStringInsert(encodedName, 0, CFSTR("*"));
		CFStringAppend(encodedName,    CFSTR("*"));


    done :

	if (encodedName) {
		if (startup) {
			/* update "startup" dictionary */
			CFDictionaryAddValue(startup, CFSTR("APPLETALK_HOSTNAME"), encodedName);

		if (globals) {
			CFNumberRef	num;

			/* update "global" dictionary */
			num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &encoding);
			CFDictionaryAddValue(globals, kSCPropNetAppleTalkComputerName,         name);
			CFDictionaryAddValue(globals, kSCPropNetAppleTalkComputerNameEncoding, num);


configSet(CFMutableArrayRef config, CFStringRef key, CFStringRef value)
	CFMutableStringRef	pref;
	CFIndex			configLen	= CFArrayGetCount(config);
	CFIndex			i;
	CFIndex			n;
	CFMutableStringRef	newValue;
	CFRange			range;
	CFStringRef		specialChars	= CFSTR(" \"'$!|\\<>`{}[]");
	boolean_t		mustQuote	= FALSE;

	/* create search prefix */
	pref = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, key);
	CFStringAppend(pref, CFSTR("="));

	 * create new / replacement value
	 * Note: Since the configuration file may be processed by a
	 *       shell script we need to ensure that, if needed, the
	 *       string is properly quoted.
	newValue = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, value);

	n = CFStringGetLength(specialChars);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		CFStringRef	specialChar;

		specialChar = CFStringCreateWithSubstring(NULL, specialChars, CFRangeMake(i, 1));
		range = CFStringFind(newValue, specialChar, 0);
		if (range.location != kCFNotFound) {
			/* this string has at least one special character */
			mustQuote = TRUE;

	if (mustQuote) {
		CFStringRef	charsToQuote	= CFSTR("\\\"$`");

		 * in addition to quoting the entire string we also need to escape the
		 * space " " and backslash "\" characters
		n = CFStringGetLength(charsToQuote);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			CFStringRef	quoteChar;
			CFArrayRef	matches;

			quoteChar = CFStringCreateWithSubstring(NULL, charsToQuote, CFRangeMake(i, 1));
			range     = CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(newValue));
			matches   = CFStringCreateArrayWithFindResults(NULL,

			if (matches) {
				CFIndex	j = CFArrayGetCount(matches);

				while (--j >= 0) {
					const CFRange	*range;

					range = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(matches, j);
					CFStringInsert(newValue, range->location, CFSTR("\\"));

		CFStringInsert(newValue, 0, CFSTR("\""));
		CFStringAppend(newValue, CFSTR("\""));

	/* locate existing key */
	for (i = 0; i < configLen; i++) {
		if (CFStringHasPrefix(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(config, i), pref)) {

	CFStringAppend(pref, newValue);
	if (i < configLen) {
		/* if replacing an existing entry */
		CFArraySetValueAtIndex(config, i, pref);
	} else {
		 * if new entry, insert it just prior to the last (emtpy)
		 * array element.
		CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex(config, configLen-1, pref);
