FX_BOOL CFX_QuartzDeviceDriver::GetDIBits(CFX_DIBitmap* bitmap, FX_INT32 left, FX_INT32 top, void* pIccTransform, FX_BOOL bDEdge) { if (FXDC_PRINTER == _deviceClass) { return FALSE; } if (bitmap->GetBPP() < 32) { return FALSE; } if (!(_renderCaps | FXRC_GET_BITS)) { return FALSE; } CGPoint pt = CGPointMake(left, top); pt = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(pt, _foxitDevice2User); CGAffineTransform ctm = CGContextGetCTM(_context); pt.x *= FXSYS_fabs(ctm.a); pt.y *= FXSYS_fabs(ctm.d); CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(_context); if (NULL == image) { return FALSE; } CGFloat width = (CGFloat) bitmap->GetWidth(); CGFloat height = (CGFloat) bitmap->GetHeight(); if (width + pt.x > _width) { width -= (width + pt.x - _width); } if (height + pt.y > _height) { height -= (height + pt.y - _height); } CGImageRef subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, CGRectMake(pt.x, pt.y, width, height)); CGContextRef context = createContextWithBitmap(bitmap); CGRect rect = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(context); CGContextClearRect(context, rect); CGContextDrawImage(context, rect, subImage); CGContextRelease(context); CGImageRelease(subImage); CGImageRelease(image); if (bitmap->HasAlpha()) { for (int row = 0; row < bitmap->GetHeight(); row ++) { FX_LPBYTE pScanline = (FX_LPBYTE)bitmap->GetScanline(row); for (int col = 0; col < bitmap->GetWidth(); col ++) { if (pScanline[3] > 0) { pScanline[0] = (pScanline[0] * 255.f / pScanline[3] + .5f); pScanline[1] = (pScanline[1] * 255.f / pScanline[3] + .5f); pScanline[2] = (pScanline[2] * 255.f / pScanline[3] + .5f); } pScanline += 4; } } } return TRUE; }
static RetainPtr<CGImageRef> createCroppedImageIfNecessary(CGImageRef image, const IntSize& bounds) { if (image && (CGImageGetWidth(image) != static_cast<size_t>(bounds.width()) || CGImageGetHeight(image) != static_cast<size_t>(bounds.height()))) { return adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, CGRectMake(0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height()))); } return image; }
static void SetIconImage (CGImageRef image, CGRect rct, int n) { if (systemVersion >= 0x1040) macIconImage[n] = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, rct); #ifdef MAC_PANTHER_SUPPORT else macIconRef[n] = CreateIconRefFromImage(image, rct); #endif }
bool QMacWindowSurface::scroll(const QRegion &area, int dx, int dy) { if (d_ptr->device.size().isNull()) return false; QCFType<CGImageRef> image = d_ptr->device.toMacCGImageRef(); const QRect rect(area.boundingRect()); const CGRect dest = CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); QCFType<CGImageRef> subimage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, dest); QCFType<CGContextRef> context = qt_mac_cg_context(&d_ptr->device); CGContextTranslateCTM(context, dx, dy); qt_mac_drawCGImage(context, &dest, subimage); return true; }
void Image::drawPattern(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& tileRect, const AffineTransform& patternTransform, const FloatPoint& phase, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, CompositeOperator op, const FloatRect& destRect) { if (!nativeImageForCurrentFrame()) return; ASSERT(patternTransform.isInvertible()); if (!patternTransform.isInvertible()) // Avoid a hang under CGContextDrawTiledImage on release builds. return; CGContextRef context = ctxt->platformContext(); ctxt->save(); CGContextClipToRect(context, destRect); ctxt->setCompositeOperation(op); CGContextTranslateCTM(context, destRect.x(), destRect.y() + destRect.height()); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1); // Compute the scaled tile size. float scaledTileHeight = tileRect.height() * narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.d()); // We have to adjust the phase to deal with the fact we're in Cartesian space now (with the bottom left corner of destRect being // the origin). float adjustedX = phase.x() - destRect.x() + tileRect.x() * narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.a()); // We translated the context so that destRect.x() is the origin, so subtract it out. float adjustedY = destRect.height() - (phase.y() - destRect.y() + tileRect.y() * narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.d()) + scaledTileHeight); CGImageRef tileImage = nativeImageForCurrentFrame(); float h = CGImageGetHeight(tileImage); RetainPtr<CGImageRef> subImage; if (tileRect.size() == size()) subImage = tileImage; else { // Copying a sub-image out of a partially-decoded image stops the decoding of the original image. It should never happen // because sub-images are only used for border-image, which only renders when the image is fully decoded. ASSERT(h == height()); subImage.adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(tileImage, tileRect)); } // Adjust the color space. subImage = imageWithColorSpace(subImage.get(), styleColorSpace); #ifndef BUILDING_ON_TIGER // Leopard has an optimized call for the tiling of image patterns, but we can only use it if the image has been decoded enough that // its buffer is the same size as the overall image. Because a partially decoded CGImageRef with a smaller width or height than the // overall image buffer needs to tile with "gaps", we can't use the optimized tiling call in that case. // FIXME: Could create WebKitSystemInterface SPI for CGCreatePatternWithImage2 and probably make Tiger tile faster as well. // FIXME: We cannot use CGContextDrawTiledImage with scaled tiles on Leopard, because it suffers from rounding errors. Snow Leopard is ok. float scaledTileWidth = tileRect.width() * narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.a()); float w = CGImageGetWidth(tileImage); #ifdef BUILDING_ON_LEOPARD if (w == size().width() && h == size().height() && scaledTileWidth == tileRect.width() && scaledTileHeight == tileRect.height()) #else if (w == size().width() && h == size().height()) #endif CGContextDrawTiledImage(context, FloatRect(adjustedX, adjustedY, scaledTileWidth, scaledTileHeight), subImage.get()); else { #endif // On Leopard, this code now only runs for partially decoded images whose buffers do not yet match the overall size of the image. // On Tiger this code runs all the time. This code is suboptimal because the pattern does not reference the image directly, and the // pattern is destroyed before exiting the function. This means any decoding the pattern does doesn't end up cached anywhere, so we // redecode every time we paint. static const CGPatternCallbacks patternCallbacks = { 0, drawPatternCallback, NULL }; CGAffineTransform matrix = CGAffineTransformMake(narrowPrecisionToCGFloat(patternTransform.a()), 0, 0, narrowPrecisionToCGFloat(patternTransform.d()), adjustedX, adjustedY); matrix = CGAffineTransformConcat(matrix, CGContextGetCTM(context)); // The top of a partially-decoded image is drawn at the bottom of the tile. Map it to the top. matrix = CGAffineTransformTranslate(matrix, 0, size().height() - h); RetainPtr<CGPatternRef> pattern(AdoptCF, CGPatternCreate(subImage.get(), CGRectMake(0, 0, tileRect.width(), tileRect.height()), matrix, tileRect.width(), tileRect.height(), kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacing, true, &patternCallbacks)); if (!pattern) { ctxt->restore(); return; } RetainPtr<CGColorSpaceRef> patternSpace(AdoptCF, CGColorSpaceCreatePattern(0)); CGFloat alpha = 1; RetainPtr<CGColorRef> color(AdoptCF, CGColorCreateWithPattern(patternSpace.get(), pattern.get(), &alpha)); CGContextSetFillColorSpace(context, patternSpace.get()); // FIXME: Really want a public API for this. It is just CGContextSetBaseCTM(context, CGAffineTransformIdentiy). wkSetPatternBaseCTM(context, CGAffineTransformIdentity); CGContextSetPatternPhase(context, CGSizeZero); CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, color.get()); CGContextFillRect(context, CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(context)); #ifndef BUILDING_ON_TIGER } #endif ctxt->restore(); if (imageObserver()) imageObserver()->didDraw(this); }
void BitmapImage::draw(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatRect& srcRect, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, CompositeOperator compositeOp) { startAnimation(); RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image = frameAtIndex(m_currentFrame); if (!image) // If it's too early we won't have an image yet. return; if (mayFillWithSolidColor()) { fillWithSolidColor(ctxt, destRect, solidColor(), styleColorSpace, compositeOp); return; } float currHeight = CGImageGetHeight(image.get()); if (currHeight <= srcRect.y()) return; CGContextRef context = ctxt->platformContext(); ctxt->save(); bool shouldUseSubimage = false; // If the source rect is a subportion of the image, then we compute an inflated destination rect that will hold the entire image // and then set a clip to the portion that we want to display. FloatRect adjustedDestRect = destRect; FloatSize selfSize = currentFrameSize(); if (srcRect.size() != selfSize) { CGInterpolationQuality interpolationQuality = CGContextGetInterpolationQuality(context); // When the image is scaled using high-quality interpolation, we create a temporary CGImage // containing only the portion we want to display. We need to do this because high-quality // interpolation smoothes sharp edges, causing pixels from outside the source rect to bleed // into the destination rect. See <rdar://problem/6112909>. shouldUseSubimage = (interpolationQuality == kCGInterpolationHigh || interpolationQuality == kCGInterpolationDefault) && (srcRect.size() != destRect.size() || !ctxt->getCTM().isIdentityOrTranslationOrFlipped()); float xScale = srcRect.width() / destRect.width(); float yScale = srcRect.height() / destRect.height(); if (shouldUseSubimage) { FloatRect subimageRect = srcRect; float leftPadding = srcRect.x() - floorf(srcRect.x()); float topPadding = srcRect.y() - floorf(srcRect.y()); subimageRect.move(-leftPadding, -topPadding); adjustedDestRect.move(-leftPadding / xScale, -topPadding / yScale); subimageRect.setWidth(ceilf(subimageRect.width() + leftPadding)); adjustedDestRect.setWidth(subimageRect.width() / xScale); subimageRect.setHeight(ceilf(subimageRect.height() + topPadding)); adjustedDestRect.setHeight(subimageRect.height() / yScale); image.adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image.get(), subimageRect)); if (currHeight < srcRect.bottom()) { ASSERT(CGImageGetHeight(image.get()) == currHeight - CGRectIntegral(srcRect).origin.y); adjustedDestRect.setHeight(CGImageGetHeight(image.get()) / yScale); } } else { adjustedDestRect.setLocation(FloatPoint(destRect.x() - srcRect.x() / xScale, destRect.y() - srcRect.y() / yScale)); adjustedDestRect.setSize(FloatSize(selfSize.width() / xScale, selfSize.height() / yScale)); } CGContextClipToRect(context, destRect); } // If the image is only partially loaded, then shrink the destination rect that we're drawing into accordingly. if (!shouldUseSubimage && currHeight < selfSize.height()) adjustedDestRect.setHeight(adjustedDestRect.height() * currHeight / selfSize.height()); ctxt->setCompositeOperation(compositeOp); // Flip the coords. CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1); adjustedDestRect.setY(-adjustedDestRect.bottom()); // Adjust the color space. image = imageWithColorSpace(image.get(), styleColorSpace); // Draw the image. CGContextDrawImage(context, adjustedDestRect, image.get()); ctxt->restore(); if (imageObserver()) imageObserver()->didDraw(this); }
void QRasterWindowSurface::flush(QWidget *widget, const QRegion &rgn, const QPoint &offset) { Q_D(QRasterWindowSurface); // Not ready for painting yet, bail out. This can happen in // QWidget::create_sys() if (!d->image || rgn.rectCount() == 0) return; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN QRect br = rgn.boundingRect(); if (!qt_widget_private(window())->isOpaque && window()->testAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground) && (qt_widget_private(window())->data.window_flags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint)) { QRect r = window()->frameGeometry(); QPoint frameOffset = qt_widget_private(window())->frameStrut().topLeft(); QRect dirtyRect = br.translated(offset + frameOffset); SIZE size = {r.width(), r.height()}; POINT ptDst = {r.x(), r.y()}; POINT ptSrc = {0, 0}; BLENDFUNCTION blend = {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, (BYTE)(255.0 * window()->windowOpacity()), Q_AC_SRC_ALPHA}; RECT dirty = {dirtyRect.x(), dirtyRect.y(), dirtyRect.x() + dirtyRect.width(), dirtyRect.y() + dirtyRect.height()}; Q_UPDATELAYEREDWINDOWINFO info = {sizeof(info), NULL, &ptDst, &size, d->image->hdc, &ptSrc, 0, &blend, Q_ULW_ALPHA, &dirty}; ptrUpdateLayeredWindowIndirect(window()->internalWinId(), &info); } else { QPoint wOffset = qt_qwidget_data(widget)->wrect.topLeft(); HDC widget_dc = widget->getDC(); QRect wbr = br.translated(-wOffset); BitBlt(widget_dc, wbr.x(), wbr.y(), wbr.width(), wbr.height(), d->image->hdc, br.x() + offset.x(), br.y() + offset.y(), SRCCOPY); widget->releaseDC(widget_dc); } #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG static bool flush = !qgetenv("QT_FLUSH_WINDOWSURFACE").isEmpty(); if (flush) { SelectObject(qt_win_display_dc(), GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); Rectangle(qt_win_display_dc(), 0, 0, d->image->width() + 2, d->image->height() + 2); BitBlt(qt_win_display_dc(), 1, 1, d->image->width(), d->image->height(), d->image->hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } #endif #endif #ifdef Q_WS_X11 extern void *qt_getClipRects(const QRegion &r, int &num); // in qpaintengine_x11.cpp extern QWidgetData* qt_widget_data(QWidget *); QPoint wOffset = qt_qwidget_data(widget)->wrect.topLeft(); if (widget->window() != window()) { XFreeGC(X11->display, d_ptr->gc); d_ptr->gc = XCreateGC(X11->display, widget->handle(), 0, 0); } QRegion wrgn(rgn); if (!wOffset.isNull()) wrgn.translate(-wOffset); if (wrgn.rectCount() != 1) { int num; XRectangle *rects = (XRectangle *)qt_getClipRects(wrgn, num); XSetClipRectangles(X11->display, d_ptr->gc, 0, 0, rects, num, YXBanded); } QPoint widgetOffset = offset + wOffset; QRect clipRect = widget->rect().translated(widgetOffset).intersected(d_ptr->image->image.rect()); QRect br = rgn.boundingRect().translated(offset).intersected(clipRect); QPoint wpos = br.topLeft() - widgetOffset; #ifndef QT_NO_MITSHM if (d_ptr->image->xshmpm) { XCopyArea(X11->display, d_ptr->image->xshmpm, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, br.x(), br.y(), br.width(), br.height(), wpos.x(), wpos.y()); d_ptr->needsSync = true; } else if (d_ptr->image->xshmimg) { XShmPutImage(X11->display, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, d_ptr->image->xshmimg, br.x(), br.y(), wpos.x(), wpos.y(), br.width(), br.height(), False); d_ptr->needsSync = true; } else #endif { int depth = widget->x11Info().depth(); const QImage &src = d->image->image; if (src.format() != QImage::Format_RGB32 || depth < 24 || X11->bppForDepth.value(depth) != 32) { Q_ASSERT(src.depth() >= 16); const QImage sub_src(src.scanLine(br.y()) + br.x() * (uint(src.depth()) / 8), br.width(), br.height(), src.bytesPerLine(), src.format()); QX11PixmapData *data = new QX11PixmapData(QPixmapData::PixmapType); data->xinfo = widget->x11Info(); data->fromImage(sub_src, Qt::NoOpaqueDetection); QPixmap pm = QPixmap(data); XCopyArea(X11->display, pm.handle(), widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, 0 , 0 , br.width(), br.height(), wpos.x(), wpos.y()); } else { // qpaintengine_x11.cpp extern void qt_x11_drawImage(const QRect &rect, const QPoint &pos, const QImage &image, Drawable hd, GC gc, Display *dpy, Visual *visual, int depth); qt_x11_drawImage(br, wpos, src, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, X11->display, (Visual *)widget->x11Info().visual(), depth); } } if (wrgn.rectCount() != 1) XSetClipMask(X11->display, d_ptr->gc, XNone); #endif // FALCON #ifdef Q_WS_MAC Q_UNUSED(offset); // This is mainly done for native components like native "open file" dialog. if (widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen)) { return; } #ifdef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA this->needsFlush = true; this->regionToFlush += rgn; // The actual flushing will be processed in [view drawRect:rect] qt_mac_setNeedsDisplay(widget); #else // Get a context for the widget. CGContextRef context; CGrafPtr port = GetWindowPort(qt_mac_window_for(widget)); QDBeginCGContext(port, &context); CGContextRetain(context); CGContextSaveGState(context); // Flip context. CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, widget->height()); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1); // Clip to region. const QVector<QRect> &rects = rgn.rects(); for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) { const QRect &rect = rects.at(i); CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height())); } CGContextClip(context); QRect r = rgn.boundingRect().intersected(d->image->image.rect()); const CGRect area = CGRectMake(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(d->image->cg); CGImageRef subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, area); qt_mac_drawCGImage(context, &area, subImage); CGImageRelease(subImage); CGImageRelease(image); QDEndCGContext(port, &context); // Restore context. CGContextRestoreGState(context); CGContextRelease(context); #endif // QT_MAC_USE_COCOA #endif // Q_WS_MAC }
void UIFrameBufferQuartz2D::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *aEvent) { /* If the machine is NOT in 'running' state, * the link between framebuffer and video memory * is broken, we should go fallback now... */ if (m_fUsesGuestVRAM && !m_pMachineView->uisession()->isRunning() && !m_pMachineView->uisession()->isPaused() && /* Online snapshotting: */ m_pMachineView->uisession()->machineState() != KMachineState_Saving) { /* Simulate fallback through fake resize-event: */ UIResizeEvent event(FramebufferPixelFormat_Opaque, NULL, 0, 0, 640, 480); resizeEvent(&event); } /* For debugging /Developer/Applications/Performance Tools/Quartz * Debug.app is a nice tool to see which parts of the screen are * updated.*/ Assert(m_image); QWidget* viewport = m_pMachineView->viewport(); Assert(VALID_PTR(viewport)); /* Get the dimensions of the viewport */ CGRect viewRect = ::darwinToCGRect(viewport->geometry()); /* Get the context of this window from Qt */ CGContextRef ctx = ::darwinToCGContextRef(viewport); Assert(VALID_PTR(ctx)); /* Flip the context */ CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 0, viewRect.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1.0, -1.0); /* We handle the seamless mode as a special case. */ if (m_pMachineLogic->visualStateType() == UIVisualStateType_Seamless) { /* Clear the background (make the rect fully transparent): */ CGContextClearRect(ctx, viewRect); #ifdef OVERLAY_CLIPRECTS /* Enable overlay above the seamless mask: */ CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.7); CGContextFillRect(ctx, viewRect); #endif /* OVERLAY_CLIPRECTS */ #ifdef COMP_WITH_SHADOW /* Enable shadows: */ CGContextSetShadow(ctx, CGSizeMake (10, -10), 10); CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer(ctx, NULL); #endif /* COMP_WITH_SHADOW */ /* Determine current visible region: */ RegionRects *pRgnRcts = ASMAtomicXchgPtrT(&mRegion, NULL, RegionRects*); if (pRgnRcts) { /* If visible region is determined: */ if (pRgnRcts->used > 0) { /* Add the clipping rects all at once (they are defined in SetVisibleRegion): */ CGContextBeginPath(ctx); CGContextAddRects(ctx, pRgnRcts->rcts, pRgnRcts->used); /* Now convert the path to a clipping path: */ CGContextClip(ctx); } /* Put back the visible region, free if we cannot (2+ SetVisibleRegion calls): */ if ( !ASMAtomicCmpXchgPtr(&mRegion, pRgnRcts, NULL) && !ASMAtomicCmpXchgPtr(&mRegionUnused, pRgnRcts, NULL)) { RTMemFree(pRgnRcts); pRgnRcts = NULL; } } /* If visible region is still determined: */ if (pRgnRcts && pRgnRcts->used > 0) { /* Create a subimage of the current view. * Currently this subimage is the whole screen. */ CGImageRef subImage; if (!m_pMachineView->pauseShot().isNull()) { CGImageRef pauseImg = ::darwinToCGImageRef(&m_pMachineView->pauseShot()); subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(pauseImg, CGRectMake(m_pMachineView->contentsX(), m_pMachineView->contentsY(), m_pMachineView->visibleWidth(), m_pMachineView->visibleHeight())); CGImageRelease(pauseImg); } else { #ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 /* Not sure who to blame, but it seems on 64bit there goes * something terrible wrong (on a second monitor) when directly * using CGImageCreateWithImageInRect without making a copy. We saw * something like this already with the scale mode. */ CGImageRef tmpImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(m_image, CGRectMake(m_pMachineView->contentsX(), m_pMachineView->contentsY(), m_pMachineView->visibleWidth(), m_pMachineView->visibleHeight())); subImage = CGImageCreateCopy(tmpImage); CGImageRelease(tmpImage); #else /* RT_ARCH_AMD64 */ subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(m_image, CGRectMake(m_pMachineView->contentsX(), m_pMachineView->contentsY(), m_pMachineView->visibleWidth(), m_pMachineView->visibleHeight())); #endif /* !RT_ARCH_AMD64 */ } Assert(VALID_PTR(subImage)); /* In any case clip the drawing to the view window: */ CGContextClipToRect(ctx, viewRect); /* At this point draw the real vm image: */ CGContextDrawImage(ctx, ::darwinFlipCGRect(viewRect, viewRect.size.height), subImage); /* Release the subimage: */ CGImageRelease(subImage); } #ifdef COMP_WITH_SHADOW CGContextEndTransparencyLayer(ctx); #endif /* COMP_WITH_SHADOW */ #ifdef OVERLAY_CLIPRECTS if (pRgnRcts && pRgnRcts->used > 0) { CGContextBeginPath(ctx); CGContextAddRects(ctx, pRgnRcts->rcts, pRgnRcts->used); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7); CGContextDrawPath(ctx, kCGPathStroke); } CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7); CGContextStrokeRect(ctx, viewRect); #endif /* OVERLAY_CLIPRECTS */ }
void QRasterWindowSurface::flush(QWidget *widget, const QRegion &rgn, const QPoint &offset) { Q_D(QRasterWindowSurface); // Not ready for painting yet, bail out. This can happen in // QWidget::create_sys() if (!d->image) return; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN QRect br = rgn.boundingRect(); #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE if (!qt_widget_private(window())->isOpaque && d->canUseLayeredWindow) { QRect r = window()->frameGeometry(); QPoint frameOffset = qt_widget_private(window())->frameStrut().topLeft(); QRect dirtyRect = br.translated(offset + frameOffset); SIZE size = {r.width(), r.height()}; POINT ptDst = {r.x(), r.y()}; POINT ptSrc = {0, 0}; Q_BLENDFUNCTION blend = {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, (int)(255.0 * window()->windowOpacity()), Q_AC_SRC_ALPHA}; RECT dirty = {dirtyRect.x(), dirtyRect.y(), dirtyRect.x() + dirtyRect.width(), dirtyRect.y() + dirtyRect.height()}; Q_UPDATELAYEREDWINDOWINFO info = {sizeof(info), NULL, &ptDst, &size, d->image->hdc, &ptSrc, 0, &blend, Q_ULW_ALPHA, &dirty}; (*ptrUpdateLayeredWindowIndirect)(window()->internalWinId(), &info); } else #endif { QPoint wOffset = qt_qwidget_data(widget)->wrect.topLeft(); HDC widget_dc = widget->getDC(); QRect wbr = br.translated(-wOffset); BitBlt(widget_dc, wbr.x(), wbr.y(), wbr.width(), wbr.height(), d->image->hdc, br.x() + offset.x(), br.y() + offset.y(), SRCCOPY); widget->releaseDC(widget_dc); } #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG static bool flush = !qgetenv("QT_FLUSH_WINDOWSURFACE").isEmpty(); if (flush) { SelectObject(qt_win_display_dc(), GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); Rectangle(qt_win_display_dc(), 0, 0, d->image->width() + 2, d->image->height() + 2); BitBlt(qt_win_display_dc(), 1, 1, d->image->width(), d->image->height(), d->image->hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } #endif #endif #ifdef Q_WS_X11 extern void *qt_getClipRects(const QRegion &r, int &num); // in qpaintengine_x11.cpp extern QWidgetData* qt_widget_data(QWidget *); QPoint wOffset = qt_qwidget_data(widget)->wrect.topLeft(); if (widget->window() != window()) { XFreeGC(X11->display, d_ptr->gc); d_ptr->gc = XCreateGC(X11->display, widget->handle(), 0, 0); } QRegion wrgn(rgn); if (!wOffset.isNull()) wrgn.translate(-wOffset); QRect wbr = wrgn.boundingRect(); int num; XRectangle *rects = (XRectangle *)qt_getClipRects(wrgn, num); XSetClipRectangles(X11->display, d_ptr->gc, 0, 0, rects, num, YXBanded); QRect br = rgn.boundingRect().translated(offset); #ifndef QT_NO_MITSHM if (d_ptr->image->xshmpm) { XCopyArea(X11->display, d_ptr->image->xshmpm, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, br.x(), br.y(), br.width(), br.height(), wbr.x(), wbr.y()); XSync(X11->display, False); } else #endif { const QImage &src = d->image->image; br = br.intersected(src.rect()); if (src.format() != QImage::Format_RGB32) { QX11PixmapData *data = new QX11PixmapData(QPixmapData::PixmapType); data->xinfo = widget->x11Info(); data->fromImage(src, Qt::AutoColor); QPixmap pm = QPixmap(data); XCopyArea(X11->display, pm.handle(), widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, br.x() , br.y() , br.width(), br.height(), wbr.x(), wbr.y()); } else { // qpaintengine_x11.cpp extern void qt_x11_drawImage(const QRect &rect, const QPoint &pos, const QImage &image, Drawable hd, GC gc, Display *dpy, Visual *visual, int depth); qt_x11_drawImage(br, wbr.topLeft(), src, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, X11->display, (Visual *)widget->x11Info().visual(), widget->x11Info().depth()); } } #endif // FALCON #ifdef Q_WS_MAC // qDebug() << "Flushing" << widget << rgn << offset; // d->image->image.save("flush.png"); // Get a context for the widget. #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA CGContextRef context; CGrafPtr port = GetWindowPort(qt_mac_window_for(widget)); QDBeginCGContext(port, &context); #else extern CGContextRef qt_mac_graphicsContextFor(QWidget *); CGContextRef context = qt_mac_graphicsContextFor(widget); #endif CGContextSaveGState(context); // Flip context. CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, widget->height()); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1); // Clip to region. const QVector<QRect> &rects = rgn.rects(); for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) { const QRect &rect = rects.at(i); CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height())); } CGContextClip(context); QRect r = rgn.boundingRect(); const CGRect area = CGRectMake(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(d->image->cg); CGImageRef subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, area); qt_mac_drawCGImage(context, &area, subImage); CGImageRelease(subImage); CGImageRelease(image); // CGSize size = { d->image->image.width(), d->image->image.height() }; // CGLayerRef layer = CGLayerCreateWithContext(d->image->cg, size, 0); // CGPoint pt = { 0, 0 }; // CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint(context, pt, layer); // CGLayerRelease(layer); // Restore context. CGContextRestoreGState(context); #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA QDEndCGContext(port, &context); #else CGContextFlush(context); #endif #endif }
CGImageRef CGImageCreateWithImageInRect_wrap(CGImageRef im, float x, float y, float w, float h) { return CGImageCreateWithImageInRect( im, CGRectMake(x, y, w, h)); }
static void translate(SubimageCacheWithTimer::SubimageCacheEntry& entry, const SubimageRequest& request, unsigned /*hashCode*/) { entry.image = request.image; entry.rect = request.rect; entry.subimage = adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(request.image, request.rect)); }
void Image::drawPattern(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& tileRect, const AffineTransform& patternTransform, const FloatPoint& phase, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, CompositeOperator op, const FloatRect& destRect, BlendMode blendMode) { if (!nativeImageForCurrentFrame()) return; if (!patternTransform.isInvertible()) return; CGContextRef context = ctxt->platformContext(); GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*ctxt); CGContextClipToRect(context, destRect); ctxt->setCompositeOperation(op, blendMode); CGContextTranslateCTM(context, destRect.x(), destRect.y() + destRect.height()); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1); // Compute the scaled tile size. float scaledTileHeight = tileRect.height() * narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.d()); // We have to adjust the phase to deal with the fact we're in Cartesian space now (with the bottom left corner of destRect being // the origin). float adjustedX = phase.x() - destRect.x() + tileRect.x() * narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.a()); // We translated the context so that destRect.x() is the origin, so subtract it out. float adjustedY = destRect.height() - (phase.y() - destRect.y() + tileRect.y() * narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.d()) + scaledTileHeight); CGImageRef tileImage = nativeImageForCurrentFrame(); float h = CGImageGetHeight(tileImage); RetainPtr<CGImageRef> subImage; if (tileRect.size() == size()) subImage = tileImage; else { // Copying a sub-image out of a partially-decoded image stops the decoding of the original image. It should never happen // because sub-images are only used for border-image, which only renders when the image is fully decoded. ASSERT(h == height()); subImage = adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(tileImage, tileRect)); } // Adjust the color space. subImage = Image::imageWithColorSpace(subImage.get(), styleColorSpace); // Leopard has an optimized call for the tiling of image patterns, but we can only use it if the image has been decoded enough that // its buffer is the same size as the overall image. Because a partially decoded CGImageRef with a smaller width or height than the // overall image buffer needs to tile with "gaps", we can't use the optimized tiling call in that case. // FIXME: We cannot use CGContextDrawTiledImage with scaled tiles on Leopard, because it suffers from rounding errors. Snow Leopard is ok. float scaledTileWidth = tileRect.width() * narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.a()); float w = CGImageGetWidth(tileImage); if (w == size().width() && h == size().height() && !spaceSize().width() && !spaceSize().height()) CGContextDrawTiledImage(context, FloatRect(adjustedX, adjustedY, scaledTileWidth, scaledTileHeight), subImage.get()); else { // On Leopard and newer, this code now only runs for partially decoded images whose buffers do not yet match the overall size of the image. static const CGPatternCallbacks patternCallbacks = { 0, drawPatternCallback, patternReleaseCallback }; CGAffineTransform matrix = CGAffineTransformMake(narrowPrecisionToCGFloat(patternTransform.a()), 0, 0, narrowPrecisionToCGFloat(patternTransform.d()), adjustedX, adjustedY); matrix = CGAffineTransformConcat(matrix, CGContextGetCTM(context)); // The top of a partially-decoded image is drawn at the bottom of the tile. Map it to the top. matrix = CGAffineTransformTranslate(matrix, 0, size().height() - h); #if PLATFORM(IOS) matrix = CGAffineTransformScale(matrix, 1, -1); matrix = CGAffineTransformTranslate(matrix, 0, -h); #endif CGImageRef platformImage = CGImageRetain(subImage.get()); RetainPtr<CGPatternRef> pattern = adoptCF(CGPatternCreate(platformImage, CGRectMake(0, 0, tileRect.width(), tileRect.height()), matrix, tileRect.width() + spaceSize().width() * (1 / narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.a())), tileRect.height() + spaceSize().height() * (1 / narrowPrecisionToFloat(patternTransform.d())), kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacing, true, &patternCallbacks)); if (!pattern) return; RetainPtr<CGColorSpaceRef> patternSpace = adoptCF(CGColorSpaceCreatePattern(0)); CGFloat alpha = 1; RetainPtr<CGColorRef> color = adoptCF(CGColorCreateWithPattern(patternSpace.get(), pattern.get(), &alpha)); CGContextSetFillColorSpace(context, patternSpace.get()); // FIXME: Really want a public API for this. It is just CGContextSetBaseCTM(context, CGAffineTransformIdentiy). wkSetBaseCTM(context, CGAffineTransformIdentity); CGContextSetPatternPhase(context, CGSizeZero); CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, color.get()); CGContextFillRect(context, CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(context)); } stateSaver.restore(); if (imageObserver()) imageObserver()->didDraw(this); }