const char *CG_GetGameStatusText(void) {
	static const char *s = "";
	if (cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL)
		s = "";
	else if ( cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM)
		if (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) 
			char sPlaceWith[256];
			trap_SP_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_PLACE_WITH", sPlaceWith, sizeof(sPlaceWith));

			s = va("%s %s %i",CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), sPlaceWith, cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] );
		if ( cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1] ) {
			s = va("%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "TIEDAT"), cg.teamScores[0] );
		} else if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) {
			//s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RED_LEADS"), cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] );
			s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString2(bgGangWarsTeams[cgs.redTeam].leadstring), cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] );
		} else {
			//s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "BLUE_LEADS"), cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0] );
			s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString2(bgGangWarsTeams[cgs.blueTeam].leadstring), cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] );
	return s;
static void JKG_DrawFiringMode( menuDef_t *menuHUD )
	// Menu ain't used...yet.
	float x, y, w;
	char *text;
	int textWidth;
	weaponData_t *wp = BG_GetWeaponDataByIndex(cg.predictedPlayerState.weaponId);
	unsigned char firingMode = cg.predictedPlayerState.firingMode;
	vec4_t opacity;

	if( cg.predictedPlayerState.weapon == WP_SABER )
		// Sabers don't have firing modes, loel

	if( cg.jkg_WHUDOpacity  < 1.0f )
		MAKERGBA(opacity, 1,1,1, cg.jkg_WHUDOpacity);
		MAKERGBA(opacity, 1,1,1, cg.jkg_HUDOpacity);


	if(wp->numFiringModes <= 1)

	if(cg.lastFiringModeTime > cg.time)
		vec4_t colorCopy = { 0.2, 0.72, 0.86, 1 };
		Q_RGBCopy(&opacity, colorCopy);

	// Set us some basic defaults (for now. these will be replaced by the
	x = 500.0f;
	y = 448.0f;
	w = 120.0f;

	// Right. Now let's get the display string.
	// FIXME: Localize this text --eez
	text = va("Mode: %s", CG_GetStringEdString2(wp->visuals.visualFireModes[firingMode].displayName));
	if(!text || !text[0])
	{	// ok maybe this isn't realistic at all but i'm paranoid

	textWidth = trap_R_Font_StrLenPixels(text, cgDC.Assets.qhSmall3Font, 0.4f);
	//trap_R_Font_DrawString(focusItem->window.rect.x + ((focusItem->window.rect.w/2) - (width/2)), focusItem->window.rect.y, text, opacity, cgDC.Assets.qhSmall3Font, -1, 0.5f);
	trap_R_Font_DrawString(x + ((w/2) - (textWidth/2)), y, text, opacity, cgDC.Assets.qhSmall3Font, -1, 0.4f);
void JKG_ClientBoughtItem(const char* szPlayerName, int nItemID)
	if (nItemID < 0)

	Com_Printf("%s ^2purchased^7 %s!\n", szPlayerName, Q_strpnl((char*)CG_GetStringEdString2(itemLookupTable[nItemID].displayName)));
void CG_DrawInformation( void ) {
	const char	*s;
	const char	*info;
	const char	*sysInfo;
	//int			y;
	//int			value, valueNOFP;
	qhandle_t	levelshot;
	//char		buf[1024];
//	int			iPropHeight = 18;	// I know, this is total crap, but as a post release asian-hack....  -Ste
	info = CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO );
	sysInfo = CG_ConfigString( CS_SYSTEMINFO );

	s = Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" );
	levelshot = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( va( "levelshots/%s", s ) );
	if ( !levelshot ) {
		levelshot = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/art/unknownmap_mp" );
	trap->R_SetColor( NULL );
	CG_DrawPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, levelshot );


	// the first 150 rows are reserved for the client connection
	// screen to write into
	if ( cg.infoScreenText[0] ) {
		const char *psLoading = CG_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "LOADING_MAPNAME");
		UI_DrawProportionalString( 425, 105, ( const char * ) va(( char * ) /*"Loading... %s"*/ psLoading, cg.infoScreenText),
	} else {
		const char *psAwaitingSnapshot = CG_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "AWAITING_SNAPSHOT");
		UI_DrawProportionalString( 425, 128-32, ( const char * )  /*"Awaiting snapshot..."*/psAwaitingSnapshot,

	// Draw the loading screen tip
	if (cg_loadingTips.size() > 0 && cg_displayTipNumber != -1)
		const char* loadingTip = CG_GetStringEdString2(;
		int x = 320 - CG_Text_Width(loadingTip, 0.3f, FONT_SMALL) / 2;
		int y = 440;
		CG_Text_Paint(x, y, 0.3, colorWhite, loadingTip, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_SMALL);
void CG_CheckSVStringEdRef(char *buf, const char *str)
{ //I don't really like doing this. But it utilizes the system that was already in place.
	int i = 0;
	int b = 0;
	int strLen = 0;
	qboolean gotStrip = qfalse;

	if (!str || !str[0])
		if (str)
			strcpy(buf, str);

	strcpy(buf, str);

	strLen = strlen(str);


	while (i < strLen && str[i])
		gotStrip = qfalse;

		if (str[i] == '@' && (i+1) < strLen)
			if (str[i+1] == '@' && (i+2) < strLen)
				if (str[i+2] == '@' && (i+3) < strLen)
				{ //@@@ should mean to insert a StringEd reference here, so insert it into buf at the current place
					char stringRef[MAX_STRINGED_SV_STRING];
					int r = 0;

					/*while (i < strLen && str[i] == '@')
					// Oh c'mon.
					i += 3;

					while (i < strLen && str[i] && str[i] != ' ' && str[i] != ':' && str[i] != '.' && str[i] != '\n')
						stringRef[r] = str[i];
					stringRef[r] = 0;

					buf[b] = 0;
						char buffer2[1024];
						strcpy(buffer2, CG_GetStringEdString2(stringRef));
						if(Q_stricmp(buffer2, stringRef))
							Q_strcat(buf, MAX_STRINGED_SV_STRING, buffer2);
					Q_strcat(buf, MAX_STRINGED_SV_STRING, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_SVGAME", stringRef));	// Might be a valid point...but WTF seriously
					b = strlen(buf);

		if (!gotStrip)
			buf[b] = str[i];

	buf[b] = 0;
qboolean CG_DrawOldScoreboard( void ) {
	int		x, y, w, i, n1, n2;
	float	fade;
	float	*fadeColor;
	char	*s;
	int maxClients, realMaxClients;
	int lineHeight;
	int topBorderSize, bottomBorderSize;
	// Moved this up so we can use tab to refresh models
	if ( ++cg.deferredPlayerLoading > 10 ) {

	// Re-enable it for now
	//return qfalse; //Disables scoreboard rendering, returns false before anything is drawn.

	// don't draw amuthing if the menu or console is up
	if ( cl_paused.integer ) {
		cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0;
		return qfalse;

	// don't draw scoreboard during death while warmup up
	if ( cg.warmup && !cg.showScores ) {
		return qfalse;

	if ( cg.showScores || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_DEAD ||
		 cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) {
		fade = 1.0;
		fadeColor = colorWhite;
	} else {
		fadeColor = CG_FadeColor( cg.scoreFadeTime, FADE_TIME );
		if ( !fadeColor ) {
			// next time scoreboard comes up, don't print killer
			cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0;
			cg.killerName[0] = 0;
			return qfalse;
		fade = *fadeColor;

	// fragged by ... line
	// or if in intermission and duel, prints the winner of the duel round
	if ((cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL) && cgs.duelWinner != -1 &&
		cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION)
		s = va("%s^7 %s", cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelWinner].name, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "DUEL_WINS") );
		/*w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH;
		x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2;
		y = 40;
		CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade );
		x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2;
		y = 40;
		CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM );
	else if ((cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL) && cgs.duelist1 != -1 && cgs.duelist2 != -1 &&
		cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION)
		if (cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL && cgs.duelist3 != -1)
			s = va("%s^7 %s %s^7 %s %s", cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist1].name, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SPECHUD_VERSUS"), cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist2].name, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "AND"), cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist3].name );
			s = va("%s^7 %s %s", cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist1].name, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SPECHUD_VERSUS"), cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist2].name );
		/*w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH;
		x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2;
		y = 40;
		CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade );
		x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2;
		y = 40;
		CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM );
	else if ( cg.killerName[0] ) {
		s = va("%s %s", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "KILLEDBY"), cg.killerName );
		/*w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH;
		x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2;
		y = 40;
		CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade );
		x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2;
		y = 40;
		CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM );

	// current rank
	if (cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL)
	{ //do nothing?
	else if ( cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM) {
		if (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) 
			char sPlace[256];
			char sOf[256];
			char sWith[256];

			trap_SP_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_PLACE",	sPlace,	sizeof(sPlace));
			trap_SP_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_OF",		sOf,	sizeof(sOf));
			trap_SP_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_WITH",	sWith,	sizeof(sWith));

			s = va("%s %s (%s %i) %s %i",
				CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ),
				cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] );
			w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH;
			x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2;
			y = 60;
			//CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade );
			UI_DrawProportionalString(x, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorTable[CT_WHITE], FONT_MEDIUM);
		if ( cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1] ) {
			s = va("%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "TIEDAT"), cg.teamScores[0] );
		} else if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) {
			//s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RED_LEADS"), cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] );
			s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString2(bgGangWarsTeams[cgs.redTeam].leadstring), cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] );
		} else {
			//s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "BLUE_LEADS"), cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0] );
			s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString2(bgGangWarsTeams[cgs.blueTeam].leadstring), cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] );

		x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2;
		y = 60;
		CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM );

	// scoreboard

	CG_DrawPic ( SB_SCORELINE_X - 40, y - 5, SB_SCORELINE_WIDTH + 80, 40, trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( "gfx/menus/menu_buttonback.tga" ) );

	CG_Text_Paint ( SB_NAME_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "NAME"),0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM );
	if (cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL)
		char sWL[100];
		trap_SP_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_W_L", sWL,	sizeof(sWL));

		CG_Text_Paint ( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, sWL, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM );
		CG_Text_Paint ( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SCORE"), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM );
	CG_Text_Paint ( SB_PING_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "PING"), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM );
	CG_Text_Paint ( SB_TIME_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "TIME"), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM );

	y = SB_TOP;

	// If there are more than SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL, use the interleaved scores
	if ( cg.numScores > SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL ) {
		lineHeight = SB_INTER_HEIGHT;
		topBorderSize = 8;
		bottomBorderSize = 16;
	} else {
		lineHeight = SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT;
		topBorderSize = 8;
		bottomBorderSize = 8;
	realMaxClients = maxClients;

	localClient = qfalse;

	//I guess this should end up being able to display 19 clients at once.
	//In a team game, if there are 9 or more clients on the team not in the lead,
	//we only want to show 10 of the clients on the team in the lead, so that we
	//have room to display the clients in the lead on the losing team.

	//I guess this can be accomplished simply by printing the first teams score with a maxClients
	//value passed in related to how many players are on both teams.
	if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) {
		// teamplay scoreboard
		y += lineHeight/2;

		if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) {
			int team1MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_RED, maxClients);
			int team2MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_BLUE, maxClients);

			if (team1MaxCl > 10 && (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl) > maxClients)
				team1MaxCl -= team2MaxCl;
				//subtract as many as you have to down to 10, once we get there
				//we just set it to 10

				if (team1MaxCl < 10)
					team1MaxCl = 10;

			team2MaxCl = (maxClients-team1MaxCl); //team2 can display however many is left over after team1's display

			n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue );
			CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED );
			CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse );
			y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT;

			//maxClients -= n1;

			n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue );
			CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE );
			CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse );
			y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT;

			//maxClients -= n2;

			maxClients -= (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl);
		} else {
			int team1MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_BLUE, maxClients);
			int team2MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_RED, maxClients);

			if (team1MaxCl > 10 && (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl) > maxClients)
				team1MaxCl -= team2MaxCl;
				//subtract as many as you have to down to 10, once we get there
				//we just set it to 10

				if (team1MaxCl < 10)
					team1MaxCl = 10;

			team2MaxCl = (maxClients-team1MaxCl); //team2 can display however many is left over after team1's display

			n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue );
			CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE );
			CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse );
			y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT;

			//maxClients -= n1;

			n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue );
			CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED );
			CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse );
			y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT;

			//maxClients -= n2;

			maxClients -= (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl);
		//Raz: Fix spectators not being shown on team scoreboard by preserving maxClients
		maxClients = realMaxClients;
		n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients, lineHeight, qfalse );
		y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT;

	} else {
		// free for all scoreboard
		n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_FREE, fade, maxClients, lineHeight, qfalse );
		y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT;
		n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients - n1, lineHeight, qfalse );
		y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT;

	if (!localClient) {
		// draw local client at the bottom
		for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.numScores ; i++ ) {
			if ( cg.scores[i].client == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) {
				CG_DrawClientScore( y, &cg.scores[i], fadeColor, fade, lineHeight == SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT );

	// load any models that have been deferred
	if ( ++cg.deferredPlayerLoading > 10 ) {

	return qtrue;