Exemple #1
bool SFTPTreeView::DoExpandItem(const wxTreeItemId& item)
    MyClientData* cd = GetItemData(item);

    // already initialized this folder before?
    if(cd->IsInitialized()) { return true; }

    // get list of files and populate the tree
    SFTPAttribute::List_t attributes;
    try {
        attributes = m_sftp->List(cd->GetFullPath(), clSFTP::SFTP_BROWSE_FILES | clSFTP::SFTP_BROWSE_FOLDERS);

    } catch(clException& e) {
        ::wxMessageBox(e.What(), "SFTP", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, EventNotifier::Get()->TopFrame());
        return false;

    // Remove the dummy item and replace it with real items
    wxTreeItemIdValue cookie;
    wxTreeItemId dummyItem = m_treeCtrl->GetFirstChild(item, cookie);

    int nNumOfRealChildren = 0;
    SFTPAttribute::List_t::iterator iter = attributes.begin();
    for(; iter != attributes.end(); ++iter) {
        SFTPAttribute::Ptr_t attr = (*iter);
        if(attr->GetName() == "." || attr->GetName() == "..") continue;

        // determine the icon index
        int imgIdx = wxNOT_FOUND;
        if(attr->IsFolder()) {
            imgIdx = m_bmpLoader->GetMimeImageId(FileExtManager::TypeFolder);

        } else {
            imgIdx = m_bmpLoader->GetMimeImageId(attr->GetName());

        if(imgIdx == wxNOT_FOUND) { imgIdx = m_bmpLoader->GetMimeImageId(FileExtManager::TypeText); }

        wxString path;
        path << cd->GetFullPath() << "/" << attr->GetName();
        while(path.Replace("//", "/")) {}

        MyClientData* childClientData = new MyClientData(path);

        wxTreeItemId child = m_treeCtrl->AppendItem(item, attr->GetName(), imgIdx, imgIdx, childClientData);
        // if its type folder, add a fake child item
        if(attr->IsFolder()) { m_treeCtrl->AppendItem(child, "<dummy>"); }

    return nNumOfRealChildren > 0;
bool BuildSettingsConfig::Load(const wxString &version)
    m_version = version;
    wxString initialSettings = ConfFileLocator::Instance()->Locate(wxT("config/build_settings.xml"));
    bool loaded = m_doc->Load(initialSettings);
    CHECK_PTR_RET_FALSE( m_doc->GetRoot() );
    wxString xmlVersion = m_doc->GetRoot()->GetPropVal(wxT("Version"), wxEmptyString);
    if ( xmlVersion != version ) {
        loaded = m_doc->Load(ConfFileLocator::Instance()->GetDefaultCopy(wxT("config/build_settings.xml")));
    m_fileName = ConfFileLocator::Instance()->GetLocalCopy(wxT("config/build_settings.xml"));
    return loaded;
Exemple #3
bool WebTools::IsHTMLFile(IEditor* editor)
    if(FileExtManager::GetType(editor->GetFileName().GetFullName()) == FileExtManager::TypeHtml) return true;

    // We should also support Code Completion when inside a mixed PHP and HTML file
    if(FileExtManager::IsPHPFile(editor->GetFileName())) {

        // Check to see if we are inside a PHP section or not
        wxStyledTextCtrl* ctrl = editor->GetCtrl();
        wxString buffer = ctrl->GetTextRange(0, ctrl->GetCurrentPos());
        return !PHPSourceFile::IsInPHPSection(buffer);
    return false;
Exemple #4
bool WebTools::IsJavaScriptFile(IEditor* editor)
    if(FileExtManager::IsJavascriptFile(editor->GetFileName())) return true;

    // We should also support Code Completion when inside a PHP/HTML file, but within a script area
    if(FileExtManager::IsPHPFile(editor->GetFileName())) {
        wxStyledTextCtrl* ctrl = editor->GetCtrl();
        int styleAtCurPos = ctrl->GetStyleAt(ctrl->GetCurrentPos());
        if(styleAtCurPos >= wxSTC_HJ_START && styleAtCurPos <= wxSTC_HJA_REGEX) {
            return true;
    return false;
Exemple #5
bool PHPWorkspace::RunProject(bool debugging,
                              const wxString& urlOrFilePath,
                              const wxString& projectName,
                              const wxString& xdebugSessionName)
    wxString projectToRun = projectName;
    if(projectToRun.IsEmpty()) {
        projectToRun = GetActiveProjectName();

    PHPProject::Ptr_t proj = PHPWorkspace::Get()->GetProject(projectToRun);
    // Error is reported inside 'Exec'
    return m_executor.Exec(projectToRun, urlOrFilePath, xdebugSessionName, debugging);
Exemple #6
bool CodeFormatter::ClangBatchFormat(const std::vector<wxFileName>& files, const FormatOptions& options)
    if(options.GetClangFormatExe().IsEmpty()) {
        return false;

    wxProgressDialog dlg(
        _("Source Code Formatter"), _("Formatting files..."), (int)files.size(), m_mgr->GetTheApp()->GetTopWindow());

    clClangFormatLocator locator;
    double version = locator.GetVersion(options.GetClangFormatExe());

    for(size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
        wxString command, file;
        command << options.GetClangFormatExe();

        command << " -i "; // inline editing
        command << options.ClangFormatOptionsAsString(files.at(i), version);
        file = files.at(i).GetFullPath();
        command << " " << file;

        // Wrap the command in the local shell

        // Log the command
        CL_DEBUG("CodeForamtter: running:\n%s\n", command);

        wxString msg;
        msg << "[ " << i << " / " << files.size() << " ] " << files.at(i).GetFullName();
        dlg.Update(i, msg);

        // Execute clang-format and read the output
        IProcess::Ptr_t clangFormatProc(
            ::CreateSyncProcess(command, IProcessCreateDefault | IProcessCreateWithHiddenConsole));

        wxString output;
        CL_DEBUG("clang-format returned with:\n%s\n", output);

    return true;
Exemple #7
bool CodeFormatter::DoClangFormat(const wxFileName& filename,
                                  wxString& formattedOutput,
                                  int& cursorPosition,
                                  int startOffset,
                                  int length,
                                  const FormatOptions& options)
    // clang-format
    // Build the command line to run

    if(options.GetClangFormatExe().IsEmpty()) {
        return false;

    wxString command, file;

    clClangFormatLocator locator;
    double version = locator.GetVersion(options.GetClangFormatExe());

    command << options.GetClangFormatExe();
    file = filename.GetFullPath();

    command << options.ClangFormatOptionsAsString(filename, version);
    if(cursorPosition != wxNOT_FOUND) {
        command << " -cursor=" << cursorPosition;

    if(startOffset != wxNOT_FOUND && length != wxNOT_FOUND) {
        command << " -offset=" << startOffset << " -length=" << length;
    command << " " << file;

    // Wrap the command in the local shell

    // Log the command
    CL_DEBUG("CodeForamtter: running:\n%s\n", command);

    // Execute clang-format and reand the output
    IProcess::Ptr_t clangFormatProc(
        ::CreateSyncProcess(command, IProcessCreateDefault | IProcessCreateWithHiddenConsole));
    CL_DEBUG("clang-format returned with:\n%s\n", formattedOutput);

    if(formattedOutput.IsEmpty()) {
        // crash?
        return false;

    // The first line contains the cursor position
    if(cursorPosition != wxNOT_FOUND) {
        wxString metadata = formattedOutput.BeforeFirst('\n');
        JSONRoot root(metadata);
        cursorPosition = root.toElement().namedObject("cursor").toInt(wxNOT_FOUND);
        formattedOutput = formattedOutput.AfterFirst('\n');
    return true;
bool CodeCompletionManager::GetDefinitionsAndSearchPaths(LEditor* editor,
                                                         wxArrayString& searchPaths,
                                                         wxArrayString& definitions)
    // Sanity

        return false;
        return false;

    // Support only C/C++ files
        return false;

    // Get the file's project and get the build configuration settings
    // for it
    ProjectPtr proj = WorkspaceST::Get()->GetProject(editor->GetProjectName());

    BuildConfigPtr buildConf = proj->GetBuildConfiguration();

    CompilerPtr compiler = buildConf->GetCompiler();

    if(buildConf->IsCustomBuild()) {
        // Custom builds are handled differently
        CompilationDatabase compileDb;
        if(compileDb.IsOpened()) {
            // we have compilation database for this workspace
            wxString compileLine, cwd;
            compileDb.CompilationLine(editor->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), compileLine, cwd);

            CL_DEBUG("Pre Processor dimming: %s\n", compileLine);
            CompilerCommandLineParser cclp(compileLine, cwd);
            searchPaths = cclp.GetIncludes();

            // get the mcros
            definitions = cclp.GetMacros();
        } else {
            // we will probably will fail...
            return false;
    } else {
        // get the include paths based on the project settings (this is per build configuration)
        searchPaths = proj->GetIncludePaths();
        CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following include paths:");

        // get the compiler include paths
        // wxArrayString compileIncludePaths = compiler->GetDefaultIncludePaths();

        // includePaths.insert(includePaths.end(), compileIncludePaths.begin(), compileIncludePaths.end());
        definitions = proj->GetPreProcessors();
        CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following macros:");

    // Append the compiler builtin macros
    wxArrayString builtinMacros = compiler->GetBuiltinMacros();
    definitions.insert(definitions.end(), builtinMacros.begin(), builtinMacros.end());

    return true;
bool CodeCompletionManager::GetDefinitionsAndSearchPaths(clEditor* editor, wxArrayString& searchPaths,
                                                         wxArrayString& definitions)
    // Sanity

    if(editor->GetProjectName().IsEmpty()) return false;
    if(!clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()->IsOpen()) return false;

    // Support only C/C++ files
    if(!FileExtManager::IsCxxFile(editor->GetFileName().GetFullName())) return false;

    // Get the file's project and get the build configuration settings
    // for it
    ProjectPtr proj = clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()->GetProject(editor->GetProjectName());

    BuildConfigPtr buildConf = proj->GetBuildConfiguration();

    CompilerPtr compiler = buildConf->GetCompiler();

#if 0
    if(buildConf->IsCustomBuild()) {
        definitions = proj->GetPreProcessors();
        CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following macros:");
        // Custom builds are handled differently
        CompilationDatabase compileDb;
        if(compileDb.IsOpened()) {
            // we have compilation database for this workspace
            wxString compileLine, cwd;
            compileDb.CompilationLine(editor->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), compileLine, cwd);

            CL_DEBUG("Pre Processor dimming: %s\n", compileLine);
            CompilerCommandLineParser cclp(compileLine, cwd);
            searchPaths = cclp.GetIncludes();

            // get the mcros
            definitions << cclp.GetMacros();
    // get the include paths based on the project settings (this is per build configuration)
    searchPaths = proj->GetIncludePaths();
    CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following include paths:");

    // get the compiler include paths
    // wxArrayString compileIncludePaths = compiler->GetDefaultIncludePaths();

    // includePaths.insert(includePaths.end(), compileIncludePaths.begin(), compileIncludePaths.end());
    definitions = proj->GetPreProcessors();

    // get macros out of workspace
    wxString strWorkspaceMacros = clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()->GetParserMacros();
    wxArrayString workspaceMacros = wxStringTokenize(strWorkspaceMacros, wxT("\n\r"), wxTOKEN_STRTOK);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < workspaceMacros.GetCount(); i++)

    CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following macros:");

    // Append the compiler builtin macros
    wxArrayString builtinMacros = compiler->GetBuiltinMacros();
    definitions.insert(definitions.end(), builtinMacros.begin(), builtinMacros.end());

    return true;