int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SQLSMALLINT len; const char * const*p; SQLINTEGER n; if (odbc_read_login_info()) exit(1); /* connect string using DSN */ init_connect(); sprintf(tmp, "DSN=%s;UID=%s;PWD=%s;DATABASE=%s;ClientCharset=UTF-8;", odbc_server, odbc_user, odbc_password, odbc_database); CHKDriverConnect(NULL, T(tmp), SQL_NTS, (SQLTCHAR *) tmp, sizeof(tmp)/sizeof(SQLTCHAR), &len, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT, "SI"); if (!odbc_driver_is_freetds()) { odbc_disconnect(); printf("Driver is not FreeTDS, exiting\n"); return 0; } if (!odbc_db_is_microsoft() || odbc_db_version_int() < 0x08000000u) { odbc_disconnect(); printf("Test for MSSQL only\n"); return 0; } CHKAllocStmt(&odbc_stmt, "S"); /* create test table */ sprintf(tmp, "IF OBJECT_ID(N'%s') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE %s", table_name, table_name); odbc_command(tmp); sprintf(tmp, "CREATE TABLE %s (k int, c NCHAR(10), vc NVARCHAR(10))", table_name); odbc_command(tmp); /* insert with INSERT statements */ for (n = 1, p = strings; p[0] && p[1]; p += 2, ++n) { sprintf(tmp, "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%d,N'%s',N'%s')", table_name, (int) n, p[0], p[1]); odbc_command(tmp); } /* check rows */ for (n = 1, p = strings_hex; p[0] && p[1]; p += 2, ++n) { sprintf(tmp, "IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = %d AND c = %s AND vc = %s) SELECT 1", table_name, (int) n, p[0], p[1]); CheckNoRow(tmp); } TestBinding(0); TestBinding(1); /* cleanup */ sprintf(tmp, "IF OBJECT_ID(N'%s') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE %s", table_name, table_name); odbc_command(tmp); odbc_disconnect(); printf("Done.\n"); return 0; }
int odbc_connect(void) { ODBC_BUF *odbc_buf = NULL; char command[512]; const char *p; if (odbc_read_login_info()) exit(1); if (odbc_use_version3) { CHKAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &odbc_env, "S"); SQLSetEnvAttr(odbc_env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (SQLPOINTER) (SQL_OV_ODBC3), SQL_IS_UINTEGER); CHKAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, odbc_env, &odbc_conn, "S"); } else { CHKAllocEnv(&odbc_env, "S"); CHKAllocConnect(&odbc_conn, "S"); } printf("odbctest\n--------\n\n"); printf("connection parameters:\nserver: '%s'\nuser: '******'\npassword: '******'\ndatabase: '%s'\n", odbc_server, odbc_user, "????" /* odbc_password */ , odbc_database); p = getenv("ODBC_MARS"); if (p && atoi(p) != 0) SQLSetConnectAttr(odbc_conn, 1224 /*SQL_COPT_SS_MARS_ENABLED*/, (SQLPOINTER) 1 /*SQL_MARS_ENABLED_YES*/, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); if (odbc_set_conn_attr) (*odbc_set_conn_attr)(); CHKConnect(T(odbc_server), SQL_NTS, T(odbc_user), SQL_NTS, T(odbc_password), SQL_NTS, "SI"); CHKAllocStmt(&odbc_stmt, "S"); sprintf(command, "use %s", odbc_database); printf("%s\n", command); CHKExecDirect(T(command), SQL_NTS, "SI"); #ifndef TDS_NO_DM /* unixODBC seems to require it */ SQLMoreResults(odbc_stmt); #endif ODBC_FREE(); return 0; }
int odbc_connect(void) { char command[512]; if (odbc_read_login_info()) exit(1); if (odbc_use_version3) { CHKAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &odbc_env, "S"); SQLSetEnvAttr(odbc_env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (SQLPOINTER) (SQL_OV_ODBC3), SQL_IS_UINTEGER); CHKAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, odbc_env, &odbc_conn, "S"); } else { CHKAllocEnv(&odbc_env, "S"); CHKAllocConnect(&odbc_conn, "S"); } printf("odbctest\n--------\n\n"); printf("connection parameters:\nserver: '%s'\nuser: '******'\npassword: '******'\ndatabase: '%s'\n", odbc_server, odbc_user, "????" /* odbc_password */ , odbc_database); if (odbc_set_conn_attr) (*odbc_set_conn_attr)(); CHKR(SQLConnect, (odbc_conn, (SQLCHAR *) odbc_server, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *) odbc_user, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *) odbc_password, SQL_NTS), "SI"); CHKAllocStmt(&odbc_stmt, "S"); sprintf(command, "use %s", odbc_database); printf("%s\n", command); CHKExecDirect((SQLCHAR *) command, SQL_NTS, "SI"); #ifndef TDS_NO_DM /* unixODBC seems to require it */ SQLMoreResults(odbc_stmt); #endif return 0; }
static void Test(int prebind) { ODBC_BUF *odbc_buf = NULL; SQLLEN ind; int i; char buf[100]; /* build a string longer than 80 character (80 it's the default) */ buf[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 21; ++i) strcat(buf, "miao"); odbc_command("DELETE FROM #tmp1"); CHKAllocStmt(&stmt, "S"); SWAP_STMT(stmt); if (prebind) CHKBindParameter(1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, 1, 0, buf, 1, &ind, "S"); CHKPrepare(T("INSERT INTO #tmp1(c) VALUES(?)"), SQL_NTS, "S"); /* try to insert an empty string, should not fail */ /* NOTE this is currently the only test for insert a empty string using rpc */ if (odbc_db_is_microsoft()) TestInsert(""); TestInsert("a"); TestInsert("bb"); TestInsert(buf); CHKFreeStmt(SQL_DROP, "S"); odbc_stmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT; SWAP_STMT(stmt); ODBC_FREE(); }
static void Test0(int use_sql, const char *create_sql, const char *insert_sql, const char *select_sql) { #define ROWS 4 #define C_LEN 10 SQLUINTEGER n[ROWS]; char c[ROWS][C_LEN]; SQLLEN c_len[ROWS], n_len[ROWS]; SQLUSMALLINT statuses[ROWS]; SQLUSMALLINT i; SQLULEN num_row; SQLHSTMT stmt2; /* create test table */ odbc_command("IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #test"); odbc_command(create_sql); for (i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) { char sql_buf[80], data[10]; memset(data, 'a' + (i - 1), sizeof(data)); data[i] = 0; sprintf(sql_buf, insert_sql, data, i); odbc_command(sql_buf); } /* set cursor options */ odbc_reset_statement(); CHKSetStmtAttr(SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_CONCUR_ROWVER, 0, "S"); CHKSetStmtAttr(SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_CURSOR_DYNAMIC, 0, "S"); CHKSetStmtAttr(SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE, (SQLPOINTER) ROWS, 0, "S"); CHKSetStmtAttr(SQL_ATTR_ROW_STATUS_PTR, (SQLPOINTER) statuses, 0, "S"); CHKSetStmtAttr(SQL_ATTR_ROWS_FETCHED_PTR, &num_row, 0, "S"); CHKSetCursorName(T("C1"), SQL_NTS, "S"); /* */ CHKExecDirect(T(select_sql), SQL_NTS, "S"); /* bind some rows at a time */ CHKBindCol(1, SQL_C_ULONG, n, 0, n_len, "S"); CHKBindCol(2, SQL_C_CHAR, c, C_LEN, c_len, "S"); /* allocate an additional statement */ CHKAllocStmt(&stmt2, "S"); while (CHKFetchScroll(SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 0, "SNo") == SQL_SUCCESS) { /* print, just for debug */ for (i = 0; i < num_row; ++i) printf("row %d i %d c %s\n", (int) (i + 1), (int) n[i], c[i]); printf("---\n"); /* delete a row */ i = 1; if (i > 0 && i <= num_row) { if (mssql2005) CHKSetPos(i, use_sql ? SQL_POSITION : SQL_DELETE, SQL_LOCK_NO_CHANGE, "SI"); else CHKSetPos(i, use_sql ? SQL_POSITION : SQL_DELETE, SQL_LOCK_NO_CHANGE, "S"); if (use_sql) { SWAP_STMT(stmt2); CHKPrepare(T("DELETE FROM #test WHERE CURRENT OF C1"), SQL_NTS, "S"); CHKExecute("S"); SWAP_STMT(stmt2); } } /* update another row */ i = 2; if (i > 0 && i <= num_row) { strcpy(c[i - 1], "foo"); c_len[i - 1] = 3; if (strstr(select_sql, "#a") == NULL || use_sql) { CHKSetPos(i, use_sql ? SQL_POSITION : SQL_UPDATE, SQL_LOCK_NO_CHANGE, "S"); } else { SQLTCHAR sqlstate[6]; SQLTCHAR msg[256]; n[i - 1] = 321; CHKSetPos(i, use_sql ? SQL_POSITION : SQL_UPDATE, SQL_LOCK_NO_CHANGE, "E"); CHKGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, odbc_stmt, 1, sqlstate, NULL, msg, ODBC_VECTOR_SIZE(msg), NULL, "S"); if (strstr(C(msg), "Invalid column name 'c'") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected message not found at line %d\n", __LINE__); exit(1); } } if (use_sql) { SWAP_STMT(stmt2); CHKPrepare(T("UPDATE #test SET c=? WHERE CURRENT OF C1"), SQL_NTS, "S"); CHKBindParameter(1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, C_LEN, 0, c[i - 1], 0, NULL, "S"); CHKExecute("S"); /* FIXME this is not necessary for mssql driver */ SQLMoreResults(odbc_stmt); SWAP_STMT(stmt2); } } } SWAP_STMT(stmt2); CHKFreeStmt(SQL_DROP, "S"); SWAP_STMT(stmt2); odbc_reset_statement(); /* test values */ CheckNoRow("IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #test) <> 4 SELECT 1"); CheckNoRow("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #test WHERE i = 3 AND c = 'ccc') SELECT 1"); CheckNoRow("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #test WHERE i = 4 AND c = 'dddd') SELECT 1"); if (strstr(select_sql, "#a") == NULL || use_sql) { CheckNoRow("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #test WHERE i = 2 AND c = 'foo') SELECT 1"); CheckNoRow("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #test WHERE i = 6 AND c = 'foo') SELECT 1"); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char tmp[512]; char out[32]; SQLLEN n_len; SQLSMALLINT len; const char * const*p; int n; if (odbc_read_login_info()) exit(1); /* connect string using DSN */ init_connect(); sprintf(tmp, "DSN=%s;UID=%s;PWD=%s;DATABASE=%s;ClientCharset=UTF-8;", odbc_server, odbc_user, odbc_password, odbc_database); CHKDriverConnect(NULL, T(tmp), SQL_NTS, (SQLTCHAR *) tmp, sizeof(tmp)/sizeof(SQLTCHAR), &len, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT, "SI"); if (!odbc_driver_is_freetds()) { odbc_disconnect(); printf("Driver is not FreeTDS, exiting\n"); odbc_test_skipped(); return 0; } if (!odbc_db_is_microsoft() || odbc_db_version_int() < 0x08000000u || odbc_tds_version() < 0x701) { odbc_disconnect(); /* protocol till 7.1 does not support telling encoding so we * cannot understand how the string is encoded */ printf("Test for MSSQL only using protocol 7.1\n"); odbc_test_skipped(); return 0; } CHKAllocStmt(&odbc_stmt, "S"); /* create test table */ odbc_command("CREATE TABLE #tmpHebrew (i INT, v VARCHAR(10) COLLATE Hebrew_CI_AI)"); /* insert with INSERT statements */ for (n = 0, p = strings_hex; p[n]; ++n) { sprintf(tmp, "INSERT INTO #tmpHebrew VALUES(%d, CAST(%s AS NVARCHAR(10)))", n+1, p[n]); odbc_command(tmp); } /* test conversions in libTDS */ odbc_command("SELECT v FROM #tmpHebrew"); /* insert with SQLPrepare/SQLBindParameter/SQLExecute */ CHKBindCol(1, SQL_C_CHAR, out, sizeof(out), &n_len, "S"); for (n = 0, p = strings; p[n]; ++n) { CHKFetch("S"); if (n_len != strlen(p[n]) || strcmp(p[n], out) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong row %d %s\n", n, out); odbc_disconnect(); return 1; } } odbc_disconnect(); printf("Done.\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SQLINTEGER len, out; int i; SQLHSTMT stmt1, stmt2; SQLHSTMT *pcur_stmt = NULL; odbc_use_version3 = 1; odbc_set_conn_attr = my_attrs; odbc_connect(); stmt1 = odbc_stmt; out = 0; len = sizeof(out); CHKGetConnectAttr(1224, (SQLPOINTER) &out, sizeof(out), &len, "S"); /* test we really support MARS on this connection */ /* TODO should out be correct ?? */ printf("Following row can contain an error due to MARS detection (is expected)\n"); if (!out || odbc_command2("BEGIN TRANSACTION", "SNoE") != SQL_ERROR) { printf("MARS not supported for this connection\n"); odbc_disconnect(); odbc_test_skipped(); return 0; } odbc_read_error(); if (!strstr(odbc_err, "MARS")) { printf("Error message invalid \"%s\"\n", odbc_err); return 1; } /* create a test table with some data */ odbc_command("create table #mars1 (n int, v varchar(100))"); for (i = 0; i < 60; ++i) { char cmd[120], buf[80]; memset(buf, 'a' + (i % 26), sizeof(buf)); buf[i * 7 % 73] = 0; sprintf(cmd, "insert into #mars1 values(%d, '%s')", i, buf); odbc_command(cmd); } /* and another to avid locking problems */ odbc_command("create table #mars2 (n int, v varchar(100))"); AutoCommit(SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF); /* try to do a select which return a lot of data (to test server didn't cache everything) */ odbc_command("select a.n, b.n, a.v from #mars1 a, #mars1 b order by a.n, b.n"); CHKFetch("S"); /* try to do other commands */ CHKAllocStmt(&stmt2, "S"); SET_STMT(stmt2); odbc_command("insert into #mars2 values(1, 'foo')"); SET_STMT(stmt1); CHKFetch("S"); /* reset statements */ odbc_reset_statement(); SET_STMT(stmt2); odbc_reset_statement(); /* now to 2 select with prepare/execute */ CHKPrepare(T("select a.n, b.n, a.v from #mars1 a, #mars1 b order by a.n, b.n"), SQL_NTS, "S"); SET_STMT(stmt1); CHKPrepare(T("select a.n, b.n, a.v from #mars1 a, #mars1 b order by a.n desc, b.n"), SQL_NTS, "S"); SET_STMT(stmt2); CHKExecute("S"); SET_STMT(stmt1); CHKExecute("S"); SET_STMT(stmt2); CHKFetch("S"); SET_STMT(stmt1); CHKFetch("S"); SET_STMT(stmt2); CHKFetch("S"); odbc_reset_statement(); SET_STMT(stmt1); CHKFetch("S"); odbc_reset_statement(); EndTransaction(SQL_COMMIT); /* TODO test receiving large data should not take much memory */ odbc_disconnect(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SQLLEN sql_nts = SQL_NTS; const char *query; SQLINTEGER id = 0; char string[64]; TDS_SYS_SOCKET last_socket; int port; const int num_inserts = 20; int is_freetds; #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData); #endif if (tds_mutex_init(&mtx)) return 1; odbc_mark_sockets_opened(); odbc_connect(); /* * this does not work if server is not connected with socket * (ie ms driver connected locally) */ last_socket = odbc_find_last_socket(); if (TDS_IS_SOCKET_INVALID(last_socket)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error finding last socket opened\n"); return 1; } remote_addr_len = sizeof(remote_addr); if (tds_getpeername(last_socket, &, &remote_addr_len)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get remote address\n"); return 1; } is_freetds = odbc_driver_is_freetds(); odbc_disconnect(); /* init fake server, behave like a proxy */ for (port = 12340; port < 12350; ++port) if (!init_fake_server(port)) break; if (port == 12350) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot bind to a port\n"); return 1; } printf("Fake server bound at port %d\n", port); /* override connections */ if (is_freetds) { setenv("TDSHOST", "", 1); sprintf(string, "%d", port); setenv("TDSPORT", string, 1); odbc_connect(); } else { char tmp[2048]; SQLSMALLINT len; CHKAllocEnv(&odbc_env, "S"); CHKAllocConnect(&odbc_conn, "S"); sprintf(tmp, "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=,%d;UID=%s;PWD=%s;DATABASE=%s;Network=DBMSSOCN;", port, odbc_user, odbc_password, odbc_database); printf("connection string: %s\n", tmp); CHKDriverConnect(NULL, T(tmp), SQL_NTS, (SQLTCHAR *) tmp, sizeof(tmp)/sizeof(SQLTCHAR), &len, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT, "SI"); CHKAllocStmt(&odbc_stmt, "S"); } /* real test */ odbc_command("CREATE TABLE #test(i int, c varchar(40))"); odbc_reset_statement(); /* do not take into account connection statistics */ tds_mutex_lock(&mtx); round_trips = 0; inserts = 0; tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); query = "insert into #test values (?, ?)"; CHKBindParameter(1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER, sizeof(id), 0, &id, 0, &sql_nts, "SI"); CHKBindParameter(2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, sizeof(string), 0, string, 0, &sql_nts, "SI"); CHKPrepare(T(query), SQL_NTS, "SI"); tds_mutex_lock(&mtx); printf("%u round trips %u inserts\n", round_trips, inserts); tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); for (id = 0; id < num_inserts; id++) { sprintf(string, "This is a test (%d)", (int) id); CHKExecute("SI"); CHKFreeStmt(SQL_CLOSE, "S"); } tds_mutex_lock(&mtx); printf("%u round trips %u inserts\n", round_trips, inserts); tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); odbc_reset_statement(); tds_mutex_lock(&mtx); if (inserts > 1 || round_trips > (unsigned) (num_inserts * 2 + 6)) { fprintf(stderr, "Too much round trips (%u) or insert (%u) !!!\n", round_trips, inserts); tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); return 1; } printf("%u round trips %u inserts\n", round_trips, inserts); tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); #ifdef ENABLE_DEVELOPING /* check for SQL_RESET_PARAMS */ tds_mutex_lock(&mtx); round_trips = 0; inserts = 0; tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); CHKBindParameter(1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER, sizeof(id), 0, &id, 0, &sql_nts, "SI"); CHKBindParameter(2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, sizeof(string), 0, string, 0, &sql_nts, "SI"); CHKPrepare((SQLCHAR *) query, SQL_NTS, "SI"); tds_mutex_lock(&mtx); printf("%u round trips %u inserts\n", round_trips, inserts); tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); for (id = 0; id < num_inserts; id++) { CHKBindParameter(1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER, sizeof(id), 0, &id, 0, &sql_nts, "SI"); CHKBindParameter(2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, sizeof(string), 0, string, 0, &sql_nts, "SI"); sprintf(string, "This is a test (%d)", (int) id); CHKExecute("SI"); CHKFreeStmt(SQL_RESET_PARAMS, "S"); } tds_mutex_lock(&mtx); printf("%u round trips %u inserts\n", round_trips, inserts); tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); odbc_reset_statement(); tds_mutex_lock(&mtx); if (inserts > 1 || round_trips > num_inserts * 2 + 6) { fprintf(stderr, "Too much round trips (%u) or insert (%u) !!!\n", round_trips, inserts); tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); return 1; } printf("%u round trips %u inserts\n", round_trips, inserts); tds_mutex_unlock(&mtx); #endif odbc_disconnect(); alarm(10); tds_thread_join(fake_thread, NULL); return 0; }