Exemple #1
	t_class *c;


	c = class_new("jcom.op~",(method)op_new, (method)op_free, sizeof(t_op), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);
 	class_addmethod(c, (method)op_dsp,					"dsp",			A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)op_dsp64,				"dsp64",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)op_assist,				"assist",		A_CANT, 0); 
    class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout,		"dumpout", 		A_CANT, 0);  
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,		"operator",		0,	t_op,	attrOperator);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"operator",		NULL,	op_setOperator);
	CLASS_ATTR_ENUM(c,		"operator",	0,	"+ - * / % > >= == != <= < abs acos asin atan ceil cos cosh exp floor log log10 sin sinh sqrt tan tanh");

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c,		"operand",		0,	t_op,	attrOperand);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"operand",		NULL,	op_setOperand);

	class_dspinit(c);						// Setup object's class to work with MSP
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	s_op_class = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #2
int main(void)
	t_class *c = class_new("polywave~", (method)polywave_new, (method)polywave_free, (long)sizeof(t_polywave), NULL,   A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)polywave_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)polywave_assist,     "assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM_VARSIZE(c, "buffer", 0, t_polywave, buf_name, numbufs, POLYWAVE_MAX_BUFFERS);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "buffer", polywave_buf_get, polywave_buf_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "buffer", 0, "buffer list");

    CLASS_ATTR_INT32(c, "interpolation", 0, t_polywave, interp_type);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "interpolation", polywave_interp_get, polywave_interp_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX3(c, "interpolation", 0, "none", "linear", "cubic");
    CLASS_ATTR_INT32(c, "dimensions", ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER, t_polywave, dims);
//    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX3(c, "dimensions", ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER, "0D", "1D", "2D");
    t_class *bufpxy = class_new("bufferproxy", NULL, NULL, sizeof(t_buffer_proxy), 0L, 0);
    class_addmethod(bufpxy, (method)buffer_proxy_notify, "notify",	A_CANT, 0);
    class_register(CLASS_NOBOX, bufpxy);
    buffer_proxy_class = bufpxy;
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	polywave_class = c;
    ps_buffer_modified = gensym("buffer_modified");
    post("%s by %s.", NAME, AUTHORS);
    post("Copyright (c) " COPYRIGHT_YEARS " Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.");
	return 0;
Exemple #3
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class* c;
	// Define our class
	c = class_new("j.unit",(method)dataspace_new, (method)dataspace_free, sizeof(t_dataspace), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	// Make methods accessible for our class:
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dataspace_int,			"int",				A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dataspace_float,			"float",			A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dataspace_list,			"list",				A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dataspace_getDataspaces,	"dataspaces.get",	0);
 	class_addmethod(c, (method)dataspace_getUnits,		"units.get",		A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dataspace_assist,		"assist",			A_CANT, 0); 
    class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout, 	"dumpout",			A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)jamoma_fileusage, "fileusage", A_CANT, 0);
				  attr_offset_new("dataspace", _sym_symbol, 0,
								  (method)0, (method)dataspace_setDataspace, calcoffset(t_dataspace, attr_dataspace)));

	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,		"input",	0,		t_dataspace,	attr_dataspace_active);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"input",	NULL,	dataspace_setDataspaceActive);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,		"output",	0,		t_dataspace,	attr_dataspace_native);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"output",	NULL,	dataspace_setDataspaceNative);
	// Finalize our class
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	dataspace_class = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #4
void ext_main(void *r)
    t_class* c;
    c = class_new("hoa.in", (method)hoa_in_new, (method)hoa_in_free, sizeof(t_hoa_in), NULL, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_setname((char *)"hoa.in", (char *)"hoa.in");

    hoa_initclass(c, (method)NULL);

    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_in_assist,		"assist",			A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_in_bang,			"bang",				A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_in_int,			"int",				A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_in_float,		"float",			A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_in_list,			"list",				A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_in_anything,		"anything",			A_CANT, 0);

    CLASS_ATTR_LONG		(c, "extra", 0, t_hoa_in, extra);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "extra", 0, hoa_in_setattr_extra);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL	(c, "extra", 0, "extra index");
    CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE(c, "extra", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE		(c, "extra", 0);
    // @description Defines an extra inlet. Extra inlet are added to the "normal" instance inlet and can be used to send messages to all instances.

    CLASS_ATTR_SYM		(c, "comment", 0, t_hoa_in, comment);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "comment", 0, hoa_in_setattr_comment);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL	(c, "comment", 0, "Description");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE		(c, "comment", 1);
    // @description Sets a description to the inlet which will be shown in the assist inlet of the <o>hoa.process~</o> that load this <o>hoa.in</o>.
    // Only works if the <m>extra</m> parameter is greater than 0.

    class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
    hoa_in_class = c;
Exemple #5
int main(void)
	t_class *c;

	c = class_new("hoa.connect", (method)connect_new, (method)connect_free, (short)sizeof(t_connect), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)connect_notify,				"notify",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)connect_bang,				"bang",			A_CANT,	0);
	// defaults don't work with non-UI objects (an optimization)
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY(c, "poscolor", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "poscolor", 0, t_connect, f_colorPositiv);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "poscolor", NULL, connect_setattr_poscolor);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c, "poscolor", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY(c, "negcolor", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "negcolor", 0, t_connect, f_colorNegativ);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "negcolor", NULL, connect_setattr_negcolor);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c, "poscolor", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY(c, "planecolor", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "planecolor", 0, t_connect, f_colorPlane);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "planecolor", NULL, connect_setattr_planecolor);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c, "poscolor", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	connect_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
Exemple #6
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class* c;
	c = class_new("hoa.in~", (method)hoa_sig_in_new, (method)hoa_sig_in_free, sizeof(t_hoa_sig_in), NULL, A_GIMME, 0);
	hoa_initclass(c, NULL);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_sig_in_dsp64,	"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_sig_in_assist,	"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_sig_in_int,		"int",		A_LONG, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG		(c, "extra", 0, t_hoa_sig_in, extra);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "extra", 0, hoa_sig_in_setattr_extra);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL	(c, "extra", 0, "param index");
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM		(c, "comment", 0, t_hoa_sig_in, comment);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "comment", 0, hoa_sig_in_setattr_comment);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL	(c, "comment", 0, "Description");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE		(c, "comment", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	hoa_sig_in_class = c;
	return 0;
	t_class *c;

	c = class_new("jcom.gain~", (method)gain_new, (method)gain_free, sizeof(t_gain), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);

	// Make methods accessible for our class: 
	class_addmethod(c, (method)gain_dsp, 				"dsp", A_CANT, 0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)gain_dsp64,				"dsp64", A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout, 	"dumpout", A_CANT,0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)gain_assist, 			"assist", A_CANT, 0L);

	CLASS_ATTR_CHAR(c,		"bypass",	0,		t_gain,	attrBypass);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"bypass",	NULL,	attr_set_bypass);
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c,		"mix",		0,		t_gain,	attrBypass);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"mix",		NULL,	attr_set_mix);
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c,		"gain",		0,		t_gain,	attrBypass);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"gain",		NULL,	attr_set_gain);
	// Setup our class to work with MSP

	// Finalize our class
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	s_gain_class = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #8
	ClassPtr c;
	c = class_new("jcom.op≈", (method)OpNew, (method)OpFree, sizeof(Op), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)OpResetAudio,		"audio.reset",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)OpSetupAudio,		"audio.setup",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)OpConnectAudio,		"audio.connect",	A_OBJ, A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)OpDropAudio,			"audio.drop",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxAudioGraphObject,	"audio.object",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxAudioGraphReset,	"graph.reset",			A_CANT, 0);
	//class_addmethod(c, (method)OpSetup,			"graph.setup",			A_CANT, 0); // no setup -- no graph outlets
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphConnect,		"graph.connect",		A_OBJ, A_LONG, 0);
 	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphDrop,		"graph.drop",			A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphObject,		"graph.object",			A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)OpAssist,			"assist",				A_CANT, 0); 
    class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout,	"dumpout",				A_CANT, 0);  
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,		"operator",	0,		Op,	attrOperator);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"operator",	OpGetOperator,	OpSetOperator);
	CLASS_ATTR_ENUM(c,		"operator",	0,	"+ - * / % > >= == != <= < abs acos asin atan ceil cos cosh exp floor log log10 sin sinh sqrt tan tanh");
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c,		"operand",	0,		Op,	attrOperand);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"operand",	OpGetOperand,	OpSetOperand);
	class_register(_sym_box, c);
	sOpClass = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #9
int main(void)
	t_class	*c;
	long	flags; 
	c = class_new("dbviewer", (method)dbviewer_new, (method)dbviewer_free, sizeof(t_dbviewer), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	flags = JBOX_COLOR;
	jbox_initclass(c, flags);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbviewer_bang,				"bang",				0);			// refresh
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbviewer_getcelltext,		"getcelltext",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbviewer_newpatcherview,		"newpatcherview",	A_CANT, 0); 
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbviewer_freepatcherview,	"freepatcherview",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbviewer_notify,				"notify",			A_CANT,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbviewer_assist,				"assist",			A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stdinletinfo,				"inletinfo",		A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout,			"dumpout",			A_CANT, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,			"query",			ATTR_SET_DEFER,	t_dbviewer, d_query);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"query",			NULL, dbviewer_set_query);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c,			"query",			0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,			"database",			ATTR_SET_DEFER,	t_dbviewer, d_database);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"database",			NULL, dbviewer_set_database);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c,			"database",			0);
	class_register(_sym_box, c);
	s_dbviewer_class = c;
	ps_dbview_update = gensym("dbview_update");
	ps_dbview_query_changed = gensym("dbview_query_changed");
	return 0;
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
    t_class* c;
    c = class_new("hoa.out~", (method) hoa_sig_out_new, (method)hoa_sig_out_free, sizeof(t_hoa_sig_out), NULL, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_setname((char *)"hoa.out~", (char *)"hoa.out~");
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)NULL);
    // @method signal @digest output signal in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's signal outlet
    // @description output signal in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's signal outlet
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_sig_out_dsp64, "dsp64", A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_sig_out_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG		(c, "extra", 0, t_hoa_sig_out, extra);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "extra", 0, hoa_sig_in_setattr_extra);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL	(c, "extra", 0, "extra index");
    // @description Defines an extra outlet. Extra outlet are added to the "normal" instance outlet and can be used to receive signal from all instances.
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM		(c, "comment", 0, t_hoa_sig_out, comment);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "comment", 0, hoa_sig_in_setattr_comment);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL	(c, "comment", 0, "Description");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE		(c, "comment", 1);
    // @description Sets a description to the outlet which will be shown in the assist outlet of the <o>hoa.process~</o> that load this <o>hoa.out~</o>.
    // Only works if the <m>extra</m> parameter is greater than 0.
    class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
    hoa_sig_out_class = c;
    return 0;
Exemple #11
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.2d.vector~", (method)hoa_vector_new, (method)hoa_vector_free, (long)sizeof(t_hoa_vector), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_alias(c, gensym("hoa.vector~"));
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_vector_dsp64,	"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_vector_assist,   "assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "channels", 0, t_hoa_vector, f_attrs);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "channels", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "channels", 0, "Number of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "channels", channels_get, channels_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "channels", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "channels", 0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "channels", 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE        (c, "angles", 0, t_hoa_vector, f_attrs, f_attrs, MAX_CHANNELS);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "angles", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "angles", 0, "Angles of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "angles", angles_get, angles_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "angles", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "angles", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "angles", 0, "0. 90. 180. 270.");
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	hoa_vector_class = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #12
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class* c;


	c = class_new("j.append-", (method)AppendNew, (method)AppendFree, sizeof(Append), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphReset,		"graph.reset",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphSetup,		"graph.setup",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphConnect,		"graph.connect",	A_OBJ, A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphDrop,		"graph.drop",		A_CANT, 0);
 	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphObject,		"graph.object",		A_CANT, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)AppendAssist,		"assist",			A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout,	"dumpout",			A_CANT, 0);

	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,		"key",		0,		Append,	attrKey);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"key",		NULL,	AppendSetKey);

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c,		"value",	0,		Append,	attrValue);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"value",	NULL,	AppendSetValue);

	class_register(_sym_box, c);
	sAppendClass = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #13
extern "C" int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("tap.shift~",(method)shift_new, (method)shift_free, sizeof(t_shift), 
		(method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);

		common_symbols_init();								// Initialize TapTools

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c,		"ratio",			0,	t_shift, attr_ratio);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"ratio",			NULL, attr_set_ratio);

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c,		"window_size",		0,	t_shift, attr_window_size);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"window_size",		NULL, attr_set_window_size);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_float, 	"float", 	A_FLOAT, 0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_int,	 	"int", 		A_LONG, 0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_clear, 	"clear", 	0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_dsp64, "dsp64", A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_assist, 	"assist", 	A_CANT, 0L); 
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stdinletinfo,	"inletinfo",	A_CANT, 0);

    class_dspinit(c);									// Setup object's class to work with MSP
class_register(_sym_box, c); 	shift_class = c;
Exemple #14
void C74_EXPORT ext_main(void *r)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("bezier",(method)bezier_new, (method)bezier_free, (short)sizeof(t_bezier), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)bezier_assist,			"assist",			A_CANT, 0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)bezier_bang,				"bang",						0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)bezier_int,				"int",				A_LONG,0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)bezier_float,			"float",			A_FLOAT,0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)bezier_list,				"list",				A_GIMME,0L);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c,			"steps",		0, t_bezier, b_steps);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c,			"steps",		0);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"steps",		0L, (method)bezier_steps);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c,			"steps",		0, "-0");
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c,			"mode",			0, t_bezier, b_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c,			"mode",			0);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"mode",			0L, (method)bezier_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c,			"mode",			0, "-1");
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c,			"last",			0, t_bezier, b_last);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c,			"last",			0);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"last",			0L, (method)bezier_last);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c,			"last",			0, "-2");
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	bezier_class = c;
	post("·    bezier    ·    jasch    ·    "__DATE__"    ·    © all rights reserved",0);
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("el.adsr~", (method)adsr_new, (method)dsp_free, sizeof(t_adsr), 0,A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_assist,"assist",A_CANT,0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_list, "list", A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_mute, "mute", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_gain2, "ft1", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_gain1, "ft2", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_r, "ft3", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_s, "ft4", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_d, "ft5", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_a, "ft6", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_bang, "bang", 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_dsp64, "dsp64", A_CANT,0);

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "attack", 0, t_adsr, a);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "attack", 0, "20");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "attack", (method)adsr_a_get, (method)adsr_a_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "attack", 0, "Attack Time");

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "decay", 0, t_adsr, d);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "decay", 0, "50");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "decay", (method)adsr_d_get, (method)adsr_d_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "decay", 0, "Decay Time");
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "sustain", 0, t_adsr, s); 
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "sustain", 0, "150");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "sustain", (method)adsr_s_get, (method)adsr_s_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "sustain", 0, "Sustain Time");
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "release", 0, t_adsr, r);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "release", 0, "200");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "release", (method)adsr_r_get, (method)adsr_r_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "release", 0, "Release Time");

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "gain1", 0, t_adsr, egain1);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "gain1", 0, "1.0");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "gain1", 0, "Gain 1");
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "gain2", 0, t_adsr, egain2);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "gain2", 0, "0.7");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "gain2", 0, "Gain 2");

	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "attack",    0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "decay",    0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "sustain",    0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "release",    0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "gain1",    0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "gain2",    0, "6"); 
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	adsr_class = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #16
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.2d.decoder~", (method)hoa_decoder_new, (method)hoa_decoder_free, (long)sizeof(t_hoa_decoder), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_alias(c, gensym("hoa.decoder~"));
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_decoder_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_decoder_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "autoconnect", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_send_config);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "autoconnect", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL      (c, "autoconnect", 0, "onoff", "Auto connection");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "autoconnect", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "autoconnect", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "mode", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_attr);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "mode", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "mode", 0, "Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "mode", 0, "ambisonic binaural irregular");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "mode", mode_get, mode_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "mode", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "mode", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "channels", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_attr);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "channels", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "channels", 0, "Number of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "channels", channel_get, channel_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT          (c, "channels", 0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "channels", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "channels", 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE           (c, "offset", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_attr);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "offset", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "offset", 0, "Offset of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "offset", offset_get, offset_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT          (c, "offset", 0, "0");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "offset", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "offset", 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE   (c, "angles", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_attr, f_attr, MAX_CHANNELS);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "angles", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "angles", 0, "Angles of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "angles", angles_get, angles_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "angles", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "angles", 0);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	hoa_decoder_class = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #17
int main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.convolve~", (method)HoaConvolve_new, (method)HoaConvolve_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaConvolve), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dsp,			"dsp",		A_CANT,     0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT,     0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT,     0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_notify,		"notify",	A_CANT,     0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dblclick,    "dblclick", A_CANT,     0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_clear,       "clear",                0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "buffer",   0, t_HoaConvolve, f_name);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "buffer",   0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "buffer",   0, "buffer~ Object Name");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "buffer",   0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "buffer",   NULL, buffer_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "buffer",   0, "");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "buffer",   1);

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "channel",  0, t_HoaConvolve, f_channel);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "channel",  0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "channel",  0, "buffer~ Object Channel");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "channel",  0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "channel",  NULL, channel_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "channel",  0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "channel",  1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "dry",      0, t_HoaConvolve, f_dry);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "dry",      0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "dry",      0, "Dry value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "dry",      0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "dry",      NULL, dry_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "dry",      0, "0.");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "dry",      1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "wet",      0, t_HoaConvolve, f_wet);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "wet",      0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "wet",      0, "Wet value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "wet",      0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "wet",      NULL, wet_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "wet",      0, "1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "wet",      1);

	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaConvolve_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
void ext_main(void *r)
    t_class *c;
    c = class_new("hoa.3d.decoder~", (method)hoa_3d_decoder_new, (method)hoa_3d_decoder_free, (long)sizeof(t_hoa_3d_decoder), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_setname((char *)"hoa.3d.decoder~", (char *)"hoa.3d.decoder~");
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
    // @method signal @digest Array of spherical harmonic signals to decode for a set of loudspeakers.
    // @description Array of spherical harmonic signals to decode for a set of loudspeakers.
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_3d_decoder_dsp64,             "dsp64",      A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_3d_decoder_assist,            "assist",     A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "mode", 0, t_hoa_3d_decoder, f_mode);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "mode", 0, "Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "mode", 0, "ambisonic binaural");
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "mode", NULL, mode_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "mode", 0, "1");
    // @description There is two decoding <m>mode</m> :
    // <ul>
    // <li><b>regular</b> : for a regular or irregular loudspeakers repartition over a sphere.</li>
    // <li><b>binaural</b> : for headphones.</li>
    // </ul>
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE	(c, "angles", ATTR_SET_DEFER_LOW, t_hoa_3d_decoder, f_angles_of_channels, f_number_of_angles, HOA_MAX_PLANEWAVES*2);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "angles", 0, "Angles of Channels");
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "angles", NULL, angles_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "angles", 0, "2");
    // @description Set the angles of each channels in degrees. The angles of channels are only settable in <b>irregular</b> <m>mode</m>. Each angles are in degrees, wrapped between 0. and 360. You must specify 2 values per channel corresponding to the azimuth value followed by the elevation value.
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY     (c, "offset", ATTR_SET_DEFER_LOW, t_hoa_3d_decoder, f_offsets, 3);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "offset", 0, "Offset of Channels");
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "offset", NULL, offset_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "offset", 0, "3");
    // @description Set the offsets of channels with a list of 2 float values corresponding to the azimuth and elevation offset, in degrees between 0. and 360.
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "channels", ATTR_SET_DEFER_LOW, t_hoa_3d_decoder, f_number_of_channels);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "channels", 0, "Number of Channels");
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "channels", NULL, channel_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "channels", 0, "4");
    // @description The number of channels.
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "crop", 0, t_hoa_3d_decoder, f_cropsize);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "crop", NULL, crop_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "crop", 0, "Crop of the Responses");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "crop", 0, "5");
    // @description The crop attribute can be used in binaural mode to reduce the CPU usage by cropping the impulse responses (between 0 and 512) 0 means no crop
    class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
    hoa_3d_decoder_class = c;
	t_class *c;

	psRollOff				= gensym("rolloff");
	psSourcePosition		= gensym("source_position");
	psSourceGain			= gensym("source_gain");
	psSourceMute			= gensym("src_mute");
	psSourceBlur			= gensym("blur");
	psDestinationPosition	= gensym("destination_position");
	psNumberOfSources		= gensym("num_sources");
	psNumberOfDestinations	= gensym("num_destinations");
	// Define our class
	c = class_new("jcom.dbapBformat",(method)dbapBformatNew, (method)0L, sizeof(t_dbapBformat), 
		(method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);		

	// Make methods accessible for our class: 
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatBlur,				"blur",				A_GIMME,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatBlurAll,			"blurall",			A_FLOAT,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatPolarity,			"polarity",			A_GIMME,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatPolarityAll,		"polarityall",		A_FLOAT,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatSource,			"src_position",		A_GIMME,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatDestination,		"dst_position",		A_GIMME,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatSourceGain,		"src_gain",			A_GIMME,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatSourceWeight,		"src_weight",		A_GIMME,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatMasterGain,		"master_gain",		A_FLOAT,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatSourceMute,		"src_mute",			A_GIMME,	0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatAssist,			"assist",			A_CANT,		0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)dbapBformatInfo,				"info",				0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout,			"dumpout",			0);

	// Add attributes to our class:	
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c,		"num_sources",		0,		t_dbapBformat,	attrNumberOfSources);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"num_sources",		NULL,	dbapBformatAttrSetNumberOfSources);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c,		"num_destinations",	0,		t_dbapBformat,	attrNumberOfDestinations);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"num_destinations",	NULL,	dbapBformatAttrSetNumberOfDestinations);

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c,		"rolloff",			0,		t_dbapBformat,	attrRollOff);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"rolloff",			NULL,	dbapBformatAttrSetRollOff);
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c,		"vicinity",			0,		t_dbapBformat,	attrVicinity);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"vicinity",			NULL,	dbapBformatAttrSetVicinity);
	// Finalize our class
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	this_class = c;	
	return 0;
Exemple #20
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
    t_class* c;
    c = class_new("hoa.out", (method)hoa_out_new, (method)hoa_out_free, sizeof(t_hoa_out), NULL, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_setname((char *)"hoa.out", (char *)"hoa.out");
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)NULL);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_out_assist,			"assist",			A_CANT,	 0);
    // @method bang @digest output bang message in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    // @description The <m>bang</m> output bang message in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_out_bang,			"bang",						 0);
    // @method int @digest output int message in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    // @description The <m>int</m> output int message in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    // @marg 0 @name number @optional 0 @type int
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_out_int,				"int",				A_LONG,	 0);
    // @method float @digest output int message in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    // @description The <m>float</m> output int message in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    // @marg 0 @name number @optional 0 @type float
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_out_float,			"float",			A_FLOAT, 0);
    // @method list @digest output a list in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    // @description The <m>list</m> output a list in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    // @marg 0 @name va-args @optional 0 @type list
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_out_list,			"list",				A_GIMME, 0);
    // @method anything @digest output a message in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    // @description The <m>list</m> output a message in the corresponding hoa.process~ object's message outlet
    // @marg 0 @name anything @optional 0 @type symbol
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_out_anything,		"anything",			A_GIMME, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG		(c, "extra", 0, t_hoa_out, extra);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "extra", 0, hoa_out_setattr_extra);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL	(c, "extra", 0, "extra index");
    CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE(c, "extra", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE		(c, "extra", 0);
    // @description Defines an extra outlet. Extra outlet are added to the "normal" instance outlet and can be used to receive messages from all instances.
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM		(c, "comment", 0, t_hoa_out, comment);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "comment", 0, hoa_out_setattr_comment);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL	(c, "comment", 0, "Description");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE		(c, "comment", 1);
    // @description Sets a description to the outlet which will be shown in the assist outlet of the <o>hoa.process~</o> that load this <o>hoa.out</o>.
    // Only works if the <m>extra</m> parameter is greater than 0.
    class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
    hoa_out_class = c;
    return 0;
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.3d.decoder~", (method)hoa_decoder_new, (method)hoa_decoder_free, (long)sizeof(t_hoa_decoder), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	// @method signal @digest Array of spherical harmonic signals to decode for a set of loudspeakers
	// @description Array of spherical harmonic signals to decode for a set of loudspeakers
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_decoder_dsp64,             "dsp64",      A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_decoder_assist,            "assist",     A_CANT, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "mode", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_mode);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "mode", 0, "Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "mode", 0, "ambisonic binaural irregular");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "mode", NULL, mode_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "mode", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "mode", 1);
    // @description There is three decoding <m>mode</m> :
    // <ul>
    // <li><b>Ambisonics</b> : for a regular loudspeakers repartition over a sphere.</li>
    // <li><b>Binaural</b> : for headphones.</li>
    // <li><b>Irregular</b> : for an irregular loudspeakers repartition</li>
    // </ul>
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE	(c, "angles", ATTR_SET_DEFER_LOW, t_hoa_decoder, f_angles_of_channels, f_number_of_angles, MAX_CHANNELS*2);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "angles", 0, "Angles of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "angles", NULL, angles_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "angles", 0, "2");
	// @description Set the angles of each channels in degrees. The angles of channels are only settable in <b>irregular</b> <m>mode</m>. Each angles are in degrees, wrapped between 0. and 360. You must specify 2 values per channel corresponding to the azimuth value followed by the elevation value.
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY     (c, "offset", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_offset, 2);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "offset", 0, "Offset of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "offset", NULL, offset_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT          (c, "offset", 0, "0 0");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "offset", 0, "3");
    // @description Set the offsets of channels with a list of 2 float values corresponding to the azimuth and elevation offset, in degrees between 0. and 360.
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "pinna", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_pinna);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "pinna", 0, "Pinna Size");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "pinna", 0, "small large");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "pinna", NULL, pinna_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "pinna", 0, "4");
    // @description The pinna size to use for the binaural restitution. The <m>pinna</m> message followed by the <b>symbol</b> <b>small</b> or <b>large</b> set the pinna size of the HRTF responses for the binaural restitution. Choose the one that suits you best.
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	hoa_decoder_class = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #22
int main(void)
	t_class *c = class_new("o.context", (method)ocontext_new, (method)ocontext_free, sizeof(t_ocontext), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)ocontext_fullPacket, "FullPacket", A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)ocontext_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)ocontext_doc, "doc", 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)ocontext_bang, "bang", 0);
	// remove this if statement when we stop supporting Max 5
		class_addmethod(c, (method)omax_dict_dictionary, "dictionary", A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)odot_version, "version", 0);

	CLASS_ATTR_ATOM(c, "prefix", 0, t_ocontext, prefix);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "prefix", 0, "OSC Address Prefix");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "prefix", ocontext_attr_prefix_get, ocontext_attr_prefix_set);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	ocontext_class = c;


	return 0;
Exemple #23
int C74_EXPORT main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.optim~", (method)HoaOptim_new, (method)dsp_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaOptim), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaOptim_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaOptim_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM				(c, "optim", 0, t_HoaOptim, f_optim_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "optim", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "optim", 0, "Optimization");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "optim", 0, "basic maxRe inPhase");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "optim", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "optim", NULL, HoaOptim_optim);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "optim", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaOptim_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_BOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Exemple #24
	ClassPtr c;


	c = class_new((char*)"j.plug.out=", (method)PlugOutNew, (method)PlugOutFree, sizeof(PlugOut), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)PlugOutNotify,			"notify",			A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxAudioGraphReset,		"audio.reset",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)PlugOutSetup,			"audio.setup",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxAudioGraphConnect,	"audio.connect",	A_OBJ, A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxAudioGraphDrop,		"audio.drop",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxAudioGraphObject,		"audio.object",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)PlugOutBuildAudioUnit,	"build.au",			A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)PlugOutAssist,			"assist",			A_CANT, 0); 
	class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout,		"dumpout",			A_CANT, 0);  

	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,			"manufacturer",		0,		PlugOut,	pluginManufacturer);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,			"manufacturerCode",	0,		PlugOut,	pluginManufacturerCode);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,			"pluginIdCode",		0,		PlugOut,	pluginID);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,			"pluginName",		0,		PlugOut,	pluginName);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,			"pluginVersion",	0,		PlugOut,	pluginVersion);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"pluginVersion",	NULL,	PlugOutSetVersion);

	class_register(_sym_box, c);
	sPlugOutClass = c;
	return 0;
Exemple #25
extern "C" int TTCLASSWRAPPERMAX_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;

	c = class_new("tap.decibels~",(method)decibels_new, (method)dsp_free, sizeof(t_decibels), 
		(method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)decibels_dsp, 			"dsp", A_CANT, 0L);		
	class_addmethod(c, (method)decibels_dsp64, "dsp64", A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)decibels_int, 			"int", A_LONG, 0L);		// Input as int
    class_addmethod(c, (method)decibels_float, 			"float", A_FLOAT, 0L);	// Input as double
    class_addmethod(c, (method)decibels_assist, 		"assist", A_CANT, 0L); 
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stdinletinfo,			"inletinfo",	A_CANT, 0);

	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,		"mode",			0,	t_decibels, attr_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"mode",			NULL, attr_set_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_ENUM(c,		"mode",			0,	"amp2db db2amp mm2db db2mm mm2amp amp2mm db2midi midi2db");

	class_dspinit(c);									// Setup object's class to work with MSP
class_register(_sym_box, c); 	decibels_class = c;

	// initialize class globals
	ps_amp2db = gensym("amp2db");
	ps_db2amp = gensym("db2amp");
	ps_mm2db = gensym("mm2db");
	ps_db2mm = gensym("db2mm");
	ps_mm2amp = gensym("mm2amp");
	ps_amp2mm = gensym("amp2mm");
	ps_db2midi = gensym("db2midi");
	ps_midi2db = gensym("midi2db");
Exemple #26
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.binaural~", (method)HoaBinaural_new, (method)HoaBinaural_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaBinaural), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaBinaural_dsp,			"dsp",		A_CANT,		0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaBinaural_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT,		0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaBinaural_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT,		0);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c,"pinnasize", 0,      t_HoaBinaural, f_pinna_size);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c,"pinnasize", NULL,   HoaBinaural_set_pinnasize);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"pinnasize", 0,      "Pinna Size");
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c,"pinnasize", 0,      "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c,"pinnasize", 0,      "small large");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT          (c,"pinnasize", 0,      "small");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c,"pinnasize", 0,      "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c,"pinnasize", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaBinaural_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Exemple #27
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class* c;


	c = class_new("j.dcblock=", (method)DCBlockNew, (method)DCBlockFree, sizeof(DCBlock), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)DCBlockClear,		"clear",				0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)DCBlockReset,		"audio.reset",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)DCBlockSetup,		"audio.setup",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)DCBlockConnect,	"audio.connect",	A_OBJ, A_LONG, 0);
 	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxAudioGraphDrop,	"audio.drop",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxAudioGraphObject,	"audio.object",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)DCBlockAssist,		"assist",				A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout,	"dumpout",				A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)jamoma_fileusage, "fileusage", A_CANT, 0);

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c,		"bypass",	0,		DCBlock,	attrBypass);
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(c,		"bypass",	0,		"onoff");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"bypass",	NULL,	DCBlockSetBypass);

	class_register(_sym_box, c);
	sDCBlockClass = c;
	return 0;
	ClassPtr c;
	c = class_new("jcom.midi.out#", (method)MidiOutNew, (method)MidiOutFree, sizeof(MidiOut), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MidiOutGetDeviceNames,	"getAvailableDeviceNames",	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphReset,			"graph.reset",				A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphSetup,			"graph.setup",				A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphConnect,			"graph.connect",			A_OBJ, A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphDrop,			"graph.drop",				A_CANT, 0);
 	class_addmethod(c, (method)MaxGraphObject,			"graph.object",				A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)MidiOutAssist,			"assist",					A_CANT, 0); 
    class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout,		"dumpout",					A_CANT, 0);  
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c,		"device",		0,		MidiOut,	obj);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"device",		MidiOutGetDevice,		MidiOutSetDevice);
	class_register(_sym_box, c);
	sMidiOutClass = c;
	return 0;
void ext_main(void *r) {
	// Initialize the class - first argument: VERY important to match the name of the object in the procect settings!!!
	cmbuffercloud_class = class_new("cm.buffercloud~", (method)cmbuffercloud_new, (method)cmbuffercloud_free, sizeof(t_cmbuffercloud), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(cmbuffercloud_class, (method)cmbuffercloud_dsp64, 		"dsp64", 	A_CANT, 0);  // Bind the 64 bit dsp method
	class_addmethod(cmbuffercloud_class, (method)cmbuffercloud_assist, 		"assist", 	A_CANT, 0); // Bind the assist message
	class_addmethod(cmbuffercloud_class, (method)cmbuffercloud_float, 		"float", 	A_FLOAT, 0); // Bind the float message (allowing float input)
	class_addmethod(cmbuffercloud_class, (method)cmbuffercloud_dblclick, 	"dblclick",	A_CANT, 0); // Bind the double click message
	class_addmethod(cmbuffercloud_class, (method)cmbuffercloud_notify, 		"notify", 	A_CANT, 0); // Bind the notify message
	class_addmethod(cmbuffercloud_class, (method)cmbuffercloud_set, 		"set", 		A_GIMME, 0); // Bind the set message for user buffer set
	class_addmethod(cmbuffercloud_class, (method)cmbuffercloud_limit, 		"limit", 	A_GIMME, 0); // Bind the limit message
	class_addmethod(cmbuffercloud_class, (method)cmbuffercloud_bang,		"bang",		0);
	CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG(cmbuffercloud_class, "stereo", 0, t_cmbuffercloud, attr_stereo);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(cmbuffercloud_class, "stereo", (method)NULL, (method)cmbuffercloud_stereo_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_BASIC(cmbuffercloud_class, "stereo", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(cmbuffercloud_class, "stereo", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(cmbuffercloud_class, "stereo", 0, "onoff", "Multichannel playback");
	CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG(cmbuffercloud_class, "w_interp", 0, t_cmbuffercloud, attr_winterp);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(cmbuffercloud_class, "w_interp", (method)NULL, (method)cmbuffercloud_winterp_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_BASIC(cmbuffercloud_class, "w_interp", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(cmbuffercloud_class, "w_interp", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(cmbuffercloud_class, "w_interp", 0, "onoff", "Window interpolation on/off");
	CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG(cmbuffercloud_class, "s_interp", 0, t_cmbuffercloud, attr_sinterp);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(cmbuffercloud_class, "s_interp", (method)NULL, (method)cmbuffercloud_sinterp_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_BASIC(cmbuffercloud_class, "s_interp", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(cmbuffercloud_class, "s_interp", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(cmbuffercloud_class, "s_interp", 0, "onoff", "Sample interpolation on/off");
	CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG(cmbuffercloud_class, "zero", 0, t_cmbuffercloud, attr_zero);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(cmbuffercloud_class, "zero", (method)NULL, (method)cmbuffercloud_zero_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_BASIC(cmbuffercloud_class, "zero", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(cmbuffercloud_class, "zero", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(cmbuffercloud_class, "zero", 0, "onoff", "Zero crossing trigger mode on/off");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(cmbuffercloud_class, "stereo", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(cmbuffercloud_class, "w_interp", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(cmbuffercloud_class, "s_interp", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(cmbuffercloud_class, "zero", 0, "4");
	class_dspinit(cmbuffercloud_class); // Add standard Max/MSP methods to your class
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, cmbuffercloud_class); // Register the class with Max
	ps_buffer_modified = gensym("buffer_modified"); // assign the buffer modified message to the static pointer created above
	ps_stereo = gensym("stereo");
extern "C" int TTCLASSWRAPPERMAX_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("tap.fft.binmodulator~",(method)binmod_new, (method)binmod_free, sizeof(t_binmod), 
		(method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);

		common_symbols_init();												// Initialize TapTools
	class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_dsp, 				"dsp", A_CANT, 0L);		
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_assist, 			"assist", A_CANT, 0L); 
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_resync,			"phase_resync", 0L);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_zero_frequency,	"zero_frequency", 0L);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_zero_phase,		"zero_phase", 0L);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_zero_depth,		"zero_depth", 0L);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_zero_shape,		"zero_shape", 0L);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_get_frequency_n,	"getfrequencyn", A_LONG, 0L);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_get_phase_n,		"getphasen", A_LONG, 0L);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_get_depth_n,		"getdepthn", A_LONG, 0L);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)binmod_get_shape_n,		"getshapen", A_LONG, 0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stdinletinfo,			"inletinfo",	A_CANT, 0);

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c,			"bypass",		0,	t_binmod, attr_bypass);
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(c,			"bypass",		0,	"onoff");

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE(c,	"frequency",	0,	t_binmod, attr_freq, attr_freq_len, MAX_NUM_LFOS);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"frequency",	NULL, binmod_freq_set);

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE(c,	"depth",		0,	t_binmod, attr_depth, attr_depth_len, MAX_NUM_LFOS);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"depth",		NULL, binmod_depth_set);

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE(c,	"phase",		0,	t_binmod, attr_phase, attr_phase_len, MAX_NUM_LFOS);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"phase",		NULL, binmod_phase_set);

	CLASS_ATTR_SYM_VARSIZE(c,	"shape",		0,	t_binmod, attr_shape, attr_shape_len, MAX_NUM_LFOS);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"shape",		NULL, binmod_shape_set);

	class_dspinit(c);									// Setup object's class to work with MSP
class_register(_sym_box, c); 	binmod_class = c;

	// init globals
	ps_sine = gensym("sine");
	ps_ramp = gensym("ramp");
	ps_sawtooth = gensym("sawtooth");
	ps_square = gensym("square");
	ps_triangle = gensym("triangle");