Exemple #1

Handles selection or creation of a clipping hull, and offseting (and
eventually rotation) of the end points
trace_t SV_ClipMoveToEntity (edict_t *ent, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end)
	trace_t		trace;
	vec3_t		offset;
	vec3_t		start_l, end_l;
	hull_t		*hull;

// get the clipping hull
	hull = SV_HullForEntity (ent, mins, maxs, offset);

	VectorSubtract (start, offset, start_l);
	VectorSubtract (end, offset, end_l);

// trace a line through the apropriate clipping hull
	trace = CM_HullTrace (hull, start_l, end_l);

// fix trace up by the offset
	VectorAdd (trace.endpos, offset, trace.endpos);

// did we clip the move?
	if (trace.fraction < 1 || trace.startsolid )
		trace.e.ent = ent;

	return trace;
Exemple #2
trace_t PM_TraceLine (playermove_t *pm, vec3_t start, vec3_t end)
	trace_t		trace, total;
	vec3_t		offset;
	vec3_t		start_l, end_l;
	hull_t		*hull;
	int			i;
	physent_t	*pe;

// fill in a default trace
	memset (&total, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
	total.fraction = 1;
	total.e.entnum = -1;
	VectorCopy (end, total.endpos);

	for (i=0 ; i< pm->numphysent ; i++)
		pe = &pm->physents[i];
	// get the clipping hull
		if (pe->model)
			hull = &pm->physents[i].model->hulls[0];
			hull = CM_HullForBox (pe->mins, pe->maxs);

	// PM_HullForEntity (ent, mins, maxs, offset);
	VectorCopy (pe->origin, offset);

		VectorSubtract (start, offset, start_l);
		VectorSubtract (end, offset, end_l);

		// trace a line through the apropriate clipping hull
		trace = CM_HullTrace (hull, start_l, end_l);

		// fix trace up by the offset
		VectorAdd (trace.endpos, offset, trace.endpos);

		if (trace.allsolid)
			trace.startsolid = true;
		if (trace.startsolid)
			trace.fraction = 0;

		// did we clip the move?
		if (trace.fraction < total.fraction)
			total = trace;
			total.e.entnum = i;


	return total;
Exemple #3
trace_t PM_PlayerTrace (playermove_t *pm, vec3_t start, vec3_t end)
	trace_t		trace, total;
	vec3_t		offset;
	vec3_t		start_l, end_l;
	hull_t		*hull;
	int			i;
	physent_t	*pe;
	vec3_t		mins, maxs, tracemins, tracemaxs;

	// fill in a default trace
	memset (&total, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
	total.fraction = 1;
	total.e.entnum = -1;
	VectorCopy (end, total.endpos);

	PM_TraceBounds(start, end, tracemins, tracemaxs);

	for (i=0 ; i< pm->numphysent ; i++)
		pe = &pm->physents[i];

		// get the clipping hull
		if (pe->model)
			hull = &pm->physents[i].model->hulls[1];

			if (i > 0 && PM_CullTraceBox(tracemins, tracemaxs, pe->origin, pe->model->mins, pe->model->maxs, hull->clip_mins, hull->clip_maxs))

			VectorSubtract (hull->clip_mins, player_mins, offset);
			VectorAdd (offset, pe->origin, offset);
			VectorSubtract (pe->mins, player_maxs, mins);
			VectorSubtract (pe->maxs, player_mins, maxs);

			if (PM_CullTraceBox(tracemins, tracemaxs, pe->origin, mins, maxs, vec3_origin, vec3_origin))

			hull = CM_HullForBox (mins, maxs);
			VectorCopy (pe->origin, offset);

		VectorSubtract (start, offset, start_l);
		VectorSubtract (end, offset, end_l);

		// rotate start and end into the models frame of reference
		if (pe->solid == 4 /*SOLID_BSP*/ && (pe->angles[0] || pe->angles[1] || pe->angles[2]))
			vec3_t   forward, right, up;
			vec3_t   temp;

			AngleVectors (pe->angles, forward, right, up);

			VectorCopy (start_l, temp);
			start_l[0] = DotProduct (temp, forward);
			start_l[1] = -DotProduct (temp, right);
			start_l[2] = DotProduct (temp, up);

			VectorCopy (end_l, temp);
			end_l[0] = DotProduct (temp, forward);
			end_l[1] = -DotProduct (temp, right);
			end_l[2] = DotProduct (temp, up);

		// trace a line through the apropriate clipping hull
		trace = CM_HullTrace (hull, start_l, end_l);

		// rotate endpos back to world frame of reference
		if (pe->solid == 4 /*SOLID_BSP*/ && (pe->angles[0] || pe->angles[1] || pe->angles[2]))
			vec3_t   a;
			vec3_t   forward, right, up;
			vec3_t   temp;

			if (trace.fraction != 1)
				VectorSubtract (vec3_origin, pe->angles, a);
				AngleVectors (a, forward, right, up);

				VectorCopy (trace.endpos, temp);
				trace.endpos[0] = DotProduct (temp, forward);
				trace.endpos[1] = -DotProduct (temp, right);
				trace.endpos[2] = DotProduct (temp, up);

				VectorCopy (trace.plane.normal, temp);
				trace.plane.normal[0] = DotProduct (temp, forward);
				trace.plane.normal[1] = -DotProduct (temp, right);
				trace.plane.normal[2] = DotProduct (temp, up);

		// fix trace up by the offset
		VectorAdd (trace.endpos, offset, trace.endpos);

		if (trace.allsolid)
			trace.startsolid = true;
		if (trace.startsolid)
			trace.fraction = 0;

		// did we clip the move?
		if (trace.fraction < total.fraction)
			total = trace;
			total.e.entnum = i;

	return total;