Exemple #1
bool Excellon::Read( const char *p_szFileName, const bool force_mirror /* = false */ )
	printf("Excellon::Read(%s)\n", p_szFileName );

	if (force_mirror)
		m_mirror_image_x_axis = true;

	// First read in existing PointType object locations so that we don't duplicate points.
	for (HeeksObj *obj = heeksCAD->GetFirstObject(); obj != NULL; obj = heeksCAD->GetNextObject() )
		if (obj->GetType() != PointType) continue;
		double pos[3];
		obj->GetStartPoint( pos );
		m_existing_points.insert( std::make_pair( CNCPoint( pos ), CDrilling::Symbol_t( PointType, obj->m_id ) ) );
	} // End for

	std::ifstream input( p_szFileName, std::ios::in );
	if (input.is_open())
		m_current_line = 0;

		while (input.good())
			char memblock[512];

			memset( memblock, '\0', sizeof(memblock) );
			input.getline( memblock, sizeof(memblock)-1 );

			if (memblock[0] != '\0')
				if (! ReadDataBlock( memblock )) return(false);
			} // End if - then
		} // End while

		// Now go through and add the drilling cycles for each different tool.
		std::set< CTool::ToolNumber_t > tool_numbers;
		for (Holes_t::const_iterator l_itHole = m_holes.begin(); l_itHole != m_holes.end(); l_itHole++)
			tool_numbers.insert( l_itHole->first );
		} // End for

		for (std::set<CTool::ToolNumber_t>::const_iterator l_itToolNumber = tool_numbers.begin();
			l_itToolNumber != tool_numbers.end(); l_itToolNumber++)
			double depth = 2.5;	// mm
			CDrilling *new_object = new CDrilling( m_holes[ *l_itToolNumber ], *l_itToolNumber, depth );
			new_object->m_speed_op_params.m_spindle_speed = m_spindle_speed;
			new_object->m_speed_op_params.m_vertical_feed_rate = m_feed_rate;
			new_object->m_params.m_peck_depth = 0.0;	// Don't peck for a Printed Circuit Board.
			new_object->m_params.m_dwell = 0.0;		// Don't wait around to clear stringers either.
			new_object->m_params.m_standoff = 2.0;		// Printed Circuit Boards a quite flat

		} // End for

		return(true);	// Success
	} // End if - then
		// Couldn't read file.
		printf("Could not open '%s' for reading\n", p_szFileName );
	} // End if - else
} // End Read() method
Exemple #2
 * 	This method looks through the symbols in the list.  If they're PointType objects
 * 	then the object's location is added to the result set.  If it's a circle object
 * 	that doesn't intersect any other element (selected) then add its centre to
 * 	the result set.  Finally, find the intersections of all of these elements and
 * 	add the intersection points to the result vector.
/* static */ std::vector<CNCPoint> CDrilling::FindAllLocations(
                    ObjList *parent,
                    const CNCPoint starting_location, // = CNCPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
                    const bool sort_locations, // = false
                    std::list<int> *pToolNumbersReferenced /* = NULL */ )
	std::vector<CNCPoint> locations;
	parent->ReloadPointers();   // Make sure our integer lists have been converted into children first.

	// Look to find all intersections between all selected objects.  At all these locations, create
	// a drilling cycle.

	std::list<HeeksObj *> lhs_children;
	std::list<HeeksObj *> rhs_children;
	for (HeeksObj *lhsPtr = parent->GetFirstChild(); lhsPtr != NULL; lhsPtr = parent->GetNextChild())
	    lhs_children.push_back( lhsPtr );
	    rhs_children.push_back( lhsPtr );

	for (std::list<HeeksObj *>::iterator itLhs = lhs_children.begin(); itLhs != lhs_children.end(); itLhs++)
	    HeeksObj *lhsPtr = *itLhs;
		bool l_bIntersectionsFound = false;	// If it's a circle and it doesn't
							// intersect anything else, we want to know
							// about it.

		if (lhsPtr->GetType() == PointType)
			double pos[3];

			// Copy the results in ONLY if each point doesn't already exist.
			if (std::find( locations.begin(), locations.end(), CNCPoint( pos ) ) == locations.end())
				locations.push_back( CNCPoint( pos ) );
			} // End if - then

			continue;	// No need to intersect a point with anything.
		} // End if - then

        for (std::list<HeeksObj *>::iterator itRhs = rhs_children.begin(); itRhs != rhs_children.end(); itRhs++)
            HeeksObj *rhsPtr = *itRhs;

			if (lhsPtr == rhsPtr) continue;
			if (lhsPtr->GetType() == PointType) continue;	// No need to intersect a point type.

            std::list<double> results;

            if ((lhsPtr != NULL) && (rhsPtr != NULL) && (lhsPtr->Intersects( rhsPtr, &results )))
				l_bIntersectionsFound = true;
                while (((results.size() % 3) == 0) && (results.size() > 0))
                    CNCPoint intersection;

                    intersection.SetX( *(results.begin()) );

                    intersection.SetY( *(results.begin()) );

                    intersection.SetZ( *(results.begin()) );

					// Copy the results in ONLY if each point doesn't already exist.
					if (std::find( locations.begin(), locations.end(), intersection ) == locations.end())
					} // End if - then
				} // End while
			} // End if - then
		} // End for

		if (! l_bIntersectionsFound)
			// This element didn't intersect anything else.  If it's a circle
			// then add its centre point to the result set.

			if (lhsPtr->GetType() == CircleType)
				double pos[3];
				if ((lhsPtr != NULL) && (heeksCAD->GetArcCentre( lhsPtr, pos )))
					// Copy the results in ONLY if each point doesn't already exist.
					if (std::find( locations.begin(), locations.end(), CNCPoint( pos ) ) == locations.end())
						locations.push_back( CNCPoint( pos ) );
					} // End if - then
				} // End if - then
			} // End if - then

			if (lhsPtr->GetType() == SketchType)
				CBox bounding_box;
				lhsPtr->GetBox( bounding_box );
				double pos[3];
				// Copy the results in ONLY if each point doesn't already exist.
				if (std::find( locations.begin(), locations.end(), CNCPoint( pos ) ) == locations.end())
					locations.push_back( CNCPoint( pos ) );
				} // End if - then
			} // End if - then

			if (lhsPtr->GetType() == ProfileType)
				std::vector<CNCPoint> starting_points;
				CMachineState machine;
				CFixture perfectly_aligned_fixture(NULL,CFixture::G54, false, 0.0);

				// to do, make this get the starting point again
				//((CProfile *)lhsPtr)->AppendTextToProgram( starting_points, &machine );

				// Copy the results in ONLY if each point doesn't already exist.
				for (std::vector<CNCPoint>::const_iterator l_itPoint = starting_points.begin(); l_itPoint != starting_points.end(); l_itPoint++)
					if (std::find( locations.begin(), locations.end(), *l_itPoint ) == locations.end())
						locations.push_back( *l_itPoint );
					} // End if - then
				} // End for
			} // End if - then

            if (lhsPtr->GetType() == DrillingType)
                // Ask the Drilling object what reference points it uses.
                if ((((COp *) lhsPtr)->m_tool_number > 0) && (pToolNumbersReferenced != NULL))
                    pToolNumbersReferenced->push_back( ((COp *) lhsPtr)->m_tool_number );
                } // End if - then

                std::vector<CNCPoint> holes = CDrilling::FindAllLocations((CDrilling *)lhsPtr, starting_location, false, pToolNumbersReferenced);
                for (std::vector<CNCPoint>::const_iterator l_itHole = holes.begin(); l_itHole != holes.end(); l_itHole++)
                    if (std::find( locations.begin(), locations.end(), *l_itHole ) == locations.end())
                        locations.push_back( *l_itHole );
                    } // End if - then
                } // End for
            } // End if - then

            if (lhsPtr->GetType() == CounterBoreType)
                std::vector<CNCPoint> holes = CDrilling::FindAllLocations((CCounterBore *)lhsPtr, starting_location, false, NULL);
                for (std::vector<CNCPoint>::const_iterator l_itHole = holes.begin(); l_itHole != holes.end(); l_itHole++)
                    if (std::find( locations.begin(), locations.end(), *l_itHole ) == locations.end())
                        locations.push_back( *l_itHole );
                    } // End if - then
                } // End for
            } // End if - then

		} // End if - then
	} // End for

	if (sort_locations)
		// This drilling cycle has the 'sort' option turned on.
		// If the sorting option is turned off then the points need to be returned in order of the m_symbols list.  One day,
		// we will allow the operator to re-order the m_symbols list by using a drag-n-drop operation on the sub-elements
		// in the menu.  When this is done, the operator's decision as to order should be respected.  Until then, we can
		// use the 'sort' option in the drilling cycle's parameters.

		for (std::vector<CNCPoint>::iterator l_itPoint = locations.begin(); l_itPoint != locations.end(); l_itPoint++)
			if (l_itPoint == locations.begin())
				// It's the first point.
				CNCPoint reference_location(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                reference_location = starting_location;

				sort_points_by_distance compare( reference_location );
				std::sort( locations.begin(), locations.end(), compare );
			} // End if - then
				// We've already begun.  Just sort based on the previous point's location.
				std::vector<CNCPoint>::iterator l_itNextPoint = l_itPoint;

				if (l_itNextPoint != locations.end())
					sort_points_by_distance compare( *l_itPoint );
					std::sort( l_itNextPoint, locations.end(), compare );
				} // End if - then
			} // End if - else
		} // End for
	} // End if - then

} // End FindAllLocations() method