INIT_BLEND_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kModulate_OutputType, \
                       BlendFormula::kCoverage_OutputType, \
                       kAdd_GrBlendEquation, SRC_COEFF, kIS2A_GrBlendCoeff)

 * This table outlines the blend formulas we will use with each xfermode, with and without coverage,
 * with and without an opaque input color. Optimization properties are deduced at compile time so we
 * can make runtime decisions quickly. RGB coverage is not supported.
static const BlendFormula gBlendTable[2][2][SkXfermode::kLastCoeffMode + 1] = {

                     /*>> No coverage, input color unknown <<*/ {{

    /* clear */      DST_CLEAR_FORMULA,
    /* src */        COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* dst */        NO_DST_WRITE_FORMULA,
    /* src-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* dst-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* src-in */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kDA_GrBlendCoeff,     kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* dst-in */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kZero_GrBlendCoeff,   kSA_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* src-out */    COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* dst-out */    COEFF_FORMULA(   kZero_GrBlendCoeff,   kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* src-atop */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kDA_GrBlendCoeff,     kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* dst-atop */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kSA_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* xor */        COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* plus */       COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* modulate */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kZero_GrBlendCoeff,   kSC_GrBlendCoeff),
    /* screen */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISC_GrBlendCoeff),

                     }, /*>> Has coverage, input color unknown <<*/ {
// SrcOver Global functions
const GrXferProcessor& GrPorterDuffXPFactory::SimpleSrcOverXP() {
    static BlendFormula gSrcOverBlendFormula = COEFF_FORMULA(kOne_GrBlendCoeff,
    static PorterDuffXferProcessor gSrcOverXP(gSrcOverBlendFormula);
    return gSrcOverXP;