Exemple #1
// initialize ROM variables
Void initROM()
  Int i, c;

  // g_aucConvertToBit[ x ]: log2(x/4), if x=4 -> 0, x=8 -> 1, x=16 -> 2, ...
  ::memset( g_aucConvertToBit,   -1, sizeof( g_aucConvertToBit ) );
  for ( i=4; i<=MAX_CU_SIZE; i*=2 )
    g_aucConvertToBit[ i ] = c;

  // initialise scan orders
  for(UInt log2BlockHeight = 0; log2BlockHeight < MAX_CU_DEPTH; log2BlockHeight++)
    for(UInt log2BlockWidth = 0; log2BlockWidth < MAX_CU_DEPTH; log2BlockWidth++)
      const UInt blockWidth  = 1 << log2BlockWidth;
      const UInt blockHeight = 1 << log2BlockHeight;
      const UInt totalValues = blockWidth * blockHeight;


      //non-grouped scan orders

      for (UInt scanTypeIndex = 0; scanTypeIndex < SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES; scanTypeIndex++)
        const COEFF_SCAN_TYPE scanType = COEFF_SCAN_TYPE(scanTypeIndex);

        g_scanOrder[SCAN_UNGROUPED][scanType][log2BlockWidth][log2BlockHeight] = new UInt[totalValues];

        ScanGenerator fullBlockScan(blockWidth, blockHeight, blockWidth, scanType);

        for (UInt scanPosition = 0; scanPosition < totalValues; scanPosition++)
          g_scanOrder[SCAN_UNGROUPED][scanType][log2BlockWidth][log2BlockHeight][scanPosition] = fullBlockScan.GetNextIndex(0, 0);


      //grouped scan orders

      const UInt  groupWidth           = 1           << MLS_CG_LOG2_WIDTH;
      const UInt  groupHeight          = 1           << MLS_CG_LOG2_HEIGHT;
      const UInt  widthInGroups        = blockWidth  >> MLS_CG_LOG2_WIDTH;
      const UInt  heightInGroups       = blockHeight >> MLS_CG_LOG2_HEIGHT;

      const UInt  groupSize            = groupWidth    * groupHeight;
      const UInt  totalGroups          = widthInGroups * heightInGroups;

      for (UInt scanTypeIndex = 0; scanTypeIndex < SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES; scanTypeIndex++)
        const COEFF_SCAN_TYPE scanType = COEFF_SCAN_TYPE(scanTypeIndex);

        g_scanOrder[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][log2BlockWidth][log2BlockHeight] = new UInt[totalValues];

        ScanGenerator fullBlockScan(widthInGroups, heightInGroups, groupWidth, scanType);

        for (UInt groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < totalGroups; groupIndex++)
          const UInt groupPositionY  = fullBlockScan.GetCurrentY();
          const UInt groupPositionX  = fullBlockScan.GetCurrentX();
          const UInt groupOffsetX    = groupPositionX * groupWidth;
          const UInt groupOffsetY    = groupPositionY * groupHeight;
          const UInt groupOffsetScan = groupIndex     * groupSize;

          ScanGenerator groupScan(groupWidth, groupHeight, blockWidth, scanType);

          for (UInt scanPosition = 0; scanPosition < groupSize; scanPosition++)
            g_scanOrder[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][log2BlockWidth][log2BlockHeight][groupOffsetScan + scanPosition] = groupScan.GetNextIndex(groupOffsetX, groupOffsetY);


Exemple #2
// initialize ROM variables
Void initROM()
  Int i, c;
  // g_aucConvertToBit[ x ]: log2(x/4), if x=4 -> 0, x=8 -> 1, x=16 -> 2, ...
  ::memset( g_aucConvertToBit,   -1, sizeof( g_aucConvertToBit ) );
  for ( i=4; i<=MAX_CU_SIZE; i*=2 )
    g_aucConvertToBit[ i ] = c;
  // initialise scan orders
  for(UInt log2BlockHeight = 0; log2BlockHeight < MAX_CU_DEPTH; log2BlockHeight++)
    for(UInt log2BlockWidth = 0; log2BlockWidth < MAX_CU_DEPTH; log2BlockWidth++)
      const UInt blockWidth  = 1 << log2BlockWidth;
      const UInt blockHeight = 1 << log2BlockHeight;
      const UInt totalValues = blockWidth * blockHeight;
      //non-grouped scan orders
      for (UInt scanTypeIndex = 0; scanTypeIndex < SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES; scanTypeIndex++)
        const COEFF_SCAN_TYPE scanType = COEFF_SCAN_TYPE(scanTypeIndex);
        g_scanOrder[SCAN_UNGROUPED][scanType][log2BlockWidth][log2BlockHeight] = new UInt[totalValues];
        ScanGenerator fullBlockScan(blockWidth, blockHeight, blockWidth, scanType);
        for (UInt scanPosition = 0; scanPosition < totalValues; scanPosition++)
          g_scanOrder[SCAN_UNGROUPED][scanType][log2BlockWidth][log2BlockHeight][scanPosition] = fullBlockScan.GetNextIndex(0, 0);
      //grouped scan orders
      const UInt  groupWidth           = 1           << MLS_CG_LOG2_WIDTH;
      const UInt  groupHeight          = 1           << MLS_CG_LOG2_HEIGHT;
      const UInt  widthInGroups        = blockWidth  >> MLS_CG_LOG2_WIDTH;
      const UInt  heightInGroups       = blockHeight >> MLS_CG_LOG2_HEIGHT;
      const UInt  groupSize            = groupWidth    * groupHeight;
      const UInt  totalGroups          = widthInGroups * heightInGroups;
      for (UInt scanTypeIndex = 0; scanTypeIndex < SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES; scanTypeIndex++)
        const COEFF_SCAN_TYPE scanType = COEFF_SCAN_TYPE(scanTypeIndex);
        g_scanOrder[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][log2BlockWidth][log2BlockHeight] = new UInt[totalValues];
        ScanGenerator fullBlockScan(widthInGroups, heightInGroups, groupWidth, scanType);
        for (UInt groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < totalGroups; groupIndex++)
          const UInt groupPositionY  = fullBlockScan.GetCurrentY();
          const UInt groupPositionX  = fullBlockScan.GetCurrentX();
          const UInt groupOffsetX    = groupPositionX * groupWidth;
          const UInt groupOffsetY    = groupPositionY * groupHeight;
          const UInt groupOffsetScan = groupIndex     * groupSize;
          ScanGenerator groupScan(groupWidth, groupHeight, blockWidth, scanType);
          for (UInt scanPosition = 0; scanPosition < groupSize; scanPosition++)
            g_scanOrder[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][log2BlockWidth][log2BlockHeight][groupOffsetScan + scanPosition] = groupScan.GetNextIndex(groupOffsetX, groupOffsetY);
#if NH_MV
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL1   ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(    36864,     350,  MIN_INT,   16,   1,   1 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL2   ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(   122880,    1500,  MIN_INT,   16,   1,   1 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL2_1 ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(   245760,    3000,  MIN_INT,   20,   1,   1 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL3   ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(   552960,    6000,  MIN_INT,   30,   2,   2 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL3_1 ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(   983040,   10000,  MIN_INT,   40,   3,   3 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL4   ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(  2228224,   12000,    30000,   75,   5,   5 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL4_1 ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(  2228224,   20000,    50000,   75,   5,   5 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL5   ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(  8912896,   25000,   100000,  200,  11,  10 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL5_1 ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(  8912896,   40000,   160000,  200,  11,  10 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL5_2 ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits(  8912896,   60000,   240000,  200,  11,  10 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL6   ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits( 35651584,   60000,   240000,  600,  22,  20 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL6_1 ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits( 35651584,  120000,   480000,  600,  22,  20 );
 g_generalTierAndLevelLimits[ Level::LEVEL6_2 ] = TComGeneralTierAndLevelLimits( 35651584,  240000,   800000,  600,  22,  20 );
Void getTUEntropyCodingParameters(      TUEntropyCodingParameters &result,
                                        TComTU                    &rTu,
                                        const ComponentID                component)

    //set the local parameters

    TComDataCU    *const pcCU            = rTu.getCU();
    const TComRectangle &      area            = rTu.getRect(component);
    const UInt                 uiAbsPartIdx    = rTu.GetAbsPartIdxTU(component);
    const UInt                 log2BlockWidth  = g_aucConvertToBit[area.width]  + 2;
    const UInt                 log2BlockHeight = g_aucConvertToBit[area.height] + 2;
    const ChannelType          channelType     = toChannelType(component);

    result.scanType = COEFF_SCAN_TYPE(pcCU->getCoefScanIdx(uiAbsPartIdx, area.width, area.height, component));


    //set the group layout

    result.widthInGroups  = area.width  >> MLS_CG_LOG2_WIDTH;
    result.heightInGroups = area.height >> MLS_CG_LOG2_HEIGHT;


    //set the scan orders

    const UInt log2WidthInGroups  = g_aucConvertToBit[result.widthInGroups  * 4];
    const UInt log2HeightInGroups = g_aucConvertToBit[result.heightInGroups * 4];

    result.scan   = g_scanOrder[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ result.scanType ][ log2BlockWidth    ][ log2BlockHeight    ];
    result.scanCG = g_scanOrder[ SCAN_UNGROUPED   ][ result.scanType ][ log2WidthInGroups ][ log2HeightInGroups ];


    //set the significance map context selection parameters

    if (pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getUseSingleSignificanceMapContext()
            && (pcCU->getCUTransquantBypass(uiAbsPartIdx) || (pcCU->getTransformSkip(uiAbsPartIdx, component) != 0)))
        result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_SINGLE];
        if ((area.width == 4) && (area.height == 4))
            result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_4x4];
        else if ((area.width == 8) && (area.height == 8))
            result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_8x8];
            if (result.scanType != SCAN_DIAG) result.firstSignificanceMapContext += nonDiagonalScan8x8ContextOffset[channelType];
            result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_NxN];
