static int ray_ok(board_t *board, move_t *move) { int step, i; if (VERT != 0) step = (move->destination - move->source) / VERT; else step = (move->destination > move->source ? 1 : -1); i = move->source + step; while (i != move->destination) { if (board->square[i] != NONE) return 0; i += step; } if (board->square[i] == NONE) return 1; if (COLOUR(board->square[i]) != COLOUR(board->square[move->source])) return 1; return 0; }
static bitboard getPieceBitboard(const position * const pos, const int piece) { bitboard b = 0; int colour = COLOUR(piece); if(IS_KING(piece)) { b = pos->king[colour]; } else if(IS_PAWN(piece)) { b = pos->pawns[colour]; } else if(IS_KNIGHT(piece)) { b = pos->knights[colour]; } else if(IS_BISHOP(piece)) { b = pos->bishops[colour]; } else if(IS_ROOK(piece)) { b = pos->rooks[colour]; } else if(IS_QUEEN(piece)) { b = pos->queens[colour]; } else { /* Something is wrong, I don't know which piece this is. * This must NEVER happen; move generation is screwed. */ assert(0); } return b; }
static int square_attacked(board_t *b, int square, int side) { board_t board = *b; move_t move; int i; board.turn = side; /* We add a piece because we only want to take capture moves into consideration. */ board.square[square] = KING + OPPONENT(side); move.destination = square; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (COLOUR(board.square[i]) == side) { move.source = i; if ((PIECE(board.square[i]) == PAWN) && ((square < 8) || (square >= 56))) move.promotion_piece = QUEEN + side; else move.promotion_piece = NONE; if (move_is_semi_valid(&board, &move)) return 1; } } return 0; }
/** * @brief Starts the rendering engine. */ static void gl_fontRenderStart( const glFontStash* font, double x, double y, const glColour *c ) { double a; /* Enable textures. */ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); /* Set up matrix. */ gl_matrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); gl_matrixPush(); gl_matrixTranslate( round(x), round(y) ); /* Handle colour. */ if (font_restoreLast) { a = (c==NULL) ? 1. : c->a; ACOLOUR(*font_lastCol,a); } else { if (c==NULL) glColor4d( 1., 1., 1., 1. ); else COLOUR(*c); } font_restoreLast = 0; /* Activate the appropriate VBOs. */ gl_vboActivateOffset( font->vbo_tex, GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, 0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0 ); gl_vboActivateOffset( font->vbo_vert, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, 0, 2, GL_SHORT, 0 ); }
/** * @brief Renders a character. */ static int gl_fontRenderGlyph( glFontStash* stsh, uint32_t ch, const glColour *c, int state ) { GLushort ind[6]; double a; const glColour *col; int vbo_id; /* Handle escape sequences. */ if (ch == '\a') {/* Start sequence. */ return 1; } if (state == 1) { col = gl_fontGetColour( ch ); a = (c==NULL) ? 1. : c->a; if (col == NULL) { if (c==NULL) glColor4d( 1., 1., 1., 1. ); else COLOUR(*c); } else ACOLOUR(*col,a); font_lastCol = col; return 0; } /* Unicode goes here. * First try to find the glyph. */ glFontGlyph *glyph; glyph = gl_fontGetGlyph( stsh, ch ); if (glyph == NULL) { WARN(_("Unable to find glyph '%d'!"), ch ); return -1; } /* Activate texture. */ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, glyph->tex->id); /* VBO indices. */ vbo_id = glyph->vbo_id; ind[0] = vbo_id + 0; ind[1] = vbo_id + 1; ind[2] = vbo_id + 3; ind[3] = vbo_id + 1; ind[4] = vbo_id + 3; ind[5] = vbo_id + 2; /* Draw the element. */ glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, ind ); /* Translate matrix. */ gl_matrixTranslate( glyph->adv_x, glyph->adv_y ); return 0; }
/** * @brief Draws a mission marker on the map. * * @param x X position to draw at. * @param y Y position to draw at. * @param r Radius of system. * @param num Total number of markers. * @param cur Current marker to draw. * @param type Type to draw. */ static void map_drawMarker( double x, double y, double r, int num, int cur, int type ) { double a, c,s, d; /* Get colour marking. */ switch (type) { case 0: COLOUR(cGreen); break; case 1: COLOUR(cLightBlue); break; case 2: COLOUR(cRed); break; case 3: COLOUR(cOrange); break; } /* Calculate the angle. */ if ((num == 1) || (num == 2) || (num == 4)) a = M_PI/4.; else if (num == 3) a = M_PI/6.; else if (num == 5) a = M_PI/10.; else a = M_PI/2.; a += M_PI*2. * (double)cur/(double)num; d = MAX(r, 8. * 1.5 * map_zoom); c = cos(a); s = sin(a); /* Draw the marking triangle. */ glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex2d( x + (d)*c, y + (d)*s ); glVertex2d( x + (d+8.)*c - (4.)*s, y + (d+8.)*s + (4.)*c ); glVertex2d( x + (d+8.)*c - (-4.)*s, y + (d+8.)*s + (-4.)*c ); glEnd(); /* GL_TRIANGLES */ }
static void getCastlingMoves(const position * const pos, const int player, move store[], int *numMoves) { int colour; int sq; move m; sq = pos->kingSquare[player]; colour = COLOUR(pos->board[sq]); m.from = sq; m.flags = CASTLE; m.thisPiece = pos->board[sq]; m.promoteTo = 0; m.capturedPiece = 0; m.eval = 0; if(WHITE == player && !inCheck(pos, WHITE, pos->kingSquare[WHITE])) { if((pos->castleFlags & CASTLE_WK) && (0 == pos->board[1]) && (0 == pos->board[2])) { if(!inCheck(pos, WHITE, 1) && !inCheck(pos, WHITE, 2)) { assert(WHITE_ROOK == pos->board[0]); = 1; storeMoveIfLegal(pos, &m, WHITE, store, numMoves); } } if((pos->castleFlags & CASTLE_WQ) && (0 == pos->board[4]) && (0 == pos->board[5]) && (0 == pos->board[6])) { if(!inCheck(pos, WHITE, 4) && !inCheck(pos, WHITE, 5)) { assert(WHITE_ROOK == pos->board[7]); = 5; storeMoveIfLegal(pos, &m, WHITE, store, numMoves); } } } else if(!inCheck(pos, BLACK, pos->kingSquare[BLACK])) { if((pos->castleFlags & CASTLE_BK) && (0 == pos->board[57]) && (0 == pos->board[58])) { if(!inCheck(pos, BLACK, 57) && !inCheck(pos, BLACK, 58)) { assert(BLACK_ROOK == pos->board[56]); = 57; storeMoveIfLegal(pos, &m, BLACK, store, numMoves); } } if((pos->castleFlags & CASTLE_BQ) && (0 == pos->board[62]) && (0 == pos->board[61]) && (0 == pos->board[60])) { if(!inCheck(pos, BLACK, 61) && !inCheck(pos, BLACK, 60)) { assert(BLACK_ROOK == pos->board[63]); = 61; storeMoveIfLegal(pos, &m, BLACK, store, numMoves); } } } }
sEnvironmentSettings GetSettings() { sEnvironmentSettings s; CmpPtr<ICmpWaterManager> cmpWaterManager(*g_Game->GetSimulation2(), SYSTEM_ENTITY); ENSURE(cmpWaterManager); s.waterheight = cmpWaterManager->GetExactWaterLevel(0, 0) / (65536.f * HEIGHT_SCALE); WaterManager* wm = g_Renderer.GetWaterManager(); s.waterwaviness = wm->m_Waviness; s.watermurkiness = wm->m_Murkiness; s.waterreflectiontintstrength = wm->m_ReflectionTintStrength; // CColor colours #define COLOUR(A, B) A = Colour((int)(B.r*255), (int)(B.g*255), (int)(B.b*255)) COLOUR(s.watercolour, wm->m_WaterColor); COLOUR(s.watertint, wm->m_WaterTint); COLOUR(s.waterreflectiontint, wm->m_ReflectionTint); #undef COLOUR float sunrotation = g_LightEnv.GetRotation(); if (sunrotation > (float)M_PI) sunrotation -= (float)M_PI*2; s.sunrotation = sunrotation; s.sunelevation = g_LightEnv.GetElevation(); s.posteffect = g_Renderer.GetPostprocManager().GetPostEffect(); s.skyset = g_Renderer.GetSkyManager()->GetSkySet(); s.fogfactor = g_LightEnv.m_FogFactor; s.fogmax = g_LightEnv.m_FogMax; s.brightness = g_LightEnv.m_Brightness; s.contrast = g_LightEnv.m_Contrast; s.saturation = g_LightEnv.m_Saturation; s.bloom = g_LightEnv.m_Bloom; // RGBColor (CVector3D) colours #define COLOUR(A, B) A = Colour((int)(B.X*255), (int)(B.Y*255), (int)(B.Z*255)) s.sunoverbrightness = MaxComponent(g_LightEnv.m_SunColor); // clamp color to [0..1] before packing into u8 triplet if(s.sunoverbrightness > 1.0f) g_LightEnv.m_SunColor *= 1.0/s.sunoverbrightness; // (there's no operator/=) // no component was above 1.0, so reset scale factor (don't want to darken) else s.sunoverbrightness = 1.0f; COLOUR(s.suncolour, g_LightEnv.m_SunColor); COLOUR(s.terraincolour, g_LightEnv.m_TerrainAmbientColor); COLOUR(s.unitcolour, g_LightEnv.m_UnitsAmbientColor); COLOUR(s.fogcolour, g_LightEnv.m_FogColor); #undef COLOUR return s; }
static void colourview_refresh( vObject *vobject ) { Colourview *colourview = COLOURVIEW( vobject ); Colour *colour = COLOUR( vobject->iobject ); #ifdef DEBUG printf( "colourview_refresh\n" ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ conversion_set_image( colourview->conv, colour_ii_new( colour ) ); set_gcaption( colourview->label, "%s", vips_buf_all( &colour->caption ) ); VOBJECT_CLASS( parent_class )->refresh( vobject ); }
// Load a set of splotch colour palettes int LoadColourPalette(Parameter param, std::vector<COLOURMAP>& colourMaps) { paramfile* splotchParams = param.GetParamFileReference(); // Get number of particle types int ptypes = splotchParams->find<int>("ptypes",1); // Resize colourmap vec appropriately colourMaps.resize(ptypes); // For each type for (int i=0; i<ptypes; i++) { // Check if colour is vector, if so there will be no colourmap to load if (splotchParams->find<bool>("color_is_vector"+dataToString(i),false)) std::cout << " color of ptype " << i << " is vector, so no colormap to load ..." << std::endl; else { // Read palette file std::ifstream infile (splotchParams->find<std::string>("palette"+dataToString(i)).c_str()); if(!infile) { std::cout << "Could not open palette file "<< splotchParams->find<std::string>("palette"+dataToString(i)).c_str() << " for " << "palette"+dataToString(i) << std::endl; return 0; } // Get number of colours in palette std::string dummy; int nColours; infile >> dummy >> dummy >> nColours; std::cout << " loading " << nColours << " entries of color table of ptype " << i << std::endl; // Load double step = 1./(nColours-1); for (int j=0; j<nColours; j++) { float rrr,ggg,bbb; infile >> rrr >> ggg >> bbb; colourMaps[i].addVal(j*step,COLOUR(rrr/255,ggg/255,bbb/255)); } } // Sort colourMaps[i].sortMap(); } return 1; }
void SetSettings(const sEnvironmentSettings& s) { CmpPtr<ICmpWaterManager> cmpWaterManager(*g_Game->GetSimulation2(), SYSTEM_ENTITY); ENSURE(cmpWaterManager); cmpWaterManager->SetWaterLevel(entity_pos_t::FromFloat(s.waterheight * (65536.f * HEIGHT_SCALE))); WaterManager* wm = g_Renderer.GetWaterManager(); wm->m_Waviness = s.waterwaviness; wm->m_Murkiness = s.watermurkiness; wm->m_ReflectionTintStrength = s.waterreflectiontintstrength; #define COLOUR(A, B) B = CColor(A->r/255.f, A->g/255.f, A->b/255.f, 1.f) COLOUR(s.watercolour, wm->m_WaterColor); COLOUR(s.watertint, wm->m_WaterTint); COLOUR(s.waterreflectiontint, wm->m_ReflectionTint); #undef COLOUR g_LightEnv.SetRotation(s.sunrotation); g_LightEnv.SetElevation(s.sunelevation); CStrW posteffect = *s.posteffect; if (posteffect.length() == 0) posteffect = L"default"; g_Renderer.GetPostprocManager().SetPostEffect(posteffect); CStrW skySet = *s.skyset; if (skySet.length() == 0) skySet = L"default"; g_Renderer.GetSkyManager()->SetSkySet(skySet); g_LightEnv.m_FogFactor = s.fogfactor; g_LightEnv.m_FogMax = s.fogmax; g_LightEnv.m_Brightness = s.brightness; g_LightEnv.m_Contrast = s.contrast; g_LightEnv.m_Saturation = s.saturation; g_LightEnv.m_Bloom = s.bloom; #define COLOUR(A, B) B = RGBColor(A->r/255.f, A->g/255.f, A->b/255.f) COLOUR(s.suncolour, g_LightEnv.m_SunColor); g_LightEnv.m_SunColor *= s.sunoverbrightness; COLOUR(s.terraincolour, g_LightEnv.m_TerrainAmbientColor); COLOUR(s.unitcolour, g_LightEnv.m_UnitsAmbientColor); COLOUR(s.fogcolour, g_LightEnv.m_FogColor); #undef COLOUR }
/** * @brief Sets the cinematic mode. * * Should be run at the end of the render loop if needed. */ void spfx_cinematic (void) { glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); /* translation matrix */ glTranslated( -(double)SCREEN_W/2., -(double)SCREEN_H/2., 0); COLOUR(cBlack); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2d( 0., 0. ); glVertex2d( 0., SCREEN_H*0.2 ); glVertex2d( SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H*0.2 ); glVertex2d( SCREEN_W, 0. ); glVertex2d( 0., SCREEN_H ); glVertex2d( SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H ); glVertex2d( SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H*0.8 ); glVertex2d( 0., SCREEN_H*0.8 ); glEnd(); /* GL_QUADS */ glPopMatrix(); /* translation matrx */ }
static int is_mated(board_t *board, int side) { int src, dest; move_t move; for (src = 0; src < 64; src++) if (COLOUR(board->square[src]) == side) for (dest = 0; dest < 64; dest++) { move.source = src; move.destination = dest; if ((PIECE(board->square[src]) == PAWN) && ((dest < 8) || (dest >= 56))) move.promotion_piece = QUEEN + side; else move.promotion_piece = NONE; if (move_is_valid(board, &move)) return 0; } return 1; }
/** * @brief Renders an individual weapon. * * @param w Weapon to render. * @param dt Current delta tick. */ static void weapon_render( Weapon* w, const double dt ) { double x,y, cx,cy, gx,gy; glTexture *gfx; double z; glColour c = { .r=1., .g=1., .b=1. }; switch (w->outfit->type) { /* Weapons that use sprites. */ case OUTFIT_TYPE_AMMO: case OUTFIT_TYPE_TURRET_AMMO: case OUTFIT_TYPE_BOLT: case OUTFIT_TYPE_TURRET_BOLT: gfx = outfit_gfx(w->outfit); /* Alpha based on strength. */ c.a = w->strength; /* Outfit spins around. */ if (outfit_isProp(w->outfit, OUTFIT_PROP_WEAP_SPIN)) { /* Check timer. */ w->anim -= dt; if (w->anim < 0.) { w->anim = outfit_spin(w->outfit); /* Increment sprite. */ w->sprite++; if (w->sprite >= gfx->sx*gfx->sy) w->sprite = 0; } /* Render. */ if (outfit_isBolt(w->outfit) && w->outfit->u.blt.gfx_end) gl_blitSpriteInterpolate( gfx, w->outfit->u.blt.gfx_end, w->timer / w->life, w->solid->pos.x, w->solid->pos.y, w->sprite % (int)gfx->sx, w->sprite / (int)gfx->sx, &c ); else gl_blitSprite( gfx, w->solid->pos.x, w->solid->pos.y, w->sprite % (int)gfx->sx, w->sprite / (int)gfx->sx, &c ); } /* Outfit faces direction. */ else { if (outfit_isBolt(w->outfit) && w->outfit->u.blt.gfx_end) gl_blitSpriteInterpolate( gfx, w->outfit->u.blt.gfx_end, w->timer / w->life, w->solid->pos.x, w->solid->pos.y, w->sx, w->sy, &c ); else gl_blitSprite( gfx, w->solid->pos.x, w->solid->pos.y, w->sx, w->sy, &c ); } break; /* Beam weapons. */ case OUTFIT_TYPE_BEAM: case OUTFIT_TYPE_TURRET_BEAM: gfx = outfit_gfx(w->outfit); /* Zoom. */ gl_cameraZoomGet( &z ); /* Position. */ gl_cameraGet( &cx, &cy ); gui_getOffset( &gx, &gy ); x = (w->solid->pos.x - cx)*z + gx; y = (w->solid->pos.y - cy)*z + gy; /* Set up the matrix. */ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glTranslated( x, y, 0. ); glRotated( 270. + w->solid->dir / M_PI * 180., 0., 0., 1. ); /* Preparatives. */ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, gfx->texture); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); /* Actual rendering. */ glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); /* Start faded. */ ACOLOUR(cWhite, 0.); glTexCoord2d( w->anim, 0. ); glVertex2d( -gfx->sh/2.*z, 0. ); glTexCoord2d( w->anim, 1. ); glVertex2d( +gfx->sh/2.*z, 0. ); /* Full strength. */ COLOUR(cWhite); glTexCoord2d( w->anim + 10. / gfx->sw, 0. ); glVertex2d( -gfx->sh/2.*z, 10.*z ); glTexCoord2d( w->anim + 10. / gfx->sw, 1. ); glVertex2d( +gfx->sh/2.*z, 10.*z ); glTexCoord2d( w->anim + 0.8*w->outfit->u.bem.range / gfx->sw, 0. ); glVertex2d( -gfx->sh/2.*z, 0.8*w->outfit->u.bem.range*z ); glTexCoord2d( w->anim + 0.8*w->outfit->u.bem.range / gfx->sw, 1. ); glVertex2d( +gfx->sh/2.*z, 0.8*w->outfit->u.bem.range*z ); /* Fades out. */ ACOLOUR(cWhite, 0.); glTexCoord2d( w->anim + w->outfit->u.bem.range / gfx->sw, 0. ); glVertex2d( -gfx->sh/2.*z, w->outfit->u.bem.range*z ); glTexCoord2d( w->anim + w->outfit->u.bem.range / gfx->sw, 1. ); glVertex2d( +gfx->sh/2.*z, w->outfit->u.bem.range*z ); glEnd(); /* GL_QUAD_STRIP */ /* Do the beam movement. */ w->anim -= 5. * dt; if (w->anim <= -gfx->sw) w->anim += gfx->sw; /* Clean up. */ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glPopMatrix(); /* GL_PROJECTION */ gl_checkErr(); break; default: WARN("Weapon of type '%s' has no render implemented yet!", w->outfit->name); break; } } /** * @brief Checks to see if the weapon can hit the pilot. * * @param w Weapon to check if hits pilot. * @param p Pilot to check if is hit by weapon. * @return 1 if can be hit, 0 if can't. */ static int weapon_checkCanHit( Weapon* w, Pilot *p ) { Pilot *parent; /* Can't hit invincible stuff. */ if (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_INVINCIBLE)) return 0; /* Can never hit same faction. */ if (p->faction == w->faction) return 0; /* Go "through" dead pilots. */ if (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_DEAD)) return 0; /* Player behaves differently. */ if (w->faction == FACTION_PLAYER) { /* Always hit without safety. */ if (!weapon_safety) return 1; /* Always hit target. */ else if (w->target == p->id) return 1; /* Always hit hostiles. */ else if (pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_HOSTILE)) return 1; /* Always hit unbribed enemies. */ else if (!pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_BRIBED) && areEnemies(w->faction, p->faction)) return 1; /* Miss rest - can be neutral/ally. */ else return 0; } /* Let hostiles hit player. */ if (p->faction == FACTION_PLAYER) { parent = pilot_get(w->parent); if (parent != NULL) { if (pilot_isFlag(parent, PILOT_BRIBED)) return 0; if (pilot_isFlag(parent, PILOT_HOSTILE)) return 1; } } /* Hit non-allies. */ if (areEnemies(w->faction, p->faction)) return 1; return 0; }
/* Checks whether a move is valid, except for whether this puts own king in check. */ static int move_is_semi_valid(board_t *board, move_t *move) { /* Bounds check. */ if ((move->source > 63) || (move->source < 0)) return 0; if ((move->destination > 63) || (move->destination < 0)) return 0; /* Test for moving to same square. */ if (move->source == move->destination) return 0; /* Test for empty source square. */ if (board->square[move->source] == NONE) return 0; /* Test for moving opponent's piece. */ if (COLOUR(board->square[move->source]) != board->turn) return 0; /* Check that a promotion piece is specified for promotion moves. */ if ((PIECE(board->square[move->source]) == PAWN) && ((move->destination < 8) || (move->destination >= 56))) { switch (PIECE(move->promotion_piece)) { case KNIGHT: case ROOK: case BISHOP: case QUEEN: break; default: return 0; } if (COLOUR(move->promotion_piece) != board->turn) return 0; } else if (move->promotion_piece != NONE) /* Promotion piece specified for non-promotion move. */ return 0; switch (PIECE(board->square[move->source])) { case KNIGHT: if ((HOR != 1) && (HOR != 2)) return 0; if ((HOR == 1) && (VERT != 2)) return 0; if ((HOR == 2) && (VERT != 1)) return 0; if (board->square[move->destination] == NONE) break; if (COLOUR(board->square[move->destination]) == COLOUR(board->square[move->source])) return 0; break; case BISHOP: if (HOR != VERT) return 0; if (!ray_ok(board, move)) return 0; break; case ROOK: if ((HOR != 0) && (VERT != 0)) return 0; if (!ray_ok(board, move)) return 0; break; case QUEEN: if ((HOR != 0) && (VERT != 0) && (HOR != VERT)) return 0; if (!ray_ok(board, move)) return 0; break; case PAWN: /* Catch moves in wrong direction. */ if ((move->destination > move->source) && (COLOUR(board->square[move->source]) == BLACK)) return 0; if ((move->destination < move->source) && (COLOUR(board->square[move->source]) == WHITE)) return 0; if (HOR > 1) return 0; if (HOR == 0) { /* Regular or double push. */ if (VERT > 2) return 0; if (VERT == 2) if (!(((move->source >= 8) && (move->source <= 15)) || ((move->source >= 48) && (move->source <= 55)))) return 0; /* Use ray checking code with added requirement that destination square is empty. */ if (!ray_ok(board, move) || (board->square[move->destination] != NONE)) return 0; } else { if (VERT != 1) return 0; if (!ray_ok(board, move)) return 0; /* En-passant move. */ if (board->square[move->destination] == NONE) { if ((COLOUR(board->square[move->source]) == WHITE) && !((move->source >= 32) && (move->source < 40))) return 0; if ((COLOUR(board->square[move->source]) == BLACK) && !((move->source >= 24) && (move->source < 32))) return 0; if (board->square[move->destination + (COLOUR(board->square[move->source]) == WHITE ? -8 : 8)] != PAWN + OPPONENT(COLOUR(board->square[move->source]))) return 0; } } break; case KING: if (HOR > 2) return 0; else if (HOR == 2) { int white = COLOUR(board->square[move->source]) == WHITE; int i, step = (move->destination > move->source ? 1 : -1); int rook = (step == 1 ? (white ? 7 : 63) : (white ? 0 : 56)); /* Castling. */ if (VERT != 0) return 0; if (move->source != (white ? 4 : 60)) return 0; if (board->square[rook] != ROOK + COLOUR(board->square[move->source])) return 0; i = move->source + step; while (i != rook) { if (board->square[i] != NONE) return 0; i += step; } /* Check whether any of the squares the king moves over is under ** attack. Note that destination square is checked later. */ if (square_attacked(board, move->source, (white ? BLACK : WHITE))) return 0; if (square_attacked(board, move->source + step, (white ? BLACK : WHITE))) return 0; } else { if (VERT > 1) return 0; if (!ray_ok(board, move)) return 0; } } return 1; }
static bitboard getAttackRange(const int piece, const int type, const int sq, const bitboard allPieces, const int epSquare) { bitboard attackRange = 0; int state = 0; int rank; int file; bitboard rotAllPieces = 0; bitboard rot_a1h8_allPieces = 0; bitboard rot_h1a8_allPieces = 0; const bitboard *table1 = 0; const bitboard *table2 = 0; const bitboard *table_attack = 0; /* supports only normal and capture */ assert(NORMAL == type || CAPTURE == type); if(IS_KING(piece)) { attackRange = _king[sq]; } else if(IS_PAWN(piece)) { if(WHITE == COLOUR(piece)) { table1 = _wpawn_advance1; table2 = _wpawn_advance2; table_attack = _wpawn_attack; } else { table1 = _bpawn_advance1; table2 = _bpawn_advance2; table_attack = _bpawn_attack; } if(NORMAL == type) { attackRange = table1[sq] & ~allPieces; if(attackRange) { attackRange |= table2[sq] & ~allPieces; } } else { /* capture */ attackRange = table_attack[sq]; /* check for ep */ if(epSquare != -1) { if(table_attack[sq] & _mask[epSquare]) { attackRange |= _mask[epSquare]; } } } } else if(IS_KNIGHT(piece)) { attackRange = _knight[sq]; } else if(IS_BISHOP(piece)) { rot_a1h8_allPieces = rotate_a1h8(allPieces); state = A1H8_STATE(rot_a1h8_allPieces, sq); attackRange = _a1h8[sq][state]; rot_h1a8_allPieces = rotate_h1a8(allPieces); state = H1A8_STATE(rot_h1a8_allPieces, sq); attackRange |= _h1a8[sq][state]; } else if(IS_ROOK(piece)) { rank = sq / 8; file = sq % 8; state = RANK_STATE(allPieces, rank); attackRange = _horz[sq][state]; rotAllPieces = rotate(allPieces); state = FILE_STATE(rotAllPieces, file); attackRange |= _vert[sq][state]; } else if(IS_QUEEN(piece)) { /* rook like moves */ rank = sq / 8; file = sq % 8; state = RANK_STATE(allPieces, rank); attackRange = _horz[sq][state]; rotAllPieces = rotate(allPieces); state = FILE_STATE(rotAllPieces, file); attackRange |= _vert[sq][state]; /* bishop like moves */ rot_a1h8_allPieces = rotate_a1h8(allPieces); state = A1H8_STATE(rot_a1h8_allPieces, sq); attackRange |= _a1h8[sq][state]; rot_h1a8_allPieces = rotate_h1a8(allPieces); state = H1A8_STATE(rot_h1a8_allPieces, sq); attackRange |= _h1a8[sq][state]; } else { /* Something is wrong, I don't know which piece this is. * This must NEVER happen; move generation is screwed. */ assert(0); } return attackRange; }
static void clearCapturedPiece(position *pos, const move * const m) { int piece; int colour; int castleBits; /* ep is handled in movePiece(...) method and not here this only handles the "simple" capture TODO: change later? */ piece = m->capturedPiece; colour = COLOUR(piece); assert(!IS_KING(piece)); /* clear all pieces bitboard */ CLR_BIT(pos->pieces[colour], m->to); /* Do NOT set m->to to 0, as board[m->to] contains the moved piece! Just update the bitboards. */ if(IS_PAWN(piece)) { CLR_BIT(pos->pawns[colour], m->to); } else if(IS_KNIGHT(piece)) { CLR_BIT(pos->knights[colour], m->to); } else if(IS_BISHOP(piece)) { CLR_BIT(pos->bishops[colour], m->to); } else if(IS_ROOK(piece)) { CLR_BIT(pos->rooks[colour], m->to); } else if(IS_QUEEN(piece)) { CLR_BIT(pos->queens[colour], m->to); } else { /* Something is wrong, I don't know which piece this is. * This must NEVER happen; move generation is screwed. */ assert(0); } /* check if rook square has been captured and disable castling */ if(m->to == 0) { castleBits = CASTLE_WK; pos->castleFlags &= ~castleBits; } else if(m->to == 7) { castleBits = CASTLE_WQ; pos->castleFlags &= ~castleBits; } else if(m->to == 56) { castleBits = CASTLE_BK; pos->castleFlags &= ~castleBits; } else if(m->to == 63) { castleBits = CASTLE_BQ; pos->castleFlags &= ~castleBits; } }
const char *Console::ColourToString(char IRCColour) { switch (IRCColour) { case '0': return COLOUR(COMBINE(LIGHT, WHITE)); case '1': return COLOUR(COMBINE(DARK, BLACK)); case '2': return COLOUR(COMBINE(LIGHT, RED)); case '3': return COLOUR(BROWN); case '4': return COLOUR(COMBINE(LIGHT, BROWN)); case '5': return COLOUR(COMBINE(LIGHT, GREEN)); case '6': case '7': return COLOUR(GREEN); case '8': return COLOUR(COMBINE(LIGHT, CYAN)); case '9': return COLOUR(COMBINE(LIGHT, BLUE)); case ':': return COLOUR(BLUE); case ';': return COLOUR(MAGENTA); case '<': case '=': return COLOUR(COMBINE(LIGHT, MAGENTA)); case '>': return COLOUR(WHITE); case '?': return COLOUR(COMBINE(DARK, WHITE)); case '@': return COLOUR(COMBINE(DARK, RED)); case 'A': return COLOUR(COMBINE(DARK, BROWN)); case 'B': return COLOUR(BROWN); case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': return COLOUR(COMBINE(DARK, GREEN)); case 'F': return COLOUR(COMBINE(DARK, CYAN)); case 'G': case 'H': return COLOUR(COMBINE(DARK, BLUE)); case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': return COLOUR(COMBINE(DARK, MAGENTA)); } return "\x1B[0m"; }
// prints each series in the hash, also stores a pointer // for each series indexed by the order printed in eps_ptr static void print_menu(Eps** eps_ptr, Eps *hash ) { sqlite3 *db; int result; result = sqlite3_open(DATABASE, &db); if( result ) { efprintf("show_menu failed: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); exit(23); } sqlite3_stmt *statement_h; const char *query_h = "select current from SeriesData where Title = ?"; sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, query_h, (int) strlen(query_h), &statement_h, NULL); int index =0; // Prints each series of a separate row for(Eps *e=hash; e != NULL; e=e->, ++index) { // uses a array indexing index to series then use that to select the right series eps_ptr[index] = e; bool ordered = true; qsort_b(e->eps->arr, e->eps->index, sizeof(size_t), ^(const void *a, const void *b){ const Ep *ea = *((Ep**)a), *eb = *((Ep**)b); mmprintf("%ld %ld res: %d\n", ea->num, eb->num, longcmp( ea->num, eb->num ) ); return longcmp( ea->num , eb->num ); } ); if (e->eps->index > 1){ for(int i = 0; i<e->eps->index-1;i++){ if (EPS_ARR(e,i+1)->num != 1 + EPS_ARR(e,i)->num){ ordered = false; break; } } } sqlite3_bind_text(statement_h, 1, e->series, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); result = sqlite3_step(statement_h); mmprintf("r:%i Row:%i Ok:%i done:%i \n", result, SQLITE_ROW, SQLITE_OK, SQLITE_DONE ); int current =-1; if (result == SQLITE_ROW|| result == SQLITE_OK || result == SQLITE_DONE){ current = sqlite3_column_int(statement_h, 0); mmprintf("current:%d\n",current ); }else{ efprintf( "SQL error %s : %s\n", e->series, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); exit(12); } // Printing printf( SSS("%-2d") " :", COLOUR(index,GREEN)); printf(" P: " SSS("%-2d"), COLOUR(current,WHITE)); printf(" N: "); if (ordered && e->eps->index > 1 ){ // Range of eps printf(SSS("%4ld") SSS("-%-4ld"), COLOUR(EPS_ARR(e,0)->num, BLUE), COLOUR(EPS_ARR(e,e->eps->index-1)->num,BLUE) ); }else if (e->eps->index == 1){ // single ep const int extra = (3-1)*3; printf(SSS("%2ld") " %*s", COLOUR(EPS_ARR(e,0)->num, YELLOW), extra,"" ); }else{ // range with eps missing (only shows the fist three) const int min = e->eps->index < 3 ? e->eps->index :3; const int extra = (3-min)*3; for(int i = 0; i<min;i++){ printf(SSS("%2ld") " %*s", COLOUR(EPS_ARR(e,i)->num, RED), extra,"" ); } } printf(" %s\n", e->series); result = sqlite3_reset(statement_h); }
gg_dialog_t *dialog_saveload_create(gg_dialog_t *parent, int saving) { gg_widget_t *dialog; gg_widget_t *rootvbox = gg_vbox_create(0); gg_widget_t *vbox = gg_vbox_create(0); gg_widget_t *hbox = gg_vbox_create(0); gg_widget_t *hboxtemp; gg_widget_t *widget; char temp[80]; char whiteis[80], blackis[80]; int i=0,j=0; int padding=0; change_saving=saving; if ( !changing_slot ) saveload_selected=0; /*DBG_LOG( "dialog opened with saveselected of %i", saveload_selected );*/ /* Right side.. */ if (!changing_slot) { #ifdef _arch_dreamcast dc_restore_savegames(); #endif for ( i=0; i<SAVEGAME_SLOTS; i++ ) load_save_xml( i ); } if ( get_slots() & (1 << saveload_selected) ) { gg_widget_t *board_box = gg_vbox_create(0); sprintf( temp, "Saved: %s", get_time_save(saveload_selected) ); widget = gg_label_create(temp); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); switch ( get_config_save(saveload_selected)->player[WHITE] ) { case PLAYER_ENGINE: sprintf( whiteis, "CPU" ); break; case PLAYER_UI: sprintf( whiteis, "Human" ); break; default: /* Whoops */ sprintf( whiteis, "Oh no.." ); break; } switch ( get_config_save(saveload_selected)->player[BLACK] ) { case PLAYER_ENGINE: sprintf( blackis, "CPU" ); break; case PLAYER_UI: sprintf( blackis, "Human" ); break; default: /* Whoops */ sprintf( blackis, "Oh no.." ); break; } sprintf( temp, "%s vs %s", whiteis, blackis ); widget = gg_label_create(temp); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); sprintf( temp, "Difficulty: %s", get_config_save(saveload_selected)->difficulty ? "Normal" : "Easy" ); widget = gg_label_create(temp); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); sprintf( temp, "Level: %i", get_config_save(saveload_selected)->cpu_level ); widget = gg_label_create(temp); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); widget = gg_label_create(" "); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); /* create board.. */ for ( i=7; i>=0; i-- ) { gg_widget_t *hboxtemp2; gg_colour_t col_white = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; /*gg_colour_t col_grey = { 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f };*/ hboxtemp = gg_hbox_create(0); hboxtemp2 = gg_hbox_create(0); gg_set_requested_size(hboxtemp2, 20, 20); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(hboxtemp), hboxtemp2); for ( j=0; j<8; j++ ) { gg_colour_t col_green = {0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 1.0}; gg_colour_t col_yellow = {0.8, 0.7, 0.4, 1.0}; gg_colour_t front, *back; int square = get_saved_board(saveload_selected)->square[i * 8 + j]; sprintf(temp, "%c", xmlsquaretofont(square)); widget = gg_label_create( temp ); gg_set_requested_size(widget, 20, 20); gg_align_set_alignment(GG_ALIGN(widget), 0.5, 0.5); if (COLOUR(square) == WHITE) front = col_white; else front = *get_col(COL_BLACK); if ((i + j) % 2 == 0) back = &col_green; else back = &col_yellow; /* FIXME Hack to turn off shadow */ front.a = 2.0f; gg_label_set_colour(GG_LABEL(widget), &front, back); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(hboxtemp), widget); } gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(board_box), hboxtemp); } gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), board_box); } else { sprintf( temp, "Empty slot" ); widget = gg_label_create(temp); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); for ( i=0; i<12; i++ ) { widget = gg_label_create(" "); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); } } gg_set_requested_size(vbox, 201, 0); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(hbox), gg_frame_create(vbox)); /* left side */ vbox = gg_vbox_create(0); /* padding.. */ for ( i=0; i<padding; i++ ) { widget = gg_label_create(" "); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); } widget = gg_option_create(); for ( i=0; i<SAVEGAME_SLOTS; i++ ) { sprintf( temp, "Save slot: %i", i+1 ); gg_option_append_label(GG_OPTION(widget), temp, 0.5f, 0.0f); } gg_widget_subscribe_signal_name(widget, widget->id, "option_changed", dialog_saveload_change, widget); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); if ( changing_slot ) gg_option_set_selected(GG_OPTION(widget), saveload_selected); if ( saving ) { widget = gg_action_create_with_label("Save Game", 0.5f, 0.0f); gg_widget_subscribe_signal_name(widget, widget->id, "action_pressed", dialog_savegame_save, vbox); } else { widget = gg_action_create_with_label("Load Game", 0.5f, 0.0f); gg_widget_subscribe_signal_name(widget, widget->id, "action_pressed", dialog_loadgame_load, vbox); } gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); widget = gg_action_create_with_label("Cancel", 0.5f, 0.0f); gg_widget_subscribe_signal_name(widget, widget->id, "action_pressed", dialog_close_cb, NULL); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); /*for ( i=0; i<SAVEGAME_SLOTS; i++ ) { sprintf( temp, "%i: ", i ); widget = gg_action_create_with_label(temp, 0.0f, 0.0f); gg_action_set_callback(GG_ACTION(widget), dialog_saveload_change, vbox); gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(vbox), widget); }*/ gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(hbox), vbox ); if ( changing_slot ) gg_vbox_set_selected(vbox, padding ); /* Dialog stuff */ gg_container_append(GG_CONTAINER(rootvbox), hbox); dialog = gg_dialog_create(rootvbox, NULL, parent, GG_DIALOG_AUTOHIDE_PARENT); if ( saving ) gg_dialog_set_style(GG_DIALOG(dialog), get_ingame_style()); else gg_dialog_set_style(GG_DIALOG(dialog), get_menu_style()); return GG_DIALOG(dialog); }
/** * @brief Renders the custom map widget. * * @param bx Base X position to render at. * @param by Base Y position to render at. * @param w Width of the widget. * @param h Height of the widget. */ static void map_render( double bx, double by, double w, double h ) { int i,j, n,m; double x,y,r, tx,ty; StarSystem *sys, *jsys, *hsys; glColour* col; r = 5.; x = (bx - map_xpos + w/2) * 1.; y = (by - map_ypos + h/2) * 1.; /* background */ COLOUR(cBlack); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2d( bx, by ); glVertex2d( bx, by+h ); glVertex2d( bx+w, by+h ); glVertex2d( bx+w, by ); glEnd(); /* GL_QUADS */ /* render the star systems */ for (i=0; i<systems_nstack; i++) { sys = system_getIndex( i ); /* check to make sure system is known or adjacent to known (or marked) */ if (!sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED) && !space_sysReachable(sys)) continue; /* system colours */ if (sys==cur_system) col = &cRadar_tPlanet; else if (!sys_isKnown(sys) || (sys->nplanets==0)) col = &cInert; else col = faction_getColour( sys->faction); COLOUR(*col); /* draw the system */ tx = x + sys->pos.x*map_zoom; ty = y + sys->pos.y*map_zoom; gl_drawCircleInRect( tx, ty, r, bx, by, w, h ); /* draw the system name */ if (sys_isKnown(sys) && (map_zoom > 0.5 )) { tx = x + 7. + sys->pos.x * map_zoom; ty = y - 5. + sys->pos.y * map_zoom; gl_print( &gl_smallFont, tx + SCREEN_W/2., ty + SCREEN_H/2., &cWhite, sys->name ); } if (!sys_isKnown(sys)) continue; /* we don't draw hyperspace lines */ /* draw the hyperspace paths */ glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); /* cheaply use transparency instead of actually calculating * from where to where the line must go :) */ for (j=0; j<sys->njumps; j++) { jsys = system_getIndex( sys->jumps[j] ); if (hyperspace_target != -1) hsys = system_getIndex( cur_system->jumps[hyperspace_target] ); n = map_inPath(jsys); m = map_inPath(sys); /* set the colours */ /* is the route the current one? */ if ((hyperspace_target != -1) && ( ((cur_system==sys) && (j==hyperspace_target)) || ((cur_system==jsys) && (sys==hsys )))) { if (player->fuel < HYPERSPACE_FUEL) col = &cRed; else col = &cGreen; } /* is the route part of the path? */ else if ((n > 0) && (m > 0)) { if ((n == 2) || (m == 2)) /* out of fuel */ col = &cRed; else col = &cYellow; } else col = &cDarkBlue; glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); ACOLOUR(*col,0.); tx = x + sys->pos.x * map_zoom; ty = y + sys->pos.y * map_zoom; glVertex2d( tx, ty ); COLOUR(*col); tx += (jsys->pos.x - sys->pos.x)/2. * map_zoom; ty += (jsys->pos.y - sys->pos.y)/2. * map_zoom; glVertex2d( tx, ty ); ACOLOUR(*col,0.); tx = x + jsys->pos.x * map_zoom; ty = y + jsys->pos.y * map_zoom; glVertex2d( tx, ty ); glEnd(); /* GL_LINE_STRIP */ } glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); } /* Second pass to put markers. */ for (i=0; i<systems_nstack; i++) { sys = system_getIndex( i ); /* We only care about marked now. */ if (!sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED)) continue; /* Get the position. */ tx = x + sys->pos.x*map_zoom; ty = y + sys->pos.y*map_zoom; /* Count markers. */ n = (sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_CMARKED)) ? 1 : 0; n += sys->markers_misc; n += sys->markers_cargo; n += sys->markers_rush; /* Draw the markers. */ j = 0; if (sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_CMARKED)) { map_drawMarker( tx, ty, r, n, j, 0 ); j++; } for (m=0; m<sys->markers_misc; m++) { map_drawMarker( tx, ty, r, n, j, 1 ); j++; } for (m=0; m<sys->markers_rush; m++) { map_drawMarker( tx, ty, r, n, j, 2 ); j++; } for (m=0; m<sys->markers_cargo; m++) { map_drawMarker( tx, ty, r, n, j, 3 ); j++; } } /* selected planet */ if (map_selected != -1) { sys = system_getIndex( map_selected ); COLOUR(cRed); gl_drawCircleInRect( x + sys->pos.x * map_zoom, y + sys->pos.y * map_zoom, r+3., bx, by, w, h ); } }