Exemple #1
* G_SanitizeUserString
static int G_SanitizeUserString( char *string, size_t size )
	static char *colorless = NULL;
	static size_t colorless_size = 0;
	int i, c_ascii;

	// life is hard, UTF-8 will have to go
	strip_highchars( string );

	COM_SanitizeColorString( va( "%s", string ), string, size, -1, COLOR_WHITE );

	Q_trim( string );

	if( colorless_size < strlen( string ) + 1 )
		colorless_size = strlen( string ) + 1;

		G_Free( colorless );
		colorless = ( char * )G_Malloc( colorless_size );

	Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( string ), colorless_size );

	// require at least one non-whitespace ascii char in the string
	// (this will upset people who would like to have a name entirely in a non-latin
	// script, but it makes damn sure you can't get an empty name by exploiting some
	// utf-8 decoder quirk)
	c_ascii = 0;
	for( i = 0; colorless[i]; i++ )
		if( colorless[i] > 32 && colorless[i] < 127 )

	return c_ascii;
Exemple #2
* G_SetClan
static void G_SetClan( edict_t *ent, const char *original_clan )
	const char *invalid_values[] = { "console", "spec", "bot", "coach", "tv", NULL };
	char colorless[MAX_CLANNAME_BYTES];
	int i;
	int c_ascii;
	int maxchars;

	if( !ent->r.client )

	// we allow NULL to be passed for clan name
	if( ent->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT )
		original_clan = "BOT";
	else if( !original_clan )
		original_clan = "";

	Q_strncpyz( clan, original_clan, sizeof( clan ) );
	COM_Compress( clan );

	c_ascii = G_SanitizeUserString( clan, sizeof( clan ) );
	if( !c_ascii )
		clan[0] = colorless[0] = '\0';
		Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( clan ), sizeof( colorless ) );

	if( !( ent->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
		for( i = 0; invalid_values[i] != NULL; i++ )
			if( !Q_strnicmp( colorless, invalid_values[i], strlen( invalid_values[i] ) ) )
				clan[0] = colorless[0] = '\0';

	// clan names can not contain spaces
	Q_chrreplace( clan, ' ', '_' );

	// clan names can not start with an ampersand
		char *t;
		int len;

		t = clan;
		while( *t == '&' ) t++;
		len = strlen( clan ) - (t - clan);
		if( clan != t )
			memmove( clan, t, len + 1 );


	// Limit the name to MAX_NAME_CHARS printable characters
	// (non-ascii utf-8 sequences are currently counted as 2 or more each, sorry)
	COM_SanitizeColorString( va( "%s", clan ), clan, sizeof( clan ), maxchars, COLOR_WHITE );

	Q_strncpyz( ent->r.client->clanname, clan, sizeof( ent->r.client->clanname ) );
Exemple #3
* G_SetName
static void G_SetName( edict_t *ent, const char *original_name )
	const char *invalid_prefixes[] = { "console", "[team]", "[spec]", "[bot]", "[coach]", "[tv]", NULL };
	edict_t *other;
	char name[MAX_NAME_BYTES];
	char colorless[MAX_NAME_BYTES];
	int i, trynum, trylen;
	int c_ascii;
	int maxchars;

	if( !ent->r.client )

	// we allow NULL to be passed for name
	if( !original_name )
		original_name = "";

	Q_strncpyz( name, original_name, sizeof( name ) );

	c_ascii = G_SanitizeUserString( name, sizeof( name ) );
	if( !c_ascii )
		Q_strncpyz( name, "Player", sizeof( name ) );
	Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

	if( !( ent->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
		for( i = 0; invalid_prefixes[i] != NULL; i++ )
			if( !Q_strnicmp( colorless, invalid_prefixes[i], strlen( invalid_prefixes[i] ) ) )
				Q_strncpyz( name, "Player", sizeof( name ) );
				Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

	maxchars = MAX_NAME_CHARS;
	if( ent->r.client->isTV )
		maxchars = min( maxchars + 10, MAX_NAME_BYTES-1 );

	// Limit the name to MAX_NAME_CHARS printable characters
	// (non-ascii utf-8 sequences are currently counted as 2 or more each, sorry)
	COM_SanitizeColorString( va( "%s", name ), name, sizeof( name ),
		maxchars, COLOR_WHITE );
	Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

	trynum = 1;
		for( i = 0; i < gs.maxclients; i++ )
			other = game.edicts + 1 + i;
			if( !other->r.inuse || !other->r.client || other == ent )

			// if nick is already in use, try with (number) appended
			if( !Q_stricmp( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( other->r.client->netname ) ) )
				if( trynum != 1 )  // remove last try
					name[strlen( name ) - strlen( va( "%s(%i)", S_COLOR_WHITE, trynum-1 ) )] = 0;

				// make sure there is enough space for the postfix
				trylen = strlen( va( "%s(%i)", S_COLOR_WHITE, trynum ) );
				if( (int)strlen( colorless ) + trylen > maxchars )
					COM_SanitizeColorString( va( "%s", name ), name, sizeof( name ),
						maxchars - trylen, COLOR_WHITE );
					Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

				// add the postfix
				Q_strncatz( name, va( "%s(%i)", S_COLOR_WHITE, trynum ), sizeof( name ) );
				Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

				// go trough all clients again
	while( i != gs.maxclients && trynum <= MAX_CLIENTS );

	Q_strncpyz( ent->r.client->netname, name, sizeof( ent->r.client->netname ) );
Exemple #4
* TV_Downstream_FixName
* Make name valid, so it's not used by anyone else or so. See G_SetName
* Client can be given, so conflict with that client's name won't matter
* The returned value will be overwritten by the next call to this function
char *TV_Downstream_FixName( const char *original_name, client_t *client )
	const char *invalid_prefixes[] = { "console", "[team]", "[spec]", "[bot]", "[coach]", "[tv]", NULL };
	client_t *other;
	static char name[MAX_NAME_BYTES];
	char colorless[MAX_NAME_BYTES];
	int i, trynum, trylen;
	int c_ascii;
	int maxchars;

	// we allow NULL to be passed for name
	if( !original_name )
		original_name = "";

	Q_strncpyz( name, original_name, sizeof( name ) );

	// life is hard, UTF-8 will have to go
	strip_highchars( name );

	COM_SanitizeColorString( va( "%s", name ), name, sizeof( name ), -1, COLOR_WHITE );

	// remove leading whitespace
	while( name[0] == ' ' )
		memmove( name, name + 1, strlen( name ) );

	// remove trailing whitespace
	while( strlen( name ) && name[strlen(name)-1] == ' ' )
		name[strlen(name)-1] = '\0';

	Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

	maxchars = MAX_NAME_CHARS;
	if( client && client->tv )
		maxchars = min( maxchars + 10, MAX_NAME_BYTES-1 );

	// require at least one non-whitespace ascii char in the name
	// (this will upset people who would like to have a name entirely in a non-latin
	// script, but it makes damn sure you can't get an empty name by exploiting some
	// utf-8 decoder quirk)
	c_ascii = 0;
	for( i = 0; colorless[i]; i++ )
		if( colorless[i] > 32 && colorless[i] < 127 )

	if( !c_ascii )
		Q_strncpyz( name, "Player", sizeof( name ) );
		Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

	for( i = 0; invalid_prefixes[i] != NULL; i++ )
		if( !Q_strnicmp( colorless, invalid_prefixes[i], strlen( invalid_prefixes[i] ) ) )
			Q_strncpyz( name, "Player", sizeof( name ) );
			Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

	trynum = 1;
		for( i = 0, other = tvs.clients; i < tv_maxclients->integer; i++, other++ )
			if( ( client && other == client ) || other->state == CS_FREE || other->state == CS_ZOMBIE )

			// if nick is already in use, try with (number) appended
			if( !Q_stricmp( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( other->name ) ) )
				if( trynum != 1 )  // remove last try
					name[strlen( name ) - strlen( va( "%s(%i)", S_COLOR_WHITE, trynum-1 ) )] = 0;

				// make sure there is enough space for the postfix
				trylen = strlen( va( "%s(%i)", S_COLOR_WHITE, trynum ) );
				if( (int)strlen( colorless ) + trylen > maxchars )
					COM_SanitizeColorString( va( "%s", name ), name, sizeof( name ),
						maxchars - trylen, COLOR_WHITE );
					Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

				// add the postfix
				Q_strncatz( name, va( "%s(%i)", S_COLOR_WHITE, trynum ), sizeof( name ) );
				Q_strncpyz( colorless, COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), sizeof( colorless ) );

				// go trough all clients again
	while( i != tv_maxclients->integer && trynum <= MAX_CLIENTS );

	return name;