Exemple #1
static void output_YYINT_typedef (FILE * fp)
    /* generate the type used to index the various parser tables */
    if (CountLine (fp))
    fprintf (fp, "typedef %s YYINT;\n", CONCAT1 ("", YYINT));
/*  are conditional.							*/

const char *const banner[] =
    "#ifndef lint",
    "static const char yysccsid[] = \"@(#)yaccpar	1.9 (Berkeley) 02/21/93\";",
    "#ifdef _LIBC",
    "#include \"namespace.h\"",
    "#include <stdlib.h>",
    "#include <string.h>",
    "#define YYBYACC 1",
    CONCAT1("#define YYMAJOR ", YYMAJOR),
    CONCAT1("#define YYMINOR ", YYMINOR),
#ifdef YYPATCH
    CONCAT1("#define YYPATCH ", YYPATCH),
    "#define YYEMPTY        (-1)",
    "#define yyclearin      (yychar = YYEMPTY)",
    "#define yyerrok        (yyerrflag = 0)",
    "#define YYRECOVERING() (yyerrflag != 0)",

const char *const xdecls[] =