//	Select the text color based on the severity of a message.
CoxFromSeverity(ESeverity eSeverity)
	switch (eSeverity)
	case eSeverityNoise:
		return d_coGray;
	case eSeverityComment:
		return d_coGreen;
	case eSeverityInfoTextBlue:
		return d_coBlue;
	case eSeverityInfoTextBlueDark:
		return d_coBlueDark;
	case eSeverityNull:				// A 'null' severity is displayed in black, although it is typically an empty message
	case eSeverityInfoTextBlack:
		return d_coBlack;
	case eSeverityWarning:
		return COX_MakeBold(d_coOrange);
	case eSeverityWarningToErrorLog:
		return COX_MakeBold(d_coOrangeDark);
	case eSeverityErrorWarning:
		return COX_MakeBold(d_coRed);
	case eSeverityErrorAssert:
	case eSeverityErrorCritical:
		return COX_MakeBold(d_coRedHot);
		Assert(FALSE && "Unknown severity level");
		return COX_MakeBold(d_coRedHot);
		} // switch
	} // CoxFromSeverity()
//	Append the error if the log is created and visible
CMessageLog::AppendTextError(const SErrorLogEntry * pError)
	Assert(pError != NULL);
	QString sDateTimeError = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(pError->tsError).toLocalTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
	AppendTextFormat(d_coBlack, "[$Q] ", &sDateTimeError);
	PSZUC pszmError = pError->szmError;
	AppendTextU(COX_MakeBold(d_coRedDark), pszmError, ":\n");
	AppendTextU(strcmpU(pszmError, c_szInternalErrorDetected) ? d_coRedDark : COX_MakeBold(d_coAssert), pszmError + CbAllocUtoU(pszmError), c_szNewLine);
	} // AppendTextError()
TAccountXmpp::Contact_RosterUnsubscribe(INOUT TContact * pContact)
	Assert(pContact != NULL);
	if (m_paSocket == NULL)
	if (m_paSocket->Socket_FuIsReadyToSendMessages())
		MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(COX_MakeBold(d_coOrange), "Unsubscribing from contact ^j...\n", pContact);
		m_paSocket->Socket_WriteXmlFormatted("<iq type='set'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'><item jid='^j' subscription='remove'></item></query></iq>", pContact);
	g_oErrorLog.Empty();	// Empty any previous content of the Error Log

	// Populate the errors
	SErrorLogEntry ** ppErrorStop;
	SErrorLogEntry ** ppError = g_arraypErrors.PrgpGetErrorsStop(OUT &ppErrorStop);
	while (ppError != ppErrorStop)

	// Just for fun, display statistics regarding the number of assertions
	g_oErrorLog.AppendTextU(COX_MakeBold(d_coBlack), (PSZUC)"Summary of Errors:\n");
	g_oErrorLog.AppendTextFormat(g_cAssertionsFailed ? COX_MakeBold(d_coAssert) : d_coGreen, "Total number of internal errors: $L\n", g_cAssertionsFailed);
	#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	extern UINT g_cTimerFailures;
	if (g_cTimerFailures > 0)
		g_oErrorLog.AppendTextFormat(d_coAssert, "Total number of timer failures: $I\n", g_cTimerFailures);
	g_oErrorLog.AppendTextFormat(d_coGreen, "Total number of successful internal sanity checks: $L\n", g_cAssertionsTotalExecuted - g_cAssertionsFailed);
//	Delete the task matching the ID, and if not found, do nothing.
CListTasksSendReceive::DeleteTaskMatchingID(TIMESTAMP tsTaskID, BOOL fDeleteTaskToSend)
	CTaskSendReceive ** ppTaskPrevious = &m_plistTasks;
	CTaskSendReceive * pTask = m_plistTasks;
	while (pTask != NULL)
		if ((pTask->m_tsTaskID == tsTaskID) && (pTask->FIsTaskSend() == fDeleteTaskToSend))
			MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(d_coPurple, "DeleteTaskMatchingID() - Task ID $t is now deleted ($I bytes)\n", tsTaskID, pTask->m_binXmlData.CbGetData());
			*ppTaskPrevious = pTask->m_pNext;	// Remove the task to delete from the linked list
			delete pTask;
		ppTaskPrevious = &pTask->m_pNext;
		pTask = pTask->m_pNext;
	MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(COX_MakeBold(d_coPurple), "DeleteTaskMatchingID() - Cannot delete Task ID $t because its ID cannot be found!\n", tsTaskID);
CListTasksSendReceive::UnserializeFromXml(const CXmlNode * pXmlNodeElementTask)
	Assert(m_plistTasks == NULL);
	CTaskSendReceive ** ppaTask = &m_plistTasks;
	while (pXmlNodeElementTask != NULL)
		//MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(d_coRed, "Unserializing Task ^N", pXmlNodeElementTask);
		CTaskSendReceive * paTask = new CTaskSendReceive;
		*ppaTask = paTask;
		ppaTask = &paTask->m_pNext;	// Pointer to append the next task at the end of the linked list
		paTask->m_tsTaskID = pXmlNodeElementTask->TsGetAttributeValueTimestamp_ML('i');
		paTask->m_cbTotal = pXmlNodeElementTask->UFindAttributeValueDecimal_ZZR('s');
		pXmlNodeElementTask = pXmlNodeElementTask->m_pNextSibling;

	MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(COX_MakeBold(d_coGreen), "CListTasksSendReceive::UnserializeFromXml():\n");
//	For debugging
	int cTasks = 0;
	TIMESTAMP tsNow = Timestamp_GetCurrentDateTime();
	CTaskSendReceive * pTask = m_plistTasks;
	while (pTask != NULL)
		TIMESTAMP_DELTA dts = tsNow - pTask->m_tsTaskID;
		const int cbXmlData = pTask->m_binXmlData.CbGetData();
		if (pTask->FIsTaskSend())
			MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(d_coPurple, "\t [$T] Sending Task ID $t: $I bytes\n", dts, pTask->m_tsTaskID, cbXmlData);
			MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(d_coPurple, "\t [$T] Downloading Task ID $t: cbTotalToDownload = $I, cbDownloadedSoFar = $I\n", dts, pTask->m_tsTaskID, pTask->m_cbTotal, cbXmlData);
		if (cbXmlData > 0) // && cbXmlData < 200)
			MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(d_coGray, "\t\t {Bm}\n", &pTask->m_binXmlData);
		pTask = pTask->m_pNext;
		} // while
	if (cTasks >= 3)
		MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(COX_MakeBold(d_coPurple), "\t\t Total of $i tasks\n", cTasks);
TAccountXmpp::Contact_RosterSubscribe(INOUT TContact * pContact)
	Assert(pContact != NULL);
	if (m_paSocket == NULL)
	if (pContact->TreeItemFlags_FuIsInvisible())
		return;	// Don't add invisible contacts to the roster
	if (pContact->m_strJidBare.FStringBeginsWith("temp"))
		MessageLog_AppendTextFormatSev(eSeverityErrorAssert, "Removing contact ^j from roster...\n", pContact);
		m_paSocket->Socket_WriteXmlFormatted("<iq type='set'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'><item jid='^S' subscription='remove'></item></query></iq>", &pContact->m_strJidBare);
	#if 1
	MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(COX_MakeBold(d_coOrange), "Adding contact ^j to roster...\n", pContact);
	m_paSocket->Socket_WriteXmlFormatted("<iq id='$p' type='set'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'><item jid='^j'></item></query></iq>", pContact, pContact);

	//m_paSocket->Socket_WriteXmlFormatted("<presence to='^j' type='subscribe'/>", pContact);
	//m_paSocket->Socket_WriteXmlFormatted("<presence ^:jc from='^J' to='^j' type='subscribe'/>", this, pContact);
//	Find the contact matching the JID and update the contact resource (if any).
//	If the JID is not in the contact list, the method will create a new contact to the list according to the value of eFindContact.
//	This method may return NULL if the JID is empty/invalid because a new contact cannot not be created.
//	This method should use a hash table to quickly find a contact from its JID and/or use a pointer to cache the last contact found.
TContact *
TAccountXmpp::Contact_PFindByJID(PSZUC pszContactJID, EFindContact eFindContact)
	Assert(pszContactJID != NULL);
	if (pszContactJID != NULL)
		// Find the resource
		PSZUC pszResource = pszContactJID;
		while (TRUE)
			if (*pszResource == '/')
			if (*pszResource == '\0')
			} // while
		const int cchJID = pszResource - pszContactJID;
		if (cchJID > 0)
			TContact * pContact;
			TContact ** ppContactStop;
			TContact ** ppContact = m_arraypaContacts.PrgpGetContactsStop(OUT &ppContactStop);
			while (ppContact != ppContactStop)
				pContact = *ppContact++;
//				Assert(!m_strJID.FCompareStringsJIDs(pContact->m_strJidBare) && "Contact should not have the same JID as its parent XMPP account!");
				//MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(d_coBlack, "Comparing $s with $S\n", pszContactJID, &pContact->m_strJidBare);
				if (pContact->m_strJidBare.FCompareStringsNoCaseCch(pszContactJID, cchJID))
					// We have found our contact
					if (pContact->TreeItemFlags_FuIsInvisible())
						Endorse(pContact->m_paTreeItemW_YZ != NULL);	// Typically an invisible contact should not appear in the Navigation Tree, however there are situations where it is. For instance, if the contact was just deleted, or if displayed into the list of "Deleted Items"
						if (eFindContact & eFindContact_kfMakeVisible)
					if (*pszResource != '\0')
						// Update the contact resource
						if (!pContact->m_strRessource.FCompareStringsExactCase(pszResource))
							if (pContact->m_strRessource.FIsEmptyString())
								MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(d_coBlack, "Contact $S: Assigning resource '$s' (m_uFlagsTreeItem = 0x$x)\n", &pContact->m_strJidBare, pszResource, m_uFlagsTreeItem);
								MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(COX_MakeBold(d_coBlack), "Contact $S: Updating resource from '$S' to '$s'\n", &pContact->m_strJidBare, &pContact->m_strRessource, pszResource);
							//pContact->Xcp_ServiceDiscovery();	// The resource changed, therefore query the remote client for its capabilities
							pContact->SetFlagXcpComposingSendTimestampsOfLastKnownEvents();	// Each time the resource change, re-send the timestamps of the last known events so we give an opportunity to synchronize
							//pContact->m_cVersionXCP = 0;	// Also, reset the XCP version, to make sure the device connects properly
					return pContact;
				} // while
			// We could not find the contact, so create a new one if the JID meets the minimal conditions
			if ((eFindContact & eFindContact_kfCreateNew) &&
				PcheValidateJID(pszContactJID) == NULL &&			// Make sure the JID is somewhat valid to create a new contact
				!m_strJID.FCompareStringsJIDs(pszContactJID))		// Make sure the JID is not the same as the account.  It makes no sense to create a contact with the same JID as its parent account.  This situation occurs rarely when the server sends a stanza where the 'from' contains the JID of the account.
				MessageLog_AppendTextFormatSev(eSeverityInfoTextBlack, "Contact_PFindByJID('$s') - Creating contact for account $S\n", pszContactJID, &m_strJID);
				pContact = TreeItemAccount_PContactAllocateNewToNavigationTree_NZ(IN pszContactJID);
				if (eFindContact & eFindContact_kfCreateAsUnsolicited)
				return pContact;
			} // if
		} // if
	return NULL;
	} // Contact_PFindByJID()
	g_oMutex.lock();	// Make sure all signals SI_MessageAvailable() are synchronized
	int cbDataAvailable = bytesAvailable();		// Read only once the number of bytes available. This is important to prevent 'thread starvation' in the case the socket data arrives faster than the web socket can handle it.  By readin the bytes available once, we are guaranteed this 'state machine' method will eventually exit.
	switch (m_eSocketState)
	case eSocketState_WaitingForHandshake:
		readAll();	// Flush the handshake
		m_eSocketState = eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeader;
		// Fall Through //
	case eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeader:
		cbDataAvailable -= 2;
		if (cbDataAvailable >= 0)
			BYTE rgbFrameHeader[2];
			read(OUT (char *)rgbFrameHeader, sizeof(rgbFrameHeader));
			m_bFrameHeader0_kfFragmentFinal = (rgbFrameHeader[0] & d_bFrameHeader0_kfFragmentFinal);
			const BYTE bOpcode = (rgbFrameHeader[0] & d_bFrameHeader0_kmFragmentOpcode);
			if (bOpcode != eOpcode_zContinue)
				m_bFrameHeader0_eOpcode = bOpcode;
			m_bFrameHeader1_kfPayloadMasked = (rgbFrameHeader[1] & d_bFrameHeader1_kfPayloadMasked);
			m_cblFrameData = (rgbFrameHeader[1] & d_bFrameHeader1_kmPayloadLength);
//			MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(COX_MakeBold(d_coBlue), "WebSocket Header: [0]=0x$x [1]=0x$x  (Frame = $L bytes, $L bytes remaining)\n", rgbFrameHeader[0], rgbFrameHeader[1], m_cblFrameData, bytesAvailable());
			switch (m_cblFrameData)
			case d_bFrameHeader1_kePayloadLength16:
				m_eSocketState = eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeaderPayload16;
				goto WaitingForFrameHeaderPayload16;
			case d_bFrameHeader1_kePayloadLength64:
				m_eSocketState = eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeaderPayload64;
				goto WaitingForFrameHeaderPayload64;
				} // switch
			m_eSocketState = eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeaderMask;
			goto WaitingForFrameHeaderMask;
	case eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeaderPayload16:
		cbDataAvailable -= sizeof(quint16);
		if (cbDataAvailable >= 0)
			quint16 cbwFrameData;
			read(OUT (char *)&cbwFrameData, sizeof(cbwFrameData));
			m_cblFrameData = qFromBigEndian(cbwFrameData);
			m_eSocketState = eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeaderMask;
			//MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(COX_MakeBold(d_coRed), "WebSocket Payload16: $L bytes\n", m_cblFrameData);
			goto WaitingForFrameHeaderMask;
	case eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeaderPayload64:
		cbDataAvailable -= sizeof(quint64);
		if (cbDataAvailable >= 0)
			quint64 cblFrameData;
			read(OUT (char *)&cblFrameData, sizeof(cblFrameData));
			m_cblFrameData = qFromBigEndian(cblFrameData);
			MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(COX_MakeBold(d_coRed), "WebSocket Payload64: $L bytes\n", m_cblFrameData);
			m_eSocketState = eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeaderMask;
			goto WaitingForFrameHeaderMask;
	case eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeaderMask:
		if (m_bFrameHeader1_kfPayloadMasked)
			MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(d_coRed, "Frame is masked\n");
			cbDataAvailable -= sizeof(m_rgbFrameMask);
			if (cbDataAvailable < 0)
			read(OUT (char *)m_rgbFrameMask, sizeof(m_rgbFrameMask));
		m_eSocketState = eSocketState_WaitingForFrameDataPayload;
		// Fall Through //
	case eSocketState_WaitingForFrameDataPayload:
		cbDataAvailable -= m_cblFrameData;
		if (cbDataAvailable >= 0)
			BYTE * pbData = m_binFrameData.PbeAllocateExtraDataWithVirtualNullTerminator(m_cblFrameData);
			const int cbDataRead = read(OUT (char *)pbData, m_cblFrameData);	// Read the data from the socket
			if (cbDataRead != m_cblFrameData)
				MessageLog_AppendTextFormatSev(eSeverityErrorWarning, "WebSocket: cbDataRead=$I, m_cblFrameData=$L\n", cbDataRead, m_cblFrameData);
//			MessageLog_AppendTextFormatCo(d_coBlueDark, "$s\n", pbData);
			if (m_bFrameHeader0_kfFragmentFinal)
				// Check if there are any special opcodes the socket can handle automatically
				switch (m_bFrameHeader0_eOpcode)
				case eOpcode_DataText:
				case eOpcode_DataBinary:
					emit SI_MessageAvailable(INOUT m_binFrameData);	// Both text and binary are treated the same, as Cambrian uses UTF-8 for text
				case eOpcode_Ping:
					DataWrite(INOUT m_binFrameData, eOpcode_Pong);	// Respond to the ping request
				case eOpcode_Close:
					// Close the socket
					} // switch
				} // if
			m_eSocketState = eSocketState_WaitingForFrameHeader;
			goto WaitingForFrameHeader;
		} // switch
	} // SL_DataAvailable()