Exemple #1
RPFToc* RPFTOCReadFromBuffer(const char* pszFilename, VSILFILE* fp, const char* tocHeader)
    tocHeader += 1; /* skip endian */
    tocHeader += 2; /* skip header length */
    tocHeader += 12; /* skip file name : this should be A.TOC (padded) */
    tocHeader += 1; /* skip new  */
    tocHeader += 15; /* skip standard_num  */
    tocHeader += 8; /* skip standard_date  */
    tocHeader += 1; /* skip classification  */
    tocHeader += 2; /* skip country  */
    tocHeader += 2; /* skip release  */

    unsigned int locationSectionPhysicalLocation;
    memcpy(&locationSectionPhysicalLocation, tocHeader, sizeof(unsigned int));

    if( VSIFSeekL( fp, locationSectionPhysicalLocation, SEEK_SET ) != 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to locationSectionPhysicalLocation at offset %d.",
                   locationSectionPhysicalLocation );
        return nullptr;

    int nSections;
    NITFLocation* pasLocations = NITFReadRPFLocationTable(fp, &nSections);

    unsigned int boundaryRectangleSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex = 0;
    unsigned int boundaryRectangleTablePhysIndex = 0;
    unsigned int frameFileIndexSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex = 0;
    unsigned int frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < nSections; i++ )
        if (pasLocations[i].nLocId == LID_BoundaryRectangleSectionSubheader)
            boundaryRectangleSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex = pasLocations[i].nLocOffset;
        else if (pasLocations[i].nLocId == LID_BoundaryRectangleTable)
            boundaryRectangleTablePhysIndex = pasLocations[i].nLocOffset;
        else if (pasLocations[i].nLocId == LID_FrameFileIndexSectionSubHeader)
            frameFileIndexSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex = pasLocations[i].nLocOffset;
        else if (pasLocations[i].nLocId == LID_FrameFileIndexSubsection)
            frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex = pasLocations[i].nLocOffset;


    if (boundaryRectangleSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex == 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Invalid TOC file. Can't find LID_BoundaryRectangleSectionSubheader." );
        return nullptr;
    if (boundaryRectangleTablePhysIndex == 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Invalid TOC file. Can't find LID_BoundaryRectangleTable." );
        return nullptr;
    if (frameFileIndexSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex == 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Invalid TOC file. Can't find LID_FrameFileIndexSectionSubHeader." );
        return nullptr;
    if (frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex == 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Invalid TOC file. Can't find LID_FrameFileIndexSubsection." );
        return nullptr;

    if( VSIFSeekL( fp, boundaryRectangleSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex, SEEK_SET ) != 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to boundaryRectangleSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex at offset %d.",
                   boundaryRectangleSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex );
        return nullptr;

    unsigned int boundaryRectangleTableOffset;
    bool bOK = VSIFReadL( &boundaryRectangleTableOffset, sizeof(boundaryRectangleTableOffset), 1, fp) == 1;
    CPL_MSBPTR32( &boundaryRectangleTableOffset );

    unsigned short boundaryRectangleCount;
    bOK &= VSIFReadL( &boundaryRectangleCount, sizeof(boundaryRectangleCount), 1, fp) == 1;
    CPL_MSBPTR16( &boundaryRectangleCount );

    if( !bOK || VSIFSeekL( fp, boundaryRectangleTablePhysIndex, SEEK_SET ) != 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to boundaryRectangleTablePhysIndex at offset %d.",
                   boundaryRectangleTablePhysIndex );
        return nullptr;

    RPFToc* toc = reinterpret_cast<RPFToc *>( CPLMalloc( sizeof( RPFToc ) ) );
    toc->nEntries = boundaryRectangleCount;
    toc->entries = reinterpret_cast<RPFTocEntry *>(
        CPLMalloc( boundaryRectangleCount * sizeof(RPFTocEntry) ) );
    memset(toc->entries, 0, boundaryRectangleCount * sizeof(RPFTocEntry));

    for( int i = 0; i < toc->nEntries; i++ )
        toc->entries[i].isOverviewOrLegend = 0;

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( toc->entries[i].type, 1, 5, fp) == 5;
        toc->entries[i].type[5] = 0;

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( toc->entries[i].compression, 1, 5, fp) == 5;
        toc->entries[i].compression[5] = 0;

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( toc->entries[i].scale, 1, 12, fp) == 12;
        toc->entries[i].scale[12] = 0;
        if (toc->entries[i].scale[0] == '1' &&
            toc->entries[i].scale[1] == ':')

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( toc->entries[i].zone, 1, 1, fp) == 1;
        toc->entries[i].zone[1] = 0;

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( toc->entries[i].producer, 1, 5, fp) == 5;
        toc->entries[i].producer[5] = 0;

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].nwLat, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].nwLat);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].nwLong, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].nwLong);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].swLat, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].swLat);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].swLong, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].swLong);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].neLat, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].neLat);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].neLong, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].neLong);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].seLat, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].seLat);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].seLong, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].seLong);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].vertResolution, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].vertResolution);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].horizResolution, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].horizResolution);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].vertInterval, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].vertInterval);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].horizInterval, sizeof(double), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR64( &toc->entries[i].horizInterval);

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].nVertFrames, sizeof(int), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR32( &toc->entries[i].nVertFrames );

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames, sizeof(int), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR32( &toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames );

        if( !bOK )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "I/O error");
            toc->entries[i].nVertFrames = 0;
            toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames = 0;
            return nullptr;

        if( toc->entries[i].vertInterval <= 1e-10 ||
            !CPLIsFinite(toc->entries[i].vertInterval) ||
            toc->entries[i].horizInterval <= 1e-10 ||
            !CPLIsFinite(toc->entries[i].horizInterval) ||
            !(fabs(toc->entries[i].seLong) <= 360.0) ||
            !(fabs(toc->entries[i].nwLong) <= 360.0) ||
            !(fabs(toc->entries[i].nwLat) <= 90.0) ||
            !(fabs(toc->entries[i].seLat) <= 90.0) ||
            toc->entries[i].seLong < toc->entries[i].nwLong ||
            toc->entries[i].nwLat < toc->entries[i].seLat ||
            toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames == 0 ||
            toc->entries[i].nVertFrames == 0 ||
            toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames > INT_MAX / toc->entries[i].nVertFrames )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Invalid TOC entry");
            toc->entries[i].nVertFrames = 0;
            toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames = 0;
            return nullptr;

        // TODO: We could probably use another data structure, like a list,
        // instead of an array referenced by the frame coordinate...
        if( static_cast<int>(toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames *
                                  toc->entries[i].nVertFrames) >
                 atoi(CPLGetConfigOption("RPFTOC_MAX_FRAME_COUNT", "1000000")) )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "nHorizFrames=%d x nVertFrames=%d > %d. Please raise "
                     "the value of the RPFTOC_MAX_FRAME_COUNT configuration "
                     "option to more than %d if this dataset is legitimate.",
                     toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames, toc->entries[i].nVertFrames,
                     atoi(CPLGetConfigOption("RPFTOC_MAX_FRAME_COUNT", "1000000")),
                     toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames * toc->entries[i].nVertFrames );
            toc->entries[i].frameEntries = nullptr;
            toc->entries[i].frameEntries = reinterpret_cast<RPFTocFrameEntry*>(
                VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE( toc->entries[i].nVertFrames * toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames,
                                    sizeof(RPFTocFrameEntry) ) );
        if (toc->entries[i].frameEntries == nullptr)
            toc->entries[i].nVertFrames = 0;
            toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames = 0;
            return nullptr;

        CPLDebug("RPFTOC", "[%d] type=%s, compression=%s, scale=%s, zone=%s, producer=%s, nVertFrames=%d, nHorizFrames=%d",
                 i, toc->entries[i].type, toc->entries[i].compression, toc->entries[i].scale,
                 toc->entries[i].zone, toc->entries[i].producer, toc->entries[i].nVertFrames, toc->entries[i].nHorizFrames);

    if( VSIFSeekL( fp, frameFileIndexSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex, SEEK_SET ) != 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to frameFileIndexSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex at offset %d.",
                   frameFileIndexSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex );
        return nullptr;

    /* Skip 1 byte security classification */
    bOK &= VSIFSeekL( fp, 1, SEEK_CUR ) == 0;

    unsigned int frameIndexTableOffset;
    bOK &= VSIFReadL( &frameIndexTableOffset, sizeof(frameIndexTableOffset), 1, fp) == 1;
    CPL_MSBPTR32( &frameIndexTableOffset );

    unsigned int nFrameFileIndexRecords;
    bOK &= VSIFReadL( &nFrameFileIndexRecords, sizeof(nFrameFileIndexRecords), 1, fp) == 1;
    CPL_MSBPTR32( &nFrameFileIndexRecords );

    unsigned short nFrameFilePathnameRecords;
    bOK &= VSIFReadL( &nFrameFilePathnameRecords, sizeof(nFrameFilePathnameRecords), 1, fp) == 1;
    CPL_MSBPTR16( &nFrameFilePathnameRecords );

    unsigned short frameFileIndexRecordLength;
    bOK &= VSIFReadL( &frameFileIndexRecordLength, sizeof(frameFileIndexRecordLength), 1, fp) == 1;
    CPL_MSBPTR16( &frameFileIndexRecordLength );
    if( frameFileIndexRecordLength < 3 * sizeof(short) )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Invalid file");
        return nullptr;

    if( !bOK )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "I/O error");
        return nullptr;

    int newBoundaryId = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( nFrameFileIndexRecords ); i++ )
        if( VSIFSeekL( fp, frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex + frameFileIndexRecordLength * i, SEEK_SET ) != 0)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                    "Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex(%d) at offset %d.",
                     i, frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex + frameFileIndexRecordLength * i);
            return nullptr;

        unsigned short boundaryId;
        if( VSIFReadL( &boundaryId, sizeof(boundaryId), 1, fp) != 1 )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "I/O error");
            return nullptr;
        CPL_MSBPTR16( &boundaryId );

        if (i == 0 && boundaryId == 0)
            newBoundaryId = 1;
        if (newBoundaryId == 0)

        if (boundaryId >= toc->nEntries)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                    "Invalid TOC file. Bad boundary id (%d) for frame file index %d.",
                     boundaryId, i);
            return nullptr;

        RPFTocEntry* entry = &toc->entries[boundaryId];
        entry->boundaryId = boundaryId;

        unsigned short frameRow;
        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &frameRow, sizeof(frameRow), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR16( &frameRow );

        unsigned short frameCol;
        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &frameCol, sizeof(frameCol), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR16( &frameCol );
        if( !bOK )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "I/O error");
            return nullptr;

        if (newBoundaryId == 0)
            /* Trick so that frames are numbered north to south */
            frameRow = (unsigned short)((entry->nVertFrames-1) - frameRow);

        if (frameRow >= entry->nVertFrames)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                        "Invalid TOC file. Bad row num (%d) for frame file index %d.",
                        frameRow, i);
            return nullptr;

        if (frameCol >= entry->nHorizFrames)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                        "Invalid TOC file. Bad col num (%d) for frame file index %d.",
                        frameCol, i);
            return nullptr;

        RPFTocFrameEntry* frameEntry
            = &entry->frameEntries[frameRow * entry->nHorizFrames + frameCol ];
        frameEntry->frameRow = frameRow;
        frameEntry->frameCol = frameCol;

        if (frameEntry->exists)
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "Frame entry(%d,%d) for frame file index %d was already found.",
                      frameRow, frameCol, i);
            frameEntry->directory = nullptr;
            frameEntry->fullFilePath = nullptr;
            frameEntry->exists = 0;

        unsigned int offsetFrameFilePathName;
        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &offsetFrameFilePathName, sizeof(offsetFrameFilePathName), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR32( &offsetFrameFilePathName );

        bOK &= VSIFReadL( frameEntry->filename, 1, 12, fp) == 12;
        if( !bOK )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "I/O error");
            return nullptr;
        frameEntry->filename[12] = '\0';
        bOK &= strlen(frameEntry->filename) > 0;

        /* Check if the filename is an overview or legend */
        for( int j = 0; j < 12; j++ )
            if (strcmp(&(frameEntry->filename[j]),".OVR") == 0 ||
                strcmp(&(frameEntry->filename[j]),".ovr") == 0 ||
                strcmp(&(frameEntry->filename[j]),".LGD") == 0 ||
                strcmp(&(frameEntry->filename[j]),".lgd") == 0)
                entry->isOverviewOrLegend = TRUE;

        /* Extract series code */
        if (entry->seriesAbbreviation == nullptr)
            const NITFSeries* series = NITFGetSeriesInfo(frameEntry->filename);
            if (series)
                entry->seriesAbbreviation = series->abbreviation;
                entry->seriesName = series->name;

        /* Get file geo reference */
        bOK &= VSIFReadL( frameEntry->georef, 1, 6, fp) == 6;
        frameEntry->georef[6] = '\0';

        /* Go to start of pathname record */
        /* New path_off offset from start of frame file index section of TOC?? */
        /* Add pathoffset wrt frame file index table subsection (loc[3]) */
        if( !bOK || VSIFSeekL( fp, frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex + offsetFrameFilePathName, SEEK_SET ) != 0)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                      "Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to "
                      "frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex + "
                      "offsetFrameFilePathName(%d) at offset %d.",
                     i, frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex + offsetFrameFilePathName);
            return nullptr;

        unsigned short pathLength;
        bOK &= VSIFReadL( &pathLength, sizeof(pathLength), 1, fp) == 1;
        CPL_MSBPTR16( &pathLength );

        /* if nFrameFileIndexRecords == 65535 and pathLength == 65535 for each record,
           this leads to 4 GB allocation... Protect against this case */
        if (!bOK || pathLength == 0 || pathLength > 256)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                      "Path length is invalid : %d. Probably corrupted TOC file.",
                      static_cast<int>( pathLength ) );
            return nullptr;

        frameEntry->directory = reinterpret_cast<char *>( CPLMalloc(pathLength+1) );
        bOK &= VSIFReadL( frameEntry->directory, 1, pathLength, fp) == pathLength;
        if( !bOK )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "I/O error");
            return nullptr;
        frameEntry->directory[pathLength] = 0;
        if (pathLength > 0 && frameEntry->directory[pathLength-1] == '/')
            frameEntry->directory[pathLength-1] = 0;

        if (frameEntry->directory[0] == '.' && frameEntry->directory[1] == '/')
            memmove(frameEntry->directory, frameEntry->directory+2, strlen(frameEntry->directory+2)+1);

            // Some A.TOC have subdirectory names like ".//X/" ... (#5979)
            // Check if it was not intended to be "./X/" instead.
            VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;
            if( frameEntry->directory[0] == '/' &&
                VSIStatL(CPLFormFilename(CPLGetDirname(pszFilename), frameEntry->directory+1, nullptr), &sStatBuf) == 0 &&
                VSI_ISDIR(sStatBuf.st_mode) )
                memmove(frameEntry->directory, frameEntry->directory+1, strlen(frameEntry->directory+1)+1);

            char* baseDir = CPLStrdup(CPLGetDirname(pszFilename));
            VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;
            char* subdir = nullptr;
            if (CPLIsFilenameRelative(frameEntry->directory) == FALSE)
                subdir = CPLStrdup(frameEntry->directory);
            else if (frameEntry->directory[0] == '.' && frameEntry->directory[1] == 0)
                subdir = CPLStrdup(baseDir);
                subdir = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename(baseDir, frameEntry->directory, nullptr));
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_CE)
            if( VSIStatL( subdir, &sStatBuf ) != 0 && strlen(subdir) > strlen(baseDir) && subdir[strlen(baseDir)] != 0)
                char* c = subdir + strlen(baseDir)+1;
                    if (*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'Z')
                        *c += 'a' - 'A';
            frameEntry->fullFilePath = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename(
                    frameEntry->filename, nullptr));
            if( VSIStatL( frameEntry->fullFilePath, &sStatBuf ) != 0 )
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_CE)
                if( strlen(frameEntry->fullFilePath) > strlen(subdir) )
                    char* c = frameEntry->fullFilePath + strlen(subdir)+1;
                        if (*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'Z')
                            *c += 'a' - 'A';
                if( VSIStatL( frameEntry->fullFilePath, &sStatBuf ) != 0 )
                    frameEntry->fileExists = 0;
                    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "File %s does not exist.", frameEntry->fullFilePath );
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_CE)
                    frameEntry->fileExists = 1;
                frameEntry->fileExists = 1;

        CPLDebug("RPFTOC", "Entry %d : %s,%s (%d, %d)", boundaryId, frameEntry->directory, frameEntry->filename, frameRow, frameCol);

        frameEntry->exists = 1;

    return toc;
GDALDataset *RIKDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    if( Identify(poOpenInfo) == FALSE )
        return NULL;

    bool rik3header = false;

    if( EQUALN((const char *) poOpenInfo->pabyHeader, "RIK3", 4) )
        rik3header = true;
        VSIFSeekL( poOpenInfo->fpL, 4, SEEK_SET );
        VSIFSeekL( poOpenInfo->fpL, 0, SEEK_SET );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the map name.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    char name[1024];

    GUInt16 nameLength = GetRikString( poOpenInfo->fpL, name, sizeof(name) );

    if( nameLength > sizeof(name) - 1 )
        return NULL;

    if( !rik3header )
        if( nameLength == 0 || nameLength != strlen(name) )
            return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the header.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    RIKHeader header;
    double metersPerPixel;

    const char *headerType = "RIK3";

    if( rik3header )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      RIK3 header.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

        // Read projection name

        char projection[1024];

        GUInt16 projLength = GetRikString( poOpenInfo->fpL,
                                           projection, sizeof(projection) );

        if( projLength > sizeof(projection) - 1 )
            // Unreasonable string length, assume wrong format
            return NULL;

        // Read unknown string

        projLength = GetRikString( poOpenInfo->fpL, projection, sizeof(projection) );

        // Read map north edge

        char tmpStr[16];

        GUInt16 tmpLength = GetRikString( poOpenInfo->fpL,
                                          tmpStr, sizeof(tmpStr) );

        if( tmpLength > sizeof(tmpStr) - 1 )
            // Unreasonable string length, assume wrong format
            return NULL;

        header.fNorth = CPLAtof( tmpStr );

        // Read map west edge

        tmpLength = GetRikString( poOpenInfo->fpL,
                                  tmpStr, sizeof(tmpStr) );

        if( tmpLength > sizeof(tmpStr) - 1 )
            // Unreasonable string length, assume wrong format
            return NULL;

        header.fWest = CPLAtof( tmpStr );

        // Read binary values

        VSIFReadL( &header.iScale, 1, sizeof(header.iScale), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iMPPNum, 1, sizeof(header.iMPPNum), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iBlockWidth, 1, sizeof(header.iBlockWidth), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iBlockHeight, 1, sizeof(header.iBlockHeight), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iHorBlocks, 1, sizeof(header.iHorBlocks), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iVertBlocks, 1, sizeof(header.iVertBlocks), poOpenInfo->fpL );
#ifdef CPL_MSB
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iScale );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iMPPNum );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iBlockWidth );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iBlockHeight );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iHorBlocks );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iVertBlocks );

        VSIFReadL( &header.iBitsPerPixel, 1, sizeof(header.iBitsPerPixel), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iOptions, 1, sizeof(header.iOptions), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        header.iUnknown = header.iOptions;
        VSIFReadL( &header.iOptions, 1, sizeof(header.iOptions), poOpenInfo->fpL );

        header.fSouth = header.fNorth -
            header.iVertBlocks * header.iBlockHeight * header.iMPPNum;
        header.fEast = header.fWest +
            header.iHorBlocks * header.iBlockWidth * header.iMPPNum;

        metersPerPixel = header.iMPPNum;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Old RIK header.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

        VSIFReadL( &header.iUnknown, 1, sizeof(header.iUnknown), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.fSouth, 1, sizeof(header.fSouth), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.fWest, 1, sizeof(header.fWest), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.fNorth, 1, sizeof(header.fNorth), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.fEast, 1, sizeof(header.fEast), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iScale, 1, sizeof(header.iScale), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iMPPNum, 1, sizeof(header.iMPPNum), poOpenInfo->fpL );
#ifdef CPL_MSB
        CPL_SWAP64PTR( &header.fSouth );
        CPL_SWAP64PTR( &header.fWest );
        CPL_SWAP64PTR( &header.fNorth );
        CPL_SWAP64PTR( &header.fEast );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iScale );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iMPPNum );

        if (!CPLIsFinite(header.fSouth) |
            !CPLIsFinite(header.fWest) |
            !CPLIsFinite(header.fNorth) |
            return NULL;

        bool offsetBounds;

        offsetBounds = header.fSouth < 4000000;

        header.iMPPDen = 1;

        if( offsetBounds )
            header.fSouth += 4002995;
            header.fNorth += 5004000;
            header.fWest += 201000;
            header.fEast += 302005;

            VSIFReadL( &header.iMPPDen, 1, sizeof(header.iMPPDen), poOpenInfo->fpL );
#ifdef CPL_MSB
            CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iMPPDen );

            headerType = "RIK1";
            headerType = "RIK2";

        metersPerPixel = header.iMPPNum / double(header.iMPPDen);

        VSIFReadL( &header.iBlockWidth, 1, sizeof(header.iBlockWidth), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iBlockHeight, 1, sizeof(header.iBlockHeight), poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &header.iHorBlocks, 1, sizeof(header.iHorBlocks), poOpenInfo->fpL );
#ifdef CPL_MSB
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iBlockWidth );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iBlockHeight );
        CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iHorBlocks );

        if(( header.iBlockWidth > 2000 ) || ( header.iBlockWidth < 10 ) ||
           ( header.iBlockHeight > 2000 ) || ( header.iBlockHeight < 10 ))
           return NULL;

        if( !offsetBounds )
            VSIFReadL( &header.iVertBlocks, 1, sizeof(header.iVertBlocks), poOpenInfo->fpL );
#ifdef CPL_MSB
            CPL_SWAP32PTR( &header.iVertBlocks );

        if( offsetBounds || !header.iVertBlocks )
            header.iVertBlocks = (GUInt32)
                ceil( (header.fNorth - header.fSouth) /
                      (header.iBlockHeight * metersPerPixel) );

        CPLDebug( "RIK",
                  "Original vertical blocks %d\n",
                  header.iVertBlocks );

        VSIFReadL( &header.iBitsPerPixel, 1, sizeof(header.iBitsPerPixel), poOpenInfo->fpL );

        if( header.iBitsPerPixel != 8 )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                      "File %s has unsupported number of bits per pixel.\n",
                      poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
            return NULL;

        VSIFReadL( &header.iOptions, 1, sizeof(header.iOptions), poOpenInfo->fpL );

        if( !header.iHorBlocks || !header.iVertBlocks )
           return NULL;

        if( header.iOptions != 0x00 && // Uncompressed
            header.iOptions != 0x40 && // Uncompressed
            header.iOptions != 0x01 && // RLE
            header.iOptions != 0x41 && // RLE
            header.iOptions != 0x0B && // LZW
            header.iOptions != 0x0D )  // ZLIB
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                      "File %s. Unknown map options.\n",
                      poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
            return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the palette.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    GByte palette[768];

    GUInt16 i;
    for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
        VSIFReadL( &palette[i * 3 + 2], 1, 1, poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &palette[i * 3 + 1], 1, 1, poOpenInfo->fpL );
        VSIFReadL( &palette[i * 3 + 0], 1, 1, poOpenInfo->fpL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Find block offsets.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    GUInt32 blocks;
    GUInt32 *offsets;

    blocks = header.iHorBlocks * header.iVertBlocks;
    offsets = (GUInt32 *)CPLMalloc( blocks * sizeof(GUInt32) );

    if( !offsets )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "File %s. Unable to allocate offset table.\n",
                  poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
        return NULL;

    if( header.iOptions == 0x00 )
        offsets[0] = VSIFTellL( poOpenInfo->fpL );

        for( GUInt32 i = 1; i < blocks; i++ )
            offsets[i] = offsets[i - 1] +
                header.iBlockWidth * header.iBlockHeight;
        for( GUInt32 i = 0; i < blocks; i++ )
            VSIFReadL( &offsets[i], 1, sizeof(offsets[i]), poOpenInfo->fpL );
#ifdef CPL_MSB
            CPL_SWAP32PTR( &offsets[i] );
            if( rik3header )
                GUInt32 blockSize;
                VSIFReadL( &blockSize, 1, sizeof(blockSize), poOpenInfo->fpL );
#ifdef CPL_MSB
                CPL_SWAP32PTR( &blockSize );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Final checks.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // File size

    if( VSIFEofL( poOpenInfo->fpL ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "File %s. Read past end of file.\n",
                  poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
        return NULL;

    VSIFSeekL( poOpenInfo->fpL, 0, SEEK_END );
    GUInt32 fileSize = VSIFTellL( poOpenInfo->fpL );

    CPLDebug( "RIK",
              "File size %d\n",
              fileSize );

    // Make sure the offset table is valid

    GUInt32 lastoffset = 0;

    for( GUInt32 y = 0; y < header.iVertBlocks; y++)
        for( GUInt32 x = 0; x < header.iHorBlocks; x++)
            if( !offsets[x + y * header.iHorBlocks] )

            if( offsets[x + y * header.iHorBlocks] >= fileSize )
                if( !y )
                    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                              "File %s too short.\n",
                              poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
                    return NULL;
                header.iVertBlocks = y;

            if( offsets[x + y * header.iHorBlocks] < lastoffset )
                if( !y )
                    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                              "File %s. Corrupt offset table.\n",
                              poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
                    return NULL;
                header.iVertBlocks = y;

            lastoffset = offsets[x + y * header.iHorBlocks];

    CPLDebug( "RIK",
              "first offset %d\n"
              "last offset %d\n",
              lastoffset );

    const char *compression = "RLE";

    if( header.iOptions == 0x00 ||
        header.iOptions == 0x40 )
        compression = "Uncompressed";
    if( header.iOptions == 0x0b )
        compression = "LZW";
    if( header.iOptions == 0x0d )
        compression = "ZLIB";

    CPLDebug( "RIK",
              "RIK file parameters:\n"
              " name: %s\n"
              " header: %s\n"
              " unknown: 0x%X\n"
              " south: %f\n"
              " west: %f\n"
              " north: %f\n"
              " east: %f\n"
              " original scale: %d\n"
              " meters per pixel: %f\n"
              " block width: %d\n"
              " block height: %d\n"
              " horizontal blocks: %d\n"
              " vertical blocks: %d\n"
              " bits per pixel: %d\n"
              " options: 0x%X\n"
              " compression: %s\n",
              name, headerType, header.iUnknown,
              header.fSouth, header.fWest, header.fNorth, header.fEast,
              header.iScale, metersPerPixel,
              header.iBlockWidth, header.iBlockHeight,
              header.iHorBlocks, header.iVertBlocks,
              header.iBitsPerPixel, header.iOptions, compression);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    RIKDataset 	*poDS;

    poDS = new RIKDataset();

    poDS->fp = poOpenInfo->fpL;
    poOpenInfo->fpL = NULL;

    poDS->fTransform[0] = header.fWest - metersPerPixel / 2.0;
    poDS->fTransform[1] = metersPerPixel;
    poDS->fTransform[2] = 0.0;
    poDS->fTransform[3] = header.fNorth + metersPerPixel / 2.0;
    poDS->fTransform[4] = 0.0;
    poDS->fTransform[5] = -metersPerPixel;

    poDS->nBlockXSize = header.iBlockWidth;
    poDS->nBlockYSize = header.iBlockHeight;
    poDS->nHorBlocks = header.iHorBlocks;
    poDS->nVertBlocks = header.iVertBlocks;
    poDS->pOffsets = offsets;
    poDS->options = header.iOptions;
    poDS->nFileSize = fileSize;

    poDS->nRasterXSize = header.iBlockWidth * header.iHorBlocks;
    poDS->nRasterYSize = header.iBlockHeight * header.iVertBlocks;

    poDS->nBands = 1;

    GDALColorEntry oEntry;
    poDS->poColorTable = new GDALColorTable();
    for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
        oEntry.c1 = palette[i * 3 + 2]; // Red
        oEntry.c2 = palette[i * 3 + 1]; // Green
        oEntry.c3 = palette[i * 3];     // Blue
        oEntry.c4 = 255;

        poDS->poColorTable->SetColorEntry( i, &oEntry );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create band information objects.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    poDS->SetBand( 1, new RIKRasterBand( poDS, 1 ));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    poDS->SetDescription( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for external overviews.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename, poOpenInfo->GetSiblingFiles() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        delete poDS;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "The RIK driver does not support update access to existing"
                  " datasets.\n" );
        return NULL;
    return( poDS );
Exemple #3
CPLErr USGSDEMRasterBand::IReadBlock( CPL_UNUSED int nBlockXOff,
                                      CPL_UNUSED int nBlockYOff,
                                      void * pImage )

    /* int bad = FALSE; */
    USGSDEMDataset *poGDS = reinterpret_cast<USGSDEMDataset *>( poDS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize image buffer to nodata value.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( int k = GetXSize() * GetYSize() - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
        if( GetRasterDataType() == GDT_Int16 )
            reinterpret_cast<GInt16 *>( pImage )[k] = USGSDEM_NODATA;
            reinterpret_cast<float *>( pImage )[k] = USGSDEM_NODATA;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Seek to data.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFSeekL(poGDS->fp, poGDS->nDataStartOffset, 0));

    double dfYMin = poGDS->adfGeoTransform[3]
        + (GetYSize()-0.5) * poGDS->adfGeoTransform[5];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read all the profiles into the image buffer.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Buffer sBuffer;
    sBuffer.max_size = 32768;
        = reinterpret_cast<char *>( CPLMalloc( sBuffer.max_size + 1 ) );
    sBuffer.fp = poGDS->fp;
    sBuffer.buffer_size = 0;
    sBuffer.cur_index = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < GetXSize(); i++)
        int bSuccess;
        const int nRowNumber = USGSDEMReadIntFromBuffer(&sBuffer, &bSuccess);
        if( nRowNumber != 1 )
            CPLDebug("USGSDEM", "i = %d, nRowNumber = %d", i, nRowNumber);
        if( bSuccess )
            const int nColNumber = USGSDEMReadIntFromBuffer(&sBuffer, &bSuccess);
            if( nColNumber != i + 1 )
                CPLDebug("USGSDEM", "i = %d, nColNumber = %d", i, nColNumber);
        const int nCPoints = (bSuccess) ? USGSDEMReadIntFromBuffer(&sBuffer, &bSuccess) : 0;
        CPLDebug("USGSDEM", "i = %d, nCPoints = %d", i, nCPoints);

        if( bSuccess )
            const int nNumberOfCols = USGSDEMReadIntFromBuffer(&sBuffer, &bSuccess);
            if( nNumberOfCols != 1 )
                CPLDebug("USGSDEM", "i = %d, nNumberOfCols = %d", i, nNumberOfCols);

        // x-start
        if( bSuccess )
        /* dxStart = */ USGSDEMReadDoubleFromBuffer(&sBuffer, 24, &bSuccess);

        double dyStart = (bSuccess) ? USGSDEMReadDoubleFromBuffer(&sBuffer, 24, &bSuccess) : 0;
        const double dfElevOffset = (bSuccess) ? USGSDEMReadDoubleFromBuffer(&sBuffer, 24, &bSuccess) : 0;

        // min z value
        if( bSuccess )
        /* djunk = */ USGSDEMReadDoubleFromBuffer(&sBuffer, 24, &bSuccess);

        // max z value
        if( bSuccess )
        /* djunk = */ USGSDEMReadDoubleFromBuffer(&sBuffer, 24, &bSuccess);
        if( !bSuccess )
            return CE_Failure;

        if( STARTS_WITH_CI(poGDS->pszProjection, "GEOGCS") )
            dyStart = dyStart / 3600.0;

        double dygap = (dfYMin - dyStart)/poGDS->adfGeoTransform[5]+ 0.5;
        if( dygap <= INT_MIN || dygap >= INT_MAX || !CPLIsFinite(dygap) )
            return CE_Failure;
        int lygap = static_cast<int>(dygap);
        if( nCPoints <= 0 )
        if( lygap > INT_MAX - nCPoints )
            lygap = INT_MAX - nCPoints;

        for (int j=lygap; j < (nCPoints + lygap); j++)
            const int iY = GetYSize() - j - 1;

            const int nElev = USGSDEMReadIntFromBuffer(&sBuffer, &bSuccess);
            CPLDebug("USGSDEM", "  j - lygap = %d, nElev = %d", j - lygap, nElev);

            if( !bSuccess )
                return CE_Failure;

            if (iY < 0 || iY >= GetYSize() ) {
                /* bad = TRUE; */
            } else if( nElev == USGSDEM_NODATA )
                /* leave in output buffer as nodata */;
                const float fComputedElev =
                    static_cast<float>(nElev * poGDS->fVRes + dfElevOffset);

                if( GetRasterDataType() == GDT_Int16 )
                    GUInt16 nVal = ( fComputedElev < -32768 ) ? -32768 :
                                   ( fComputedElev > 32767 ) ? 32767 :
                                   static_cast<GInt16>( fComputedElev );
                    reinterpret_cast<GInt16 *>( pImage )[i + iY*GetXSize()]
                        = nVal;
                    reinterpret_cast<float *>( pImage )[i + iY*GetXSize()]
                        = fComputedElev;

        if( poGDS->nDataStartOffset == 1024 )
            // Seek to the next 1024 byte boundary.
            // Some files have 'junk' profile values after the valid/declared ones
            vsi_l_offset nCurPos = USGSDEMGetCurrentFilePos(&sBuffer);
            vsi_l_offset nNewPos = (nCurPos + 1023) / 1024 * 1024;
            if( nNewPos > nCurPos )
                USGSDEMSetCurrentFilePos(&sBuffer, nNewPos);

    return CE_None;