CPhidgetAdvancedServoHandle InitializeServos(int n, int* channels, int grip_channel, double* AccelThrottle, double* VelLimThrottle, double grip_AccelThrottle, double grip_VelLimThrottle) {
	int result; 
	const char *err;
	double minAccel, maxAccel, minVel, maxVel;

	/* If servo is already defined, return. */
	if (servo != NULL) {
		return servo;

	/* Create the advanced servo object */

	/* Set the handlers to be run when the device is plugged in (opened) from software, unplugged (closed) from software, or generates an error. */
	CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)servo, AttachHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)servo, DetachHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)servo, ErrorHandler, NULL);

	/* Open the device for connections */
	CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle)servo, -1);

	LOG(logINFO) << "Waiting for servos to be attached..."; 
	if ((result = CPhidget_waitForAttachment((CPhidgetHandle)servo, 5000))) {
		CPhidget_getErrorDescription(result, &err);
		LOG(logERROR) << "Problem waiting for attachment: "<< err;
		return 0;

	/* Set the acceleration and velocity limits of each joint angle actuator */
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getAccelerationMin(servo, channels[i], &minAccel);
		CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getAccelerationMax(servo, channels[i], &maxAccel);
		CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setAcceleration(servo, channels[i], AccelThrottle[i]*(maxAccel - minAccel) + minAccel );
		CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getVelocityMin(servo, channels[i], &minVel);
		CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getVelocityMax(servo, channels[i], &maxVel);
		CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setVelocityLimit(servo, channels[i], VelLimThrottle[i]*(maxVel - minVel) + minVel );

	/* Set the acceleration and velocity limits of the end effector */
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getAccelerationMin(servo, grip_channel, &minAccel);
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getAccelerationMax(servo, grip_channel, &maxAccel);
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setAcceleration(servo, grip_channel, grip_AccelThrottle*(maxAccel - minAccel) + minAccel );
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getVelocityMin(servo, grip_channel, &minVel);
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getVelocityMax(servo, grip_channel, &maxVel);
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setVelocityLimit(servo, grip_channel, grip_VelLimThrottle*(maxVel - minVel) + minVel );

	return (CPhidgetAdvancedServoHandle)servo;
Exemple #2
int setup()
	int result, numSensors, i;
	const char *err;
  //handles *Handles;
	//Declare an InterfaceKit handle

	// Setup the IFKit
	CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, AttachHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, DetachHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, ErrorHandler, NULL);
	CPhidgetInterfaceKit_set_OnInputChange_Handler (ifKit, IKInputChangeHandler, NULL);
	CPhidgetInterfaceKit_set_OnSensorChange_Handler (ifKit, IKSensorChangeHandler, NULL);
	CPhidgetInterfaceKit_set_OnOutputChange_Handler (ifKit, IKOutputChangeHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, -1);
	//get the program to wait for an interface kit device to be attached
	SetupLog("Waiting for interface kit to be attached....");
	if((result = CPhidget_waitForAttachment((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, 10000)))
		CPhidget_getErrorDescription(result, &err);
		printf("Problem waiting for attachment: %s\n", err);
		return 0;
	//Display the properties of the attached interface kit device

  // Setup motoControl
	CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, AttachHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, DetachHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, ErrorHandler, NULL);
	CPhidgetMotorControl_set_OnInputChange_Handler (motoControl, MCInputChangeHandler, NULL);
	CPhidgetMotorControl_set_OnVelocityChange_Handler (motoControl, MCVelocityChangeHandler, NULL);
	CPhidgetMotorControl_set_OnCurrentChange_Handler (motoControl, MCCurrentChangeHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, -1);
	SetupLog("Waiting for MotorControl to be attached....");
	if((result = CPhidget_waitForAttachment((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, 10000)))
		CPhidget_getErrorDescription(result, &err);
		printf("Problem waiting for attachment: %s\n", err);
		return 0;
	CPhidgetMotorControl_setAcceleration (motoControl, 0, 50.00);
	CPhidgetMotorControl_setAcceleration (motoControl, 1, 50.00);

  // Setup AdvancedServo
	CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)servo, AttachHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)servo, DetachHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)servo, ErrorHandler, NULL);

	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_set_OnPositionChange_Handler(servo, ASPositionChangeHandler, NULL);
	CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle)servo, -1);
	SetupLog("Waiting for Phidget to be attached....");
	if((result = CPhidget_waitForAttachment((CPhidgetHandle)servo, 10000)))
		CPhidget_getErrorDescription(result, &err);
		printf("Problem waiting for attachment: %s\n", err);
		return 0;

	//Display the properties of the attached device
  CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setEngaged(servo, 0, 1);
	state.ServoPosition = 0;
	sensor.RightWhisker = 0;
	sensor.LeftWhisker = 0;
	sensor.FrontFacingIR = 0;
	sensor.TopIR = 0;
  state.AverageBaseLight = (float)10000;
  sensor.TopLeftLight = 0;
  sensor.TopRightLight = 0;
  state.flashWasOn = 0;
  state.wasOnBlackInLastIteration = 0;
  sensor.SpinSensor = 10.0;
  state.expectedMovement = None;
  state.expectedFor = 0;
  state.exitTrialCounter = 0;
  state.stuckCounter = 0;
  state.previousState = 2;
  gettimeofday(&state.lastFlashSighted, NULL);
  //#ifdef FREQUENCY
  //state.frequency = FREQUENCY;
	#ifndef NO_POWERLIB
	return 0;
Exemple #3
    : motoControl(0)
    , speed(40)
    , speedLeftFactor(1.5)
    , speedRightFactor(1.5)
    , accelLeftFactor(1.5)
    , accelRightFactor(1.5)
    , rotationOnSpotSpeed(100)
    , accel(15)
    , backwardTurnFastFactor(1.5)
    , backwardTurnSlowFactor(-1.5)
    , servo(0)
    , servoOpen(35.00)
      , servoClosed(150.00)
      /*, speed(100)
        , speedLeftFactor(1.0)
        , speedRightFactor(1.0)
        , accelLeftFactor(1.0)
        , accelRightFactor(1.0)
        , rotationOnSpotSpeed(40)
        , accel(100)
        , backwardTurnFastFactor(1)
        , backwardTurnSlowFactor(-1)*/
    //create the motor control object

    //Set the handlers to be run when the device is plugged in or opened from software, unplugged or closed from software, or generates an error.
    CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, AttachHandler, NULL);
    CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, DetachHandler, NULL);
    CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, ErrorHandler, NULL);

    ifKit = 0;
        //create the InterfaceKit object
        //Set the handlers to be run when the device is plugged in or opened from software, unplugged or closed from software, or generates an error.
        CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, AttachHandler, NULL);
        CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, DetachHandler, NULL);
        CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, ErrorHandler, NULL);

    CPhidgetInterfaceKit_set_OnInputChange_Handler (ifKit, InputChangeHandler, NULL);

    //open the interfacekit for device connections
    CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, -1);

    CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle)servo, -1);

    int result;
    const char *err;
    if((result = CPhidget_waitForAttachment((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, 10000)))
        CPhidget_getErrorDescription(result, &err);

    //Registers a callback that will run if an input changes.
    //Requires the handle for the Phidget, the function that will be called, and a arbitrary pointer that will be supplied to the callback function (may be NULL).
    CPhidgetMotorControl_set_OnInputChange_Handler (motoControl, InputChangeHandler, NULL);

    //Registers a callback that will run if a motor changes.
    //Requires the handle for the Phidget, the function that will be called, and a arbitrary pointer that will be supplied to the callback function (may be NULL).
    CPhidgetMotorControl_set_OnVelocityChange_Handler (motoControl, VelocityChangeHandler, NULL);

    //Registers a callback that will run if the current draw changes.
    //Requires the handle for the Phidget, the function that will be called, and a arbitrary pointer that will be supplied to the callback function (may be NULL).
    CPhidgetMotorControl_set_OnCurrentChange_Handler (motoControl, CurrentChangeHandler, NULL);

    //open the motor control for device connections
    CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, -1);

    //get the program to wait for a motor control device to be attached
    CPhidget_waitForAttachment((CPhidgetHandle)motoControl, 10000);

    CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setEngaged(servo, 0, 1);
    CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setPosition (servo, 0, 40.00);
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int result;
	const char *err;
	double position;
	// Init ROS node overriding SIGINT (roslaunch, ctrl-c)
	// and XMLRPC shutdown (rosnode kill)
	// See also ticket
	// https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/3417
	// as a unified solution might appear in future ROS versions

	ros::init( argc, argv, "servo_mast", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler );
	signal( SIGINT, mySigIntHandler );
	// Override  shutdown
	ros::XMLRPCManager::instance()->unbind( "shutdown" );
	ros::XMLRPCManager::instance()->bind( "shutdown", shutdownCallback );

	ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle;

	//create the advanced servo object
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_create( &servo );

	// Set the handlers to be run when the device is plugged in or opened from software,
	// unplugged or closed from software, or generates an error.
	CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler( (CPhidgetHandle)servo, AttachHandler, NULL );
	CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler( (CPhidgetHandle)servo, DetachHandler, NULL );
	CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler( (CPhidgetHandle)servo, ErrorHandler, NULL );

	// Registers a callback that will run when the motor position is changed.
	// Args:
	//  the handle for the Phidget
	//  the function that will be called
	//  arbitrary pointer that will be supplied to the callback function (may be NULL)
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_set_OnPositionChange_Handler( servo, PositionChangeHandler, NULL );

	//open the device for connections
	CPhidget_open( (CPhidgetHandle)servo, -1 );

	//get the program to wait for an advanced servo device to be attached
	printf("Waiting for Phidget to be attached....");
	result = CPhidget_waitForAttachment( (CPhidgetHandle)servo, 10000 );
	if( result ) {
		CPhidget_getErrorDescription( result, &err );
		printf( "Problem attaching Phidget: %s\n", err );
		return 0;
	else {

	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getAccelerationMin(servo, 0, &minAcc);
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getAccelerationMax(servo, 0, &maxAcc);
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getVelocityMin(servo, 0, &minVel);
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_getVelocityMax(servo, 0, &maxVel);
    maxVel = maxVel/320;
    maxAcc = maxAcc/12800;
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setAcceleration( servo, 0, maxAcc);
	CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setVelocityLimit( servo, 0, maxVel);
	display_properties( servo );
	// Defaults. If user only publishes float64 messages, these will be used
	//CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setAcceleration( servo, 0, minAcc*2/4 );
	//CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setVelocityLimit( servo, 0, maxVel/8 );

    publisher = nodeHandle.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>( "mast_float2", 100 );
    publisher_2 = nodeHandle.advertise<servo_mast::mast_position>("mast_position", 100);
    ros::Subscriber subscriber1 = nodeHandle.subscribe( "mast_turn", 1000, turnCallback );
    //ros::Subscriber subscriber2 = nodeHandle.subscribe( "mast_float", 1000, floatCallback );
    ros::Subscriber subscriber2 = nodeHandle.subscribe( "mast_float", 100, floatCallback );

    while( !g_request_shutdown ) {
    	std_msgs::Float64 msg;
        //CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setEngaged( servo, 0, 1 );
        //CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setPosition( servo, 0, 180 );
        //printf("Motor: 0 > Current Position: %f\n", current_pos);


    printf( "Closing...\n" );

    return 0;