Exemple #1
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::LevelInitPreEntity()
	m_bInLevel = true;
	m_bFirstLevel = false;

	if ( Q_stricmp( s_szPseudoUniqueID, "unknown" ) == 0 )
		// "unknown" means this is a dedicated server and we weren't able to generate a unique ID (e.g. Linux server).
		// Change the unique ID to be a hash of IP & port.  We couldn't do this earlier because IP is not known until level
		// init time.
		ConVar *hostip = cvar->FindVar( "hostip" );
		ConVar *hostport = cvar->FindVar( "hostport" );
		if ( hostip && hostport )
			int crcInput[2];
			crcInput[0] = hostip->GetInt();
			crcInput[1] = hostport->GetInt();
			if ( crcInput[0] && crcInput[1] )
				CRC32_t crc = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( crcInput, sizeof( crcInput ) );
				Q_snprintf( s_szPseudoUniqueID, ARRAYSIZE( s_szPseudoUniqueID ), "H:%x", crc );


	m_flPauseStartTime = 0.0f;
	m_flLevelStartTime = gpGlobals->realtime;


#ifdef GAME_DLL
	if ( gamestats->UseOldFormat() )
		if( gamestats->AutoSave_OnLevelInit() )

		if( gamestats->AutoUpload_OnLevelInit() )
// A Scene image file contains all the compiled .XCD
bool CSceneImage::CreateSceneImageFile( CUtlBuffer &targetBuffer, char const *pchModPath, bool bLittleEndian, bool bQuiet, ISceneCompileStatus *pStatus )
	CUtlVector<fileList_t>	vcdFileList;
	CUtlSymbolTable			vcdSymbolTable( 0, 32, true );

	Msg( "\n" );

	// get all the VCD files according to the seacrh paths
	char searchPaths[512];
	g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, searchPaths, sizeof( searchPaths ) );
	char *pPath = strtok( searchPaths, ";" );
	while ( pPath )
		int currentCount = vcdFileList.Count();

		char szPath[MAX_PATH];
		V_ComposeFileName( pPath, "scenes/*.vcd", szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );

		scriptlib->FindFiles( szPath, true, vcdFileList );

		Msg( "Scenes: Searching '%s' - Found %d scenes.\n", szPath, vcdFileList.Count() - currentCount );

		pPath = strtok( NULL, ";" );

	if ( !vcdFileList.Count() )
		Msg( "Scenes: No Scene Files found!\n" );
		return false;

	// iterate and convert all the VCD files
	bool bGameIsTF = V_stristr( pchModPath, "\\tf" ) != NULL;
	for ( int i=0; i<vcdFileList.Count(); i++ )
		const char *pFilename = vcdFileList[i].fileName.String();
		const char *pSceneName = V_stristr( pFilename, "scenes\\" );
		if ( !pSceneName )

		if ( !bLittleEndian && bGameIsTF && V_stristr( pSceneName, "high\\" ) )

		// process files in order they would be found in search paths
		// i.e. skipping later processed files that match an earlier conversion
		UtlSymId_t symbol = vcdSymbolTable.Find( pSceneName );
		if ( symbol == UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL )
			vcdSymbolTable.AddString( pSceneName );

			pStatus->UpdateStatus( pFilename, bQuiet, i, vcdFileList.Count() );

			if ( !CreateTargetFile_VCD( pFilename, "", false, bLittleEndian ) )
				Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Failed on '%s' conversion!\n", pFilename );


	if ( !g_SceneFiles.Count() )
		// nothing to do
		return true;

	Msg( "Scenes: Finalizing %d unique scenes.\n", g_SceneFiles.Count() );

	// get the string pool
	CUtlVector< unsigned int > stringOffsets;
	CUtlBuffer stringPool;
	g_ChoreoStringPool.GetTableAndPool( stringOffsets, stringPool );

	if ( !bQuiet )
		Msg( "Scenes: String Table: %d bytes\n", stringOffsets.Count() * sizeof( int ) );
		Msg( "Scenes: String Pool: %d bytes\n", stringPool.TellMaxPut() );

	// first header, then lookup table, then string pool blob
	int stringPoolStart = sizeof( SceneImageHeader_t ) + stringOffsets.Count() * sizeof( int );
	// then directory
	int sceneEntryStart = stringPoolStart + stringPool.TellMaxPut();
	// then variable sized summaries
	int sceneSummaryStart = sceneEntryStart + g_SceneFiles.Count() * sizeof( SceneImageEntry_t );
	// then variable sized compiled binary scene data
	int sceneDataStart = 0;

	// construct header
	SceneImageHeader_t imageHeader = { 0 };
	imageHeader.nId = SCENE_IMAGE_ID;
	imageHeader.nVersion = SCENE_IMAGE_VERSION;
	imageHeader.nNumScenes = g_SceneFiles.Count();
	imageHeader.nNumStrings = stringOffsets.Count();
	imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset = sceneEntryStart;
	if ( !bLittleEndian )
		imageHeader.nId = BigLong( imageHeader.nId );
		imageHeader.nVersion = BigLong( imageHeader.nVersion );
		imageHeader.nNumScenes = BigLong( imageHeader.nNumScenes );
		imageHeader.nNumStrings = BigLong( imageHeader.nNumStrings );
		imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset = BigLong( imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset );
	targetBuffer.Put( &imageHeader, sizeof( imageHeader ) );

	// header is immediately followed by string table and pool
	for ( int i = 0; i < stringOffsets.Count(); i++ )
		unsigned int offset = stringPoolStart + stringOffsets[i];
		if ( !bLittleEndian )
			offset = BigLong( offset );
		targetBuffer.PutInt( offset );
	Assert( stringPoolStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	targetBuffer.Put( stringPool.Base(), stringPool.TellMaxPut() );

	// construct directory
	CUtlSortVector< SceneImageEntry_t, CSceneImageEntryLessFunc > imageDirectory;
	imageDirectory.EnsureCapacity( g_SceneFiles.Count() );

	// build directory
	// directory is linear sorted by filename checksum for later binary search
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_SceneFiles.Count(); i++ )
		SceneImageEntry_t imageEntry = { 0 };

		// name needs to be normalized for determinstic later CRC name calc
		// calc crc based on scenes\anydir\anyscene.vcd
		char szCleanName[MAX_PATH];
		V_strncpy( szCleanName, g_SceneFiles[i].fileName.String(), sizeof( szCleanName ) );
		V_strlower( szCleanName );
		V_FixSlashes( szCleanName );
		char *pName = V_stristr( szCleanName, "scenes\\" );
		if ( !pName )
			// must have scenes\ in filename
			Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Unexpected lack of scenes prefix on %s\n", g_SceneFiles[i].fileName.String() );

		CRC32_t crcFilename = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pName, strlen( pName ) );
		imageEntry.crcFilename = crcFilename;

		// temp store an index to its file, fixup later, necessary to access post sort
		imageEntry.nDataOffset = i;
		if ( imageDirectory.Find( imageEntry ) != imageDirectory.InvalidIndex() )
			// filename checksums must be unique or runtime binary search would be bogus
			Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Unexpected filename checksum collision!\n" );

		imageDirectory.Insert( imageEntry );

	// determine sort order and start of data after dynamic summaries
	CUtlVector< int > writeOrder;
	writeOrder.EnsureCapacity( g_SceneFiles.Count() );
	sceneDataStart = sceneSummaryStart;
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		// reclaim offset, indicates write order of scene file
		int iScene = imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset;
		writeOrder.AddToTail( iScene );

		// march past each variable sized summary to determine start of scene data
		int numSounds = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
		sceneDataStart += sizeof( SceneImageSummary_t ) + ( numSounds - 1 ) * sizeof( int );

	// finalize and write directory
	Assert( sceneEntryStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	int nSummaryOffset = sceneSummaryStart;
	int nDataOffset = sceneDataStart;
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		int iScene = writeOrder[i];

		imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset = nDataOffset;
		imageDirectory[i].nDataLength = g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut();
		imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset = nSummaryOffset;
		if ( !bLittleEndian )
			imageDirectory[i].crcFilename = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].crcFilename );
			imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset );
			imageDirectory[i].nDataLength = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nDataLength );
			imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset );
		targetBuffer.Put( &imageDirectory[i], sizeof( SceneImageEntry_t ) );

		int numSounds = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
		nSummaryOffset += sizeof( SceneImageSummary_t ) + (numSounds - 1) * sizeof( int );

		nDataOffset += g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut();

	// finalize and write summaries
	Assert( sceneSummaryStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		int iScene = writeOrder[i];
		int msecs = g_SceneFiles[iScene].msecs;
		int soundCount = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
		if ( !bLittleEndian )
			msecs = BigLong( msecs );
			soundCount = BigLong( soundCount );
		targetBuffer.PutInt( msecs );
		targetBuffer.PutInt( soundCount );
		for ( int j = 0; j < g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count(); j++ )
			int soundId = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList[j];
			if ( !bLittleEndian )
				soundId = BigLong( soundId );
			targetBuffer.PutInt( soundId );

	// finalize and write data
	Assert( sceneDataStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		int iScene = writeOrder[i];
		targetBuffer.Put( g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.Base(), g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut() );

	if ( !bQuiet )
		Msg( "Scenes: Final size: %.2f MB\n", targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() / (1024.0f * 1024.0f ) );

	// cleanup

	return true;