Exemple #1
CSL_Status GPIO_read (
GPIO_Handle     hGpio,
CSL_GpioPinNum  pinNum,
Uint16          *buffer
    Uint16 pin;
    /* For Invalid handle */
    if(NULL == hGpio)
        return CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE;
    /* For Invalid buffer and wrong Pin index */
    if((NULL == buffer)||(CSL_GPIO_PIN31 < pinNum)||(pinNum < CSL_GPIO_PIN0))
        return CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS;

    if(pinNum < CSL_GPIO_PIN16)
        /* Lower Sixteen GPIO Pin - 0 to 15 GPIO pin */
        pin = pinNum;
        *buffer = CSL_FEXTR (hGpio->baseAddr->IOINDATA1,pin,pin);
        /* Upper Sixteen 16 to 31 GPIO Pin              */
        pin = pinNum - CSL_GPIO_PIN16;
        *buffer = CSL_FEXTR (hGpio->baseAddr->IOINDATA2,pin,pin);
    return CSL_SOK;
 *  @b Description
 *  @n  
 *      Given the queue handle the function returns the queue manager and queue number within
 *      the queue manager corresponding to the handle
 *  @param[in]  hnd      
 *      Queue handle
 *  @retval
 *      Queue Manager and Queue Number within the Queue Manager
Qmss_Queue Qmss_getQueueNumber (Qmss_QueueHnd hnd)
    Qmss_Queue              queue;

    queue.qMgr = CSL_FEXTR (hnd, 13, 12);
    queue.qNum = CSL_FEXTR (hnd, 11, 0);
    return (queue);
Uint64 getCount(CSL_TmrRegsOvly  timer)
    Uint32 cnt12;
    Uint32 cnt34;
    Uint64 Count;

    cnt12 = (CSL_FEXTR(timer->TIM12, 31,16) << 16) | CSL_FEXTR(timer->TIM12, 15,0) ; //Get Count from TIM12
    cnt34 = (CSL_FEXTR(timer->TIM34, 31,16) << 16) | CSL_FEXTR(timer->TIM34, 15,0) ; //Get Count from TIM34
    Count = cnt34;
    Count = (Count << 32) | cnt12;
/** ============================================================================
 *   @n@b I2C_getConfig
 *   @b Description
 *   @n Gets the I2C configuration parameters
 *   @b Arguments
 *   @verbatim
            i2cgetConfig      I2C Configuration structure pointer
 *   <b> Return Value </b>  CSL_Status
 *   @li                    CSL_SOK            - Returned for success
 *   @li                    CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
 *   <b> Pre Condition </b>
 *   @n  I2C_config should be called successfully
 *   <b> Post Condition </b>
 *   @n  Populates the I2C config structure
 *   @b Modifies
 *   @n Structure pointed by getI2cConfig
 *   @b Example
 *   @verbatim
            CSL_Status       status;
            CSL_I2cConfig    i2cConfig;
            CSL_I2cConfig    i2cgetConfig

            i2cConfig.icoar  = CSL_I2C_ICOAR_DEFVAL;
            i2cConfig.icimr  = CSL_I2C_ICIMR_DEFVAL;
            i2cConfig.icclkl = CSL_I2C_ICCLK_DEFVAL;
            i2cConfig.icclkh = CSL_I2C_ICCLK_DEFVAL;
            i2cConfig.iccnt  = CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE;
            i2cConfig.icsar  = CSL_I2C_ICSAR_DEFVAL;
            i2cConfig.icmdr  = CSL_I2C_ICMDR_WRITE_DEFVAL;
            i2cConfig.icemdr = CSL_I2C_ICEMDR_DEFVAL;
            i2cConfig.icpsc  = CSL_I2C_ICPSC_DEFVAL;

            status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
            status = I2C_config(&i2cConfig);
            status = I2C_getConfig(&i2cgetConfig);
 *  ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_getConfig(CSL_I2cConfig    *i2cgetConfig)

    if(i2cgetConfig != NULL)
        /* Read I2C Own Address register */
        i2cgetConfig->icoar = CSL_FEXT(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICOAR,

        /* Read I2C interrupt mask register */
        i2cgetConfig->icimr = CSL_FEXTR(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICIMR,

        /* Read I2C clock low register */
        i2cgetConfig->icclkl = CSL_FEXT(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICCLKL,

        /* Read I2C clock high register */
        i2cgetConfig->icclkh = CSL_FEXT(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICCLKH,

        /* Read I2C count register */
        i2cgetConfig->iccnt = CSL_FEXT(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICCNT,

        /* Read I2C slave address register */
        i2cgetConfig->icsar = CSL_FEXT(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICSAR,

        /* Read I2C mode address register */
        i2cgetConfig->icmdr = i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICMDR;

        /* Read I2C extended mode address register */
        i2cgetConfig->icemdr = CSL_FEXTR(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICEMDR,

        /* Read I2C prescaler register */
        i2cgetConfig->icpsc = CSL_FEXT(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICPSC,

 *  @b Description
 *  @n  
 *      This function returns the threshold status of the queue. There are 2 conditions under which the 
 *      threshold bit is set
 *      The threshold bit is set for a queue if the number of element in a queue is above or below 
 *      a certain threshold number of items configured using Qmss_setQueueThreshold() API. 
 *      The threshold bit is set for a queue if there is atleast 1 element on the queue when the threshold 
 *      is not set Qmss_setQueueThreshold() API
 *  @param[in]  hnd
 *      Queue handle.
 *  @pre  
 *      Qmss_queueOpen function should be called before calling this function.
 *  @retval
 *      0 - Configured threshold is not met
 *  @retval
 *      1 - Configured threshold is met
uint16_t Qmss_getQueueThresholdStatus (Qmss_QueueHnd hnd)
    uint32_t regIndex, bitField;

    regIndex = hnd / 32;
    bitField = hnd % 32;

    return (uint16_t) CSL_FEXTR (qmssLObj.qmStatusRAM->QUEUE_THRESHOLD_STATUS_REG[regIndex], bitField, bitField);
 *  @b Description
 *  @n  
 *      The starvation count is incremented every time the Free Descriptor/Buffer 
 *      queue is read when empty. This function returns the starvation count of queue.
 *  @param[in]  hnd
 *      Queue handle.
 *  @pre  
 *      Qmss_queueOpen function should be called before calling this function.
 *  @retval
 *      8 bit Starvation count
uint32_t Qmss_getStarvationCount (Qmss_QueueHnd hnd)
    uint32_t queNum, regIndex, bitField;

    queNum = hnd - Qmss_QueueType_STARVATION_COUNTER_QUEUE;
    regIndex = queNum / 4;
    bitField = (queNum % 4) * 8;
    return (uint32_t) CSL_FEXTR (qmssLObj.qmConfigReg->FREE_DESCRIPTOR_STARVE_COUNT_REG[regIndex], bitField + 7, bitField);
Exemple #7
int GPIO_statusBit (
GPIO_Handle    hGpio,
CSL_GpioPinNum pinNum,
CSL_Status    *status
    int flagBit;
    Uint16 pin;
    /* For Invalid handle */
    if(NULL == hGpio)
        *status = CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE;
        return CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE;

    /* For wrong pin index */
    if((CSL_GPIO_PIN31 < pinNum)||(pinNum < CSL_GPIO_PIN0))
        *status = CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS;
        return CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS;

    if(pinNum < CSL_GPIO_PIN16)
        /* Lower Sixteen GPIO Pin - 0 to 15 GPIO pin */
        pin = pinNum;
        flagBit = CSL_FEXTR(hGpio->baseAddr->IOINTFLG1,pin,pin );
        /* Upper Sixteen 16 to 31 GPIO Pin              */
        pin = pinNum - CSL_GPIO_PIN16;
        flagBit = CSL_FEXTR(hGpio->baseAddr->IOINTFLG2,pin,pin );

    *status = CSL_SOK;
    return flagBit;