Exemple #1
entry *findZone(entry *zone, cpoint *location)
  unsigned char *zoneHeader = zone->itemData[0];
  //subtracting one; we exclude itself
  unsigned long neighborCount = getWord(zoneHeader, 0x210, true) - 1;
  entry *found = 0;
  //work backwards thru specified zone neighbors
    unsigned long neighborEID = getWord(zoneHeader, 0x214+(neighborCount*4), true);
    entry *neighbor           = crashSystemPage(neighborEID);
    unsigned char *neighbDimItem = neighbor->itemData[1];
    signed long neighbW = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 0xC, true));
    signed long neighbH = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 0x10, true));
    signed long neighbD = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 0x14, true));
    signed long neighbX1 = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 0, true));
    signed long neighbY1 = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 4, true));
    signed long neighbZ1 = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 8, true));
    signed long neighbX2 = neighbX1 + neighbW;
    signed long neighbY2 = neighbY1 + neighbH;
    signed long neighbZ2 = neighbZ1 + neighbD;
    signed long locX = location->X;
    signed long locY = location->Y;
    signed long locZ = location->Z;
    //the conditions pass/loop ends when the zone is found that 
    //the point lies within 
    if (locX > neighbX1 && locY > neighbY1 && locZ > neighbZ1
      &&locX < neighbX2 && locY < neighbY2 && locZ < neighbZ2)
      found = neighbor;   
  } while (neighborCount-- > 0);
  if (found)
    return found;
  //if a neighbor was not found that contains the point
    //then see if it can be found in the current zone's neighbors
    if (zone != currentZone)
      zoneHeader = currentZone->itemData[0];
      //subtracting one; we exclude itself
      neighborCount = getWord(zoneHeader, 0x210, true) - 1;
        unsigned long neighborEID = getWord(zoneHeader, 0x214+(neighborCount*4), true);
        //entry *neighbor           = EID_PROCESS(neighborEID);
        entry *neighbor           = crashSystemPage(neighborEID);
        unsigned char *neighbDimItem = neighbor->itemData[1];
        signed long neighbW = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 0xC, true));
        signed long neighbH = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 0x10, true));
        signed long neighbD = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 0x14, true));
        signed long neighbX1 = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 0, true));
        signed long neighbY1 = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 4, true));
        signed long neighbZ1 = CTCVC(getWord(neighbDimItem, 8, true));
        signed long neighbX2 = neighbX1 + neighbW;
        signed long neighbY2 = neighbY1 + neighbH;
        signed long neighbZ2 = neighbZ1 + neighbD;
        signed long locX = location->X;
        signed long locY = location->Y;
        signed long locZ = location->Z;
        //the conditions pass/loop ends when the zone is found that 
        //the point lies within 
        if (locX > neighbX1 && locY > neighbY1 && locZ > neighbZ1
          &&locX < neighbX2 && locY < neighbY2 && locZ < neighbZ2)
          found = neighbor;   
      } while (neighborCount-- > 0);
      if (found) { return found; }

  return (entry*)0xFFFFFFE9;
Exemple #2
void findNode(unsigned char *zoneCollisions, unsigned short node, cspace zoneSpace, cvector *vectA, cvector *vectB, unsigned short level)
  // we want to search the given 'node's -child- nodes
  unsigned short *childNodes;
  // if the given node a non-leaf node (has children)
  // or the given node is an empty node 
  // (i.e. refers to an non-occupied, non-solid, empty region of space)
  if ((node & 1) == 0)
    // if the node is a non-leaf node
    if (node & 0xFFFF)
      childNodes = (unsigned short*) &zoneCollisions[node & 0xFFFF]; //it can be subdivided into its children
      childNodes = 0;                              //else it can be subdivided no further
  // if the given node is a non-leaf node
  if (((node & 1) == 0) && (node & 0xFFFF))
    // we'd like to determine the dimensions of its child nodes
    cspace childSpace;

	memset(&childSpace, 0, sizeof(cspace));

    // firstly, we'd like to determine the width, height, and depth

    // get the max levels/depths (number of recursive subdivisions) of the tree 
    // for each dimension
    unsigned short depthW = getHword(zoneCollisions, 0x1E, true);
    unsigned short depthH = getHword(zoneCollisions, 0x20, true);
    unsigned short depthD = getHword(zoneCollisions, 0x22, true);
    // if the current level does not exceed the maximum level for the X dimension
    if (level < depthW)               // then the node's corresponding space (zoneSpace) 
      childSpace.W = zoneSpace.W / 2; // can be subdivided (halved) further by width..
    else                              // otherwise, the node's space
      childSpace.W = zoneSpace.W;     // can not be subdivided further by width
    // if the current level does not exceed the maximum level for the Y dimension
    if (level < depthH)               // then the node's corresponding space (zoneSpace) 
      childSpace.H = zoneSpace.H / 2; // can also be subdivided (halved) further by height..
    else                              // otherwise, the node's space
      childSpace.H = zoneSpace.H;     // can not be subdivided further by height
    // if the current level does not exceed the maximum level for the Z dimension
    if (level < depthD)               // then the node's corresponding space (zoneSpace) 
      childSpace.D = zoneSpace.D / 2; // can also be subdivided (halved) further by depth..
    else                              // otherwise, the node's space
      childSpace.D = zoneSpace.D;     // can not be subdivided further by depth
    // then we determine the (location) x, y, and z of each of its child nodes
    unsigned long countX = 0;
    unsigned long countY = 0;
    unsigned long countZ = 0;
    unsigned short child = 0;
      if ((depthW == 0) && (countX > 0))
        if ((depthH == 0) && (countY > 0))
          if ((depthD == 0) && (countZ > 0))
          childSpace.X = zoneSpace.X;
          if (countX != 0)
            childSpace.X += childSpace.W;
          childSpace.Y = zoneSpace.Y;
          if (countY != 0)
            childSpace.Y += childSpace.H;
          childSpace.Z = zoneSpace.Z;
          if (countZ != 0)
            childSpace.Z += childSpace.D;
          // if vectA lies within the current child node/subdivision
          if ((childSpace.X < vectA->X) && 
              (childSpace.Y < vectA->Y) && 
              (childSpace.Z < vectA->Z) &&
              ((childSpace.X + childSpace.W) > vectA->X) &&
              ((childSpace.Y + childSpace.H) > vectA->Y) &&
              ((childSpace.Z + childSpace.D) > vectA->Z))
            unsigned long childNode = childNodes[child];
            findNode(zoneCollisions, childNode, childSpace, vectA, vectB, level+1);
        } while (++countZ < 2);
      } while (++countY < 2);        
    } while (++countX < 2);
    return; //retval;
  // else the given node is an empty node 
  // (i.e. refers to an non-occupied, non-solid, empty region of space)
  // we have to interpolate the ray one unit further than the closest face
  // that it intersects to get the location of the next potentially solid
  // node at its direction
  else if ((node & 1) == 0)
    signed long xval, yval, zval;
    // let R be a ray starting at origin A (vectA/pointA) 
    // and pointing in direction B (vectB)

    // R = A + Bt
    // (we can find each point on the ray R for each 
    // corresponding value of t)

    // we also know that, at this point, the origin point A is
    // within the box/space of the containing node
    // we want to find which of the containing node's faces 
    // that this ray will -first- intersect with (considering
    // this is collision testing, we typically desire that
    // the object on this ray path is stopped at the first 
    // intersection pt, such that it could not travel any
    // further to reach those inevitable points of 
    // intersection with faces further away)
    // then we can move the object at origin pt.A (vectA)
    // in the given direction B (vectB) exactly up to the 
    // closest face
    // since we know that the origin point A is within the box
    // space of the containing node, then based on the ray's 
    // direction B, right off the bat we can eliminate 3 of the 
    // 6 node/cube faces: those aligned with the respective x,
    // y, and z axes that are 'behind' the origin pt A, since
    // these could not possibly be reached at the ray's direction
    // thus we consider only the offsets (locations) of the 
    // 3 faces that the ray point towards, each in their
    // separate respective axis
    if (vectB->X <= 0)                    //if negative in the x direction
      xval = zoneSpace.X;                //we may hit the left of the node
    else                                  //else if positive 
      xval = zoneSpace.X + zoneSpace.W; //we may hit the right of the node
    if (vectB->Y <= 0)                    //if negative in the y direction
      yval = zoneSpace.Y;                //we may hit the top of the node
    else                                  //else if positive 
      yval = zoneSpace.Y + zoneSpace.H; //we may hit the bottom of the node
    if (vectB->Z <= 0)                    //if negative in the z direction
      zval = zoneSpace.Z;                //we may hit the back of the node
    else                                  //else if positive 
      zval = zoneSpace.Z + zoneSpace.D; //we may hit the front of the node
    // note that, given the offsets in the respective axes of
    // each face, we have the respective equations of their 
    // planes:
    // X = xval
    // Y = yval
    // Z = zval
    // then we can solve for t for where each 
    // component of the ray intersects the respective
    // axis aligned plane:
    // R = A + Bt =
    // Rx = Ax + Bxt
    // Ry = Ay + Byt
    // Rz = Az + Bzt
    // (we want to find t when the component R* is at
    //  the location/offset of the plane/face in axis '*';
    //  that is, what is t for when the ray intersects the
    //  face/plane at for each respective component)
    // xval = Ax + Bxt
    // Bxt = xval - Ax
    // tX = (xval - Ax)/Bx
    // similarly for y and z
    // tY = (yval - Ay)/By
    // tZ = (zval - Az)/Bz
    // since for -larger- t, we get a *point* -further- along 
    // the rays path as a result, the -smallest- t from these 3 
    // calculations determines the -closest- *point* along the
    // rays path that is also a point on the respective -closest-
    // face; thus we determine the min:
    unsigned long min = 0x7FFFFFFF;
    if (vectB->X != 0)
      long tX = CTCVC(xval - vectA->X)/vectB->X;
      if (tX < min)
        min = tX;
    if (vectB->Y != 0)
      long tY = CTCVC(yval - vectA->Y)/vectB->Y;
      if (tY < min)
        min = tY;
    if (vectB->Z != 0)
      long tZ = CTCVC(zval - vectA->Z)/vectB->Z;
      if (tZ < min)
        min = tZ;
    // after the following line, min will refer to one point 
    // -further- than the point of the closest plane/edge of 
    // the node (this is to move vectA into the realm of an
    // adjacent, possibly solid node, at the specified dir. of 
    // vectB)
    min += CTCVC(1);  
    // now we move the object at given pt A (vectA) in 
    // direction B (vectB), i.e. along ray R, until it 
    // reaches one point further than the point on the closest 
    // face (plane) at t = min, 
    vectA->X += CTGVC(min * vectB->X);
    vectA->Y += CTGVC(min * vectB->Y);
    vectA->Z += CTGVC(min * vectB->Z);
  // else the node is a leaf node, so we use its value
    // previously, we were within a non-solid node and after
    // travelling in the direction of the ray, we crossed over the
    // closest face; the crossing took place such that we are now
    // one unit outside of/away from that node and within the 
    // current, solid (adjacent) node. since we know we are within
    // a solid node, now we reverse trace, or trace the ray back 
    // in the opposite direction, to see which of the faces that 
    // was crossed (but now in terms of this node).
    // by vector subtraction:
    // A - B = C
    // we get point C, a point that approximates our previous
    // position within the non-solid node such that we can then
    // find the dist between that point and -now- the faces of the
    // solid cube we are within