##Function Name: CyBle_HrssSendNotification

 Sends notification of a specified Heart Rate Service characteristic value 
 to the Client device. No response is expected.
 The CYBLE_EVT_HRSC_NOTIFICATION event is received by the peer device, on 
 invoking this function.

 connHandle: The connection handle which consist of the device ID and ATT
             connection ID.
 charIndex:  The index of a service characteristic.
 attrSize:   The size of the characteristic value attribute. The Heart Rate
             Measurement characteristic has a 20 byte length (by default).
             The Body Sensor Location and Control Point characteristic
             both have 1 byte length.
 *attrValue: The pointer to the characteristic value data that should be 
             sent to the client device.

 Return value is of type CYBLE_API_RESULT_T.
  * CYBLE_ERROR_OK - The request handled successfully
  * CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Validation of the input parameter failed
  * CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION - This operation is not permitted
  * CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE - Connection with the client is not established
  * CYBLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED - Memory allocation failed. 
  * CYBLE_ERROR_NTF_DISABLED - Notification is not enabled by the client.

                                              uint8 attrSize, uint8 *attrValue)
    CYBLE_API_RESULT_T apiResult;
    /* Send Notification if it is enabled and connected */
    if(CYBLE_STATE_CONNECTED != CyBle_GetState())
        apiResult = CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
    else if(charIndex >= CYBLE_HRS_CHAR_COUNT)
    else if((cyBle_hrss.hrmCccdHandle == CYBLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE)
                || (!CYBLE_IS_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED(cyBle_hrss.hrmCccdHandle)))
        apiResult = CYBLE_ERROR_NTF_DISABLED;
        /* Fill all fields of write request structure ... */
        ntfReqParam.attrHandle = cyBle_hrss.charHandle[charIndex]; 
        ntfReqParam.value.val = attrValue;
        ntfReqParam.value.len = attrSize;
        /* Send notification to client using previously filled structure */
        apiResult = CyBle_GattsNotification(connHandle, &ntfReqParam);

    return (apiResult);
* Function Name: CyBle_AnssSendNotification
*  Sends a notification with the characteristic value, as specified by its charIndex, 
*  to the Client device.
*  On enabling notification successfully for a service characteristic, if the GATT
*  server has an updated value to be notified to the GATT Client, it sends out a
*  'Handle Value Notification' which results in CYBLE_EVT_ANSC_NOTIFICATION event
*  at the GATT Client's end.
*  \param connHandle: The connection handle.
*  \param charIndex: The index of the service characteristic of type CYBLE_ANS_CHAR_INDEX_T.
*              The valid values are, 
*              * CYBLE_ANS_NEW_ALERT
*  \param attrSize: The size of the characteristic value attribute.
*  \param attrValue: The pointer to the characteristic value data that should be sent
*               to the Client device.
* \return
*  Return value is of type CYBLE_API_RESULT_T.
*   * CYBLE_ERROR_OK - The function completed successfully.
*   * CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Validation of input parameter is failed.
*   * CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION - Operation is invalid for this.
*                                      characteristic.
*   * CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE - Connection with the client is not established.
*   * CYBLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED - Memory allocation failed.
*   * CYBLE_ERROR_NTF_DISABLED - Notification is not enabled by the client.
CYBLE_API_RESULT_T CyBle_AnssSendNotification(CYBLE_CONN_HANDLE_T connHandle,
    CYBLE_ANS_CHAR_INDEX_T charIndex, uint8 attrSize, uint8 *attrValue)
    if((charIndex == CYBLE_ANS_NEW_ALERT) || (charIndex == CYBLE_ANS_UNREAD_ALERT_STATUS))
        /* Send Notification if it is enabled and connected */
        if(CYBLE_STATE_CONNECTED != CyBle_GetState())
            apiResult = CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
        else if(!CYBLE_IS_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED(cyBle_anss.charInfo[charIndex].descrHandle[CYBLE_ANS_CCCD]))
            apiResult = CYBLE_ERROR_NTF_DISABLED;
            CYBLE_GATTS_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF_T ntfReqParam;
            /* Fill all fields of write request structure ... */
            ntfReqParam.attrHandle = cyBle_anss.charInfo[charIndex].charHandle;
            ntfReqParam.value.val = attrValue;
            ntfReqParam.value.len = attrSize;
            /* Send notification to client using previously filled structure */
            apiResult = CyBle_GattsNotification(connHandle, &ntfReqParam);
    return (apiResult);
Exemple #3
##Function Name: CyBle_BassSendNotification

 This function updates the value of the Battery Level characteristic in the 
 GATT database. If the client has configured a notification on the Battery
 Level characteristic, the function additionally sends this value using a 
 GATT Notification message.

 The CYBLE_EVT_BASC_NOTIFICATION event is received by the peer device, on 
 invoking this function.

 connHandle: The BLE peer device connection handle
 serviceIndex: The index of the service instance. e.g. If two Battery Services
                are supported in your design, then first service will be 
                identified by serviceIndex of 0 and the second by 
                serviceIndex of 1.
 charIndex: The index of a service characteristic of type 
 attrSize: The size of the characteristic value attribute. A battery level
            characteristic has 1 byte length.
 *attrValue: The pointer to the characteristic value data that should be
              sent to the Client device.

 Return value is of type CYBLE_API_RESULT_T.
  * CYBLE_ERROR_OK - The request handled successfully
  * CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Validation of the input parameter failed
  * CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION - This operation is not permitted
  * CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE - Connection with the client is not established
  * CYBLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED - Memory allocation failed. 
  * CYBLE_ERROR_NTF_DISABLED - Notification is not enabled by the client.

CYBLE_API_RESULT_T CyBle_BassSendNotification(CYBLE_CONN_HANDLE_T connHandle,
    uint8 serviceIndex, CYBLE_BAS_CHAR_INDEX_T charIndex, uint8 attrSize, uint8 *attrValue)
    CYBLE_API_RESULT_T apiResult;

    /* Store new data in database */
    apiResult = CyBle_BassSetCharacteristicValue(serviceIndex, charIndex, attrSize, attrValue);
    if(CYBLE_ERROR_OK == apiResult)  
        /* Send Notification if it is enabled and connected */
        if(CYBLE_STATE_CONNECTED != CyBle_GetState())
            apiResult = CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
        else if((cyBle_bass[serviceIndex].cccdHandle == CYBLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE)
            || (!CYBLE_IS_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED(cyBle_bass[serviceIndex].cccdHandle)))
            apiResult = CYBLE_ERROR_NTF_DISABLED;
            CYBLE_GATTS_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF_T ntfReqParam;
            /* Fill all fields of write request structure ... */
            ntfReqParam.attrHandle = cyBle_bass[serviceIndex].batteryLevelHandle;
            ntfReqParam.value.val = attrValue;
            ntfReqParam.value.len = attrSize;
            /* Send notification to client using previously filled structure */
            apiResult = CyBle_GattsNotification(connHandle, &ntfReqParam);
    return (apiResult);