Exemple #1
int init_plugin_from_file(Plugin *plugin, const char *path, const char *plugin_name)
  int fds[2], flags, buffer_size, n;
  printf("Loading plugin %s...\n", path);
  plugin->mrb = mrb_open_allocf(profiler_allocf, (void *)path);
  execute_file(plugin->mrb, path);
  execute_file(plugin->mrb, config_path);
  C_CHECK("socketpair", socketpair(PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds));
  buffer_size = PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE;
  n = sizeof(buffer_size);
  C_CHECK("setsockopt 0 snd", setsockopt(fds[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void *)&buffer_size, n));
  C_CHECK("setsockopt 0 rcv", setsockopt(fds[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void *)&buffer_size, n));
  C_CHECK("setsockopt 1 snd", setsockopt(fds[1], SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void *)&buffer_size, n));
  C_CHECK("setsockopt 1 snd", setsockopt(fds[1], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void *)&buffer_size, n));
  flags = fcntl(fds[0], F_GETFL);
  flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
  if( fcntl(fds[0], F_SETFL, flags) == -1 ){
    return -1;
  plugin->host_pipe = fds[0];
  plugin->plugin_pipe = wrap_io(plugin->mrb, fds[1], "w");
  strncpy(plugin->name, plugin_name, sizeof(plugin->name) - 1);
  // set ivs
  // struct RClass *rprobe = mrb_class_get(plugin->mrb, "D3Probe");
  // mrb_value probe_klass = mrb_obj_value(rprobe);
  mrb_sym plugin_iv_sym = mrb_intern_cstr(plugin->mrb, "@plugin");
  plugin->plugin_obj = mrb_iv_get(plugin->mrb, mrb_obj_value(plugin->mrb->top_self), plugin_iv_sym);
  // pp(plugin->mrb, plugin->plugin_obj, 0);
  // associates the c structure with the ruby object
  DATA_PTR(plugin->plugin_obj)  = (void*)plugin;
  mrb_funcall(plugin->mrb, plugin->plugin_obj, "after_config", 0);
  check_exception("after_config", plugin->mrb);
  return 0;
void CEnvDescriptor::load	(LPCSTR exec_tm, LPCSTR S, CEnvironment* parent)
	Ivector3 tm				={0,0,0};
	sscanf					(exec_tm,"%d:%d:%d",&tm.x,&tm.y,&tm.z);
	R_ASSERT3				((tm.x>=0)&&(tm.x<24)&&(tm.y>=0)&&(tm.y<60)&&(tm.z>=0)&&(tm.z<60),"Incorrect weather time",S);
	exec_time				= tm.x*3600.f+tm.y*60.f+tm.z;
	exec_time_loaded		= exec_time;
	string_path				st,st_env;
	strcpy_s					(st,pSettings->r_string	(S,"sky_texture"));
	strconcat				(sizeof(st_env),st_env,st,"#small"		);
	sky_texture_name		= st;
	sky_texture_env_name	= st_env;
	clouds_texture_name		= pSettings->r_string	(S,"clouds_texture");
	LPCSTR	cldclr			= pSettings->r_string	(S,"clouds_color");
	float	multiplier		= 0, save=0;
	sscanf					(cldclr,"%f,%f,%f,%f,%f",&clouds_color.x,&clouds_color.y,&clouds_color.z,&clouds_color.w,&multiplier);
	save=clouds_color.w;	clouds_color.mul		(.5f*multiplier);		clouds_color.w	= save; 
	sky_color				= pSettings->r_fvector3	(S,"sky_color");		sky_color.mul(.5f);
	if (pSettings->line_exist(S,"sky_rotation"))	sky_rotation	= deg2rad(pSettings->r_float(S,"sky_rotation"));
	else											sky_rotation	= 0;
	far_plane				= pSettings->r_float	(S,"far_plane");
	fog_color				= pSettings->r_fvector3	(S,"fog_color");
	fog_density				= pSettings->r_float	(S,"fog_density");
	fog_distance			= pSettings->r_float	(S,"fog_distance");
	rain_density			= pSettings->r_float	(S,"rain_density");		clamp(rain_density,0.f,1.f);
	rain_color				= pSettings->r_fvector3	(S,"rain_color");            
	wind_velocity			= pSettings->r_float	(S,"wind_velocity");
	wind_direction			= deg2rad(pSettings->r_float(S,"wind_direction"));
	ambient					= pSettings->r_fvector3	(S,"ambient");
	hemi_color				= pSettings->r_fvector4	(S,"hemi_color");
	sun_color				= pSettings->r_fvector3	(S,"sun_color");
	Fvector2 sund			= pSettings->r_fvector2	(S,"sun_dir");	sun_dir.setHP	(deg2rad(sund.y),deg2rad(sund.x));
	VERIFY2					(sun_dir.y<0,"Invalid sun direction settings while loading");

	lens_flare_id			= parent->eff_LensFlare->AppendDef(pSettings,pSettings->r_string(S,"flares"));
	tb_id					= parent->eff_Thunderbolt->AppendDef(pSettings,pSettings->r_string(S,"thunderbolt"));
	bolt_period				= (tb_id>=0)?pSettings->r_float	(S,"bolt_period"):0.f;
	bolt_duration			= (tb_id>=0)?pSettings->r_float	(S,"bolt_duration"):0.f;
	env_ambient				= pSettings->line_exist(S,"env_ambient")?parent->AppendEnvAmb	(pSettings->r_string(S,"env_ambient")):0;

	C_CHECK					(clouds_color);
	C_CHECK					(sky_color	);
	C_CHECK					(fog_color	);
	C_CHECK					(rain_color	);
	C_CHECK					(ambient	);
//	C_CHECK					(lmap_color	);
	C_CHECK					(hemi_color	);
	C_CHECK					(sun_color	);
	on_device_create		();
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
  uint8_t checkpoint_set = 0;
  fd_set rfds;
  char buffer[PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE];
  int i, n;
  Plugin plugins[MAX_PLUGINS];
  int plugins_count = 0;
  mrb_state *mrb;
  mrb_value r_output, r_plugins_list;
  mrb_sym output_gv_sym, plugins_to_load_gv_sym;
  printf("Version: %s\n", PROBE_VERSION);
  if( argc != 2 ){
    printf("Usage: %s <config_path>\n", argv[0]);
  config_path = argv[1];
  printf("Initializing core...\n");
  mrb = mrb_open_allocf(profiler_allocf, "main");
  output_gv_sym = mrb_intern_cstr(mrb, "$output");
  plugins_to_load_gv_sym = mrb_intern_cstr(mrb, "$plugins_to_load");
  execute_file(mrb, "plugins/main.rb");
  execute_file(mrb, config_path);
  printf("Loading plugins...\n");
  r_plugins_list = mrb_gv_get(mrb, plugins_to_load_gv_sym);
  for(i = 0; i< mrb_ary_len(mrb, r_plugins_list); i++){
    char *path, tmp[100];
    int ssize;
    mrb_value r_plugin_name = mrb_ary_ref(mrb, r_plugins_list, i);
    const char *plugin_name = mrb_string_value_cstr(mrb, &r_plugin_name);
    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp) - 1, "plugins/%s.rb", plugin_name);
    ssize = strlen(tmp);
    path = malloc(ssize + 1);
    strncpy(path, tmp, ssize);
    path[ssize] = '\0';
    if( access(path, F_OK) == -1 ){
      printf("cannot open plugin file \"%s\": %s\n", path, strerror(errno));
    init_plugin_from_file(&plugins[plugins_count], path, plugin_name); plugins_count++;
  printf("Instanciating output class...\n");
  r_output = mrb_gv_get(mrb, output_gv_sym);
  interval = mrb_fixnum(mrb_funcall(mrb, r_output, "interval", 0));
  printf("Interval set to %dms\n", (int)interval);
  printf("Sending initial report...\n");
  mrb_funcall(mrb, r_output, "send_report", 0);
  if (mrb->exc) {

  // start all the threads
  for(i= 0; i< plugins_count; i++){
    // printf("== plugin %d\n", i);
    n = pthread_create(&plugins[i].thread, NULL, plugin_thread, (void *)&plugins[i]);
    if( n < 0 ){
      fprintf(stderr, "create failed\n");
  if( signal(SIGINT, clean_exit) == SIG_ERR){
    int fds[MAX_PLUGINS];
    int maxfd = 0, ai;
    struct timeval tv;
    mrb_value r_buffer;
    struct timeval cycle_started_at, cycle_completed_at;
    gettimeofday(&cycle_started_at, NULL);
    bzero(fds, sizeof(int) * MAX_PLUGINS);
    // ask every plugin to send their data
    for(i= 0; i< plugins_count; i++){
      strcpy(buffer, "request");
      if( send(plugins[i].host_pipe, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) == -1 ){
        printf("send error when writing in pipe connected to plugin '%s'\n", plugins[i].name);
      fds[i] = plugins[i].host_pipe;
      // printf("sent request to %d\n", i);
    // printf("waiting answers...\n");
    // and now wait for each answer
      int left = 0;
      for(i = 0; i< MAX_PLUGINS; i++){
        if( fds[i] != NOPLUGIN_VALUE ){
          FD_SET(fds[i], &rfds);
          if( fds[i] > maxfd )
            maxfd = fds[i];
      // printf("left: %d %d\n", left, left <= 0);
      if( !running || (0 == left) )
      // substract 20ms to stay below the loop delay
      fill_timeout(&tv, cycle_started_at, interval - 20);
      // printf("before select\n");
      n = select(maxfd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
      // printf("after select: %d\n", n);
      if( n > 0 ){
        // find out which pipes have data
        for(i = 0; i< MAX_PLUGINS; i++){
          if( (fds[i] != NOPLUGIN_VALUE) && FD_ISSET(fds[i], &rfds) ){
            while (1){
              struct timeval answered_at;
              n = read(fds[i], buffer, sizeof(buffer));
              if( n == -1 ){
                if( errno != EAGAIN )
              if( n == PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE ){
                printf("PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE is too small, increase it ! (value: %d)\n", PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE);
              gettimeofday(&answered_at, NULL);
              // printf("received answer from %s in %u ms\n", (const char *) plugins[i].mrb->ud,
              //     (uint32_t)((answered_at.tv_sec - cycle_started_at.tv_sec) * 1000 +
              //     (answered_at.tv_usec - cycle_started_at.tv_usec) / 1000)
              //   );
              buffer[n] = 0x00;
              ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);
              r_buffer = mrb_str_buf_new(mrb, n);
              mrb_str_buf_cat(mrb, r_buffer, buffer, n);
              // mrb_funcall(mrb, r_output, "tick", 0);
              mrb_funcall(mrb, r_output, "add", 1, r_buffer);
              check_exception("add", mrb);
              // pp(mrb, r_output, 0);
              mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai);
            fds[i] = 0;
      else if( n == 0 )  {
        printf("no responses received from %d plugins.\n", left);
        // timeout
      else {
    int idx = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);
    mrb_funcall(mrb, r_output, "flush", 0);
    check_exception("flush", mrb);
    mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, idx);
    // and now sleep until the next cycle
    gettimeofday(&cycle_completed_at, NULL);
  #ifdef _MEM_PROFILER
    if( checkpoint_set ){
    // force a gc run at the end of each cycle
    // printf("[main] capa: %d / %d\n", mrb->arena_idx, mrb->arena_capa);
    // for(i= 0; i< plugins_count; i++){
    //   printf("[%s] capa: %d / %d\n", plugins[i].name, plugins[i].mrb->arena_idx, plugins[i].mrb->arena_capa);
    // }
  #ifdef _MEM_PROFILER
    checkpoint_set = 1;
    // and set starting point

    // dump VMS state
    for(i= 0; i< plugins_count; i++){
    sleep_delay(&cycle_started_at, &cycle_completed_at, interval);
  printf("Sending exit signal to all plugins...\n");
  strcpy(buffer, "exit");
  for(i= 0; i< plugins_count; i++){
    C_CHECK("send", send(plugins[i].host_pipe, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) );
  printf("Giving some time for threads to exit...\n\n");
  for(i= 0; i< plugins_count; i++){
    int ret = pthread_kill(plugins[i].thread, 0);
    // if a success is returned then the thread is still alive
    // which means the thread did not acknoledged the exit message
    // kill it.
    if( ret == 0 ){
      printf("    - plugin \"%s\" failed to exit properly, killing it...\n", (const char *) plugins[i].mrb->ud);
    else {
      printf("    - plugin \"%s\" exited properly.\n", (const char *) plugins[i].mrb->allocf_ud);
    if( pthread_join(plugins[i].thread, NULL) < 0){
      fprintf(stderr, "join failed\n");
  printf("Exited !\n");
  return 0;
void CEnvDescriptor::load(CEnvironment& environment, CInifile& config)
    Ivector3 tm = {0, 0, 0};
    sscanf(m_identifier.c_str(), "%d:%d:%d", &tm.x, &tm.y, &tm.z);
    R_ASSERT3((tm.x >= 0) && (tm.x < 24) && (tm.y >= 0) && (tm.y < 60) && (tm.z >= 0) && (tm.z < 60), "Incorrect weather time", m_identifier.c_str());
    exec_time = tm.x*3600.f + tm.y*60.f + tm.z;
    exec_time_loaded = exec_time;
    string_path st, st_env;
    xr_strcpy(st, config.r_string(m_identifier.c_str(), "sky_texture"));
    strconcat(sizeof(st_env), st_env, st, "#small");
    sky_texture_name = st;
    sky_texture_env_name = st_env;
    clouds_texture_name = config.r_string(m_identifier.c_str(), "clouds_texture");
    LPCSTR cldclr = config.r_string(m_identifier.c_str(), "clouds_color");
    float multiplier = 0, save = 0;
    sscanf(cldclr, "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", &clouds_color.x, &clouds_color.y, &clouds_color.z, &clouds_color.w, &multiplier);
    save = clouds_color.w;
    clouds_color.w = save;

    sky_color = config.r_fvector3(m_identifier.c_str(), "sky_color");

    if (config.line_exist(m_identifier.c_str(), "sky_rotation")) sky_rotation = deg2rad(config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "sky_rotation"));
    else sky_rotation = 0;
    far_plane = config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "far_plane");
    fog_color = config.r_fvector3(m_identifier.c_str(), "fog_color");
    fog_density = config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "fog_density");
    fog_distance = config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "fog_distance");
    rain_density = config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "rain_density");
    clamp(rain_density, 0.f, 1.f);
    rain_color = config.r_fvector3(m_identifier.c_str(), "rain_color");
    wind_velocity = config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "wind_velocity");
    wind_direction = deg2rad(config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "wind_direction"));
    ambient = config.r_fvector3(m_identifier.c_str(), "ambient_color");
    hemi_color = config.r_fvector4(m_identifier.c_str(), "hemisphere_color");
    sun_color = config.r_fvector3(m_identifier.c_str(), "sun_color");
    // if (config.line_exist(m_identifier.c_str(),"sun_altitude"))
        deg2rad(config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "sun_altitude")),
        deg2rad(config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "sun_longitude"))
    // else
    // sun_dir.setHP (
    // deg2rad(config.r_fvector2(m_identifier.c_str(),"sun_dir").y),
    // deg2rad(config.r_fvector2(m_identifier.c_str(),"sun_dir").x)
    // );
    //AVO: commented to allow COC run in debug. I belive Cromm set longtitude to negative value in AF3 and that's why it is failing here
    //VERIFY2(sun_dir.y < 0, "Invalid sun direction settings while loading");

    lens_flare_id = environment.eff_LensFlare->AppendDef(environment, environment.m_suns_config, config.r_string(m_identifier.c_str(), "sun"));
    tb_id = environment.eff_Thunderbolt->AppendDef(environment, environment.m_thunderbolt_collections_config, environment.m_thunderbolts_config, config.r_string(m_identifier.c_str(), "thunderbolt_collection"));
    bolt_period = (tb_id.size()) ? config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "thunderbolt_period") : 0.f;
    bolt_duration = (tb_id.size()) ? config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "thunderbolt_duration") : 0.f;
    env_ambient = config.line_exist(m_identifier.c_str(), "ambient") ? environment.AppendEnvAmb(config.r_string(m_identifier.c_str(), "ambient")) : 0;

    if (config.line_exist(m_identifier.c_str(), "sun_shafts_intensity"))
        m_fSunShaftsIntensity = config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "sun_shafts_intensity");

    if (config.line_exist(m_identifier.c_str(), "water_intensity"))
        m_fWaterIntensity = config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "water_intensity");

    if (config.line_exist(m_identifier.c_str(), "tree_amplitude_intensity"))
        m_fTreeAmplitudeIntensity = config.r_float(m_identifier.c_str(), "tree_amplitude_intensity");
