  * Calculates a tight box-sphere bounds for the aggregate geometry; this is more expensive than CalcAABB
  * (tight meaning the sphere may be smaller than would be required to encompass the AABB, but all individual components lie within both the box and the sphere)
  * @param Output The output box-sphere bounds calculated for this set of aggregate geometry
  *	@param LocalToWorld Transform
void FKAggregateGeom::CalcBoxSphereBounds(FBoxSphereBounds& Output, const FTransform& LocalToWorld) const
	// Calculate the AABB
	const FBox AABB = CalcAABB(LocalToWorld);

	if ((SphereElems.Num() == 0) && (SphylElems.Num() == 0) && (BoxElems.Num() == 0))
		// For bounds that only consist of convex shapes (such as anything generated from a BSP model),
		// we can get nice tight bounds by considering just the points of the convex shape
		const FVector Origin = AABB.GetCenter();

		float RadiusSquared = 0.0f;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < ConvexElems.Num(); i++)
			const FKConvexElem& Elem = ConvexElems[i];
			for (int32 j = 0; j < Elem.VertexData.Num(); ++j)
				const FVector Point = LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(Elem.VertexData[j]);
				RadiusSquared = FMath::Max(RadiusSquared, (Point - Origin).SizeSquared());

		// Push the resulting AABB and sphere into the output
		AABB.GetCenterAndExtents(Output.Origin, Output.BoxExtent);
		Output.SphereRadius = FMath::Sqrt(RadiusSquared);
	else if ((SphereElems.Num() == 1) && (SphylElems.Num() == 0) && (BoxElems.Num() == 0) && (ConvexElems.Num() == 0))
		// For bounds that only consist of a single sphere,
		// we can be certain the box extents are the same as its radius
		AABB.GetCenterAndExtents(Output.Origin, Output.BoxExtent);
		Output.SphereRadius = Output.BoxExtent.X;
		// Just use the loose sphere bounds that totally fit the AABB
		Output = FBoxSphereBounds(AABB);
void dgCollisionScene::CalcAABBSimd(const dgMatrix &matrix, dgVector &p0,
    dgVector &p1) const
  CalcAABB(matrix, p0, p1);